This article will introduce the American Public to some of the finer points of Left-Wing Social theory and will introduce the American Public to a political party that’s worked inside America without any fanfare for over a decade, the United Socialist Party of America, or PSUA for short.
The Movements of Movements thesis attests to its likely existence; while Invisibility Mapping helps proves it. Using Antifa, a group that the United States Congress has sought to unmask, as a case study in invisibility mapping I will illustrate the connection between them, the PSUA and Venezuela.
Building the Base, with a Regional Focus

In future publications, which you can learn about by following me here, I will show how the PSUA developed in large part due to the material and symbolic assistance of Venezuela via Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro; the media company of which they are the President on Record – TeleSUR; TeleSURs state partners in Nicaragua, Cuba, Iran, and Russia; TeleSURs political party partners across the world; Venezuela’s official political and cultural attaches in the United States and elsewhere; media colectivos and encuentros organized via Bolivarian Circulo members abroad and Bolivarian Collectivos in Venezuela; Academic colectivos organized through the Cuba-based Red de Intellectuals; identity-based activism groups targeted by Bolivarian-supported Communist Entryists; the development of novel software and digital services; and more.
Five Fingers, One Fist: The Movement of Movement Thesis

Hugo Chavez never hid his intentions to help export revolution across the American continent. Proof of this is evident in the new name adopted by Venezuela, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela; his interest in founding a new Socialist International; the behavior of TeleSUR – the face of Venezuela’s Intelligence Apparatus; as well as myriad Bolivarian Government documents.
Using Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci’s writing as a guide and the oil-income from the PSVSA (the state oil company of Venezuela) – which has now moved their offices to Russia – Hugo and later his successor Nicolas Maduro Moros flattered political and cultural actors while also paying for participation in their world-altering quest to gain control of Latin America. While unable to ever economically develop their own country in the manner promised by PSUV (the United Socialist Party of Venezuela – Nicolas Maduro’s party); the net effect of this concerted political influence effort in North America was the creation of a counter-hegemonic political force that operated within North America, but at the behest of Venezuela. The name for this movement of movements is called the PSUA, or United Socialist Party of America.
Invisibility Mapping: An Algorithmic-based Rationale for Evidence

Having learned from the Soviet Union’s attempt to influence American politics, the directors of Project PSUA – the name that I’ve given to Venezuela Intelligence’s influence campaign in America – decided not to limit their support to one or two parties, but instead gave material or symbolic support to many parties, movements and individuals. Akin to Chairman Mao’s Hundred Flowers Campaign, they drew together a motley-crew of grassroots activists to help form and direct the new movement for socialism in America.
Proving this is difficult, especially so as many of the people involved refuse to talk about it, but it’s not impossible. There are a variety of ways of doing this, which the University of Washington has done and that I have demonstrated elsewhere. One method, however, the is likely to be novel to many people is called Invisibility Mapping.
Invisibility Mapping is the term of an algorithmic concept that I picked up from one of my favorite TV series, Star Trek: Discovery. When facing an invisible enemy, the crew decides to activate the ships spore drive hundreds of times around its enemy in order to gather small bits of information so that it may calculate a means of circumventing these “security culture” defenses. By getting small bits of information from a large sample size – new data emerges. Let’s see how this works in action.
Invisibility Mapping, Antifa and Venezuela
Refuse Fascism is one of many front groups for the Revolutionary Communist Party. They are aligned with Venezuela through ideological affinities as well as via institutional connections such as the Alliance for Global Justice Alliance – the new iteration of the Nicaragua Network, as well as Hands Off Venezuela. While they are open about their desire to help bring about violent socialist revolution in the United States, they are quiet about the nature of their relationship to other groups such as Redneck Revolt; John Brown Gun Club and the Hampton Insitute and The Party for Socialism and Liberation, the Communist Party and the Workers World Party. All defend and justify the acts of Antifa, and yet none of the claim open membership.
I state this not to claim that Bob Avakian is mastermind and bank for all their activity. He’s not. Nicolas Maduro is. He is, to quote Killer Mike, “the man behind the man behind the man behind the throne.”
Invisibility Mapping: The Antifa Case Study

