Notes on Methods and Motives: Exploring Links between Transnational Organized Crime & International Terrorism

Notes on Methods and Motives: Exploring Links between Transnational Organized Crime & International Terrorism

Authors: Dr. Louise I. Shelley, John T. Picarelli, Allison Irby, Douglas M. Hart, Patricia A. Craig-Hart, Dr. Phil Williams, Steven Simon, Nabi Abdullaev, Bartosz Stanislawski, Laura Covill

In preparation for the work on this report, we reviewed a significant body of academic research on the structure and behavior of organized crime and terrorist groups. By examining how other scholars have approached the issues of organized crime or terrorism, we were able to refine our methodology. This novel approach combines a framework drawn from intelligence analysis with the tenets of a methodological approach devised by the criminologist Donald Cressey, who uses the metaphor of an archeological dig to systematize a search for information on organized crime.7 All the data and examples used to populate the model have been verified, and our findings have been validated through the rigorous application of case study methods.


While experts broadly accept no single definition of organized crime, a review of the numerous definitions offered identifies several central themes.8 There is consensus that at least two perpetrators are in- volved, but there is a variety of views about the way organized crime is typically organized as a hierarchy or as a network.9


Organized crime is a continuing enterprise, so does not include conspiracies that perpetrate single crimes and then go their separate ways. Furthermore, the overarching goals of organized crime groups are profit and power. Groups seek a balance between maximizing profits and minimizing their own risk, while striving for control by menacing certain businesses. Violence, or the threat of violence, is used to enforce obligations and maintain hegemony over rackets and enterprises such as extortion and narcotics smuggling. Corruption is a means of reducing the criminals’ own risk, maintaining control and making profits.

few definitions challenge the common view of organized crime as a ‘parallel government’ that seeks power at the expense of the state but retains patriotic or nationalistic ties to the state. This report takes up that challenge by illustrating the rise of a new class of criminal groups with little or no national allegiance. These criminals are ready to pro- vide services for terrorists as has been observed in European prisons.10

We prefer the definition offered by the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, which defines an organized crime group as “a structured group [that is not randomly formed for the im- mediate commission of an offense] of three or more persons, existing for a period of time and acting in concert with the aim of committing one or more serious crimes or offences [punishable by a deprivation of liberty of at least four years] established in accordance with this Convention, in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or other material benefit.

we prefer the notion of a number of shadow economies, in the same way that macroeconomists use the global economy, comprising markets, sectors and national economies, as their basic unit of reference.

terrorism scholar Bruce Hoffman has offered a comprehensive and useful definition of terrorism as the deliberate creation and exploitation of fear through violence or the threat of violence in the pursuit of political change.15 Hoffman’s definition offers precise terms of reference while remaining comprehensive; he further notes that terrorism is ‘political in aims and motives,’ ‘violent,’ ‘designed to have far-reaching psychological repercussions beyond the immediate victim or target,’ and ‘conducted by an organization with an identifiable chain of command or conspiratorial cell structure.’ These elements include acts of terrorism by many different types of criminal groups, yet they clearly circumscribe the violent and other terrorist acts. Therefore, the Hoffman definition can be applied to both groups and activities, a crucial distinction for this methodology we propose in this report.

Early identification of terror-crime cooperation occurred in the 1980s and focused naturally on narcoterrorism, a phrase coined by Peru’s President Belaunde Terry to describe the terrorist attacks against anti-narcotics police in Peru.

the links between narcotics trafficking and terror groups exist in many regions of the world but that it is difficult to make generalizations about the terror- crime nexus.


International relations theorists have also produced a group of scholarly works that examine organized crime and terrorism (i.e., agents or processes) as objects of investigation for their paradigms. While in some cases, the frames of reference international relations scholars employed proved too general for the purposes of this report, the team found that these works demonstrated more environmental or behavioral aspects of the interaction.

2.3 Data collection

Much of the information in the report that follows was taken from open sources, including government reports, private and academic journal articles, court documents and media accounts.

To ensure accuracy in the collection of data, we adopted standards and methods to form criteria for accepting data from open sources. In order to improve accuracy and reduce bias, we attempted to corroborate every piece of data collected from one secondary source with data from a further source that was independent of the original source — that is, the second source did not quote the first source. Second, particularly when using media sources, we checked subsequent reporting by the same publication to find out whether the subject was described in the same way as before. Third, we sought a more heterogeneous data set by examining foreign-language documents from non-U.S. sources. We also obtained primary- source materials such as declassified intelligence reports from the Republic of Georgia, that helped to clarify and confirm the data found in secondary sources.

Since all these meetings were confidential, it was agreed in all cases that the information given was not for attribution by name.

For each of these studies, researchers traveled to the regions a number of times to collect information. Their work was combined with relevant secondary sources to produce detailed case studies presented later in the report. The format of the case studies followed the tenets outlined by Robert Yin, who proposes that case studies offer an advantage to researchers who present data illustrating complex relationships – such as the link between organized crime and terror.


2.4. Research goals

This project aimed to discover whether terrorist and organized crime groups would borrow one another’s methods, or cooperate, by what means, and how investigators and analysts could locate and assess crime-terror interactions. This led to an examination of why this overlap or interaction takes place. Are the benefits merely logistical or do both sides derive some long-term gains such as undermining the capacity of the state to detect and curtail their activities?

preparation of the investigative environment (PIE), by adapting a long-held military practice called intelligence preparation of the battlespace (IPB). The IPB method anticipates enemy locations and movements in order to obtain the best position for a commander’s limited battlefield resources and troops. The goal of PIE is similar to that of IPB—to provide investigators and analysts a strategic and discursive analytical method to identify areas ripe for locating terror and crime interactions, confirm their existence and then assess the ramifications of these collaborations. The PIE approach provides twelve watch points within which investigators and analysts can identify those areas most likely to contain crime-terror interactions.

The PIE methodology was designed with the investigator and analyst in mind, and thus PIE demonstrates how to establish investigations in a way that expend resources most fruitfully. The PIE methodology shows how insights can be gained from analysts to help practitioners identify problems and organize their investigations more effectively.

2.5. Research challenges

Our first challenge in investigating the links between organized crime and terrorism was to obtain enough data to provide an accurate portrayal of that relationship. Given the secrecy of all criminal organizations, many traditional methods of quantitative and qualitative research were not viable. Nonetheless we con- ducted numerous interviews, and obtained identified statements from investigators and policy officials. Records of legal proceedings, criminal records, and terrorist incident reports were also important data sources.

The strategy underlying the collection of data was to focus on the sources of interaction wherever they were located (e.g., developing countries and urban areas), rather than on instances of interaction in developed countries like the September 11th or the Madrid bombing investigations. In so doing, the project team hoped to avoid characterizing the problem “from out there.”


All three case studies high- light patterns of association that are particularly visible, frequent, and of lengthy duration. Because the conflict regions in the case studies also contribute to crime in the United States, our view was these models were needed to perceive patterns of association that are less visible in other environments. A further element in the selection of these regions was practical: in each one, researchers affiliated with the project had access to reliable sources with first-hand knowledge of the subject matter. Our hypothesis was that some of the most easy to detect relations would be in these societies that are so corrupted and with such limited enforcement that the phenomena might be more open for analysis and disclosure than in environments where this is more covert.

  1. A new analytical approach: PIE

Investigators seeking to detect a terrorist activity before an incident takes place are overwhelmed by data.

A counterterrorist analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency took this further, noting that the discovery of crime-terror interactions was often the accidental result of analysis on a specific terror group, and thus rarely was connected to the criminal patterns of other terror groups.

IPB is an attractive basis for analyzing the behavior of criminal and terrorist groups because it focuses on evidence about their operational behavior as well as the environment in which they operate. This evidence is plentiful: communications, financial transactions, organizational forms and behavioral patterns can all be analyzed using a form of IPB.

the project team has devised a methodology based on IPB, which we have termed preparation of the investigation environment, or PIE. We define PIE as a concept in which investigators and analysts organize existing data to identify areas of high potential for collaboration between terrorists and organized criminals in order to focus next on developing specific cases of crime-terror interaction—thereby generating further intelligence for the development of early warning on planned terrorist activity.

While IPB is chiefly a method of eliminating data that is not likely to be relevant, our PIE method also provides positive indicators about where relevant evidence should be sought.

3.1 The theoretical basis for the PIE Method

Donald Cressey’s famous study of organized crime in the U.S., with the analogy of an archeological dig, was the starting point for our model of crime-terror cooperation.35 As Cressey defines it, archeologists first examine documentary sources to collect what is known and develop a map based on what is known. That map allows the investigator to focus on those areas that are not known—that is, the archeologist uses the map to focus on where to dig. The map also serves as a context within which artifacts discovered during the dig can be evaluated for their significance. For example, discovery of a bowl at a certain depth and location can provide information to the investigator concerning the date of an encampment and who established it.

The U.S. Department of Defense defines IPB as an analytical methodology employed to reduce un- certainties concerning the enemy, environment, and terrain for all types of operations. Intelligence preparation of the battlespace builds an extensive database for each potential area in which a unit may be re- quired to operate. The database is then analyzed in detail to determine the impact of the enemy, environment, and terrain on operations and presents it in graphic form.36 Alongside Cressey’s approach, IPB was selected as a second basis of our methodological approach.

Territory outside the control of the central state such as exists in failed or failing states, poorly regulated or border regions (especially those regions surrounding the intersection of multiple borders), and parts of otherwise viable states where law and order is absent or compromised, including urban quarters populated by diaspora communities or penal institutions, are favored locales for crime-terror interactions.

3.2 Implementing PIE as an investigative tool

Organized crime and terrorist groups have significant differences in their organizational form, culture, and goals. Bruce Hoffman notes that terrorist organizations can be further categorized based on their organizational ideology.

In converting IPB to PIE, we defined a series of watch points based on organizational form, goals, culture and other aspects to ensure PIE is flexible enough to compare a transnational criminal syndicate or a traditional crime hierarchy with an ethno-nationalist terrorist faction or an apocalyptic terror group.

The standard operating procedures and means by which military units are expected to achieve their battle plan are called doctrine, which is normally spelled out in great detail as manuals and training regimens. The doctrine of an opposing force thus is an important part of an IPB analysis. Such information is equally important to PIE, but is rarely found in manuals nor is it as highly developed as military doctrines.

Once the organizational forms, terrain and behavior of criminal and terrorist groups were defined at this level of detail, we settled on 12 watch points to cover the three components of PIE. For example, the watch point entitled organizational goals examines what the goals of organized crime and terror groups can tell investigators about potential collaboration or overlap between the two.

Investigators using PIE will collect evidence systematically through the investigation of watch points and analyze the data through its application to one or more indicators. That in turn will enable them to build a case for making timely predictions about crime-terror cooperation or overlap. Conversely, PIE also provides a mechanism for ruling out such links.

The indicators are designed to reduce the fundamental uncertainty associated with seemingly disparate or unrelated pieces of information. They also serve as a way of constructing probable cause, with evidence triggering indicators.

Although some watch points may generate ambiguous indicators of interaction between terror and crime, providing investigators and analysts with negative evidence of collusion between criminals and terrorists also has the practical benefit of steering scarce resources toward higher pay-off areas for detecting cooperation between the groups.

3.3. PIE composition: Watch points and indicators

The first step for PIE is to identify those areas where terror-crime collaborations are most likely to occur. To prepare this environment, PIE asks investigators and analysts to engage in three preliminary analyses. These are first to map where particular criminal and terrorist groups are likely to be operating, both in physical geographic terms and through information traditional and electronic media; secondly, to develop typologies for the behavior patterns of the groups and, when possible, their broader networks (often represented chronologically as a timeline); thirdly, to detail the organizations of specific crime and terror groups and, as feasible, their networks.

The geographical areas where terrorists and criminals are highly likely to be cooperating are known in IPB parlance as named areas of interest, or localities that are highly likely to support military operations. In PIE they are referred to as watch points.

A critical function of PIE is to set sensible priorities for analysts.

The second step of a PIE analysis concentrates on the watch points to identify named areas of inter- action where overlaps between crime and terror groups are most likely. The PIE method expresses areas of interest geographically but remains focused on the overlap between terrorism and organized crime.

the three preliminary analyses mentioned above are deconstructed into watch points, which are broad categories of potential crime-terror interactions.

the use of PIE leads to the early detection of named areas of interest through the analysis of watch points, providing investigators the means of concentrating their focus on terror-crime interactions and thereby enhancing their ability to detect possible terrorist planning.

The third and final step is for the collection and analysis of information that indicates organizational, operational or other nodes whereby criminals and terrorists appear to interact. While watch points are broad categories, they are composed of specific indicators of how organized criminals and terrorists might cooperate. These specific patterns of behavior help to confirm or deny that a watch point is applicable.

If several indicators are present, or if the indicators are particularly clear, this bolsters the evidence that a particular type of terror-crime interaction is present. No single indicator is likely to provide ‘smoking gun’ evidence of a link, although examples of this have occasionally arisen. Instead, PIE is a holistic approach that collects evidence systematically in order to make timely predictions of an affiliation, or not, between specific criminal and terrorist groups.

For policy analysts and planners, indicators reduce the sampling risk that is unavoidable for anyone collecting seemingly disparate and unrelated pieces of evidence. For investigators, indicators serve as a means of constructing probable cause. Indeed, even negative evidence of interaction has the practical benefit of helping investigators and analysts manage their scarce resources more efficiently.

3.4 The PIE approach in practice: Two Cases

the process began with the collection of relevant information (scanning) that was then placed into the larger context of watch points and indicators (codification) in order to produce the aforementioned analytical insights (abstraction).


Each case will describe how the TraCCC team shared (diffusion) its findings in or- der to obtain validation and to have an impact on practitioners fighting terrorism and/or organized crime.

3.4.1 The Georgia Case

In 2003-4, TraCCC used the PIE approach to identify one of the largest money laundering cases ever successfully prosecuted. The PIE method helped close down a major international vehicle for money laundering. The ability to organize the financial records from a major money launderer allowed the construction of a significant network that allowed understanding of the linkages among major criminal groups whose relationship has not previously been acknowledged.

Some of the information most pertinent to Georgia included but that was not limited to:

  1. Corrupt Georgian officials held high law enforcement positions prior to the Rose Revolution and maintained ties to crime and terror groups that allowed them to operate with impunity;
  2. Similar patterns of violence were found among organized crime and terrorist groups operating in Georgia;
  3. Numerous banks, corrupt officials and other providers of illicit goods and services assisted both organized crime and terrorists
  4. Regions of the country supported criminal infrastructures useful to organized crime and terrorists alike, including Abkhazia, Ajaria and Ossetia.

Combined with numerous other pieces of information and placed into the PIE watch point structure, the resulting analysis triggered a sufficient number of indicators to suggest that further analysis was warranted to try to locate a crime-terror interaction.


The second step of the PIE analysis was to examine information within the watch points for connections that would suggest patterns of interaction between specific crime and terror groups. These points of interaction are identified in the Black Sea case study but the most successful identification was found from an analysis of the watch point that specifically examined the financial environment that would facilitate the link between crime and terrorism.

The TraCCC team began its investigation within this watch point by identifying the sectors of the Georgian economy that were most conducive to economic crime and money laundering. This included such sectors as energy, railroads and banking. All of these sectors were found to be highly criminalized.

Only by having researchers with knowledge of the economic climate, the nature of the business community and the banking sector determined that investigative resources needed to be concentrated on the “G” bank. By knowing the terrain, investigative focus was focused on “G” bank by the newly established financial investigative unit of the Central Bank. A six-month analysis of the G bank and its transactions enabled the development of a massive network analysis that facilitated prosecution in Georgia and may lead to prosecutions in major financial centers that were previously unable to address some crime groups, at least one of which was linked to a terrorist group.

Using PIE allowed a major intelligence breakthrough.

First, it located a large facilitator of dirty money. Second, the approach was able to map fundamental connections between crime and terror groups. Third, the analysis highlighted the enormous role that purely “dirty banks” housed in countries with small economies can provide as a service for transnational crime and even terrorism.

While specific details must remain sealed due to deference to ongoing legal proceedings, to date the PIE analysis has grown into investigations in Switzerland, and others in the US and Georgia.

the PIE approach is one that favors the construction and prosecution of viable cases.

the PIE approach is a platform for starting and later focusing investigations. When coupled with investigative techniques like network analysis, the PIE approach supports the construction and eventual prosecution of cases against organized crime and terrorist suspects.

3.4.2 Russian Closed Cities

In early 2005, a US government agency asked TraCCC to identify how terrorists are potentially trying to take advantage of organized crime groups and corruption to obtain fissile material in a specific region of Russia—one that is home to a number of sensitive weapons facilities located in so-called “closed cities.” The project team assembled a wealth of information concerning the presence and activities of both criminal and terror groups in the region in question, but was left with the question of how best to organize the data and develop significant conclusions.

The project’s information supported connections in 11 watch points, including:

  • A vast increase in the prevalence of violence in the region, especially in economic sectors with close ties to organized crime;
  • Commercial ties in the drug trade between crime groups in the region and Islamic terror groups formerly located in Afghanistan;
  • Rampant corruption in all levels of the regional government and law enforcement mechanisms, rendering portions of the region nearly ungovernable;
  • The presence of numerous regional and transnational crime groups as well as recruiters for Islamic groups on terrorist watch lists;

employment of the watch points prompted creative leads to important connections that were not readily apparent until placed into the larger context of the PIE analytical framework. Specifically, the analysis might not have included evidence of trust links and cultural ties between crime and terror groups had the PIE approach not explained their utility.

When the TraCCC team applied the PIE to the closed cities case, the team found using the technologies reduced time analyzing data while improving the analytical rigor of the task. For example, structured queries of databases and online search engines provided information quickly. Likewise, network mapping improved analytical rigor by codifying the links between numerous actors (e.g., crime groups, terror groups, workers at weapons facilities and corrupt officials) in local, regional and transnational contexts.

3.5 Emergent behavior and automation

The dynamic nature of crime and terror groups complicates the IPB to PIE transition. The spectrum of cooperation demonstrates that crime-terror intersections are emergent phenomena.

PIE must have feedback loops to cope with the emergent behavior of crime and terror groups

when the project team spoke with analysts and investigators, the one deficiency they noted was the ability to conduct strategic intelligence given their operational tempo.

  1. The terror-crime interaction spectrum

In formulating PIE, we recognized that crime and terrorist groups are more diverse in nature than military units. They may be networks or hierarchies, they have a variety of cultures rather than a disciplined code of behavior, and their goals are far less clear. Hoffman notes that terrorist groups can be further categorized based on their organizational ideology.

Other researchers have found significant evidence of interaction between terrorism and organized crime, often in support of the general observation that while their methods might converge, the basic motives of crime and terror groups would serve to keep them at arm’s length—thus the term “methods, not motives.”41 Indeed, the differences between the two are plentiful: terrorists pursue political or religious objectives through overt violence against civilians and military targets. They turn to crime for the money they need to survive and operate.

Criminal groups, on the other hand, are focused on making money. Any use of violence tends to be concealed, and is generally focused on tactical goals such as intimidating witnesses, eliminating competitors or obstructing investigators.

In a corrupt environment, the two groups find common cause.

Terrorists often find it expedient, even necessary, to deal with outsiders to get funding and logistical support for their operations. As such interactions are repeated over time, concerns arise that criminal and terrorist organizations will integrate and might even form new types of organizations.

Support for this point can be found in the seminal work of Sutherland, who has argued that the “in- tensity and duration” of an association with criminals makes an individual more likely to adopt criminal behavior. In conflict regions, where there is intensive interaction between criminals and terrorists, there is more shared behavior and a process of mutual learning that goes on.

The dynamic relationship between international terror and transnational crime has important strategic implications for the United States.

The result is a model known as the terror-crime interaction spectrum that depicts the relationship between terror and criminal groups and the different forms it takes.

Each form of interaction represents different, yet specific, threats, as well as opportunities for detection by law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

An interview with a retired member of the Chicago organized crime investigative unit revealed that it had investigated taxi companies and taxicab owners as cash-based money launderers. Logic suggests that terrorists may also be benefiting from the scheme. But this line of investigation was not pursued in the 9/11 investigations although two of the hijackers had worked as taxi drivers.

Within the spectrum, processes we refer to as activity appropriation, nexus, symbiotic relationship, hybrid, and transformation illustrate the different forms of interaction between a terrorist group and an organized crime group, as well as the behavior of a single group engaged in both terrorism and organized crime.

While activity appropriation does not represent organizational linkages between crime and terror groups, it does capture the merger of methods that were well-documented in section 2. Activity appropriation is one way that terrorists are exposed to organized crime activities and, as Chris Dishman has noted, can lead to a transformation of terror cells into organized crime groups.

Applying the Sutherland principle of differential association, these activities are likely to bring a terror group into regular contact with organized crime. As they attempt to acquire forged documents, launder money, or pay bribes, it is a natural step to draw on the support and expertise of the criminal group, which is likely to have more experience in these activities. It is referred to here as a nexus.

terrorists first engage in “do it yourself” organized crime and then turn to organized crime groups for specialized services like document forgery or money laundering.

In most cases a nexus involves the criminals providing goods and services to terrorists for payment although it can work in both directions. A typically short-term relation- ship, a nexus does not imply that the criminals share the ideological views of the terrorists, merely that the transaction offers benefits to both sides.

After all, they have many needs in common: safe havens, false documentation, evasive tactics, and other strategies to lower the risk of being detected. In Latin America, transnational criminal gangs have employed terrorist groups to guard their drug processing plants. In Northern Ireland, terrorists have provided protection for human smuggling operations by the Chinese Triads.

If the nexus continues to benefit both sides over a period of time, the relationship will deepen. More members of both groups will cooperate, and the groups will create structures and procedures for their business transactions, transfer skills and/or share best practices. We refer to this closer, more sustained cooperation as a symbiotic relationship, and define it as a relationship of mutual benefit or dependence.

In the next stage, the two groups continue to cooperate over a long period and members of the organized crime group begin to share the ideological goals of the terrorists. They grow increasingly alike and finally they merge. That process results in a hybrid or dark network49 that has been memorably described as terrorist by day and criminal by night.50 Such an organization engages in criminal acts but also has a political agenda. Both the criminal and political ends are forwarded by the use of violence and corruption.

These developments are not inevitable, but result from a series of opportunities that can lead to the next stage of cooperation. It is important to recognize, however, that even once the two groups have reached the point of hybrid, there is no reason per se to suspect that transformation will follow. Likewise, a group may persist with borrowed methods indefinitely without ever progressing to cooperation. In Italy and elsewhere, crime groups that also engaged in terrorism never found a terrorist partner and thus remained at the activity appropriation stage. Eventually they ended their terrorist activities and returned to the exclusive pursuit of organized crime.

Interestingly, the TraCCC team found no example where a terrorist group engaging in organized crime, either through activity appropriation or through an organizational linkage, came into conflict with a criminal group.51 Neither archival sources nor our interviews revealed such a conflict over “turf,” though logic would suggest that organized crime groups would react to such forms of competition.