How to test this hypothesis? Well I decided to write Rose City Antifa in order to try to verify it.
I sent them an email stating who I am and what my interest was, but they were did not respond. Understandable. Answering my surveys it would quickly validate the movement of movements thesis – something that those involved don’t want.
Nevertheless, the communique and projected survey outlined below shows how it is that one is able to map the invisible.
I share it here now so that the concept is better understood by my readers.
The Below is a copy of an email that I sent the leader of Rose City Antifa.
On Feb 18, 2019, at 2:09 AM, Rose City Antifa <> wrote:Hi,
No that is not feasible. This is a very silly line of questioning. I am
not going to waste of both of our time to go through and counter these
weird points and flimsy “evidence”. The right-wing loves a conspiracy
theory and this tendency is largely impervious to reason.
On 2019-02-15 18:25, Ariel Sheen wrote:RCA,
Thanks for your prompt and informative response!
Based on it, I think that I did a poor job of communicating what I was
looking to learn by contacting you. My bad.
First, let me clarify that I haven’t encountered any evidence that
would lead me to believe that you or your particular Antifa group is
receiving money or instructions from Venezuela and that I believe you
when you describe your fundraising and volunteer efforts.
The same can’t be said, however, for Latin American Antifacists; nor
for PODEMOS in Spain; nor anarchist groups in Pais Vasco; nor for
Philly Antifa; nor for a number of other American groups.
I’m glad I could make you laugh about being part of an
“international communist conspiracy” but considering the above;
the previous information I shared; that Maduro now claims that the
Trump administration is the KKK and the Lima group are Nazis; and how
in Mark Bray’s book Antifa he claims:
“The only long-term solution to the fascist menace is to undermine
its pillars of strength in society grounded not only in white
supremacy but also in ableism, heteronormativity, patriarchy,
nationalism, transphobia, class rule, and many others. This long-term
goal points to the tensions that exist in defining anti-fascism,
because at a certain point destroying fascism is really about
promoting a revolutionary socialist alternative (in my opinion one
that is antiauthoritarian and nonhierarchical) to a world of crisis,
poverty, famine, and war that breeds fascist reaction.”
I think it’s rational to make the connection between the Bolivarian
Revolution’s goals for a new world order and an American group that
wants a revolutionary socialist alternative which aligns with those
goals. Right?
To repeat – I have no basis to make any claim that you or your group
is anything other than an organic expression of activism emerging from
your interpretation of the present – which is why I’m reaching out
to you and not Philly Antifa.
That said, let me clarify what I’d really like to know:
I’d be interested to know, as a percent of total, which of your
“members” are also members of?
The Revolutionary Communist Party
The Party for Socialism and Liberation
Workers World Party
Democratic Socialists of America
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
And other Leftist Factions, like Revolutionary Abolutionism Movement
I’d be interested to know, as a percent of total, which of your
“members” have gone to:
United States Social Forums
Regional Social Forums
World Social Forums
People’s Movement Assemblies
Left Forum
Academic Marxist Conferences
I’d be interested to know, as a percent of total, which of your
“members” are or were involved with:
Bolivarian Circles
Hands Off Venezuela
Refuse Fascism
The Poor People’s Campaign
Occupy Wall Street (or regional iteration)
Project South
South to South
The Praxis Project
Alliance for Global Justice
Union Del Barrio
Grassroots Global Justice
Jobs with Justice
Derechos para Todos
The People’s Freedom Caravan
Critical Resistance (There is a Portland Chapter)
All of Us or None
Rural Organizing
Jobs with Justice
Nicaragua Network
Code Pink
Black Lives Matters
Revolutionary Student Coordinating Committee
And a few more along those lines I could throw it into a Google
Survery, which allows for anonymous responses, provided you agreed to
share such a line of questioning.
Is this something that seems more feasible?
The PSUA & Antifa: Venezuela’s Rear-Guard
As you can tell by the survey, which is based on research into Venezuela’s interaction with American political movements, parties, political actors and sympathizers – they’ve been able to help create and direct a vast network of American activists.
The evidence that they do this is in their literature – however those that participate refuse to share about their behavior as to do so would be to admit this networks’ existance as well as the existance of a political party – the PSUA – that they would rather keep secret.
Que buenas preguntas, si no hubo respuestas es …el silencio otorga.__felicito el contenido el temario preguntas al hueso como se dice acá,saque mis propias conclusiones que todo es verdd, lo invisible es visible, gracias ..