The spectrum does not create exact models of the evolution of criminal-terrorist cooperation. In- deed, the evidence presented both here and in prior studies suggests that a single evolutionary path for crime-terror interactions does not exist. Environmental factors outside the control of either organization and the varied requirements of specific organized crime or terrorist groups are but two of the reasons that interactions appear more idiosyncratic than generalizable.

Using the PIE method, investigators and analysts can gain an understanding of the terror-crime intersection by analyzing evidence sourced from communications, financial transactions, organizational charts, and behavior. They can also apply the methodology to analyze watch points where the two entities may interact. Finally, using physical, electronic, and data surveillance, they can develop indicators showing where watch points translate into practice.

  1. The significance of terror-crime interactions in geographic terms

Some shared characteristics arose from examining this case. First, both neighborhoods shared similar diaspora compositions and a lack of effective or interested policing. Second, both terror cells had strong connections to the shadow economy.

the case demonstrated that each cell shared three factors—poor governance, a sense of ethnic separation amongst the cell (supported by the nature of the larger diaspora neighborhoods), and a tradition of organized crime.

U.S. intelligence and law enforcement are naturally inclined to focus on manifestations of organized crime and terrorism in their own country, but they would benefit from studying and assessing patterns and behavior of crime in other countries as well as areas of potential relevance to terrorism.

When turning to the situation overseas, one can differentiate between longstanding crime groups and their more recently formed counterparts according to their relationship to the state. With the exception of Colombia, rarely do large, established (i.e., “traditional”) crime organizations link with terrorists. These groups possess long-held financial interests that would suffer should the structures of the state and the international financial community come to be undermined. Through corruption and movement into the lawful economy, these groups minimize the risk of prosecution and therefore do not fear the power of state institutions.

Developing countries with weak economies, a lack of social structures, many desperate, hungry people, and a history of unstable government are both relatively likely to provide ideological and economic foundations for both organized crime and terrorism within their borders and relatively unlikely to have much capacity to combat either of them. Conflict zones have traditionally provided tremendous opportunities for smuggling and corruption and reduced oversight capacities, as regulatory and enforcements be- come almost solely directed at military targets. They are therefore especially vulnerable to both serious organized crime and violent activity directed at civilian populations for political goals – as well as cooperation between those engaging in pure criminal activities and those engaging in politically-motivated violence.

Post-conflict zones are also likely to spawn such cooperation; as such areas often retain weak enforcement capacity for some time following an end to formal hostilities.

these patterns of criminal behavior and organization can arise from areas as diverse as conflict zones overseas (which then tend can replicate once they arrive in the U.S.) to neighborhoods in U.S. cities. The problematic combinations of poor governance, ethnic separation from larger society, and a tradition of criminal activity (frequently international) are the primary concerns behind this broad taxonomy of geographic locales for crime-terror interaction.

  1. Watch points and indicators

Taking the evidence of cooperation between organized crime and terrorism, we have generated 12 specific areas of interaction, which we refer to as watch points. In turn these watch points are subdivided into a number of indicators that point out where interaction between terror and crime may be taking place.

These watch points cover a variety of habits and operating modes of organized crime and terrorist groups.

We have organized our watch points into three categories: environmental, organizational, and behavioral. Each of the following sections details one of the twelve watch points.


Watch Point 1: Open activities in the legitimate economy

Watch Point 2: Shared illicit nodes

Watch Point 3: Communications

Watch Point 4: Use of information technology (IT)

Watch Point 5: Violence

Watch Point 6: Use of corruption

Watch Point 7: Financial transactions & money laundering

Watch Point 8: Organizational structures

Watch Point 9: Organizational goals

Watch Point 10: Culture

Watch Point 11: Popular support

Watch Point 12: Trust


6.1. Watch Point 1: Open activities in the legitimate economy

The many indicators of possible links include habits of travel, the use of mail and courier services, and the operation of fronts.

Organized crime and terror may be associated with subterfuge and secrecy, but both criminal types engage legitimate society quite openly for particular political purposes. Yet in the first instance, criminal groups are likely to leave greater “traces,” especially when they operate in societies with functioning governments, than do terrorist groups.

Terrorist groups usually seek to make common cause with segments of society that will support their goals, particularly the very poor and the disadvantaged. Terrorists usually champion repressed or dis- enfranchised ethnic and religious minorities, describing their terrorist activities as mechanisms to pressure the government for greater autonomy and freedom, even independence, for these minorities… the openly take responsibility for their attacks, but their operational mechanisms are generally kept secret, and any ongoing contacts they may have with legitimate organizations are carefully hidden.

Criminal groups, like terrorists, may have political goals. For example, such groups may seek to strengthen their legitimacy through donating some of their profits to charity. Colombian drug traffickers are generous in their support of schools and local sports teams.5

criminals of all types could scarcely carry out criminal activities, maintain their cover, and manage their money flows without doing legal transactions with legitimate businesses.

Travel: Frequent use of passenger carriers and shipping companies are potential indicators of illicit activity. Clues can be gleaned from almost any pattern of travel that can be identified as such.

Mail and courier services: Indicators of interaction are present in the tracking information on international shipments of goods, which also generate customs records. Large shipments require bills-of-lading and other documentation. Analysis of such transactions, cross-referenced with in- formation on crime databases, can identify links between organized crime and terrorist groups.

Fronts: A shared front company or mutual connections to legitimate businesses are clearly also indicators of interaction.

Watch Point 2: Shared illicit nodes


The significance of overt operations by criminal groups should not be overstated. Transnational crime and terror groups alike carry out their operations for the most part with illegal and undercover methods. There are many similarities in these tactics. Both organized criminals and terrorists need forged pass- ports, driver’s licenses, and other fraudulent documents. Dishonest accountants and bankers help criminals launder money and commit fraud. Arms and explosives, training camps and safe houses are other goods and services that terrorists obtain illicitly.

Fraudulent Documents. Groups of both types may use the same sources of false documents,

or the same techniques, indicating cooperation or overlap. A criminal group often develops an expertise in false document production as a business, expanding production and building a customer base.


Some of the 9/11 hijackers fraudulently obtained legitimate driver’s licenses through a fraud ring based at an office of DMV in the Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC. Ac- cording to an INS investigator, this ring was under investigation well before the 9/11 attacks, but there was insufficient political will inside the INS to take the case further.

Arms Suppliers. Both terror and organized crime might use the same supplier, or the same distinctive method of doing business, such as bartering weapons or drugs. In 2001 the Basque terror group ETA contracted with factions of the Italian Camorra to obtain missile launchers and ammunition in return for narcotics.

Financial experts. Bankers and financial professionals who assist organized crime might also have terrorist affiliations. The methods of money laundering long used by narcotics traffickers and other organized crime have now been adopted by some terrorist groups.


Drug Traffickers. Drug trafficking is the single largest source of revenues for international organized crime. Substantial criminal groups often maintain well-established smuggling routes to distribute drugs. Such an infrastructure would be valuable to terrorists who purchased weapons of mass destruction and needed to transport them.


Other Criminal Enterprises. An increasing number of criminal enterprises outside of narcotics smuggling are serving the financial or logistical ends of terror groups and thus serve as nodes of interaction. For example, piracy on the high seas, a growing threat to maritime commerce, often depends on the collusion of port authorities, which are controlled in many cases by organized crime.

These relationships are particularly true of developed countries with effective law enforcement, since criminals obviously need to be more cautious and often restrict their operations to covert activity. In conflict zones, however, criminals of all types feel even less restraint about flaunting their illegal nature, since there is little chance of being detected or apprehended.

Watch Point 3: Communications


The Internet, mobile phones and satellite communications enable criminals and terrorists to communicate globally in a relatively secure fashion. FARC, in concert with Colombian drug cartels, offered training on how to set up narcotics trafficking businesses used secure websites and email to handle registration.

Such scenarios are neither hypothetical nor anecdotal. Interviews with an analyst at the US Drug Enforcement Administration revealed that narcotics cartels were increasingly using encryption in their digital communications. In turn, the agent interviewed stated that the same groups were frequently turning to information technology experts to provide them encryption to help secure their communications.

Nodes of interaction therefore include:

  • Technical overlap: Examples exist where organized crime groups opened their illegal communications systems to any paying customer, thus providing a service to other criminals and terrorists among others. For example, a recent investigation found clandestine telephone exchanges in the Tri-Border region of South America that were connected to Jihadist networks. Most were located in Brazil, since calls between Middle Eastern countries and Brazil would elicit less suspicion and thus less chance of electronic eavesdropping.
  • Personnel overlap: Crime and terror groups that recruit common high-tech specialists to their cause. Given their ability to encrypt messages, criminals of all kinds may rely on outsiders to carry the message. Smuggling networks all have operatives who can act as couriers, and terrorists have networks of sympathizers in ethnic diasporas who can also help.

Watch Point 4: Use of information technology (IT)


Organized crime has devised IT-based fraud schemes such as online gambling, securities fraud, and pirating of intellectual property. Such schemes appeal to terror groups, too, particularly given the relative anonymity that digital transactions offer. Investigators into the Bali disco bombing of 2002 found that the laptop computer of the ringleader, Imam Samudra, contained a primer he authored on how to use online fraud to finance operations. Evidence of terror groups’ involvement is a significant set of indicators of cooperation or overlap.

Indicators of possible cooperation or nodes of interaction include:

Fundraising: Online fraud schemes and other uses of IT for obtaining ill-gotten gains are already well-established by organized crime groups and terrorists are following suit. Such IT- assisted criminal activities serve as another node of overlap for crime and terror groups, and thus expand the area of observation beyond the brick-and-mortar realm into cyberspace (i.e., investigators now expect to find evidence of collaboration on the Internet or in email as much as through telephone calls or postal services).

  • Use of technical experts: While no evidence exists that criminals and terrorists have directly cooperated to conduct cybercrime or cyberterrorism, they are often served by the same technical experts.

Watch Point 5: Violence


Violence is not so much a tactic of terrorists as their defining characteristic. These acts of violence are designed to obtain publicity for the cause, to create a climate of fear, or to provoke political repression, which they hope will undermine the legitimacy of the authorities. Terrorist attacks are deliberately highly visible in order to enhance their impact on the public consciousness. Indiscriminate violence against innocent civilians is therefore more readily ascribed to terrorism.

no examples exist where terrorists have engaged criminal groups for violent acts.

A more significant challenge lies in trying to discern generalities about organized crime’s patterns of violence. Categorizing patterns of violence according to their scope or their promulgation is suspect. In the past, crime groups have used violence selectively and quietly to achieve their goals, but then have also used violence broadly and loudly to achieve other goals. Neither can one categorize organized crime’s violence according to goals as social, political and economic considerations often overlap in every attack or campaign.

Violence is therefore an important watch point that may not yield specific indicators of crime-terror interaction per se but can serve to frame the likelihood that an area might support terror-crime interaction.

Watch Point 6: Use of corruption


Both terrorists and organized criminals bribe government officials to undermine the work of law enforcement and regulation. Corrupt officials assist criminals by exerting pressure on businesses that refuse to cooperate with organized crime groups, or by providing passports for terrorists. The methods of corruption are diverse on both sides and include payments, the provision of illegal goods, the use of compromising information to extort cooperation, and outright infiltration of a government agency or other target.

Many studies have demonstrated that organized crime groups often evolve in places where the state cannot guarantee law or order, or provide basic health care, education, and social services. The absence of effective law enforcement combines with rampant corruption to make well-organized criminals nearly invulnerable.

Colombia may be the only example of a conflict zone where a major transnational crime group with very large profits is directly and openly connected to terrorists. The interaction between the FARC and ELN terror groups and the drug syndicates provides crucial important financial resources for the guerillas to operate against the Colombian state – and against each another. This is facilitated by universal corruption, from top government officials to local police. Corruption has served as the foundation for the growth of the narcotics cartels and insurgent/terrorist groups.

In the search for indicators, it would be simplistic to look for a high level of corruption, particularly in conflict zones. Instead, we should pose a series of questions:

Cooperation Are terrorist and criminal groups working together to minimize cost and maximize leverage from corrupt individuals and institutions?

Division of labor Are terrorist and criminal groups purposefully corrupting the areas they have most contact with? In the case of crime groups, that would be law enforcement and the judiciary; in the case of terrorists, the intelligence and security services.

  • Autonomy Are corruption campaigns carried out by one or both groups completely independent of the other?

These indicators can be applied to analyze a number of potential targets of corruption. Personnel that can provide protection or services are often mentioned as the target of corruption. Examples include law enforcement, the judiciary, border guards, politicians and elites, internal security agents and Consular officials. Economic aid and foreign direct investment are also targeted as sources of funds by criminals and terrorists that they can access by means of corruption.


Watch Point 7: Financial transactions & money laundering


despite the different purposes that may be involved in their respective uses of financial institutions (organized crime seeking to turn illicit funds into licit funds; terrorists seeking to move licit funds to use them for illicit means), the groups tend to share a common infrastructure for carrying out their financial activities. Both types of groups need reliable means of moving, and laundering money in many different jurisdictions, and as a result, both use similar methods to move money internationally. Both use charities and front groups as a cover for money flows.

Possible indicators include:

  • Shared methods of money laundering
  • Mutual use of known front companies and banks, as well as financial experts.

Watch Point 8: Organizational structures


The traditional model of organized crime used by U.S. law enforcement is that of the Sicilian Mafia – a hierarchical, conservative organization embedded in the traditional social structures of southern Italy… among today’s organized crime groups the Sicilian mafia is more of an exception than the rule.

Most organized crime now operates not as a hierarchy but as a decentralized, loose-knit network – which is a crucial similarity to terror groups. Networks offer better security, make intelligence-gathering more efficient, cover geographic distances and span diverse memberships more effectively.

Membership dynamics Both terror and organized crime groups – with the exception of the Sicilian Mafia and other traditional crime groups (i.e., Yakuza) – are made up of members with loose, relatively short-term affiliations to each other and even to the group itself. They can readily be recruited by other groups. By this route, criminals have become terrorists.

Scope of organization Terror groups need to make constant efforts to attract and recruit new members. Obvious attempts to attract individuals from crime groups are a clear indication of co- operation. An intercepted phone conversation in May 2004 by a suspected terrorist called Rabei Osman Sayed Ahmed revealed his recruitment tactics: “You should also know that I have met other brothers, that slowly I have created with a few things. First, they were drug pushers, criminals, I introduced them to the faith and now they are the first ones who ask when the moment of the jihad will be…”

Need to buy, wish to sell Often the business transactions between the two sides operate in both directions. Terrorist groups are not just customers for the services of organized crime, but often act as suppliers, too. Arms supply by terrorists is particularly marked in certain conflict zones. Thus, any criminal group found to be supplying outsiders with goods or services should be investigated for its client base too.

Investigators who discovered the money laundering in the above example were able to find out more about the terrorists’ activities too. The Islamic radical cell that planned the Madrid train bombings of 2004 was required to support itself financially through a business venture despite its initial funding by Al Qaeda.

Watch Point 9: Organizational goals


In theory, their different goals are what set terrorists apart from the perpetrators of organized crime. Terrorist groups are most often associated with political ends, such as change in leadership regimes or the establishment of an autonomous territory for a subnational group. Even millenarian and apocalyptic terrorist groups, such as the science-fiction mystics of Aum Shinrikyo, often include some political objectives. Organized crime, on the other hand, is almost always focused on personal enrichment.

By cataloging the different – and shifting – goals of terror and organized crime groups, we can develop indicators of convergence or divergence. This will help identify shared aspirations or areas where these aims might bring the two sides into conflict. On this basis, investigators can ask what conditions might prompt either side to adopt new goals or to fall back to basic goals, such as self-preservation.

Long view or short-termism

Affiliations of protagonists


Watch Point 10: Culture


Both terror and criminal groups use ideologies to maintain their internal identity and provide external justifications for their activities. Religious terror groups adopt and may alter the teachings of religious scholars to suggest divine support for their cause, while Italian, Chinese, Japanese, and other organized crime groups use religious and cultural themes to win public acceptance. Both types use ritual and tradition to construct and maintain their identity. Tattoos, songs, language, and codes of conduct are symbolic to both.

Religious affiliations, strong nationalist sentiments and strong roots in the local community are often characteristics that cause organized criminals to shun any affiliation with terrorists. Conversely, the absence of such affiliations means that criminals have fewer constraints keeping them from a link with terrorists.

In any organization, culture connects and strengthens ties between members. For networks, cultural features can also serve as a bridge to other networks.

  • Religion Many criminal and terrorist groups feature religion prominently.
  • Nationalism Ethno-nationalist insurgencies and criminal groups with deep historical roots are particularly likely to play the nationalist card.
  • Society Many criminal and terrorist networks adapt cultural aspects of the local and regional societies in which they operate to include local tacit knowledge, as contained in narrative traditions. Manuel Castells notes the attachment of drug traffickers to their country, and to their regions of origin. “They were/are deeply rooted in their cultures, traditions, and regional societies. …they have also revived local cultures, rebuilt rural life, strongly affirmed their religious feeling, and their beliefs in local saints and miracles, supported musical folklore (and were rewarded with laudatory songs from Colombian bards)…”

Watch Point 11: Popular support


Both organized crime and terrorist groups engage legitimate society in furtherance of their own agendas. In conflict zones, this may be done quite openly, while under the rule of law they are obliged to do so covertly. One way of doing so is to pay lip service to the interests of certain ethnic groups or social classes. Organized crime is particularly likely to make an appeal to disadvantaged people or people in certain professionals though paternalistic actions that make them a surrogate for the state. For instance, the Japanese Yakuza crime groups provided much-needed assistance to the citizens of Kobe after the serious earthquake there. Russian organized crime habitually supports cultural groups and sports troupes.


Both crime and terror derive crucial power and prestige through the support of their members and of some segment of the public at large. This may reflect enlightened self-interest, when people see that the criminals are acting on their behalf and improving their well-being and personal security. But it is equally likely to be that people are afraid to resist a violent criminal group in their neighborhood

This quest for popular support and common cause suggests various indicators:

  • Sources Terror groups seek and sometimes obtain the assistance of organized crime based on the perceived worthiness of the terrorist cause, or because of their common cause against state authorities or other sources of opposition. In testimony before the U.S. House Committee on International Relations, Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble made this point. One of his examples was that Lebanese syndicates in South America send funds to Hezbollah.
  • Means Groups that cooperate may have shared activities for gaining popular support such as political parties, labor movements, and the provision of social services.
  • Places In conflict zones where the government has lost authority to criminal groups, social welfare and public order might be maintained by the criminal groups that hold power.


Watch Point 12: Trust

Like business corporations, terrorist and organized crime groups must attract and retain talented, dedicated, and loyal personnel. These skills are at an even greater premium than in the legitimate economy because criminals cannot recruit openly. A further challenge is that law enforcement and intelligence services are constantly trying to infiltrate and dismantle criminal networks. Members’ allegiance to any such group is constantly tested and demonstrated through rituals such as the initiation rites…

We propose three forms of trust in this context, using as a basis Newell and Swan’s model for inter- personal trust within commercial and academic groups.94

Companion trust based on goodwill or personal friendships… In this context, indicators of terror-crime interaction would be when members of the two groups use personal bonds based on family, tribe, and religion to cement their working relationship. Efforts to recruit known associates of the other group, or in common recruiting pools such as diasporas, would be another indicator.

Competence trust, which Newell and Swan define as the degree to which one person depends upon another to perform the expected task.

Commitment or contract trust, where all actors understand the practical importance of their role in completing the task at hand.

  1. Case studies

7.1. The Tri-Border Area of Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina

Chinese Triads such as the Fuk Ching, Big Circle Boys, and Flying Dragons are well established and believed to be the main force behind organized crime in CDE.

CDE is also a center of operations for several terrorist groups, including Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Gamaa Islamiya, and FARC.

Watch points

Crime and terrorism in the Tri-Border Area interact seamlessly, making it difficult to draw a clean line be- tween the types of persons and groups involved in each of these two activities. There is no doubt, however, that the social and economic conditions allow groups that are originally criminal in nature and groups whose primary purpose is terrorism to function and interact freely.

Organizational structure

Evidence from CDE suggests that some of the local structures used by both groups are highly likely to overlap. There is no indication, however, of any significant organizational overlap between the criminal and terrorist groups. Their cooperation, when it exists, is ad hoc and without any formal or lasting agreements, i.e., activity appropriation and nexus forms only.

Organizational goals

In this region, the short-term goals of criminals and terrorists converge. Both benefit from easy border crossings and the networks necessary to raise funds.

Culture Cultural affinities between criminal and terrorist groups in the Tri-Border Area include shared ethnicities, languages and religions.

It emerged that 400 to 1000 kilograms of cocaine may have been shipped on a monthly basis through the Tri-Border Area on its way to Sao Paulo and thence to the Middle East and Europe

Numerous arrests revealed the strong ties between entrepreneurs in CDE and criminal and potentially terrorist groups. From the evidence in CDE it seems that the two phenomena operate in rather separate cultural realities, focusing their operations within ethnic groups. But nor does culture serve as a major hindrance to cooperation between organized crime and terrorists.

Illicit activities and subterfuge

The evidence in CDE suggests that terrorists see it as logical and cost-effective to use the skills, contacts, communications and smuggling routes of established criminal networks rather than trying to gain the requisite experience and knowledge themselves. Likewise, terrorists appear to recognize that to strike out on their own risks potential turf conflicts with criminal groups.

There is a clear link between Hong Kong-based criminal groups that specialize in large-scale trafficking of counterfeit products such as music albums and software, and the Hezbollah cells active in the Tri-Border Area. Within their supplier-customer relationship, the Hong Kong crime groups smuggle contraband goods into the region and deliver them to Hezbollah operatives, who in turn profit from their sale. The proceeds are then used to fund the terrorist groups.

Open activities in the legitimate economy

The knowledge and skills potential of CDE is tremendous. While no specific examples exist to connect terrorist and criminal groups through the purchase of legal goods and services, it is obvious that the likelihood of this is high, given how the CDE economy is saturated with organized crime.

Support or sustaining activities

The Tri-Border Area has an usually large and efficient transport infrastructure, which naturally assists organized crime. In turn, the many criminals and terrorists using cover require a sophisticated and reliable document forgery industry. The ease with which these documents can be obtained in CDE is an indicator of cooperation between terrorists and criminals.

Brazilian intelligence services have evidence that Osama bin Laden visited CDE in 1995 and met with the members of the Arab community in the city’s mosque to talk about his experience as a mujahadeen fighter in the Afghan war against the Soviet Union.

Use of violence

Contract murder in CDE costs as little as one thousand dollars, and the frequent violence in CDE is directed at business people who refuse to bend to extortion by terror groups. Ussein Mohamed Taiyen, president of the CDE Chamber of Commerce, was one such victim—murdered because he refused to pay the tax.

Financial transactions and money laundering in 2000, money laundering in the Tri-Border Area was estimated at 12 billion U.S. dollars annually.

As many as 261 million U.S. dollars annually has been raised in Tri-Border Area and sent overseas to fund the terrorist activities of Hezbollah, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad.

Use of corruption

Most of the illegal activities in the Tri-Border Area bear the hallmark of corruption. In combination with the generally low effectiveness of state institutions, especially in Paraguay, and high level of corruption in that country, CDE appears to be a perfect environment for the logistical operations of both terrorists and organized criminals.

Even the few bona fide anti-corruption attempts made by the Paraguayan government have been under- mined because of the pervasive corruption, another example being the attempts to crack down on the Chinese criminal groups in CDE. The Consul General of Taiwan in CDE, Jorge Ho, stated that the Chinese groups were successful in bribing Paraguayan judges, effectively neutralizing law enforcement moves against the criminals.122

The other watch points described earlier – including fund raising and use of information technology – can also be illustrated with similar indicators of possible cooperation between terror and organized crime.

In sum, for the investigator or analyst seeking examples of perfect conditions for such cooperation, the Tri-Border Area is an obvious choice.

7.2. Crime and terrorism in the Black Sea region

Illicit or veiled operations Cigarette, drugs and arms smuggling have been major sources of financing of all the terrorist groups in the region.

Cigarette and alcohol smuggling has fueled the Kurdish-Turkish conflict as well as the terrorist violence in both the Abkhaz and Ossetian conflicts.

From the very beginning, the Chechen separatist movement had close ties with the Chechen crime rings in Russia, mainly operating in Moscow. These crime groups provided and some of them still provide financial sup- port for the insurgents.

  1. Conclusion and recommendations

The many examples in this report of cooperation between terrorism and organized crime make clear that the links between these two potent threats to national and global security are widespread, dynamic, and dangerous. It is only rational to consider the possibility that an effective organized crime group may have a connection with terrorists that has gone unnoticed so far.

Our key conclusion is that crime is not a peripheral issue when it comes to investigating possible terrorist activity. Efforts to analyze the phenomenon of terrorism without considering the crime component undermine all counter-terrorist activities, including those aimed at protecting sites containing weapons of mass destruction.

Yet the staffs of intelligence and law enforcement agencies in the United States are already over- whelmed. Their common complaint is that they do not have the time to analyze the evidence they possess, or to eliminate unnecessary avenues of investigation. The problem is not so much a dearth of data, but the lack of suitable tools to evaluate that data and make optimal decisions about when, and how, to investigate further.

Scrutiny and analysis of the interaction between terrorism and organized crime will become a matter of routine best practice. Aware- ness of the different forms this interaction takes, and the dynamic relationship between them, will become the basis for crime investigations, particularly for terrorism cases.

In conclusion, our overarching recommendation is that crime analysis must be central to understanding the patterns of terrorist behavior and cannot be viewed as a peripheral issue.

For policy analysts:

  1. More detailed analysis of the operation of illicit economies where criminals and terrorists interact would improve understanding of how organized crime operates, and how it cooperates with terrorists. Domestically, more detailed analysis of the businesses where illicit transactions are most common would help investigation of organized crime – and its affiliations. More focus on the illicit activities within closed ethnic communities in urban centers and in prisons in developed countries would prove useful in addressing potential threats.
  2. Corruption overseas, which is so often linked to facilitating organized crime and terrorism, should be elevated to a U.S. national security concern with an operational focus. After all, many jihadists are recruited because they are disgusted with the corrupt governments in their home countries. Corruption has facilitated the commission of criminal acts such as the Chechen suicide bombers who bribed airport personnel to board aircraft in Moscow.
  3. Analysts must study patterns of organized crime-terrorism interaction as guidance for what maybe observed subsequently in the United States.
  4. Intelligence and law enforcement agencies need more analysts with the expertise to understand the motivations and methods of criminal and terrorist groups around the globe, and with the linguistic and other skills to collect and analyze sufficient data.

For investigators:

  1. The separation of criminals and terrorists is not always as clear cut as many investigators believe. Crime and terrorists’ groups are often indistinguishable in conflict zones and in prisons.
  2. The hierarchical structure and conservative habits of the Sicilian Mafia no longer serves as an appropriate model for organized crime investigations. Most organized crime groups now operate as loose networked affiliations. In this respect they have more in common with terrorist groups.
  3. The PIE method provides a series of indicators that can result in superior profiles and higher- quality risk analysis for law enforcement agencies both in the United States and abroad. The approach can be refined with sensitive or classified information.
  4. Greater cooperation between the military and the FBI would allow useful sharing of intelligence, such as the substantial knowledge on crime and illicit transactions gleaned by the counterintelligence branch of the U.S. military that is involved in conflict regions where terror-crime interaction is most profound.
  5. Law enforcement personnel must develop stronger working relationships with the business sector. In the past, there has been too little cognizance of possible terrorist-organized crime interaction among the clients of private-sector business corporations and banks. Law enforcement must pursue evidence of criminal affiliations with high status individuals and business professionals who are often facilitators of terrorist financing and money laundering. In the spirit of public-private partnerships, corporations and banks should be placed under an obligation to watch for indications of organized crime or terrorist activity by their clients and business associates. Furthermore, they should attempt to analyze what they discover and to pass on their assessment to law enforcement.
  6. Law enforcement personnel posted overseas by federal agencies such as the DEA, the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, and the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement should be tasked with helping to develop a better picture of the geography of organized crime and its most salient features (i.e., the watch points of the PIE approach). This should be used to assist analysts in studying patterns of crime behavior that put American interests at risk overseas and alert law enforcement to crime patterns that may shortly appear in the U.S.
  7. Training for law enforcement officers at federal, state, and local level in identifying authentic and forged passports, visas, and other documents required for residency in the U.S. would eliminate a major shortcoming in investigations of criminal networks.












A.1 Defining the PIE Analytical Process

In order to begin identifying the tools to support the analytical process, the process of analysis itself first had to be captured. The TraCCC team adopted Max Boisot’s (2003) I-Space as a representation for de- scribing the analytical process. As Figure A-1 illustrates, I-Space provides a three-dimensional representation of the cognitive steps that constitute analysis in general and the utilization of the PIE methodology in particular. The analytical process is reduced to a series of logical steps, with one step feeding the next until the process starts anew. The steps are:

  1. Scanning
    2. Codification 3. Abstraction 4. Diffusion
    5. Validation 6. Impacting

Over time, repeated iterations of these steps result in more and more PIE indicators being identified, more information being gathered, more analytical product being generated, and more recommendations being made. Boisot’s I-Space is described below in terms of law enforcement and intelligence analytical processes.

A.1.1. Scanning

The analytical process begins with scanning, which Boisot defines as the process of identifying threats and opportunities in generally available but often fuzzy data. For example, investigators often scan avail- able news sources, organizational data sources (e.g., intelligence reports) and other information feeds to identify patterns or pieces of information that are of interest. Sometimes this scanning is performed with a clear objective in mind (e.g., set up through profiles to identify key players). From a tools perspective, scanning with a focus on a specific entity like a person or a thing is called a subject-based query. At other times, an investigator is simply reviewing incoming sources for pieces of a puzzle that is not well under- stood at that moment. From a tools perspective, scanning with a focus on activities like money laundering or drug trafficking is called a pattern-based query. For this type of query, a specific subject is not the target, but a sequence of actors/activities that form a pattern of interest.

Many of the tools described herein focus on either:

o Helping an investigator build models for these patterns then comparing those models against the data to find ‘matches’, or

o Supporting automated knowledge discovery where general rules about interesting patterns are hypothesized and then an automated algorithm is employed to search through large amounts of data based on those rules.

The choice between subject-based and pattern-based queries is dependent on several factors including the availability of expertise, the size of the data source to be scanned, the amount of time available and, of course, how well the subject is understood and anticipated. For example, subject-based queries are by nature more tightly focused and thus are often best conducted through keyword or Boolean searches, such as a Google search containing the string “Bin Laden” or “Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi.” Pattern-based queries, on the other hand, support a relationship/discovery process, such as an iterative series of Google searches starting at ‘with all of the words’ terrorist, financing, charity, and hawala, proceeding through ‘without the words’ Hezbollah and Iran and culminating in ‘with the exact phrase’ Al Qaeda Wahabi charities. Regard- less of which is employed, the results provide new insights into the problem space. The construction, employment, evaluation, and validation of results from these various types of scanning techniques will pro- vide a focus for our tool exploration.

A.1.2. Codification

In order for the insights that result from scanning to be of use to the investigator, they must be placed into the context of the questions that the investigator is attempting to answer. This context provides structure through a codification process that turns disconnected patterns into coherent thoughts that can be more easily communicated to the community. The development of indicators is an example of this codification. Building up network maps from entities and their relationships is another example that could sup- port indicator development. Some important tools will be described that support this codification step.

A.1.3. Abstraction

During the abstraction phase, investigators generalize the application of newly codified insights to a wider range of situations, moving from the specific examples identified during scanning and codification towards a more abstract model of the discovery (e.g., one that explains a large pattern of behavior or predicts future activities). Indicators are placed into the larger context of the behaviors that are being monitored. Tools that support the generation and maintenance of models that support this abstraction process


will be key to making the analysis of an overwhelming number of possibilities and unlimited information manageable.

A.1.4. Diffusion

Many of the intelligence failures cited in the 9/11 Report were due to the fact that information and ideas were not shared. This was due to a variety of reasons, not the least of which were political. Technology also built barriers to cooperation, however. Information can only be shared if one of two conditions is met. Either the sender and receiver must share a context (a common language, background, understanding of the problem) or the information must be coded and abstracted (see steps 2 and 3 above) to extract it from the personal context of the sender to one that is generally understood by the larger community. Once this is done, the newly created insights of one investigator can be shared with investigators in sister groups.

The technology for the diffusion itself is available through any number of sources ranging from repositories where investigators can share information to real-time on-line cooperation. Tools that take advantage of this technology include distributed databases, peer-to-peer cooperation environments and real- time meeting software (e.g., shared whiteboards).

A.1.5. Validation

In this step of the process, the hypotheses that have been formed and shared are now validated over time, either by a direct match of the data against the hypotheses (i.e., through automation) or by working towards a consensus within the analytical community. Some hypotheses will be rejected, while others will be retained and ranked according to probability of occurrence. In either case, tools are needed to help make this match and form this consensus.

A.1.6. Impacting

Simply validating a set of hypotheses is not enough. If the intelligence gathering community stops at that point, the result is a classified CNN feed to the policy makers and practitioners. The results of steps 1 through 5 must be mapped against the opposing landscape of terrorism and transnational crime in order to understand how the information impacts the decisions that must be taken. In this final step, investigators work to articulate how the information/hypotheses they are building impact the overall environment and make recommendations on actions (e.g., probes) that might be taken to clarify that environment. The con- sequences of the actions taken as a result of the impacting phase are then identified during the scanning phase and the cycle begins again.

A.1.7. An Example of the PIE Analytical Approach

While section 4 provided some real-life examples of the PIE approach in action, a retrodictive analysis of terror-crime cooperation in the extraction, smuggling, and sale of conflict diamonds provides a grounding example of Boisot’s six step analytical process. Diamonds from West Africa were a source of funding for various factions in the Lebanese civil war since the 1980s. Beginning in the late 1990s intelligence, law enforcement, regulatory, non-governmental, and press reports suggested that individuals linked to transnational criminal smuggling and Middle Eastern terrorist groups were involved in Liberia’s illegal diamond trade. We would expect to see the following from an investigator assigned to track terrorist financing:

  1. Scanning: During this step investigators could have assembled fragmentary reports to reveal crude patterns that indicated terror-crime interaction in a specific region (West Africa), involving two countries (Liberia and Sierra Leone) and trade in illegal diamonds.
  2. Codification: Based on patterns derived from scanning, investigators could have codified the terror- crime interaction by developing explicit network maps that showed linkages between Russian arms dealers, Russian and South American organized crime groups, Sierra Leone insurgents, the government of Liberia, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Lebanese and Belgian diamond merchants, and banks in Cyprus, Switzerland, and the U.S.
  3. Abstraction: The network map developed via codification is essentially static at this point. Utilizing social network analysis techniques, investigators could have abstracted this basic knowledge to gain a dynamic understanding of the conflict diamond network. A calculation of degree, betweenness, and closeness centrality of the conflict diamond network would have revealed those individuals with the most connections within the network, those who were the links between various subgroups within the network, and those with the shortest paths to reach all of the network participants. These calculations would have revealed that all the terrorist links in the conflict diamond network flowed through Ibra- him Bah, a Libyan-trained Senegalese who had fought with the mujahadeen in Afghanistan and whom Charles Taylor, then President of Liberia, had entrusted to handle the majority of his diamond deals. Bah arranged for terrorist operatives to buy all diamonds possible from the RUF, the Charles Taylor- supported rebel army that controlled much of neighboring civil-war-torn Sierra Leone. The same calculations would have delineated Taylor and his entourage as the key link to transnational criminals in the network, and the link between Bah and Taylor as the essential mode of terror-crime interaction for purchase and sale of conflict diamonds.
  4. Diffusion: Disseminating the results of the first three analytical steps in this process could have alerted investigators in other domestic and foreign law enforcement and intelligence agencies to the emergent terror-crime nexus involving conflict diamonds in West Africa. Collaboration between various security services at this junction could have revealed Al Qaeda’s move into commodities such as diamonds, gold, tanzanite, emeralds, and sapphires in the wake of the Clinton Administration’s freezing of 240 million dollars belonging to Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Western banks in the aftermath of the August 1998 attacks on the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. In particular, diffusion of the parameters of the conflict diamond network could have allowed investigators to tie Al Qaeda fund raising activities to a Belgian bank account that contained approximately 20 million dollars of profits from conflict diamonds.
  5. Validation: Having linked Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, and multiple organized crime groups to the trade in conflict diamonds smuggled into Europe from Sierra Leone via Liberia, investigators would have been able to draw operational implications from the evidence amassed in the previous steps of the analytical process. For example, Al Qaeda diamond purchasing behavior changed markedly. Prior to July 2001 Al Qaeda operatives sought to buy low in Africa and sell high in Europe so as to maximize profit. Around July they shifted to a strategy of buying all the diamonds they could and offering the highest prices required to secure the stones. Investigators could have contrasted these buying patterns and hypothesized that Al Qaeda was anticipating events which would disrupt other stores of value, such as financial instruments, as well as bring more scrutiny of Al Qaeda financing in general.
  6. Impacting: In the wake of the 9/11attacks, the hypothesis that Al Qaeda engaged in asset shifting prior to those strikes similar to that undertaken in 1999 has gained significant validity. During this final step in the analytical process, investigators could have created a watch point involving a terror-crime nexus associated with conflict diamonds in West Africa, and generated the following indicators for use in future investigations:
  • Financial movements and expenditures as attack precursors;
  • Money as a link between known and unknown nodes;
  • Changes in the predominant patterns of financial activity;
  • Criminal activities of a terrorist cell for direct or indirect operational support;
  • Surge in suspicious activity reports.

A.2. The tool space

The key to successful tool application is understanding what type of tool is needed for the task at hand. In order to better characterize the tools for this study, we have divided the tool space into three dimensions:

  • An abstraction dimension: This continuum focuses on tools that support the movement of concepts from the concrete to the abstract. Building models is an excellent example of moving concrete, narrow concepts to a level of abstraction that can be used by investigators to make sense of the past and predict the future.
  • A codification dimension: This continuum attaches labels to concepts that are recognized and accepted by the analytical community to provide a common context for grounding models. One end of the spectrum is the local labels that individual investigators assign and perhaps only that they understand. The other end of the spectrum is the community-accepted labels (e.g., commonly accepted definitions that will be understood by the broader analytical community). As we saw earlier, concepts must be defined in community-recognizable labels before the community can begin to cooperate on those concepts.
  • The number of actors: This last continuum talks in term of the number of actors who are involved with a given concept within a certain time frame. Actors could include individual people, groups, and even automated software agents. Understanding the number of actors involved with the analysis will play a key role in determining what type of tool needs to be employed.

Although they may appear to be performing the same function, abstraction and codification are not the same. An investigator could build a set of models (moving from concrete to abstract concepts) but not take the step of changing his or her local labels. The result would be an abstracted model of use to the single investigator, but not to a community working from a different context. For example, one investigator could model a credit card theft ring as a petty crime network under the loose control of a traditional organized crime family, while another investigator could model the same group as a terrorist logistic sup- port cell.

The analytical process described above can now be mapped into the three-dimensional tool space, represented graphically in Figure A-1. So, for example, scanning (step 1) is placed in the portion of the tool space that represents an individual working in concrete terms without those terms being highly codified (e.g., queries). Validation (step 5), on the other hand, requires the cooperation of a larger group working with abstract, highly codified concepts.

A.2.1. Scanning tools

Investigators responsible for constructing and monitoring a set of indicators could begin by scanning available data sources – including classified databases, unclassified archives, news archives, and internet sites – for information related to the indicators of interest. As can be seen from exhibit 6, all scanning tools will need to support requirements dictated by where these tools fall within the tool space. Scanning tools should focus on:

  • How to support an individual investigator as opposed to the collective analytical community. Investigators, for the most part, will not be performing these scanning functions as a collaborative effort;
  • Uncoded concepts, since the investigator is scanning for information that is directly related to a specific context (e.g., money laundering), then the investigator will need to be intimately familiar with the terms that are local (uncoded) to that context;
  • Concrete concepts or, in this case, specific examples of people, groups, and circumstances within the investigator’s local context. In other words, if the investigator attempts to generalize at this stage, much could be missed.

Using these criteria as a background, and leveraging state-of-the-art definitions for data mining, scanning tools fall into two basic categories:

  • Tools that support subject-based queries are used by investigators when they are searching for specific information about people, groups, places, events, etc.; and
  • Investigators who are not as interested in individuals as they are in identifying patterns of activities use tools that support pattern-based queries.

This section briefly describes the functionality in general, as well as providing specific tool examples, to support both of these critical types of scanning.

A.2.1.1. Subject-based queries

Subject-based queries are the easiest to perform and the most popular. Examples of tools that are used to support subject-based queries are Boolean search tools for databases and internet search engines.

Functionalities that should be evaluated when selecting subject-based query tools include that they are easy to use and intuitive to the investigator. Investigators should not be faced with a bewildering array of ‘ifs’, ‘ands’, and ‘ors’, but should be presented with a query interface that matches the investigator’s cognitive view of searching the data. The ideal is a natural language interface for constructing the queries. An- other benefit is that they provide a graphical interface whenever possible. One example might be a graphical interface that allows the investigator to define subjects of interest, then uses overlapping circles to indicate the interdependencies among the search terms. Furthermore, query interfaces should support synonyms, have an ability to ‘learn’ from the investigator based on specific interests, and create an archive of queries so that the investigator can return and repeat. Finally, they should provide a profiling capability that alerts the investigator when new information is found based on the subject.

Subject-based query tools fall into three categories: queries against databases, internet searches, and customized search tools. Examples of tools for each of these categories include:

  • Queries from news archives: All major news groups provide web-based interfaces that support queries against their on-line data sources. Most allow you to select the subject, enter keywords, specify date ranges, and so on. Examples include the New York Times (at and the Washington Post (at Most of these sources allow you to read through the current issue, but charge a subscription for retrieving articles from past issues.
  • Queries from on-line references: There are a host of on-line references now available for query that range from the Encyclopedia Britannica (at to the CIA’s World Factbook (at A complete list of such references is impossible to include, but the search capabilities provided by each are clear examples of subject-based queries.
  • Search engines: Just as with queries against databases, there are a host of commercial search engines available for free-format internet searching. The most popular is Google, which combines a technique called citation indexing with web crawlers that constantly search out and index new web pages. Google broke the mold of free-format text searching by not focusing on exact matches between the search terms and the retrieved information. Rather, Google assumes that the most popular pages (the ones that are referenced the most often) that include your search terms will be the pages of greatest interest to you. The commercial version of Google is available free of charge on the internet, and organizations can also purchase a version of Google for indexing pages on an intranet. Google also works in many languages. More information about Google as a business solution can be found at Although the current version of Google supports many of the requirements for subject-based queries, its focus is quick search and it does not support sophisticated query interfaces, natural language queries, synonyms, or a managed query environment where queries can be saved. There are now numerous software packages available that provide this level of support, many of them as add-on packages to existing applications.

o Name Search®: This software enables applications to find, identify and match information. Specifically, Name Search finds and matches records based on personal and corporate names, social security numbers, street addresses and phone numbers even when those records have variations due to phonetics, missing words, noise words, nicknames, prefixes, keyboard errors or sequence variations. Name Search claims that searches using their rule-based matching algorithms are faster and more accurate than those based only on Soundex or similar techniques. Soundex, developed by Odell and Russell, uses codes based on the sound of each letter to translate a string into a canonical form of at most four characters, preserving the first letter.

Name Search also supports foreign languages, technical data, medical information, and other specialized information. Other problem-specific packages take advantage of the Name Search functionality through an Application Programming Interface (API) (i.e., Name Search is bundled). An example is ISTwatch. See

o ISTwatch©: ISTwatch is a software component suite that was designed specifically to search and match individuals against the Office of Foreign Assets Control’s (OFAC’s) Specially Designated Nationals list and other denied parties lists. These include the FBI’s Most Wanted, Canadian’s OSFI terrorist lists, the Bank of England’s consolidated lists and Financial Action Task Force data on money-laundering countries. See

All these tools are packages designed to be included in an application. A final set of subject-based query tools focus on customized search environments. These are tools that have been customized to per- form a particular task or operate within a particular context. One example is WebFountain.

o WebFountain: IBM’s WebFountain began as a research project focused on extending subject- based query techniques beyond free format text to target money-laundering activities identified through web sources. The WebFountain project, a product of IBM’s Almaden research facility in California, used advanced natural language processing technologies to analyze the entire internet – the search covered 256 terabytes of data in the process of matching a structured list of people who were indicted for money laundering activities in the past with unstructured in- formation on the internet. If a suspicious transaction is identified and the internet analysis finds a relationship between the person attempting the transaction and someone on the list, then an alert is issued. WebFountain has now been turned into a commercially available IBM product. Robert Carlson, IBM WebFountain vice president, describes the current content set as over 1 petabyte in storage with over three billion pages indexed, two billion stored, and the ability to mine 20 million pages a day. The commercial system also works across multiple languages. Carlson stated in 2003 that it would cover 21 languages by the end of 2004 [Quint, 2003]. See:

o Memex: Memex is a suite of tools that was created specifically for law enforcement and national security groups. The focus of these tools is to provide integrated search capabilities against both structured (i.e., databases) and unstructured (i.e., documents) data sources. Memex also provides a graphical representation of the process the investigator is following, structuring the subject-based queries. Memex’s marketing literature states that over 30 percent of the intelligence user population of the UK uses Memex. Customers include the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), whose Memex network that includes over 90 dedicated intelligence servers pro- viding access to over 30,000 officers; the U.S. Department of Defense; numerous U.S. intelligence agencies, drug intelligence Groups and law enforcement agencies. See

A.2.1.2. Pattern queries

Pattern-based queries focus on supporting automated knowledge discovery (1) where the exact subject of interest is not known in advance and (2) where what is of interest is a pattern of activity emerging over time. In order for pattern queries to be formed, the investigator must hypothesize about the patterns in advance and then use tools to confirm or deny these hypotheses. This approach is useful when there is expertise available to make reasonable guesses with respect to the potential patterns. Conversely, when that expertise is not available or the potential patterns are unknown due to extenuating circumstances (e.g., new patterns are emerging too quickly for investigators to formulate hypotheses), then investigators can auto- mate the construction of candidate patterns by formulating a set of rules that describe how potentially interesting, emerging patterns might appear. In either case, tools can help support the production and execution of the pattern queries. The degree of automation is dependent upon the expertise available and the dynamics of the situation being investigated.

As indicated earlier, pattern-based query tools fall into two general categories: those that support investigators in the construction of patterns based on their expertise, then run those patterns against large data sets, and those that allow the investigator to build rules about patterns of interest and, again, run those rules against large data sets.

Examples of tools for each of these categories include

  1. Megaputer (PolyAnalyst 4.6): This tool falls into the first category of pattern-based query tools, helping the investigator hypothesize patterns and explore the data based on those hypotheses. PolyAnalyst is a tool that supports a particular type of pattern-based query called Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), a popular analytical approach for large amounts of quantitative data. Using PolyAnalyst, the investigator defines dimensions of interest to be considered in text exploration and then displays the results of the analysis across various combinations of these dimensions. For example, an investigator could search for mujahideen who had trained at the same Al Qaeda camp in the 1990s and who had links to Pakistani Intelligence as well as opium growers and smuggling networks into Europe. See
  2. Autonomy Suite: Autonomy’s search capabilities fall into the second category of pattern-based query tools. Autonomy has combined technologies that employ adaptive pattern-matching techniques with Bayesian inference and Claude Shannon’s principles of information theory. Autonomy identifies the pat- terns that naturally occur in text, based on the usage and frequency of words or terms that correspond to specific ideas or concepts as defined by the investigator. Based on the preponderance of one pattern over another in a piece of unstructured information, Autonomy calculates the probability that a document in question is about a subject of interest [Autonomy, 2002]. See
  3. Fraud Investigator Enterprise: The Fraud Investigator Enterprise Similarity Search Engine (SSE) from InfoGlide Software is another example of the second category of pattern search tools. SSE uses ana- lytic techniques that dissect data values looking for and quantifying partial matches in addition to exact matches. SSE scores and orders search results based upon a user-defined data model. See

Although an evaluation of data sources available for scanning is beyond the scope of this paper, one will serve as an example of the information available. It is hypothesized in this report that tools could be developed to support the search and analysis of Short Message Service (SMS) traffic for confirmation of PIE indicators. Often referred to as ‘text messaging’ in the U.S., the SMS is an integrated message service that lets GSM cellular subscribers send and receive data using their handset. A single short message can be up to 160 characters of text in length – words, numbers, or punctuation symbols. SMS is a store and for- ward service; this means that messages are not sent directly to the recipient but via a network SMS Center. This enables messages to be delivered to the recipient if their phone is not switched on or if they are out of a coverage area at the time the message was sent. This process, called asynchronous messaging, operates in much the same way as email. Confirmation of message delivery is another feature and means the sender can receive a return message notifying them whether the short message has been delivered or not. SMS messages can be sent to and received from any GSM phone, providing the recipient’s network supports text messaging. Text messaging is available to all mobile users and provides both consumers and business people with a discreet way of sending and receiving information
Over 15 billion SMS text messages were sent around the globe in January 2001. Tools taking advantage of the stored messages in an SMS Center could:

  • Perform searches of the text messages for keywords or phrases,
  • Analyze SMS traffic patterns, and
  • Search for people of interest in the Home Location Register (HLR) database that maintains information about the subscription profile of the mobile phone and also about the routing information for the subscriber.

A.2.2. Codification tools

As can be seen from exhibit 6, all codification tools will need to support requirements dictated by where these tools fall within the tool space. Codification tools should focus on:

  • Supporting individual investigators (or at best a small group of investigators) in making sense of the information discovered during the scanning process.
  • Moving the terms with which the information is referenced from a localized organizational context (uncoded, e.g., hawala banking) to a more global context (codified, e.g., informal value storage and transfer operations).
  • Moving that information from specific, concrete examples towards more abstract terms that could support identification of concepts and patterns across multiple situations, thus providing a larger context for the concepts being explored.

Using these criteria as a background, the codification tools reviewed fall into two major categories:

  1. Tools that help investigators label concepts and cluster different concepts into terms that are recognizable and used by the larger analytical community; and
  2. Tools that use this information to build up network maps identifying entities, relationships, missions, etc.

This section briefly describes codification functionality in general, as well as providing specific tool examples, to support both of these types of codification.

A.2.2.1. Labeling and clustering

The first step to codification is to map the context-specific terms used by individual investigators to a taxonomy of terms that are commonly accepted in a wider analytical context. This process is performed through labeling individual terms, clustering other terms and renaming them according to a community- accepted taxonomy.

In general, labeling and clustering tools should:

  • Support the capture of taxonomies that are being developed by the broader analytical community; Allow the easy mapping of local terms to these broader terms;
    Support the clustering process either by providing algorithms for calculating the similarity between concepts, or tools that enable collaborative consensus construction of clustered concepts;
  • Label and cluster functionality is typically embedded in applications support analytical processes, not provided separately as stand-alone tools.

Two examples of such products include:

COPLINK® – COPLINK began as a research project at the University of Arizona and has now grown into a commercially available application from Knowledge Computing Corporation (KCC). It is focused on providing tools for organizing vast quantities of structured and seemingly unrelated information in the law enforcement arena. See COPLINK’s commercial website at and its academic website at the University of Arizona at

Megaputer (PolyAnalyst 4.6) – In addition to supporting pattern queries, PolyAnalyst also pro- vides a means for creating, importing and managing taxonomies which could be useful in the codification step and carries out automated categorization of text records against existing taxonomies.

A.2.2.2. Network mapping

Terrorists have a vested interest in concealing their relationships, they often emit confusing or intentionally misleading information and they operate in self-contained and difficult to penetrate cells for much of the time. Criminal networks are also notoriously difficult to map, and the mapping often happens after a crime has been committed than before. What is needed are tools and approaches that support the map- ping of networks to represent agents (e.g., people, groups), environments, behaviors, and the relationships between all of these.

A large number of research efforts and some commercial products have been created to automate aspects of network mapping in general and link analysis specifically. In the past, however, these tools have provided only marginal utility in understanding either criminal or terrorist behavior (as opposed to espionage networks, for which this type of tool was initially developed). Often the linkages constructed by such tools are impossible to disentangle since all links have the same importance. PIE holds the potential to focus link analysis tools by clearly delineating watch points and allowing investigators to differentiate, characterize and prioritize links within an asymmetric threat network. This section focuses on the requirements dictated by PIE and some candidate tools that might be used in the PIE context.

In general, network mapping tools should:

  • Support the representation of people, groups, and the links between them within the PIE indicator framework;
  • Sustain flexibility for mapping different network structures;
  • Differentiate, characterize and prioritize links within an asymmetric threat network;
  • Focus on organizational structures to determine what kinds of network structures they use;
  • Provide a graphical interface that supports analysis;
  • Access and associate evidence with an investigator’s data sources.

Within the PIE context, investigators can use network mapping tools to identify the flows of information and authority within different types of network forms such as chains, hub and spoke, fully matrixed, and various hybrids of these three basic forms.
Examples of network mapping tools that are available commercially include:

Analyst Notebook®: A PC-based package from i2 that supports network mapping/link analysis via network, timeline and transaction analysis. Analyst Notebook allows an investigator to capture link information between people, groups, activities, and other entities of interest in a visual format convenient for identifying relationships, dependencies and trends. Analyst Notebook facilitates this capture by providing a variety of tools to review and integrate information from a number of data sources. It also allows the investigator to make a connection between the graphical icons representing entities and the original data sources, supporting a drill-down feature. Some of the other useful features included with Analyst Note- book are the ability to: 1) automatically order and depict sequences of events even when exact date and time data is unknown and 2) use background visuals such as maps, floor plans or watermarks to place chart information in context or label for security purposes. See Even though i2 Analyst Notebook is widely used by intelligence community, anti-terrorism and law enforcement investigators for constructing network maps, interviews with investigators indicate that it is more useful as a visual aid for briefing rather than in performing the analysis itself. Although some investigators indicated that they use it as an analytical tool, most seem to perform the analysis using either another tool or by hand, then entering the results into the Analyst Notebook in order to generate a graphic for a report or briefing. Finally, few tools are available within the Analyst Notebook to automatically differentiate, characterize and prioritize links within an asymmetric threat network.

Patterntracer TCA: Patterntracer Telephone Call Analysis (TCA) is an add-on tool for the Analyst Notebook intended to help identify patterns in telephone billing data. Patterntracer TCA automatically finds repeating call patterns in telephone billing data and graphically displays them using network and timeline charts. See

Memex: Memex has already been discussed in the context of subject-based query tools. In addition to supporting such queries, however, Memex also provides a tool that supports automated link analysis on unstructured data and presents the results in graphical form.

Megaputer (PolyAnalyst 4.6): In addition to supporting pattern-based queries, PolyAnalyst was also designed to support a primitive form of link analysis, by providing a visual relationship of the results.

A.2.3. Abstraction tools

As can be seen from exhibit 6, all abstraction tools will need to support requirements dictated by where these tools fall within the tool space. Abstraction tools should focus on:

  • Functionalities that help individual investigators (or a small group of investigators) build abstract models;
  • Options to help share these models, and therefore the tools should be defined using terms that will be recognized by the larger community (i.e., codified as opposed to uncoded);
  • Highly abstract notions that encourage examination of concepts across networks, groups, and time.

The product of these tools should be hypotheses or models that can be shared with the community to support information exchange, encourage dialogue, and eventually be validated against both real-world data and by other experts. This section provides some examples of useful functionality that should be included in tools to support the abstraction process.

A.2.3.1. Structured argumentation tools

Structured argumentation is a methodology for capturing analytical reasoning processes designed to address a specific analytic task in a series of alternative constructs, or hypotheses, represented by a set of hierarchical indicators and associated evidence. Structured argumentation tools should:

  • Capture multiple, competing hypotheses of multi-dimensional indicators at both summary and/or detailed levels of granularity;
  • Develop and archive indicators and supporting evidence;
  • Monitor ongoing activities and assess the implications of new evidence;
  • Provide graphical visualizations of arguments and associated evidence;
  • Encourage a careful analysis by reminding the investigator of the full spectrum of indicators to be considered;
  • Ease argument comprehension by allowing the investigator to move along the component lines of reasoning to discover the basis and rationale of others’ arguments;
  • Invite and facilitate argument comparison by framing arguments within common structures; and
  • Support collaborative development and reuse of models among a community of investigators.
  • Within the PIE context, investigators can use structured argumentation tools to assess a terrorist group’s ability to weaponize biological materials, and determine the parameters of a transnational criminal organization’s money laundering methodology.

Examples of structured argumentation tools that are available commercially include:

Structured Evidential Argument System (SEAS) from SRI International was initially applied to the problem of early warning for project management, and more recently to the problem of early crisis warning for the U.S. intelligence and policy communities. SEAS is based on the concept of a structured argument, which is a hierarchically organized set of questions (i.e., a tree structure). These are multiple-choice questions, with the different answers corresponding to discrete points or subintervals along a continuous scale, with one end of the scale representing strong support for a particular type of opportunity or threat and the other end representing strong refutation. Leaf nodes represent primitive questions, and internal nodes represent derivative questions. The links represent support relationships among the questions. A derivative question is supported by all the derivative and primitive questions below it. SEAS arguments move concepts from their concrete, local representations into a global context that supports PIE indicator construction. See

A.2.3.2. Modeling

  • By capturing information about a situation (e.g., the actors, possible actions, influences on those actions, etc.), in a model, users can define a set of initial conditions, match these against the model, and use the results to support analysis and prediction. This process can either be performed manually or, if the model is complex, using an automated tool or simulator.
  • Utilizing modeling tools, investigators can systematically examine aspects of terror-crime interaction. Process models in particular can reveal linkages between the two groups and allow investigators to map these linkages to locations on the terror-crime interaction spectrum. Process models capture the dynamics of networks in a series of functional and temporal steps. Depending on the process being modeled, these steps must be conducted either sequentially or simultaneously in order for the process to execute as de- signed. For example, delivery of cocaine from South America to the U.S. can be modeled as process that moves sequentially from the growth and harvesting of coca leaves through refinement into cocaine and then transshipment via intermediate countries into U.S. distribution points. Some of these steps are sequential (e.g., certain chemicals must be acquired and laboratories established before the coca leaves can be processed in bulk) and some can be conducted simultaneously (e.g., multiple smuggling routes can be utilized at the same time).

Corruption, modeled as a process, should reveal useful indicators of cooperation between organized crime and terrorism. For example, one way to generate and validate indicators of terror-crime interaction is to place cases of corrupt government officials or private sector individuals in an organizational network construct utilizing a process model and determine if they serve as a common link between terrorist and criminal networks via an intent model with attached evidence. An intent model is a type of process model constructed by reverse engineering a specific end-state, such as the ability to move goods and people into and out of a country without interference from law enforcement agencies.

This end-state is reached by bribing certain key officials in groups that supply border guards, provide legitimate import-export documents (e.g., end-user certificates), monitor immigration flows, etc.

Depending on organizational details, a bribery campaign can proceed sequentially or simultaneously through various offices and individuals. This type of model allows analysts to ‘follow the money’ through a corruption network and link payments to officials with illicit sources. The model can be set up to reveal payments to officials that can be linked to both criminal and terrorist involvement (perhaps via individuals or small groups with known links to both types of network).

Thus investigators can use a process model as a repository for numerous disparate data items that, taken together, reveal common patterns of corruption or sources of payments that can serve as indicators of cooperation between organized crime and terrorism. Using these tools, investigators can explore multiple data dimensions by dynamically manipulating several elements of analysis:

  • Criminal and/or terrorist priorities, intent and factor attributes;
  • Characterization and importance of direct evidence;
  • Graphical representations and other multi-dimensional data visualization approaches.

There have been a large number of models built over the last several years focusing on counter- terrorism and criminal activities. Some of the most promising are models that support agent-based execution of complex adaptive environments that are used for intelligence analysis and training. Some of the most sophisticated are now being developed to support the generation of more realistic environments and interactions for the commercial gaming market.

In general, modeling tools should:

  • Capture and present reasoning from evidence to conclusion;
  • Enable comparison of information across situation, time, and groups;
  • Provide a framework for challenging assumptions and exploring alternative hypotheses;
  • Facilitate information sharing and cooperation by representing hypotheses and analytical judgment, not just facts;
  • Incorporate the first principle of analysis—problem decomposition;
  • Track ongoing and evolving situations, collect analysis, and enable users to discover information and critical data relationships;
  • Make rigorous option space analysis possible in a distributed electronic context;
  • Warn users of potential cognitive bias inherent in analysis.

Although there are too many of these tools to list in this report, good examples of some that would be useful to support PIE include:

NETEST: This model estimates the size and shape of covert networks given multiple sources with omissions and errors. NETEST makes use of Bayesian updating techniques, communications theory and social network theory [Dombroski, 2002].

The Modeling, Virtual Environments and Simulation (MOVES) Institute at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, is using a model of cognition formulated by Aaron T. Beck to build models capturing the characteristics of people willing to employ violence [Beck, 2002].

BIOWAR: This is a city scale multi-agent model of weaponized bioterrorist attacks for intelligence and training. At present the model is running with 100,000 agents (this number will be increased). All agents have real social networks and the model contains real city data (hospitals, schools, etc.). Agents are as realistic as possible and contain a cognitive model [Carley, 2003a].

All of the models reviewed had similar capabilities:

  • Capture the characteristics of entities – people, places, groups, etc.;
  • Capture the relationships between entities at a level of detail that supports programmatic construction of processes, situations, actions, etc. these are usually “is a” and “a part of” representations of object-oriented taxonomies, influence relationships, time relationships, etc.;
  • The ability to represent this information in a format that supports using the model in simulations. The next section provides information on simulation tools that are in common use for running these types of models.
  • User interfaces for defining the models, the best being graphical interfaces that allow the user to define the entities and their relationships through intuitive visual displays. For example, if the model involves defining networks or influences between entities, graphical displays with the ability to create connections and perform drag and drop actions become important.

A.2.4. Diffusion tools

As can be seen from exhibit 6, all diffusion tools will need to support requirements dictated by where these tools fall within the tool space. Diffusion tools should focus on:

  • Moving information from an individual or small group of investigators to the collective community;
  • Providing abstract concepts that are easily understood in a global context with little worry that the terms will be misinterpreted;
  • Supporting the representation of abstract concepts and encouraging dialogues about those concepts.

In general diffusion tools should:

  • Provide a shared environment that investigators can access on the internet;
  • Support the ability for everyone to upload abstract concepts and their supporting evidence (e.g., documents);
  • Contain the ability for the person uploading the information to be able to attach an annotation and keywords;
  • Possess the ability to search concept repositories;
  • Be simple to set up and use.

Within the PIE context, investigators could use diffusion tools to:

  • Employ a collaborative environment to exchange information, results of analysis, hypotheses, models, etc.;
  • Utilize collaborative environments that might be set up between law enforcement groups and counterterrorism groups to exchange information on a continual and near real-time basis. Examples of diffusion tools run from one end of the cooperation/dissemination spectrum to the other. One of the simplest to use is:
  • AskSam: The AskSam Web Publisher is an extension of the standalone AskSam capability that has been used by the analytical community for many years. The capabilities of AskSam Web Publisher include: 1) sharing documents with others who have access to the local net- work, 2) anyone who has access to the network has access to the AskSam archive without the need for an expensive license, and 3) advanced searching capabilities including adding keywords which supports a group’s codification process (see step 2 in exhibit 6 in our analytical process). See

There are some significant disadvantages to using AskSam as a cooperation environment. For example, each document included has to be ‘published’. The assumption is that there are only one or two people primarily responsible for posting documents and these people control all documents that are made available, a poor assumption for an analytical community where all are potential publishers of concepts. The result is expensive licenses for publishers. Finally, there is no web-based service for AskSam, requiring each organization to host its own AskSam server.

There are two leading commercial tools for cooperation now available and widely used. Which tool is chosen for a task depends on the scope of the task and the number of users.

  • Groove: virtual office software that allows small teams of people to work together securely over a network on a constrained problem. Groove capabilities include: 1) the ability for investigators to set up a shared space, invite people to join and give them permission to post documents to a document repository (i.e., file sharing), 2) security including encryption that protects content (e.g., upload and download of documents) and communications (e.g., email and text messaging), investigators can work across firewalls without a Virtual Private Network (VPN) which improves speed and makes it accessible from outside of an intranet, 4) investigators are able to work off-line, then synchronize when they come back on line, 5) includes add- in tools to support cooperation such as calendars, email, text- and voice-based instant messaging, and project management.

Although Groove satisfies most of the basic requirements listed for this category, there are several drawbacks to using Groove for large projects. For example, there is no free format search for text documents and investigators cannot add on their own keyword categories or attributes to the stored documents. This limits Groove’s usefulness as an information exchange archive. In addition, Groove is a fat client, peer-to-peer architecture. This means that all participants are required to purchase a license, download and install Groove on their individual machines. It also means that Groove requires high bandwidth for the information exchange portion of the peer-to-peer updates. See

  • SharePoint: Allows teams of people to work together on documents, tasks, contacts, events, and other information. SharePoint capabilities include: 1) text document loading and sharing, 2) free format search capability, 3) cooperation tools to include instant messaging, email and a group calendar, and 4) security with individual and group level access control. The TraCCC

team employed SharePoint for this project to facilitate distributed research and document

generation. See
SharePoint has many of the same features as Groove, but there are fundamental underlying differences. Sharepoint’s architecture is server based with the client running in a web browser. One ad- vantage to this approach is that each investigator is not required to download a personal version on a machine (Groove requires 60-80MB of space on each machine). In fact, an investigator can access the SharePoint space from any machine (e.g., at an airport). The disadvantage of this approach is that the investigator does not have a local version of the SharePoint information and is unable to work offline. With Groove, an investigator can work offline, and then resynchronize with the remaining members of the group when the network once again becomes available. Finally, since peer-to-peer updates are not taking place, SharePoint does not necessarily require a high-speed internet access, except perhaps in the case where the investigator would like to upload large documents.

Another significant difference between SharePoint and Groove is linked to the search function. In Groove, the search capability is limited to information that is typed into Groove directly, not to documents that have been attached to Groove in an archive. A SharePoint support not only document searches, but also allows the community of investigators to set up their own keyword categories to help with the codification of the shared documents (again see step 2 from exhibit 6). It should be noted, however, that SharePoint only supports searches for Microsoft documents (e.g., Word, Power- Point, etc.) and not ‘foreign’ document formats such as PDF. This fact is not surprising given that SharePoint is a Microsoft tool.

SharePoint and Groove are commercially available cooperation solutions. There are also a wide variety of customized cooperation environments now appearing on the market. For example:

  • WAVE Enterprise Information Integration System– Modus Operandi’s Wide Area Virtual Environment (WAVE) provides tools to support real-time enterprise information integration, cooperation and performance management. WAVE capabilities include: 1) collaborative workspaces for team-based information sharing, 2) security for controlled sharing of information, 3) an extensible enterprise knowledge model that organizes and manages all enterprise knowledge assets, 4) dynamic integration of legacy data sources and commercial off-the-shelf (COtS) tools, 5) document version control, 6) cooperation tools, including discussions, issues, action items, search, and reports, and 7) performance metrics. WAVE is not a COtS solution, however. An organization must work with Modus Operandi services to set up a custom environment. The main disadvantage to this approach as opposed to Groove or SharePoint is cost and the sharing of information across groups. See

Finally, many of the tools previously discussed have add-ons available for extending their functionality to a group. For example:

  • iBase4: i2’s Analyst Notebook can be integrated with iBase4, an application that allows investigators to create multi-user databases for developing, updating, and sharing the source information being used to create network maps. It even includes security to restrict access or functionality by user, user groups and data fields. It is not clear from the literature, but it appears that this functionality is restricted to the source data and not the sharing of network maps generated by the investigators. See

The main disadvantage of iBase4 is its proprietary format. This limitation might be somewhat mitigated by coupling iBase4 with i2’s iBridge product which creates a live connection between legacy databases, but there is no evidence in the literature that i2 has made this integration.

A.2.5. Validation tools

As can be seen from exhibit 6, all validation tools will need to support requirements dictated by where these tools fall within the tool space. Validation tools should focus on:

  • Providing a community context for validating the concepts put forward by the individual participants in the community;
  • Continuing to work within a codified realm in order to facilitate communication between different groups articulating different perspectives;
  • Matching abstract concepts against real world data (or expert opinion) to determine the validity of the concepts being put forward.

Using these criteria as background, one of the most useful toolsets available for validation are simulation tools. This section briefly describes the functionality in general, as well as providing specific tool examples, to support simulations that ‘kick the tires’ of the abstract concepts.

Following are some key capabilities that any simulation tool must possess:

  • Ability to ingest the model information that has been constructed in the previous steps in the

analytical process;

  • Access to a data source for information that might be required by the model during execution;
  • Users need to be able to define the initial conditions against which the model will be run;
  • The more useful simulators allow the user to “step through” the model execution, examining

variables and resetting variable values in mid-execution;

  • Ability to print out step-by-step interim execution results and final results;
  • Change the initial conditions and compare the results against prior runs.

Although there are many simulation tools available, following are brief descriptions of some of the most promising:

  • Online iLink: An optional application for i2’s Analyst Notebook that supports dynamic up- date of Analyst Notebook information from online data sources. Once a connection is made with an on-line source (e.g., LexisNexistM, or D&B®) Analyst Notebook uses this connection to automatically check for any updated information and propagates those updates throughout to support validation of the network map information. See

One apparent drawback with this plug-in is that Online iLink appears to require that the line data provider deploy i2’s visualization technology.

  • NETEST: A research project from Carnegie Mellon University, which is developing tools

that combine multi-agent technology with hierarchical Bayesian inference models and biased net models to produce accurate posterior representations of terrorist networks. Bayesian inference models produce representations of a network’s structure and informant accuracy by combining prior network and accuracy data with informant perceptions of a network. Biased net theory examines and captures the biases that may exist in a specific network or set of net- works. Using NETEST, an investigator can estimate a network’s size, determine its member- ship and structure, determine areas of the network where data is missing, perform cost/benefit analysis of additional information, assess group level capabilities embedded in the network, and pose “what if” scenarios to destabilize a network and predict its evolution over time [Dombroski, 2002].

  • REcursive Porous Agent Simulation toolkit (REPAST): A good example of the free, open-source toolkits available for creating agent-based simulations. Begun by the University of Chicago’s social sciences research community and later maintained by groups such as Argonne National Laboratory, Repast is now managed by the non-profit volunteer Repast Organization for Architecture and Development (ROAD). Some of Repast’s features include: 1) a variety of agent templates and examples (however, the toolkit gives users complete flexibility as to how they specify the properties and behaviors of agents), 2) a fully concurrent discrete event scheduler (this scheduler supports both sequential and parallel discrete event operations), 3) built-in simulation results logging and graphing tools, 4) an automated Monte Carlo simulation framework, 5) allows users to dynamically access and modify agent properties, agent behavioral equations, and model properties at run time, 6) includes libraries for genetic algorithms, neural networks, random number generation, and specialized mathematics, and 7) built-in systems dynamics modeling.

More to the point for this investigation, Repast has social network modeling support tools. The Repast website claims that “Repast is at the moment the most suitable simulation framework for the applied modeling of social interventions based on theories and data,” [Tobias, 2003]. See

A.2.6. Impacting tools

As can be seen from exhibit 6, all impacting tools will need to support requirements dictated by where these tools fall within the tool space. Impacting tools should focus on:

  • Helping law enforcement and intelligence practitioners understand the implications of their validated models. For example, what portions of the terror-crime interaction spectrum are relevant in various parts of the world, and what is the likely evolutionary path of this phenomenon in each specific geographic area?

Support for translating abstracted knowledge into more concrete local execution strategies. The information flows feeding the scanning process, for example, should be updated based on the results of mapping local events and individuals to the terror-crime interaction spectrum. Watch points and their associated indicators should be reviewed, updated and modified. Probes can be constructed to clarify remaining uncertainties in specific situations or locations.

The following general requirements have been identified for impacting tools:

  • Probe management software to help law enforcement investigators and intelligence community analysts plan probes against known and suspected transnational threat entities, monitor their execution, map their impact, and analyze the resultant changes to network structure and operations.
  • Situational assessment software that supports transnational threat monitoring and projection. Data fusion and visualization algorithms that portray investigators’ current understanding of the nature and extent of terror-crime interaction, and allow investigators to focus scarce collection and analytical resources on the most threatening regions and networks.

Impacting tools are only just beginning to exit the laboratory, and none of them can be considered ready for operational deployment. This type of functionality, however, is being actively pursued within the U.S. governmental and academic research communities. An example of an impacting tool currently under development is described below:

DyNet – A multi-agent network system designed specifically for assessing destabilization strategies on dynamic networks. A knowledge network (e.g., a hypothesized network resulting from Steps 1 through 5 of Boisot’s I-Space-driven analytical process) is given to DyNet as input. In this case, a knowledge network is defined as an individual’s knowledge about who they know, what resources they have, and what task(s) they are performing. The goal of an investigator using DyNet is to build stable, high performance, adaptive networks with and conduct what-if analysis to identify successful strategies for destabilizing those net- works. Investigators can run sensitivity tests examining how differences in the structure of the covert net- work would impact the overall ability of the network to respond to probe and attacks on constituent nodes. [Carley, 2003b]. See the DyNet website hosted by Carnegie Mellon University at

A.3. Overall tool requirements

This appendix provides a high-level overview of PIE tool requirements:

  • Easy to put information into the system and get information out of it. The key to the successful use of many of these tools is the quality of the information that is put into them. User interfaces have to be easy to use, context based, intuitive, and customizable. Otherwise, investigators soon determine that the “care and feeding” of the tool does not justify the end product.
  • Reasonable response time: The response time of the tool needs to match the context. If the tool is being used in an operational setting, then the ability to retrieve results can be time- critical–perhaps a matter of minutes. In other cases, results may not be time-critical and days can be taken to generate results.
  • Training: Some tools, especially those that have not been released as commercial products, may not have substantial training materials and classes available. When making a decision regarding tool selection, the availability and accessibility of training may be critical.

Ability to integrate with the enterprise resources: There are many cases where the utility of the tool will depend on its ability to access and integrate information from the overall enterprise in which the investigator is working. Special-purpose tools that require re-keying of information or labor-intensive conversions of formats should be carefully evaluated to determine the man- power required to support such functions.

  • Support for integration with other tools: Tools that have standard interfaces will act as force multipliers in the overall analytical toolbox. At a minimum, tools should have some sort of a developer’s kit that allows the creation of an API. In the best case, a tool would support some generally accepted integration standard such as web services.
  • Security: Different situations will dictate different security requirements, but in almost all cases some form of security is required. Examples of security include different access levels for different user populations. The ability to be able to track and audit transactions, linking them back to their sources, will also be necessary in many cases.
  • Customizable: Augmenting usability, most tools will need to support some level of customizability (e.g., customizable reporting templates).
  • Labeling of information: Information that is being gathered and stored will need to be labeled (e.g., for level of sensitivity or credibility).
  • Familiar to the current user base: One characteristic in favor of any tool selected is how well the current user base has accepted it. There could be a great deal of benefit to upgrading existing tools that are already familiar to the users.
  • Heavy emphasis on visualization: To the greatest extent possible, tools should provide the investigator with the ability to display different aspects of the results in a visual manner.
  • Support for cooperation: In many cases, the strength of the analysis is dependent on leveraging cross-disciplinary expertise. Most tools will need to support some sort of cooperation.

A.4. Bibliography and Further Reading

Autonomy technology White Paper, Ref: [WP tECH] 07.02. This and other information documents about Autonomy may be downloaded after registration from

Beck, Aaron T., “Prisoners of Hate,” Behavior research and therapy, 40, 2002: 209-216. A copy of this article may be found at Also see Dr. Beck’s website at and the MOVES Institute at

Boisot, Max and Ron Sanchez, “the Codification-Diffusion-Abstraction Curve in the I-Space,” Economic Organization and Nexus of Rules: Emergence and the Theory of the Firm, a working paper, the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, May 2003.

Carley, K. M., D. Fridsma, E. Casman, N. Altman, J. Chang, B. Kaminsky, D. Nave, & Yahja, “BioWar: Scalable Multi-Agent Social and Epidemiological Simulation of Bioterrorism Events” in Proceedings from the NAACSOS Conference, 2003. this document may be found at

Carley, Kathleen M., et. al., “Destabilizing Dynamic Covert Networks” in Proceedings of the 8th International Command and Control Research and technology Symposium, 2003. Conference held at the National Defense War College, Washington, DC. This document may be found at

Collier, N., Howe, T., and North, M., “Onward and Upward: the transition to Repast 2.0,” in Proceedings of the First Annual North American Association for Computational Social and Organizational Science Conference, Electronic Proceedings, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2003. Also, read about REPASt 3.0 at the REPASt website:

DeRosa, Mary, “Data Mining and Data Analysis for Counterterrorism,” CSIS Report, March 2004. this document may be purchased at

Dombroski, M. and K. Carley, “NETEST: Estimating a Terrorist Network’s Structure,” Journal of Computational and Mathematical Organization theory, 8(3), October 2002: 235-241.

Farah, Douglas, Blood from Stones: The Secret Financial Network of Terror, New York: Broadway Books, 2004.

Hall, P. and G. Dowling, “Approximate string matching,” Computing Surveys, 12(4), 1980: 381-402. For more information on phonetic string matching see A good summary of the inherent limitations of Soundex may be found at

Lowrance, J.D., Harrison, I.W., and Rodriguez, A.C., “Structured Argumentation for Analysis,” Proceedings of the 12th Inter- national Conference on Systems Research, Informatics, and Cybernetics, (August 2000).

Quint, Barbara, “IBM’s WebFountain Launched – the Next Big Thing?” September 22, 2003 – from the Information today, Inc. website at Also see IBM’s WebFountain website at and the WebFountain Application Development Guide at

Shannon, Claude, “A mathematical theory of communication,” Bell System technical Journal, (27), July and October 1948: 379- 423 and 623-656.

Tobias, R. and C. Hofmann, “Evaluation of Free Java-libraries for Social-scientific Agent Based Simulation,” Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, University of Surrey, 7(1), January 2003 may be found at

Notes from Policy in the Data Age: Data Enablement for the Common Good

Policy in the Data Age: Data Enablement for the Common Good

By Karim Tadjeddine and Martin Lundqvist

Digital McKinsey August 2016

By virtue of their sheer size, visibility, and economic clout, national, state or provincial, and local governments are central to any societal transformation effort, in particular a digital transformation. Governments at all levels, which account for 30 to 50 percent of most countries’ GDP, exert profound influence not only by executing their own digital transformations but also by catalyzing digital transformations in other societal sectors

The data revolution enables governments to radically improve quality of service

Government data initiatives are fueling a movement toward evidence-based policy making. Data enablement gives governments the tool they need to be more efficient, effective, and transparent while enabling a significant change in public-policy performance management across the entire spectrum of government activities.

Governments need to launch data initiatives focused on:

  • better understanding public attitudes toward specific policies and identifying needed changes
  • developing and using undisputed KPIs that reveal the drivers of policy performance and allow the assignment of targets to policies during the design phase
  • measuring what is happening in the field by enabling civil servants, citizens, and business operators to provide fact-based information and feedback
  • evaluating policy performance, reconciling quantitative and qualitative data, and allowing the implementation of a continuous-improvement approach to policy making and execution
  • opening data in raw, crunched, and reusable formats.

The continuing and thoroughgoing evolution taking place in public service is supported by a true data revolution, fueled by two powerful trends.

First, the already low cost of computing power continues to plummet, as does the cost
of data transportation, storage, and analysis. At the same time, software providers have rolled out analytics innovations such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, automated research, and visualization tools. These developments have made it possible for nearly every business and government to derive insights from large datasets.

Second, data volumes have increased exponentially. Every two years the volume of digitally generated data doubles, thanks to new sources of data and the adoption of digital tools.

To capture the full benefit of data, states need to deliver on four key imperatives:

  • Gain the confidence and buy-in of citizens and public leaders
  • Conduct a skills-and-competencies revolution
  • Fully redesign the way states operate
  • Deploy enabling technologies that ensure interoperability and the ability to handle massive data flows

Because data-specific skills are scarce, governments need to draw on their internal capabilities to advance this revolution. Civil servants are intimately familiar with their department’s or agency’s challenges and idiosyncrasies, and they are ideally positioned to drive improvements—provided they are equipped with the necessary digital and analytical skills. These can be developed through rotational, training, and coaching programs, with content targeted to different populations. The US is building the capabilities of its employees through its DigitalGov University, which every year trains 10,000 federal civil servants from across the government in digital and data skills.

More generally, governments should train and incentivize civil servants to embed data discovery and analytics processes in their workplaces. That means that all civil servants’ end-user computing platforms must feature data discovery and analytics tools.

governments must carry out a major cultural shift in order to break down silos and barriers. Such a transformed culture is characterized by a “test and learn” mind-set that believes “good enough is good to go.”

Cultures that facilitate governments’ data transformations are also characterized by
open, collaborative, and inclusive operating models for data generation and data usage. They facilitate the participation of public agencies, private-sector companies, start-ups, and society as a whole.

Notes from Guide to Subversive Organizations and Publications (and Appendixes): Revised (Including Index)

Guide to Subversive Organizations and Publications 

Below are legal definitions and examples of Subversive Organizations and Publications along with some historical background.


“For the guidance of the American people in detecting Communist-front organizations, we present the following criteria:

“1. Does the organization have Communist Party—members or those trusted by the Communist Party, In its posts of real power on its executive board, as secretary, organizer, educational director, editor, office staff?
“2. Are meetings of the organization addressed by Communists or their trusted agents? Does its publication include articles by such persons?
“3. Does the organization follow the Communist Party line?
“4. Does the organization cooperate with campaigns, activities, publications, of the Communist Party or other front organizations?
“5. Is the address of the organization in the same building with other front organizations or within the cooperating vicinity?
“6. Does the organization cooperate with Communist-controlled unions?
“7. Does the organization’s official publication reflect the line of the Communist Party, publish articles by pro-Communists, advertise Communist activities, or those of other front organizations or of Communist vacation resorts?
“8. Are questions injected into meetings or in official publications, which have more to do with the current policy of the Communist Party, than with the pro- fessed purposes of the organization?
“9. Are funds kicked back directly or indirectly to the Communist Party or to other front organizations?
“10. I sprinting do neat a Communist printing house?
“11. Does the organization use entertainers associated with pro-Communist organizations or entertainments?
“12. Does the organization receive favorable publicity in the Communist press?
“13. Is the organization uniformly loyal to the Soviet Union?

The line of the Communist Party on foreign policy is cited herewith. Its advocacy by an individual or organization, throughout all its variations, is a sound test of the loyalty and subservience of such an individual or organization to the Communist Party:

Communist cooperation is offered to socialists and capitalists, with a special pitch to the non-Communist governments and peoples of economically underdeveloped nations ; substituted for Hitler as the “main enemy” of the united front, however, are the “monopoly capitalists” allegedly ruling the United States and pursuing bellicose and imperialistic policies. The Communist “peace” propaganda slogan, “outlaw nuclear weapons,” is expanded to “total disarmament,” while the Soviet Union in practice steadfastly resists implementation of the slogans by rejecting all free-nation proposals for an effective system of armament inspection and control.

There has never been a change in one basic Communist purpose from 1918 to the present date, however—the eventual elimination of non-Communist governments and the establishment of world hegemony for the Soviet Union.

The first requisite for front organizations is an idealistic sounding title. Hundreds of such organizations have come into being and have gone out of existence when their true purposes have become known or exposed while others with high-sounding names are continually springing up.

There are easy tests to establish the real character of such organizations :
1. Does the group espouse the cause of Americanism or the cause of Soviet Russia?
2. Does the organization feature as speakers at its meetings known Communists, sympathizers, or fellow travelers ?
3. Does the organization shift when the party line shifts?
4. Does the organization sponsor causes, campaigns, literature, petitions, or other activities sponsored by the party or other front organizations?
5. Is the organization used as a sounding board by or is it endorsed by Com- munist-controlled labor unions?
6. Does Its literature follow the Communist line or is it printed by the Com- munist press?
7. Does the organization receive consistent favorable mention in Communist publications?
8. Doestheorganizationpresentitselftobenonpartisanyetengageinpolitical activities and consistently advocate causes favored by the Communists?
9. Does the organization denounce American and British foreign policy while always lauding Soviet policy?
10. Does the organization utilize Communist “double talk” by referring to Soviet-dominated countries as democracies, complaining that the United States is imperialistic and constantly denouncing monopoly-capital?
11. Have outstanding leaders in public life openly renounced affiliation with the organization?
12. Does the organization, if espousing liberal progressive causes, attract well- known honest patriotic liberals or does it denounce well-known liberals?
13. Does the organization have a consistent record of supporting the American viewpoint over the years?
14. Does the organization consider matters not directly related to its avowed purposes and objectives?

The value to the Communist Party of the front organization and a front’s operating techniques are described by Mr. Hoover as follows in his book, Masters of Deceit:
Fronts probably represent the Party’s most successful tactic in capturing non- communist support. Like mass agitation and Infiltration, fronts espouse the deceptive Party line (hence the term “front”) while actually advancing the real Party line. In this way the Party is able to influence thousands of noncommunists, collect large sums of money, and reach the minds, pens, and tongues of many high-ranking and distinguished individuals. Moreover, fronts are excellent fields for Party recruitment.

What are Fronts and Transmission Belts

A front is an organization which the communists openly or secretly control. The communists realize that they are not welcome in American society. Party influence, therefore, is transmitted, time after time, by a belt of concealed members, sympathizers, and dupes. Fronts become transmission belts between the Party,and the non-communist world. Earl Browder, when head of the Party, gave this definition : “Transmission belts mean having Communists work among the masses in the various organizations.”

The danger of a Party front rests not on its physical appearance or size but on its ability to deceive.


In 1950, Congress enacted a comprehensive Communist control law

knownastheInternalSecurityAct. This legislation, which is based largely upon the findings of fact and legislative recommendations of the Committee on Un-American Activities, contains certain registration and disclosure requirements aimed at countering the deceptive front operations of the Communist Party.

The Congress, adopting virtually the exact language proposed in a bill reported out by this committee, declared in the Internal Security Act:

As a result of evidence adduced before various committees of the Senate and House of Representatives, the Congress finds that

(4) The direction and control of the world Communist movement is vested In and exercised by the Communist dictatorship of a foreign country.

(5) The Communist dictatorship of such foreign country, in exercising such direction and control and in furthering the purposes of the world Communist movement, establishes or causes the establishment of, and utilizes, in various countries, action organizations which are not free and independent organisations, but are sections of a world-wide Communist organization and are controlled, directed, and subject to the discipline of the Communist dictatorship of such foreign country.

(6) The Communist action organizations so established and utilized in various countries, acting under such control, direction, and discipline, endeavor to carry out the objectives of the world Communist movement by bringing about the overthrow of existing governments by any available means, including force if necessary, and setting up Communist totalitarian dictatorships which will be subservient to the most powerful existing Communist totalitarian dictatorship.

(7) In carrying on the activities referred to in paragraph (6) of this section such Communist organizations in various countries are organized on a secret, conspiratorial basis and operate to a substantial extent through organizations, commonly known as “Communist fronts”, which in most instances are created and maintained, or used, in such manner as to conceal the facts as to their true character and purposes and their membership. One result of this method of operation is that such affiliated organizations are able to obtain financial and other support from persons who would not extend such support if they knew the true purposes of, and the actual nature of the control and influence exerted upon, such “Communist fronts”.

The Internal Security Act created the Subversive Activities Control Board, a quasi-judicial agency empowered upon petition from the United States Attorney General to hold public hearings and subpoena witnesses and documentary material for the purpose of determining whether an organization is a Communist-action or Communist-front organization. Judicial safeguards such as the right to present oral and documentary evidence and cross-examination are afforded the organization subject to such proceedings before the SACB. Once an organization has been found by the SACB to fall within either the Communist-action or Communist-front category, the organization is required to register as such with the Attorney General and submit annual reports with such information as its name and address, its officers, an accounting of all monies received and disbursed together with the sources of the funds and the purposes of expenditures.

(f) Determination of Communist-front organization; matters considered.

In determining whether any organization is a “Communist-front organization”, the Board shall take into consideration—
(1) the extent to which persons who are active in its management, direction, or supervision, whether or not holding office therein, are active in the management, direction, or supervision of, or as representatives of, any Communist-action organization, Communist foreign government, or the world Communist movement referred to in section 7S1 of this title; and
(2) the extent to which its support, financial or otherwise, is derived from any Communist-action organization. Communist foreign government, or the world communist movement referred to in section 781 of this title ; and
(3) the extent to which its funds, resources, or personnel are used to further or promote the objectives of any Communist-action organization, Communist foreign government, or the world Communist movement referred to in section 781 of this title; and
(4) the extent to which the positions taken or advanced by it from time to time on matters of policy do not deviate from those of any Communist- action organization. Communist foreign government, or the world Communist movement referred to in section 781 of this title.

On June 5, 1961, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the basic registration and disclosure provisions of the Internal Security Act, and sustained the SACB order requiring the Communist Party to register as a Communist-action organization.

An amendment to the Internal Security Act in 1954 added a third category of organizations covered by the Act, namely Communist- infiltrated organizations. Such an organization is defined as being “substantially directed, dominated, or controlled by an individual or individuals who are, or who within three years have been actively engaged in, giving aid or support to a Communist-action organization, a Communist foreign government or the world Communist movement”, and “is serving, or within three years has served, as a means
for (i) the giving of aid or support to any such organization, government, or movement, or (ii) the impairment of the military strength of the United States or its industrial capacity to furnish logistical or other material support required by its Armed Forces.”

Communist-infiltrated organizations are not required to “register” under the Act, but they are required to label their publications and mail in interstate or foreign commerce and to identify themselves in radio or television broadcasts sponsored by them; they are also deprived of certain tax exemption benefits and benefits under the National Labor Relations Act.

The Guide lists a total of 663 organizations or projects and 122 publications cited as Communist or Communist front by Federal Agencies; and 155 organizations and 25 publications cited as Communist or Communist front by State or Territorial investigating committees.

This edition of the Guide contains the names of 200 organizations and projects and 44 publications which have been characterized as Communist or Communist front by Federal authorities, but which have not appeared in previous editions of the Guide.

The committee has ascertained that a Communist front is an organization or publication created or captured by the Communists to do the party’s work in areas where an openly Communist project would be unwelcome. Because subterfuge often makes it difficult to recognize its true nature, the Communist front has become an important weapon of communism in this country. A Communist front, for example, may camouflage its true purposes behind such moral and human appeals as “peace” and “civil rights” while serving the aims of the Communist Party and the Soviet Union.

Similar efforts to create what Communists called a “united front” with non-Communists occurred in the mid-1930’s as a direct result of the Soviet Union’s fear of the rising power of the Fascist dictatorships. A multitude of Communist fronts flourished in the United States in that period because thousands of dupes were lulled by the Communists’ siren song of friendship. Many of the organizations which operated at that time are listed in this compilation.

The current “united front” strategy was decreed by the post-Stalin “collective leadership” of the Soviet Union and continued by Nikita Khrushchev when he inherited Josef Stalin’s mantle as supreme Soviet dictator. The united front was one of a number of new strategies
adopted to meet the exigencies of the post-Stalin Soviet leadership.

In listing Communist and Communist-front organizations and publications, the committee has relied upon the characterization which was made by the Federal or State authority originally making the declaration.


Abolish Peonage Committee
Abraham Lincoln Brigade or Battalion. (See international Brigades, Fifteenth.)
Abraham Lincoln School (Chicago)
Academic and Civil Rights Committee
Academic and Civil Rights Council of California
Action Committee To Free Spain Now
Actors’ Laboratory
Actors’ Laboratory Theatre
Adolph Larson-Ruby Hynes Defense Committee
Alabama People’s Educational Association. (See entry under Communist Political Association.)
Albanian-American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
Alex Bittelman Defense Committee
A 11- America Anti-Imperialist League
All-California Conference for Defense of Civil Rights and Aid to Labor’s Prisoners
Allied Labor News (Service)
Almanac Singers
Ambijan Committee for Emergency Aid to the Soviet Union American Association for Reconstruction in Yugoslavia, Inc American Branch of the Federation of Greek Maritime Unions.
under Maritime Unions, Federation of Greek.)
American Christian Nationalist Party
American Committee for a Free Indonesia
American Committee for a Free Yugoslavia, The
American Committee for a Korean People’s Party
American Committee for Chinese War Orphans
American Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Freedom
American Committee for European Workers’ Relief (see also Socialist Workers’ Party)
American Committee for Friendship With the Soviet Union American Committee for Indonesian Independence American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
National Conference of Defense Committees, June 1955 (New York)
American Committee for Russian Famine Relief (Los Angeles and San Francisco)
American Committee for Spanish Freedom
American Committee for Struggle Against War (see also World Congress Against War)
Americans of South Slavic Descent
American Committee in Aid of Chinese Industrial Cooperatives
American Committee To Aid Korean Federation of Trade Unions (San Francisco)
American Committee for the Settlement of Jews in Birobidjan, Inc
American Committee for Yugoslav Relief, Inc
American Committee for Yugoslav Relief of the War Relief Fund
American Committee To Aid Soviet Russia
American Committee To Save Refugees
American Committee To Survey Labor Conditions in Europe
American Committee To Survey Trade Union Conditions in Europe
American Continental Congress for Peace (September5-10,1949, Mexico Page City, Mexico)
Committee for United States Participation in the American Continental Congress for Peace
American Council for a Democratic Greece American Council, Institute of Pacific Relations.
American Council on Soviet Relations
American Croatian Congress
American Federation for Political Unity
American Federation of Labor (AFL)
American Federation of Labor Trade Union Committee for Unemployment
Insurance and Relief
American Friends of Spanish Democracy American Friends of the Chinese People
American Friends of the Mexican People American Friends of the Spanish People
American Fund for Public Service (Garland Fund)
American Jewish Labor Council
American Labor Alliance (see also Communist Labor Party of America; Communist Party of America; Communist Party of the United States of America; Communist Political Association; United Communist Party of America; Workers (Communist) Party of America; Workers Party of America)
American Labor Party
American League Against War and Fascism
United States Congress Against War (First Congress of the American League Against War and Fascism, September 30 to October 1, 1933, New York City)
American League for Peace and Democracy (see also China Aid Council, National People’s Committee Against Hearst)
American National Labor Party
American National Socialist League
American National Socialist Party
American Nationalist Party
American Negro Labor Congress
American Patriots
American People’s Congress and Exposition for Peace, June 29-July 1,1951 (Chicago) 27 Colorado Peace Council
Delegates’ National Assembly for Peace, April 1, 1952 (Washington, D.C.)
American Lithuanian Workers Literary Association (also known as Amerikos Lietuviu Darbininku Literaturos Draugija)
American Peace Appeal
American Peace Crusade (organized in 1951)
American Peace Mobilization (see also Washington Peace Mobilization)
American People’s Meeting, April 5-6, 1941 (New York City)
American People’s Congress and Exposition for Peace, June 29-JuIy 1, 1951 (Chicago, 111.). (See entry under American Peace Crusade.)
American People’s Fund
American People’s Meeting. (See entry under American Peace Mobilization.)
American People’s Mobilization
American Poles for Peace
American-Polish Committee for Protection of Foreign Born (see also
Polish- American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born) American Polish Labor Council
American Polish League
American Relief Ship for Spain
American Rescue Ship Mission
American-Rumanian Film Corp
American-Russian Fraternal Society (IWO)
American Russian Institute (for Cultural Relations with the Soviet Union):
American Serbian Committee for Relief of War Orphans in Yugoslavia
American-Russian Trading Corp. (Amtorg)
American Slav Congress
American Society for Cultural Relations with Russia
American Society for Technical Aid to Spanish Democracy
American-Soviet Science Societjes
American Sponsoring Committee for Representation at the Second World
Peace Congress. (See entrv under World Peace Congress, Second, November 13, 1950, Sheffield, England.)
American Student Union
American Students Repudiate Aggression in Korea
American Technical Aid Society
American Unitarian Association
American Veterans for Peace (see also Veterans for Peace)
American Women for Peace
American Workers’ Party (December 1933-December 1934)..
American Writers Congresses. (<See entries under League of American Writers.)
American Youth Congress American Youth for a Free World American Youth for Democracy
American Youth Peace Crusade
American-Yugoslav Committee for Protection of Foreign Born (Pittsburgh, Pa.).
Americans of Croatian Descent, National Council. (See National Council of Americans of Croatian Descent.)
Amerikos Lietuviu Darbininku Lieraturos Draugija. (See American Lithuanian Workers Literary Association.)
Amtorg Trading Corp. (See American-Russian Trading Corp.)
AndrulisDefenseCommittee. (SeeVincentAndrulisDefenseCommittee.)
Angelo Herndon Defense Committee
Armenian Progressive League of America Artists and Writers Guild…
Artists’ Front To Win the War
Artists Union
Arts, Sciences, and Professions Council. (See National Council of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions, Southern California Chapter.)
Asociacion Nacional Mexicana-Americana. (See National Association of Mexican- Americans.)
Associated Film Audiences

Association of Democratic Journalists. (See International Organization of Journalists.)
Association of German Nationals (Reichsdeutsche Vereinigung) Association of Interns and Medical Students
Association of Lithuanian Workers
Ausland-Organization der NSDAP (overseas branch of Nazi Party)


Baltimore County Committee for Peace Baltimore Forum
Baltimore Youth for Peace
Bay Area Committee To Save the Rosenbergs. (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
Bay Area Rosenberg-Sobell Committee. (See entry under National Rosenberg-Sobell Committee.)
Bay Cities Committee for Protection of Foreign Born Benjamin Davis Freedom Committee
Black Dragon Society
Book Union
Boston Committee To Secure Clemency for the Rosenbergs. (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
Boston Freedom of the Press Committee. (See entry under National Committee for Freedom of the Press.)
Comittee for Harry Bridges
Citizens’ Victory Committee for Harry Bridges,
Harry Bridges Defense Committee, Harry Bridges Victory Committee.
Briehl’s Farm (near Wallkill, N.Y.)
Bronx Victory Labor Committee
Brooklyn College, Karl Marx Society
Brookwood Labor College (Katonah, N.Y.)
Bulgarian-American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
Bulgarian-American People’s League of the United States of America


CIO. (See Congress of Industrial Organizations.)
California Committee for Political Unity 209 California Conference for Democratic Action (also known as Conference
for Democratic Action)
California Emergency Defense Committee
[California] Federation for Political Unity
California Joint Fact-Finding Committee on Un-American Activities
California Labor School, Inc
Boston Labor Conference for Peace
Boston School for Marxist Studies (Boston, Mass.)
Boston School of Social Science
Bridges-Robertson-Schmidt Defense Committee
Southern California Labor School, Inc. (Los Angeles Division)
California Legislative Conference
California Senate Fact-Finding Committee on Un-American Activities
California Senate Fact-Finding Subcommittee on Un-American Activities.
[California] State-Wide Civil Rights Conference
[California] State-Wide Legislative Conferences
California Youth Legislature (see also Model Youth Legislature of Northern California)
Cambridge Youth Council
Camp Arcadia
Camp Beacon (New York State)
Camp Kinderland (Hopewell Junction, N.Y.)
Camp Lakeland (Hopewell Junction, N.Y.)
Camp Timberline (Jewett, N.Y.)
Camp Unity (Wingdale, N.Y.)
Camp Woodland (Phoenicia, N.Y.)
Carpatho-Russian Peoples Society (I WO)
Central Council of American Croatian Women (See Central Council of American Women of Croatian Descent.)
Central Council of American Women of Croatian Descent
Central Japanese Association (Beikoku Chuo Nipponjin Kai)
Central Japanese Association of Southern California
Central Organization of the German-American National Alliance
Cervantes Fraternal Society (IWO)
Charles Doyle Defense Committee
Charles Rowoldt Defense Committee
Chelsea Jewish Children’s School (Massachusetts)
Chicago Committee for Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact.
Chicago Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case. (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
Chicago Greek Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
Chicago Jewish Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
Chicago Labor Defense Committee
Chicago Sobell Committee. (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice for Morton Sobell in the Rosenberg Case.)
China Aid Council
China Welfare Appeal, Inc.
Chinese Cultural Cabaret
Chinese Democratic Youth Chorus
Chinese Workers Mutual Aid Association
Chopin Cultural Center
Citizens Committee for Better Education
Citizens Committee for Constitutional Liberties (New York City)
Citizens’ Committee for Harry Bridges (see also Bridges- Robertson-Schmidt Defense Committee, Citizens’ Victory Committee for Harry Bridges,
Harrv Bridges Defense Committee, Harry Bridges Victory Committee).
Citizens’ Committee for the Defense of Mexican-American Youth
Citizens’ Committee for the Motion Picture Strikers
Citizens’ Committee for the Recall of Councilman McCianahan (13th Los Angeles District)
Citizens’ Committee of the Upper West Side (New York City)
Citizens’ Committee To Aid Locked-out Hearst Employees (Los Angeles)
Citizens’ Committee To Free Earl Browder
National Free Browder Congress
Citizens Committee To Preserve American Freedoms
Citizens’ Committee To Support Labor’s Rights
Citizens Emergency Defense Conference
Citizens Protective League
Citizens’ Victory Committee for Harry Bridges. (See also Bridges-Robertson-Schmidt Defense Committee, Citizens’ Committee for Harry Bridges, Harry Bridges Defense Committee, Harry Bridges Victory Committee)
City Action Committee Against the High Cost of Living
Civil Rights Congress. (See also Hawaii Civil Liberties Committee)
Veterans Against Discrimination of Civil Rights Congress of New York
Civil Rights Congress Bail Funds. (See entry under Civil Rights Congress)
City College of the City of New York Marxist Study Club
Civil Liberties Sponsoring Committee of Pittsburgh
Civil Rights Council of Northern California. (See entry under National Federation for Constitutional Liberties.)
Civil Rights Division of Mobilization for Democracy
Colorado Committee To Protect Civil Liberties
Colorado Peace Council. (See entry under American Peace Crusade.)
Columbus Peace Association
Cominform. (See Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers’ Parties.)
Comintern. (See International)
Comite Coordinador pro Republica Espanola
Comite Pro Derechos Civiles. (See Puerto Rican Comite Pro Libertades Civiles.)
Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy
National Conference on American Policy in China and the Far East
Civil Rights Federation (Michigan)
Clatsop County Committee for Protection of Foreign Born (Oregon) Claudia Jones Defense Committee
Cleveland Committee To Secure Clemency for the Rosenbergs. (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg
Committee for Citizenship Rights
Committee for Civil Rights for Communists
Committee for Concerted Peace Efforts (see also American League for Peace and Democracy)
Committee for Constitutional and Political Freedom
Committee for Defense of Four of Oregon’s Foreign Born. (See Committee for Protection of Oregon’s Foreign Born.)
Committee for Defense of Greek-Americans
Committee for Defense of Martin Karasek (Bittendorf, Iowa)
Committee for Defense of Morning Freiheit Writers
Committee for Defense of Public Education
Committee for International Student Cooperation (144 Bleecker Street, New York, N.Y.)
Committee for Justice
Committee for May Day. (See United May Day Committee.) Committee for Nationalist Action
Committee for Peace and Brotherhood Festival in Philadelphia Committee for Peace Through World Cooperation
Committee for Peace Week-End
Committee for Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact (see also Conference for Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact; Continuations Committee of the Conference for Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact; Northern California Committee for Peaceful Alternatives )
Mid-Century Conference for Peace, May 29-30, 1950 (Chicago)
Committee for Protection of Oregon’s Foreign Born 50, 51
Committee for Repeal of the Walter-McCarran Law and the Defense of
Sam and Fanny Manewitz 51, 55, 147
Committee for the Defense of Eulalia Figueiredo (New Bedford, Mass.)
Committee for the Defense of Henry Podolski. (See Committee in Defense of Henry Podolski.)
Committee for the Defense of Mexican-American Youth. (See Citizens Committee for the Defense of Mexican-American Youth.)
Committee for the Defense of the Pittsburgh Six Committee for the First Amendment
Committee for the Freedom of Martin Young
Committee for the Freedom of Sam Milgrom
Committee for the Negro in the Arts
Committee for the Protection of the Bill of Rights
Committee for United States Participation in the American Continental
Congress for Peace. (See entry under American Continental Congress for Peace.)
Committee for World Youth Friendship and Cultural Exchange
Committee in Defense of Henry Podolski
Committee of One Thousand
Committee of Philadelphia Women for Peace
Committee of Professional Groups for Browder and Ford
Committee on Election Rights
Committee To Abolish Discrimination in Maryland (see also Congress ‘ Against Discrimination
Maryland Congress Against Discrimination, Provisional Committee To Abolish Discrimination in the State of Maryland)
Committee To End Sedition Laws
Committee To Protect Joseph Mankin’s Citizenship
Committee To Repeal the Walter-McCarran Law and Stop Deportation
of Sam and Fanny Manewitz
Committee To Repeal the Walter-McCarran Law and To Protect the Foreign Born
Committee To Aid the Fighting South
Committee To Defend America by Keeping Out of War
Committee To Defend Angelo Herndon
Committee To Defend Chungsoon and Choon Cha Kwak
Committee To Defend Hazel Wolf
Committee To Defend Lincoln Veterans
Committee To Defend Marie Richardson
Committee To Defend Mike Daniels
Committee To Defend Toma Babin
Committee To Defend the Rights and Freedom of Pittsburgh’s Political Prisoners
Committee To Save the Life of John Juhn
Committee To Uphold the Bill of Rights
Commonwealth College (Mena, Ark.)
Communist Information Bureau. (See Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers’ Parties; Cominform.)
Communist International (COMINTERN). (See International III.)
Communist Labor Party of America (September 1919 to May 1920)
(see also:
American Labor Alliance;
Communist Party of America;
Communist Party of the United States of America;
Communist Political Association;
United Communist Party of America
Workers (Communist) Party of America
Workers Party of America) Communist League of America (Opposition)
Communist League of Struggle
Communist Party, U.S.A. (Majority Group)
Communist Party, U.S.A. (Opposition)
Communist Party of America (September 1919 to April 1923)
(see also
American Labor Alliance
Communist Labor Party of America;
Communist Party of the United States of America
Communist Political Association;
United Communist Party of America
Workers (Communist) Party of America;
Workers Party of America)
Communist Party of Panama (See Partido Del Pueblo of Panama.)
Communist Party of the United States of America

Communist Political Association (May 1944 to July 1945) (see also Ameri- can Labor Alliance; Communist Labor Party of America; Communist Party of America; Communist Party of the United States of America; United Communist Party of America; Workers (Communist) Party of
America; Workers Party of America)
Alabama People’s Educational Association
Florida Press and Educational League
Oklahoma League for Political Education
People’s Educational and Press Association of Texas Virginia League for People’s Education
Community Unitarian Fellowship
Conference for Democratic Action. {See California Conference for
Democratic Action.)
Conference for Legislation in the National Interest, April 7, 1956 (New York City)
Conference for Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact {see also Com-
mittee for Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact; Continuations
Committee of the Conference for Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic
Conference for Progressive Labor Action
Conference for Social Legislation, January 16, 1938, and March 27, 1938
(Boston, Mass.)
Conference on Constitutional Liberties in America. (See entry under
National Federation for Constitutional Liberties.)
Conference on Pan-American Democracy {see also Council for Pan-
American Democracy)
Congress Against Discrimination (see also Committee to Abolish Discrimi-
nation in Maryland)
Congress (First) of the Mexican and Spanish-American Peoples of the
United States
Congress of American Revolutionary Writers. (See League of American Writers, First American Writers Congress.)
Congress of American Soviet Friendship. (See entry under National Council of American-Soviet Friendship.)
Congress of American Women
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) Political Action Committee
Territorial CIO Political Action Committee
Congress of the Unemployed
Connecticut Committee To Aid Victims of the Smith Act Connecticut State Youth Conference
Connecticut Volunteers for Civil Rights
Consumers’ National Federation
Contemporary Theatre (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Continuations Committee of the Conference on Peaceful Alternatives to
the Atlantic Pact (see also Conference for Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact; Committee for Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact; Northern California Committee for Peaceful Alternatives)
Coordinating Committee To Lift the (Spanish) Embargo
Coordination Committee of Jewish Landsmanschaften and Fraternal Organizations. (See United Committee of Jewish Societies and Landsmanschaft Federations.)
Council for Jobs, Relief and Housing
Council for Pan-American Democracy (see also Conference on Pan-American Democracy)
Council of Greek Americans
Council of United States Veterans
Council of Young Southerners
Council on African Affairs
Croatian-American National Council. (See National Council of Americans of Croatian Descent.)
Croatian Benevolent Fraternity (of America) (IWO)
Croatian Educational Club
Cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace. (See entry under National Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions.)
Czechoslovak Committee for Protection of Foreign Born


Dai Nippon Butoku Kai (Military Virtue Society of Japan or Military
Art Society of Japan)
Daily Worker Press Club
Daniels Defense Committee (North Carolina)
Dante Alighieri Society
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR)
Defense Committee for Eugene Dennis. (See (Eugene) Dennis Defense Committee.)
Defense Committee for Gerhardt Eisler. (See (Gerhardt) Eisler Defense Committee.)
Defense Committee for Victims of the Ohio Un-American Activities Commission
Delegates National Assembly for Peace, April 1, 1952 (Washington, D.C.).
(See entry under American Peace Crusade.)
Dennis Defense Committee. (See(Eugene) Dennis Defense Committee.)
Denver Peace Council. (See entry under American Peace Crusade.)
Descendants of the American Revolution
Detroit Bill of Rights Defense Committee
Detroit Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
Detroit Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.
(See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
Detroit Youth Assembly
Deutsche-AmerikanischeBerufsgemeinschaft. (See German-American Vocational League.)
Dora Coleman Defense Committee
Down River Citizens Committee (Detroit, Mich.)
Downtown Club (Los Angeles)
Downtown Forum


East Bay Arts, Sciences, and Professions Council. (See entry under National Council of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions.)
East Bay Civil Rights Congress
East Bay Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
East Bay Committee To Save the Rosenbergs. (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
East Bay Community Forum
East Bay Peace Committee (Oakland, Calif.) East Bay Youth Cultural Center
East Harlem Women for Peace
East Los Angeles Defense Committee
East Meadow and Westbury Rosenberg Committee. (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
East Side Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
Eisler (Gerhardt) Defense Committee. {See (Gerhardt) Eisler Defense Committee.)
Elizalde Antidiscrimination Committee
Elsinore Progressive League
Emergency Civil Liberties Committee
Emergency Committee of the Arts and Professions To Secure Clemency for the Rosenbergs.
Emergency Conference To Aid the Spanish Republic 70 Emergency Conference To Halt the Blackout of Civil Liberties in California
Emergency Conference To Save Spanish Refugees
Emergency Peace Mobilization
Emergency Trade Union Conference To Aid Spanish Democracy
Emil Rabin Institute. {See Marxist Institute, Oakland, Calif.)
Emory Collier Defense Committee
Estonian Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
Estonian Women’s Club (Massachusetts)
Estonian Workers’ Clubs
Ethel Linn Defense Committee for the Repeal of the McCarran-Walter Act
Ethiopian Defense Committee
(Eugene) Dennis Defense Committee
Everybody’s Committee To Outlaw War
Exiled Writers Committee of the League of American Writers


Faculty of Social Science
Falange. (»See Spanish Fascist Party.)
Families of the Baltimore Smith Act Victims
Families of the Smith Act Victims
Farm Research
Federated Press
Federation of Greek Maritime Unions.
of Greek, American Branch.)
Federation of Italian War Veterans in the U.S.A., Inc. (Associazione Nazionale Combattenti Italiani, Federazione degli Stati Uniti d’America)
Ferdinand Smith Defense Committee Festus Coleman Committee
Film and Photo League
Film Audiences for Democracy Films for Democracy
Finnish American Freedom Committee Finnish-American Mutual Aid Society (IWO)
Finnish Federation
Finnish Women’s Clubs (of Massachusetts)
Finnish Workers’ Clubs
First Congress of the Mexican and Spanish-American Peoples of the United States. {See Congress (First) of the Mexican and Spanish-American Peoples of the United States.)
First Unitarian Church (San Diego). {See Unitarian Church, First.) First World Congress of the Defenders of Peace. {See World Peace Congress.)
First World Congress of the Partisans of Peace. {See World Peace Congress.)
First World Peace Congress. {See World Peace Congress.)
First World Student Congress. {See World Student Congress.)
Florida Press and Educational League. {See entry under Communist Political Association.)
Francis Vivian Defense Committee
Frank Ibanez Defense Committee
Frank Spector Defense Committee
Frederick Douglass Educational Center (New York City)
Free Italy Society
Freedom From Fear Committee
Freedom of the Press Committee. (See National Committee for Freedom of the Press.)
Freedom of the Press Committee Against Deportation
Freedom Stage, Inc
Friends and Neighbors of David Hyun
Friends of Chinese Democracy
Friends of Diamond Kimm
Friends of Freedom
Friends of Soviet Russia (see also Friends of the Soviet Union)
Friends of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade
Friends of the Campus
Friends of the New Germany (Freunde des Neuen Deutschlands)
Friends of the Soviet Union (see also American Technical Aid Society; and American Committee for Friendship With the Soviet Union)
Frontier Bookstore (Seattle, Wash.)
Frontier Films
Fund for Social Analysis, The
Fur and Leather Workers Union, International


German-American Republican League
German-American Vocational League (Deutsche-Amerikanische Berufsgemeinschaft)
Galena Defense Committee (Galena, N.C.)
Garibaldi American Fraternal Society (IWO)
GarlandFund. (See American Fund for Pubic Service.)
Gates Defense Committee. {See Mike Gates Defense Committee.)
George Washington Carver School
Georgia Peace Council. (See entry under American Peace Crusade.)
(Gerhardt) Eisler Defense Committee
German-American Bund (Amerikadeutscher Volksbund)
German-American National Alliance, Central Organization of (Deutsche-
Gosman Fabian Defense Committee
Great Neck Rosenberg Committee. (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
Greater New York Committee for Employment
Greater New York Emergency Conference on Inalienable Rights (see also New York Conference for Inalienable Rights)
Greek-American Committee for Defense of Peter Harisiades
Greek-American Committee for National Unity
Greek-American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born (Detroit)
Greek-American Council
Greek-American Defense Committee (Detroit, Mich.)
Greek Committee for Defense of Peter Harisiades
Guardian Club.
Gus Polites Defense Committee


H.O.G. (Armenian Group)
Harbor Committee for Protection of Foreign Born.
Harlem Trade Union Council
Harlem Youth Congress
Harry Bridges Defense Committee (see also Bridges-Robertson-Schmidt Defense Committee, Citizens’ Committee for Harry Bridges, Citizens’ Victory Committee for Harry Bridges, Harry Bridges Victory Committee)
Harry Bridges Victory Committee (see also Bridges-Robertsonbchmidt
Defense Committee, Citizens’ Committee for Harry Bridges, Citizens Victory for Harry Bridges, Harry Bridges Defense Committee).
Hawaii Civil Liberties Committee
Hawaii Civil Rights Congress. (See entry under Civil Rights Congress.)
Hawaii Commission on Subversive Activities

Hawaii Committee for Smith Act Defendants. 215
Heimuska Kai, also known as Nokubei Heieki Gimusha Kai, Zaibel Nihonjin, Heiyaku Gimusha Kai, and Zaibei Heimusha Kai (Japanese residing in America, Military Conscripts Association)
Hellenic-American Brotherhood (IWO)
Hempstead Rosenberg Committee. (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
Henry Holt & Co
Henry Steinberg Defense Committee
Herndon Defense Committee. (See Angelo Herndon Defense Committee.)
Hinode Kai (Japanese Imperialist Reservists)
Hinomaru Kai (Rising Sun Flag Society a group of Japanese War Veterans)
Hokubei Zaigo Shoke Dan (North American Reserve Officers Association)
Hold the Price Line Committee
Hollywood Actors’ Laboratory School. (See Actors’ Laboratory Theater)
Hollywood Anti-Nazi League
Hollywood Arts, Sciences and Professions Council. (See National Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions, Southern California Chapter.)
Hollywood Community Radio Group, Inc
Hollywood Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions. (See National Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions, Southern California Chapter)
Hollywood Democratic Committee
Hollywood Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts and Sciences
Professions. (See entry under Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions.)
Hollywood League Against Naziism. (See Hollywood Anti-Nazi League)
Hollywood League for Democratic Action
Hollywood Mooney Defense Committee
Hollywood Motion Picture Democratic Committee
Hollywood Peace Forum
Hollywood Theater Alliance
Hollywood Writers Mobilization for Defense
Holyoke Book Shop
Honolulu Chapter, Inter-Professional Association
Honolulu Forum
Honolulu Record Publishing Co
Housewives Price Protest Committee. (See Housewives Protest Committee (Pittsburgh, Pa.).)
Housewives Protest Committee (Pittsburgh, Pa.)
Hungarian-American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
Hungarian-American Council for Democracy
Hungarian-American Defense Committee
Hungarian Brotherhood (IWO)
Hungarian Defense Committee


Ida Gottesman Defense Committee
Idaho Pension Union
Illinois Assembly of the American Peace Crusade. (See American Peace Crusade, Illinois Chapter.)
Illinois Chapter of the American Peace Crusade. (See entry under American Peace Crusade.)
Illinois Council of the American Peace Crusade. (See American Peace – Crusade, Illinois Chapter.)
Illinois People’s Conference for Legislative Action 84 ILWU Book Club (San Francisco and Honolulu). (See entry under
Longshoremen’s Warehousemen’s Union, International.)
Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions
Hollywood Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions
Independent Communist Labor League of America Independent Labor League of America
Independent Party (Seattle, Wash.) (see also Independent People’s Party)
Independent People’s Party (see also Independent Party)
Independent Progressive Party (California) . (See Progressive Party, California.)
Independent Socialist League (see also Workers Party, 1940-1948)
Independent Voters League (Pittsburgh, Pa.)
INDUSCO, Inc. (See American Committee in Aid of Chinese Industrial Cooperatives.)
Industrial Workers of the World
Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers’ Parties (Communist Information Bureau) (Cominform)
Institute of Marxist Studies (See entry under Jefferson School of Social Science.)
Institute of Pacific Relations
Intercontinent News Service
Inter-Professional Association, Honolulu chapter
International, III (Communist) (also known as Comintern and International Workers’ Association)
Seventh World Congress, July 25 to August 20, 1935 (Moscow)
International Association of Democratic Lawyers
International Book Shop (Boston, Mass.)
International Book Store, Inc. (San Francisco, Calif.)
International Brigades (in the Spanish Civil War) (see also Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade). Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth (also known as Abraham Lincoln Brigade or Battalion, George Washington Battalion, MacKenzie-Papineau Battalion)
International Committee of Intellectuals for Peace. (See International Committee of Intellectuals in Defense of Peace.)
International Committee of Intellectuals in Defense of Peace ‘ (see also World Congress of Intellectuals) International Democratic Women’s Federation. (See Women’s International Democratic Federation.)
International Juridical Association .
International Labor Defense (see also Galena Defense Committee, Trade Union Advisory Committee)
International Liaison Committee of Intellectuals for Peace. (See International Committee of Intellectuals in Defense of Peace.)
International Music Bureau
International Organization of Democratic Journalists.
Organization of Journalists.
International Organization of Journalists
International Publishers Council
International Red Aid (MOPR) (also referred to as Red International of Labor Defense)
International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations. (See Institute of Pacific Relations.)
International Union of Students (lUS) (see also World Youth Festivals)
International Preparatorv Committee
First World Student Congress, August 1946 (Prague)
Second World Student Congress, August 14-28, 1950 (Prague)


M.O.P.R. (See International Red Aid)
Macedonian-American People’s League
Manhattan Citizens Committee
Manhattan Clemency Committee. (See National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case, Manhattan Committee To Serve Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
Manhattan Committee To Serve Justice in the Rosenberg Case. (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
Marie Kratochvil Defense Committee
Marine Workers Industrial Union
Mario Morgantini Circle
Maritime Book Shop (San Francisco)
Maritime Labor Committee To Defend Al Lannon
Maritime Unions, Federation of Greek, American Branch
Marshall Foundation. (See Robert Marshall Foundations)
Martinsville Seven Committee
Marxist Forums (New York).
Marxist Institute. (See Jefferson School of Social Science, Institute of Marxist Studies.)
Marxist Institute (Oakland, Calif.)
Marxist Study Club of the City College of New York. (City College of the City of New York.)
Maryland Committee for Peace
Maryland Congress Against Discrimination {see also Committee to Abolish
Discrimination in Maryland)
Massachusetts Action Committee for Peace
Massachusetts Committee for the Bill of Rights
Massachusetts Committee to Curb Communism
Massachusetts Minute Women for Peace ‘
Massachusetts Peace Council
Massachusetts Special Commission on Communism, Subversive Activities
and Related Matters Within the Commonwealth
Massachusetts Special Commission To Investigate the Activities Within this Commonwealth of Communistic, Fascist, Nazi and Other Subversive Organizations
Massachusetts Youth Council
Maurice Braverman Defense Committee
May Day Committees (See United May Day Committee, United May Day Conference.)
May Day Parade (see also United May Day Committee, United May Day Conference)
Medical Bureau and North American Committee To Aid Spanish Democracy
Michael Salerno Defense Committee
Michigan Civil Rights Federation. (See Civil Rights Federation, Michigan.)
Michigan Committee for Protection of Foreign Born..
Medical Bureau To Aid Spanish Democracy Memorial Day Youth Parade (1938)
Merrick Rosenberg Committee
Methodist Federation for Social Action Metropolitan Music School, Inc
Mexican and Spanish-American Peoples Congress. (See Congress (First) of the Mexican and Spanish-American Peoples of the United States.)
Michigan Committee for Peace
Michigan Council for Peace
Michigan Labor Committee for Peace
Michigan School of Social Science
Mid-Century Conference for Peace. (See entry under Committee for Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact.)
Midwest Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
Mike Gates Defense Committee
Milwaukee Committee in the Rosenberg-Sobell Case. (See entry under National Rosenberg-Sobell Committee.)
Milwaukee Provisional Committee To Commute the Death Sentence of the Rosenbergs. (See National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case, Provisional Committee To Commute the Death Sentence of the Rosenbergs, Milwaukee.)
Mimi Kagan Dance Group
Minneapolis Chapter of the American Peace Crusade. (See American Peace Crusade, Minneapolis Council for Peace.)
Minneapolis Civil Rights Committee
Minneapolis Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
Minneapolis Council for Peace. (See entry under American Peace Crusade.)
Minneapolis Joint Committee Against Deportation
Minnesota Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
Minute Women for Peace
Mobilization for Democracy
Model Youth Legislature of Northern California (also referred to as Second Annual California Model Legislature) Modern Book Shop (California)
Modern Book Store (Chicago, 111.)
Modesto Defense Committee
Morning Freiheit Association
(Morris) Schappes Defense Committee
Moses Resnikoff Defense Committee
Motion Picture Artists’ Committee
Motion Picture Democratic Committee. (See Hollywood Motion Picture Democratic Committee.)
Murray Defense Committee
Musicians Committee To Secure Clemency for the Rosenbergs. (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
Musicians Congress Committee
Musicians’ Democratic Committee
Musicians’ Open Forum
Musicians, American Federation of, Local 47


Nanka Teikoku Gunyudan (Imperial Military Friends Group or Southern California War Veterans) National Assembly Against UMT
National Assembly for Democratic Rights, September 2 (New York City)
National Association of Mexican-Americans (also known as the Nacional Mexicana-Americana or ANMA)
National Committee To Abolish the Un-American Activities Committee
National Committee To Defeat the Mundt Bill
National Committee To Repeal the McCarran Act
National Blue Star Mothers of America
National Citizens Political Action Committee
National Civil Rights Federation
National Committee for Freedom of the Press Boston Freedom of the Press Committee
National Committee for People’s Rights
National Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners
National Committee To Secure Justice for Morton Sobell in the Rosenberg Case
National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case
National Committee To Win Amnesty for Smith Act Victims
National Committee To Win the Peace National Conference of Defense Committees (See entry under American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born.)
National Conference on American Policy in China and the Far East. (See entry under Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy.)
National Congress for Unemployment and Social Insurance, January 5-7, 1935 (Washington, D.C.)
National Council of American-Soviet Friendship (see also American-Soviet Science Society)
Congress of American-Soviet Friendship, Nov. 7-8, 1942 (New York City)
National Council of Americans of Croatian Descent (also known as Croatian American National Council)
National Council of Croatian Women. (See Central Council of American Women of Croatian Descent.)
National Council of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions

National Delegates Assembly for Peace. (See American Peace Crusade, Delegates’ National Assembly for Peace, April 1, 1952 (Washington,
D.C.) Page
National Emergency Committee To Stop Lynching
National Emergency Conference
National Emergency Conference for Democratic Rights
National Federation for Constitutional Liberties
Civil Rights Council of Northern California
Conference on Constitutional Liberties in America, June 7-9, 1940 (Washington, D.C.)
Oklahoma Federation for Constitutional Rights
Washington Committee for Democratic Action (District of Columbia) .
National Free Browder Congress. (See entry under Citizens’ Committee To Free Earl Browder.)
National Labor Committee for Clemency for the Rosenbergs. (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
National Labor Conference for Peace
National Lawyers’ Guild
National Negro Congress
National Negro Labor Congress
National Negro Labor Council
National Women’s Appeal for the Rights of Foreign Born Americans
Los Angeles
National People’s Committee Against Hearst National Rosenberg-Sobell Committee
Bay Area Rosenberg-Sobell Committee
Milwaukee Committee in the Rosenberg-Sobell Case Northern California Rosenberg-Sobell Defense Committee Philadelphia Rosenberg-Sobell Committee
Provisional Western Regional Sobell Committee._
San Francisco Rosenberg-Sobell Committee
National Student League
Nationalist Action League
Nationalist Party of Puerto Rico
Nationality Committee of Western Pennsylvania
Nature Friends of America
Needle Trades Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
Negro Labor Victory Committee
Negro People’s Committee To Aid Spanish Democracy
Neighbors Committee for Defense of Peter Harisiades and Anna Taffler
Neighbors Committee To Defend Benjamin Saltzman
New Bedford Committee To Fight Unemployment (Massachusetts)
New Bedford Peace Committee
New Bedford Surplus Committee. (See New Bedford Committee To Fight Unemployment.)
New Century Publishers
New Committee for Publications
New England Citizens Concerned for Peace
New England Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
New England Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners
New England Council for Protection of Foreign Born
New England Labor College
New England Labor Research Association
New Film Alliance
New Foundations Forums
New Jersey Committee for Clemency for the Rosenbergs. (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
New Theatre Group (Boston)
New Theatre League
New York Committee for Clemency for the Rosenbergs. (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg case.)
New York Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
New York Committee for the Southern Newsletter
New York Conference for Inalienable Rights(see also Greater New York Page Emergency Conference on Inalienable Rights)
New York State Conference on Legislation for Democracy, February 14, 1941
New York Conference on Civil Rights (see also Civil Rights Congress, New York)
New York Council of the American Peace Crusade. (See entry under American Peace Crusade.)
New York Joint Legislative Committee To Investigate Procedures and Methods of Allocating State Moneys for Public School Purposes and Subversive Activities, Subcommittee of (Rapp-Coudert Committee)
New York Labor Conference for Peace (see also National Labor Conference for Peace)
New York Peace Institute
New York Polish Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
New York State Conference on Legislation for Democracy. (See entry under New York Conference for Inalienable Rights.)
New York State Conference on National Unity
New York Tom Mooney Committee
New York Trade Union Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
New York Trade Union Committee To Free Earl Browder
New York Workers School. (See Workers School, New York.)
Newark Peace Action Committee
Nichibei Kogyo Kaisha (the Great Fujii Theater)
Nichibei Minshu Kyokai, Waipahu Chapter (Japanese American Association for Democracy (JAAD))
Non-Partisan Committee for Clemency for the Rosenbergs. (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
Non-Partisan Committee for the Re-Election of Congressman Vito Marcantonio
Non-Sectarian Committee for Political Refugees
Norman Tallentire Defense Committee
North American Committee To Aid Spanish Democracy
North American Spanish Aid Committee
North American Emergency Conference To Save Spanish Refugees
North Philadelphia Forum
North Side Peace Club
North Westchester Rosenberg Committee. (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
Northern California Civil Rights Council. (See National Federation for Constitutional Liberties, Civil Rights Council of Northern California.)
Northern California Committee for Peaceful Alternatives (see also Committee for Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact; Conference on Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact; Continuations Committee of the Conference on Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact)
Northern California Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
Northern California Peace Crusade. (See entry under American Peace Crusade.)
Northern California Rosenberg-Sobell Committee. (See entry under National Rosenberg-Sobell Committee.)
Northwest Committee for Protection of Foreign Born (also known as Washington (State) Committee for Protection of Foreign Bom) Northwest Japanese Association


Oahu Servicemen’s Committee for Speedier Demobilization
Ohio Bill of Rights Conference
Ohio Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
Ohio Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case
Ohio Freedom of the Press Association
Ohio Labor Conference for Peace
Ohio Provisional Committee for Protection of Foreign Bora Ohio School of Social Sciences
Ohio Un-American Activities Commission
Oklahoma Committee To Defend PoHtieal Prisoners
Oklahoma Federation for Constitutional Rights. (See entry under National Federation for Constitutional Liberties.)
Oklahoma League for Political Education.
Open Letter for Closer Cooperation With the Soviet Union
Open Letter in Defense of Harry Bridges
Open Letter to American Liberals
Orange County Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
Ormsby Village for Youth Foundation (Topanga Canyon, Calif.)
Otto Skog Defense Committee


POC. (See Provisional Organizing Committee for a Marxist-Leninist Communist Party.)
Pacific Northwest Labor School, Seattle, Wash, (also known as Seattle
Labor School)
Pacific Pubhshing Foundation, Inc
Palo Alto Peace Club
Partido del Pueblo of Panama (operating in the Canal Zone) (Communist Peace Committee of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties (California)
Paul Yuditch Defense Committee
Pax Productions
Peace Conference of the Asian and Pacific Regions (Peping, China, 1952)
Peace Information Center (799 Broadway, New York, N.Y.)
Peace Movement of Ethiopia
Peace Pilgrimage To Washington, D.C., March 15, 1951. (See entry under American Peace Crusade.)
Peggy Wellman Defense Committee
People’s Defense Committee
People’s Drama, Inc
People’s Educational and Press Association of Texas
People’s Educational Association. (See People’s Educational Center.)
People’s Educational Center (Los Angeles)
People’s Institute of Applied Religion
People’s Party (Connecticut). (See Progressive Party, Connecticut.)
People’s Peace
People’s Programs (Seattle, Wash.)
People’s Radio Foundation, Inc
People’s Rights Party
People’s School. (See People’s Educational Center.)
People’s University. (See People’s Educational Center.)
Permanent Committee of the World Peace Congress. (World Peace Congress.)
Pete Nelson Defense Committee
Peter Warhol Defense Committee
Petros Lezos Defense Committee
Philadelphia Committee for Defense of the Foreign Born
Philadelphia Committee for Repeal of the Walter-McCarran Act and To Defend Its Victims
Philadelphia Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case. (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
Philadelphia Labor Committee for Negro Rights
Philadelphia Rosenberg-Sobell Committee. (See entry under National Rosenberg-Sobell Committee.)
Philadelphia School of Social Science and Art
Philadelphia Women for Peace.
Photo League Pittsburgh Arts Club
Polish-American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born (see also American-Polish Committee for Protection of Foreign Born)
Political Prisoners’ Welfare Committee
Polona Society (IWO)
Polska Partja Komunistyzna (foreign language Marxist group)
Prestes Defense Committee
Prisoners’ Relief Committee
Professionals for Clemency (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
Profitern. (See Red International of Labor Unions.)
Progressive Bookshop (or Store):
Progressive Citizens of America (California branches)
Progressive Committee To Rebuild American Labor Party
Progressive German-Americans (also known as Progressive German-
Americans of Chicago) Progressive Labor School (Boston)
Progressive Party
California (Independent Progressive Party) Downtown Club
Connecticut (People’s Party)
Progressive Students of America
Progressive Trade Union School (Worcester, Mass.) Progressive Women’s Council
Proletarian Party of America
Prompt Press, Inc
Protestant War Veterans of the United States, Inc
Provisional Committee for the 69th Anniversary of May Day. (See United May Day Committee.)
Provisional Committee of Citizens for Peace, Southwest Area
Provisional Committee on Latin American Affairs
Provisional Committee to Abolish Discrimination in the State of Maryland (see also Committee to Abolish Discrimination in Maryland)
Provisional International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers
Provisional Organizing Committee for a Marxist-Leninist Party Communist
Provisional Western Regional Sobell Committee. (See entry under National Rosenberg-Sobell Committee.)
Provisional Workers and People’s Committee for May Day. (See United May Day Committee.)
Public Use of Arts Committee.
Puerto Rican Comite Pro Libertades Civiles (CLC) (also known as Comite Pro Derechos Civiles)
Puerto Ricans United (also known as Puertorriquenos Unidos)
Puertorriquenos Unidos. (See Puerto Ricans United)


Quad City Committee for Peace
Queens Rosenberg Committee.
Queensbridge Tenants League

Rapp-Coudert Committee. (See New York Joint Legislative Committee “To Investigate Procedures and Methods of Allocating State Moneys for Public School Purposes and Subversive Activities, Subcommittee of.)
Red International of Labor Defense. (See International Red Aid)
Red International of Labor Unions (RILU) (Profitern).
Refugee Scholarship and Peace Campaign
Reichsdeutsche Vereinigung (See Association of German Nationals.)
Reichstag Fire Trial Anniversary Committee
Repertory Playhouse
Revolutionary Workers League
Robert Marshall Foundation
Robotnik Polski (Polish Labor)
Romanian-American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
Romanian-American Fraternal Society (IWO)
Rose Chernin Defense Committee
Rose Chernin Emergency Defense Committee
Rose Nelson Defense Committee
Rose Spector Defense Committee
Rosenberg Committee of the Bronx {See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
Roslyn Rosenberg Committee. (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
Runag News Service (Moscow)
Russian-American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
Russian-American Industrial Corp
Russian American Society, Inc
Russian Reconstruction Farms, Inc


SEATO. (See Southeast Asia Treaty Organization.)
St. Louis Committee To Secure Justice for Morton SobeU. {See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice for Morton Sobe
St. Louis Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case. {See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
St. Louis Emergency Defense Committee 147, 199 St. Nicholas Arena (New York City)
Sakura Kai (Patriotic Society, or Cherry Association composed of veterans of Russo-Japanese War)
Sam and Fanny Manewitz Defense Committee (St. Louis, Mo.) (see also Committee for Repeal of the Walter-McCarran Law and the Defense of Sam and Fanny Manewitz (St. Louis, Mo.); and Committee To Repeal the Walter-McCarran Law and Stop Deportation of Sam and—Fanny Manewitz)
Samuel Adams School (for Social Studies) (Boston, Mass.)
San Diego Emergency Defense Committee
San Diego Peace Forum. (See entry under American Peace Crusade.)
San Francisco Labor Conference for Peace (see also National Labor Conference for Peace)
San Francisco Rosenberg-Sobell Committee. (See entry under National Rosenberg-Sobell Committee.)
Santa Barbara Peace Forum
Save Our Sons Committee
Scandinavian-American Defense Committee
Schappes Defense Committee. (See (Morris) Schappes Defense Committee.)
School of Jewish Studies (New York)
Scientific and Cultural Conference for World Peace. (See National Council of the Arts, Sciences and Professions, Cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace.)
Scottsboro Defense Committee
Seattle Labor School. (See Pacific Northwest Labor School.)
Second Annual California Model Legislature. (See Model Youth Legislature of Northern California.)
Second World Congress of the Defenders of Peace. (See World Peace Congress.)
Second World Congress of the Partisans for Peace. (See World Peace Congress.)
Second World Peace Congress. (See World Peace Congress.)
Second World Student Congress. (See International Union of Students,
Schneiderman-Darcy Defense Committee School for Democracy (New York City)
School of Jewish Studies (Los Angeles, California)
Second World Student Congress.)
Serbian-American Fraternal Society (IWO)
Serbian Vidovdan Council
Silver Shirt Legion of America
Simon J. Lubin Society
Slavic Council of Los Angeles
Slavic Council of Southern California
Sleepy Lagoon Defense Committee
Slim Connelly Defense Committee
Slovak Workers Society (IWO)
Slovenian-American National Council
Socialist Party of the United States, Left Wing Section
Socialist Workers Party (see also American Committee for European Workers’ Relief)
Socialist Youth League (see also Workers Party, 1940-48)
Society for Cultural Relations With Soviet Russia. (See American Society for Cultural Relations With Russia.)
Sokoku Kai (Fatherland Society)
Sons and Daughters of the Foreign Born in the Fight Against Deportations Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
Southern California Chapter of the National Council of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions. (See entry under National Council of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions.)
Southern California Emergency Committee for Clemency for the Rosenbergs. (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice for the Rosenbergs.)
Southern California Labor School, Inc. (See entry under California Labor School, Inc.)
Southern California Peace Crusade. (See entry under American Peace Crusade.)
Southern Conference for Human Welfare
Southern Negro Youth Congress
Soviet Association of Friendship and Cultural Cooperation with the Countries of Latin America Spanish Refugee Appeal. (See entry under Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee.)
Spanish Refugee Relief Campaign
South Slav Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
South Westchester Rosenberg Committee.
Springfield Citizens’ Protective League
Springfield Committee To Aid Spanish Democracy (Massachusetts)
Stanley Nowak Defense Committee (Detroit)
Spanish Speaking People’s Congress
State-Wide Civil Rights Conference. (See [California] State-Wide Civil Rights Conference.)
State-Wide Legislative Conference. (See [California] State-Wide Legislative Conferences.)
Stella Brown Defense Committee
Stockholm Peace Appeal (or Petition). (See World Peace Appeal.)
Straight Arrow Camp (Golden’s Bridge, N.Y.)
Student Congress Against War
Student Councils for Academic Freedom
Student Rights Association
Students for Wallace
Suiko Sha (Reserve Officers Association, Los Angeles)
Sweethearts of Servicemen
Syracuse Women for Peace


Tom Mooney Labor School (San Francisco, Calif.) (see also California Teachers Union, New York)
Teen Art Club
Territorial CIO Political Action Committee of Industrial Organizations, Political Action Committee (See entry under Congress Labor School)
Tom Paine School (Westchester, N.Y.)
Tom Paine School of Social Science (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Toumayian Club (Chelsea, Mass.)
Town Meeting of Youth
Trade Union Advisory Committee
Trade-Union Committee for Free Spain
Trade Union Committee for Peace (also known as Trade Unionists for Peace)
Trade Union Committee for Repeal of the Walter-McCarran Law
Trade Union Committee for the Repeal of the Smith Act
Trade-Union Committee on Industrial Espionage
Trade-Union Committee To Put America Back to Work
Trade-Union Educational League (TUEL)
Trade-Union Unity League (TUUL)
Trade-Union Women’s Committee for Peace
Trade Unionists for Peace. (*See Trade Union Committee for Peace)
Tri-State Negro Trade Union Council
Twentieth Century Book Shop (or Store) :


Ukrainian-American Committee for the Defense of Zazuliak and Kushnir..
Ukrainian-American Fraternal Union (IWO)
Ukrainian Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
Ukrainian Defense Committee Against Deportation
United Committee of Jewish Societies and Landsmanschaft Federations
(also known as Coordination Committee of Jewish Landsmanschaften
Unemployed Councils (see also Workers Alliance)
Unemployed Workers’ Organization of Hawaii
Union of American Croatians (see also National Council of Americans of
Croatian Descent
Union of Concerted Peace Efforts
Union of New York Veterans
Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America
Union of Progressive Veterans
Unitarian Church, First (San Diego)
United American Artists
United American Spanish Aid Committee
United Committee of Jewish Societies and Landsmanschaft Federations (also known as Coordination Committee of Jewish Landsmanschaften and Fraternal Organizations)
United Committee of South Slavic Americans (New York)
United Communist Party (May 1920 to May 1921) (see also American Labor Alliance; Communist Labor Party of America; Communist Party of America; Communist Party of the United States of America; Communist Political Association; Workers (Communist) Party of America
United May Day Committee (also known as United Labor and People’s Committee for May Day) Workers Party of America
United Cultural Association
United Defense Council of Southern California
United Farmers League
United Harlem Tenants and Consumers Organization
United Labor and People’s Committee for May Day.
United May Day Conference
United Negro and Allied Veterans of America
United States Service & Shipping, Inc
United States Veterans Council. (See Council of United States Veterans.)
United States Youth Sponsoring Committee, World Peace Appeal. entry under World Peace Appeal.)
United Student Peace Committee
United Toilers
United Youth Committee Against Lynching


Vacaville Committee for Protection of Foreign Born (California)
Valley Committee for Protection of Foreign Born (California)
Valley Stream Rosenberg Committees (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
Vart Galalian Committee
Vassar College (Poughkeepsie, N.Y.)
Veterans Against Discrimination of Civil Rights Congress of New York
Veterans for Peace {see also American Veterans for Peace)
Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade {see also International Brigades)
Victory Book Store (San Diego)
Vincent Andrulis Defense Committee
Virginia League for People’s Education. {See entry under Communist Political Association.)
Voice of Freedom Committee


Walt Whitman Book Shop
Walt Whitman School of Social Science (Newark, N.J.)
Washington Bookshop Association. {See Washington Cooperative Bookshop.)
Washington CIO Committee To Reinstate Helen Miller (District of Columbia)
Washington Committee for Aid to China (District of Columbia)
Washington Committee for Democratic Action (District of Columbia). {See entry under National Federation for Constitutional Liberties.)
Washington Committee for Justice in the Rosenberg Case (Washington State). {See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
Washington Committee for Protection of Foreign Born. (See Washington State Committee for Protection of Foreign Born)
Washington Committee To Defend the Bill of Rights
Washington Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case (District of Columbia) (See entry under National Committee To Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
Washington Commonwealth Federation (Washington State) (see also Washington Pension Union)
Washington Cooperative Bookshop (District of Columbia)
Washington Friends of Spanish Democracy (District of Columbia)
Washington Old Age Pension Union (Washington State)
Washington Peace Mobilization
Washington State Committee for Protection of Foreign Born. (See Northwest Committee for Protection of Foreign Born).
Washington State Joint Legislative Fact-Finding Committee on Un-American Activities
West Side Rosenberg Committee. (See entry under National Committee to Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case.)
Western Council for Progressive Labor in Agriculture
Western Pennsylvania Committee for Protection of Foreign Born
Western Writers’ Congress
William Allan Defense Committee
Workers Library Publishers, Inc
Workers Party (1940-48). (See also Independent Socialist League; Socialist Youth League.) Workers Party of America (December 1921 to August 1925) (see also American Labor Alliance; Communist Labor Party of America; Communist Party of America; Communist Party of the United States of America; Communist Political Association; United Communist Party of America; Workers (Communist) Party of America
Workers Party of the United States (December 1933 to 1944). (See American Wingdale Lodge, Inc. (Wingdale, N.Y.) (see also Camp Unity)
Wisconsin Conference on Social Legislation
Wisconsin Peace Crusade. (See entry under American Peace Crusade.)
Women’s Committee To Free Katherine Hyndman
Women’s International Democratic Federation
Workers Alliance. (See Workers AUiance of America.)
Workers Alliance of America (see also Unemployed Councils).
Workers Bookshop (New York City)
Workers (Communist) Party of America (August 1925 to March 1929) (see Workers Party.)
Workers Schools
Workmen’s Educational Association
World Congress Against War (August 27-29, 1932, Amsterdam) (see also American Committee for Struggle Against War) 19, 156, 176 World Congress for Peace. (See World Peace Congress.)
World Congress of Defenders of Peace. (See World Peace Congress.)
World Congress of Intellectuals, August 25-28, 1948, (Wroclaw, Poland) (see also International Committee of Intellectuals in Defense of Peace)
World Congress of Partisans of Peace. (See World Peace Congress.)
World Council of Peace. (See World Peace Council.)
World Federation of Democratic Women. (See Women’s International Democratic Federation.)
World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY)
World Federation of Scientific Workers
World Federation of Trade Unions ( WFTU)
World Peace Appeal (also known as Stockholm Peace Appeal or Petition)
United States Youth Sponsoring Committee
World Peace Circle of Hollywood, Calif
World Peace Congress (also known as the World Congress of Partisans of Page Peace and the World Congress of Defenders of Peace)
First Congress, April 20-24, 1949 (Paris, France)
Second Congress, November 13, 1950, Sheffield, England; November 16-22 (Warsaw, Poland)
American Sponsoring Committee for Representation at the Second World Peace Congress Permanent Committee
World Tourists, Inc
World Youth Congress, Second Congress, August 15-24, 1938, Vassar College
World Peace Council (also known as World Council of Peace)
World Student Congress, First and Second. (See entries under International Union of Students.)
World Youth Festivals:
Second Youth Festival, August 14-28, 1949 (Budapest)
Seventh Youth Festival, July 26-August 4, 1959 (Vienna, Austria)


Yanks Are Not Coming Movement
Yiddisher Kultur Farband
Young Communist International
Young Communist League, USA
Young People’s General Assembly for Peace
Young Progressives of America:
Young Workers League of America
Youth Against the House Un-American Activities Committee
Youth To Abolish the House Un-American Activities Committee.
Youth Against the House Un-American Activities Committee.)
Youth To Abolish Un-American Committees. (See Youth Against the House Un-American Activities Committee.)
Yugoslav-American Cooperative Home, Inc
Yugoslav Seamen’s Club, Inc



Network Analysis Methodology in World Revolutionary Propaganda: A Chicago Study



At the end of World Revolutionary Propaganda: A Chicago Study by Harold D. Lasswell is an Appendix which describe the author’s network analysis methodology for his research on Socialist and Communist Political Party activities in Chicago. I’ve copied it out below as it is quite informative.


Meetings, Demonstrations, Parades, and Social Gatherings of Communist Affiliated Organizations in Chicago

Time period covered by data 1919-34.

Area covered by data Chicago, Cook County, and Chicago Region.

I. SOURCES. The following sources were used in the collection of these data :

A. Official police records (Industrial Squad of Chicago) .
1. File of permits for parades and outdoor meetings, 1931-4.
2. File of reports of all meetings attended by the squad, 1931-4.
3. Record of arrests of radicals in Chicago, 1931-4.
4. File of leaflets, circulars, posters, and other advance notices of meetings, 1930-4.

B. News paper sources.
1. The New York Times, 1919 – 34.
2. The Chicago Daily News(from index in Daily News library), 1919-34.
3. The Chicago Tribune (from index in Chicago Tribune library), 1919-29; (from page by page survey of the newspaper), 1930-2.
4. The Chicago Defender, 1924-6, 1930-4. 5. The Daily Worker, 1930-4.
6. The Hunger Fighter, 1931-4.

A. Form. The data on meetings, demonstrations, parades, and social gatherings in Chicago sponsored by Communist organizations were collected in the following form:

Type of gathering (e.g., meeting, demonstration, date, parade, or social gathering).
1. Place of meeting.
2. Reason or issue.
3. Name of organization or organizations sponsoring.
4. Number of persons present.
5. Account of violence, if any.
6. Number of persons arrested.
7. Number of persons injured. Number killed.
8. The names of the speakers.
9. Source of the above data.

B. Method.
This information was recorded on 6 x 4 slips of paper, a separate slip being used for each meeting and for each source. The slips were stapled together in cases where more than one report was given about a single meeting (e.g., when the same meeting was reported by the police, by the New York Times, and by the Daily Worker). In such cases the police reports of meetings were placed on top, and the newspaper reports behind, with the more radical publications, like the Daily Worker and the Hunger Fighter, toward the bottom. In some cases of important meetings there are as many reports of the meetings as there are sources. In other cases there are only one or two reports.

The slips were filed in chronological order according to the date on which the meeting was held. This file constitutes the demonstration file which is one of the basic sets of data for this study.


The following types of analyses were made of the above data:

A. Analysis of number and types of gatherings per month, 1930-4.

Four categories were used in the classification of types of gathering:

1. Meetings defined as indoor gatherings.
2. Demonstrations defined as outdoor gatherings.
3. Parades street marches.
4. Socials including dances, parties, lectures, moving-picture showings, etc.

In some instances one occasion was classified in more than one way. The rules governing such double or triple entries

1. Parades. In the case of parades, the gathering held at the beginning of the parade (i.e., the point at which the parade formed) was recorded as a demonstration.

2. Parades In the case of parades, the gathering held at the end end of the parade was recorded as a “meeting” or as a “demonstration,” depending on whether it was held indoors or outdoors.

3. Parades. In some instances (notably hunger marches, May Day parades, and City Hall demonstrations) parades were started simultaneously in different parts of the city, merging downtown for a large parade through the Loop. In such instances each parade (including the parade through the Loop) was counted separately. Thus the case of the usual line of march (i.e., parades coming from the north, south, and west sides and parading through
the Loop) would be recorded as four parades.

4. Socials. In some cases meetings were held in connection with socials. In such instances a double record was made.

B. Place of meetings.
The place of meetings was coded as to census tract, census community area, relief district, and police district. This coding appears on each slip. The only record made from this information, however, is that of the number of gatherings occurring each month in each census tract in the city.

c. Issues in the name of which gatherings were called.
An analysis was made of the number and types of issues raised each month at meetings, demonstrations, etc. The major classifications of the types of issues are as follows :

1. Issues protesting unemployment.
2. Issues protesting relief administration.
3. Issues protesting evictions.
4. Issues demanding freedom of action.
5. Issues in the name of major political symbols (War, Im- perialism, Fascism, etc.) .
6. Issues in the name of special days (May Day, Lenin Me- morial, etc.).
7. Issues connected with party organization and activity (party conventions, conferences, etc.).
8. Issues making labor demands.
9. Issues in the name of institutions and groups (the church,
the Jews, the Negroes, etc.).
10. Issues in the name of consumer’s protection.

The number of issues falling under each classification were tallied by months for the years 1930-4. The following rules governed this procedure:

1. The issues recorded on all slips, regardless of source, were included in the analysis. Thus, for example, if the New York Times reported a parade “protesting against unemployment and the same parade was reported by the Communist press as “protesting against evictions,” both of these issues were recorded, the assumption being that since we have no criteria of selection and because of the scantiness of the data, it is most accurate to include all sources.

2. All issues reported by a single source were likewise included in the tabulation.

3. In order that a correlation could be validly run between the number of demonstrations per month and the degree of concentration of attention upon particular issues, a second tally
was made. In this second instance the issues were tallied for as many times as the gathering had been tabulated (cf. above in, A, rules governing double or triple entries of a single event) . Thus, for example, if a parade on “unemployment” had been recorded three times in the analysis of the number and types of gatherings e.g., as a demonstration (gathering at starting- point), as a parade, and as a meeting (indoor meeting at termination of parade) then the issue
“unemployment” would likewise be recorded three times under the month in which it happened to fall.

In addition to this analysis of issues, the following analyses were made:

1. Record of the types of issues raised at meetings held in different census tracts.

2. Record of the types of issues raised at meetings, according to the organization sponsoring the meeting.

D. Sponsoring organizations.

The following analyses were made with regard to sponsoring organizations:

1. Types of gatherings (meeting, demonstration, parade, or social gathering) held by each organization every month, 1930-4.

2. Types of issues (for classifications, cf. in, c, 1-10) pre- sented by each organization every month, 1930-4.

3. Meeting-places of each organization according to census
tract for the years 1930-4.

E. Number present.

A table was drawn up showing all estimates as to number present, listed as to source. The following sources were included :

1. Estimates of police (official).
2. Estimates of the Daily Worker (Communist).
3. Estimates of the Chicago Defender (Negro).
4. Estimates of the Chicago Tribune (city press).
5. Estimates of the Chicago Daily News (city press).

F. Speakers.
Record on each speaker appearing in the demonstration record showing date on which he spoke, the place, and the organization under whose sponsorship the meeting occurred.


Time period covered by data 1919-34.
Area covered by data Chicago, Cook County, and the Chicago region.

The following sources were used in the collection of these data:
A. United States Department of Labor.
1. Monthly Labor Review, Vols. 30-39.
2. List of Strikes in Chicago, submitted upon request by the
Bureau of Labor Statistics.

B. Illinois Department of Labor. Annual Reports (Nos. 2-
13), 1910-29.

C. Official police records (Industrial Squad of Chicago).
1. Reports of industrial disturbances (strike meetings, etc.)
attended by the squad, 1931-4.
2. Record of arrest of radicals in Chicago, 1931-4.
3. File of leaflets, bulletins, circulars, etc., distributed in connection with strikes.

D. Newspapers.
1. The New York Times, 1919-34.
2. The Chicago Tribune, 1930-2.
3. The Chicago Defender, 1924-6, 1930-4.
4. The Daily Worker, 1930-4.

A. Form. The material on strikes in Chicago was collected in the following form:

Strike. Date.

1. Place (name of plant and address).
2. Issue.
3. Organization (union, local number, affiliation).
4. Number out on strike.
5. Account of violence.
6. Number arrested.
7. Number injured. Number killed.
8. How long out on strike. Result of strike.
9. Source of the above data.

B. Method.
This information, as in the case of meetings and demonstrations, was recorded on 6 x 4 slips, a separate slip being used for each strike and for each source. The slips were stapled together in cases where more than one re- port on a single strike was given (e.g., the same strike was reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, by the New York Times, and by the Daily Worker). In such cases, the U.S. Bureau reports were given preference and were placed on top.
The slips were filed in chronological order in accordance with the first date of the strike. The place where the strike took place (i.e., address of plant or factory) was coded according to census tract, census community area, and relief district.


A. Table showing the number of strikes called during each month, 1930-4.
B. Table showing number of strikers out in those strikes called each month, 1930-4.
c. Record of number of strikes each month occurring in each census tract of the city.

Group Complaints – through the Public Relations Bureau

Time period covered by data 1933-4.
Area covered by data Chicago and Cook County.


The following sources were used in the collection of these data:
A. Weekly and monthly reports of the Public Relations Bureau of the IERC, 1933-4.
B. The individual records of complaints filed with the Public Relations Bureau of the IERC, January 1933 to September 1934-


A. Weekly and monthly reports. The records of these reports contain the following information for 1933 :

1. Name (and local number) of organizations bringing complaints to the Bureau.
2. Number of complaints per week (or per month) per organization.
The records of these reports for 1934 contain the following information additional to that above:

3. Disposition of complaints. Disposition classified as follows: (a) referred to district office, (b) referred to district office after telephone conference, and (c) discussion and/or rejection with direct answer from PRB.

B. Individual records of complaints. From this source the following information was taken:
1. Date of complaint.
2. Name (and local number) of organization registering complaint
3. Address of complainant.
The address of complainant was coded according to census
tract, census community area, and relief district.


A. Weekly and monthly reports.
1. Table showing the volume of complaints per month,
2. Table showing the number of complaints submitted each
month by every organization, 1933-4.

B. Individual records of complaints.
1. Table showing the volume of complaints per month, January 1933 to September 1934.
2. Table showing the number of complaints submitted by each organization per month, January 1933 to September I934
3. Table showing the number of complaints made each
month in each relief district, January 1933 to September 1934.
4. Record of the number of complaints each month coming from each census tract of the city.

Arrests of Radicals

Time period covered by data 1931-4.
Area covered by data Chicago.

Arrest books kept by the Industrial Squad of Chicago, 1931-4.

A. Form. The following information was recorded for each individual arrested:
1. Date arrested.
2. Address of arrested individual.
3. Sex and Age.
4. Nativity.
5. Occupation.
6. Marital status.
7. Police district in which arrest took place. Address of complainant if any. Address of arrest.
8. Charges.
9. Disposition of the case. Date tried. Name of presiding judge.

B. Method. A separate slip bearing the above information was made for each individual arrested. This slip was coded twice – once for the address of the individual, and once for the address of arrest.


A. The analyses were made as follows (in each case according to the following classifications: American, Negro, Foreign-Born, Nationality Not Given, and Total) :
1. Table showing the number of arrests per month, 1931-4.
2. Table showing the sex distribution of the total number
arrested each year, 1931-4.
3. Table showing the age distribution (by ten-year intervals), of the total number arrested each year, 1931-4.
4. Table showing the distribution by age (as in 3) and sex of the total number arrested each year, 1931-4.
5. Table showing the distribution according to marital status of the total number arrested each year.

B. Table showing country of nativity, indicating number ar- rested and percentage which this number represents of the total population (in Chicago) of that nationality.

C. The following tables were made regarding persons arrested individually:
1. Nationality number and percentage.
2. Occupation.

D. The following tables were made regarding persons arrested in groups of from two to five persons :
1. Nationality number and percentage.
2. Occupation.

E. The following tables were made regarding persons arrested in groups of over five persons :
1. Nationality number and percentage.
2. Occupation.

F. Analysis of place of arrest.
1. According to police districts.
2. According to relief districts.
3. According to census tracts.

G. Analysis of home address of individual arrested.
1. According to police districts.
2. According to relief districts.
3. According to census tracts.

H. Analysis of disposition of cases. By years, 1931-4.
I. Analysis of presiding judges. By years, 1931-4.


Time period covered by data 1919-34.
Area covered by data Chicago.


The following sources were utilized in the collection of this material:

A. Official police sources.
Personnel records of the Industrial Squad on radical leaders in Chicago, 1930-4.

B. Public Relations Bureau of Illinois Emergency Relief Com-mission.
Correspondence and organization files.

C. Demonstration record.

D. Newspapers and periodicals.

1. The New York Times, 1919-34.
2. The Chicago Daily News, 1919-34.
3. The Chicago Tribune, 1919-34.
4. The Chicago Defender, 1924-6, 1930-4.
5. The Daily Worker, 1923-9 (in part), 1930-4 (complete).
6. The Hunger Fighter, 1931-4.

E. Books

1. American Labor Who’s Who, edited by Solon De Leon,
(New York, 1925) .
2. Elizabeth Billing: The Red Network (Chicago, 1934).
3. Joseph J. Mereto: The Red Conspiracy (New York, 1920).
4. Lucia R. Maxwell: The Red Juggernaut (Washington,D.C., 1932).
5. R. M. Whitney: Reds in America (New York, 1924).


A. Official police sources.
The police personnel record contains the following type of information on individuals :

1. Name.
2. Address.
3. Date (year) when the individual first came to the attetion of the police.
4. Chronological list of party activities, including:
a. Speaking engagements.
b. Membership in organizations.
c. Positions of importance held in the party or in any party
organization. Membership on committees, etc.
d. Articles written for the Daily Worker, if any.
e. Other activities.

5. Dates arrested. For leaders who have been arrested at any time the following information is also available:
a. b.
c. Age.
d. Marital status.
6. Additional comments and information from various sources.

B. Public Relations Bureau.
The information available on the personnel of the movement at this source consists primarily of enlightening excerpts from correspondence with leaders of protest organizations and also comments of social workers and interviewers on particular leaders of these organizations with whom they have come in contact.

c. Demonstration record.
From the demonstration file we have compiled for every individual who has appeared at
any time as a speaker at a radical meeting in Chicago, a
chronological record of speaking engagements bearing the following information :

1. Date of meeting at which speaker performed.
2. Place where the meeting was held.
3. Organization under whose auspices the meeting was held.

From the newspapers, periodicals, and books listed above all possible information on any Chicago leaders has been carefully gleaned. As in the case of the other sources, the information is recorded on 6×4 slips with the source indicated and filed alphabetically under the name of the individual.


Time period covered by data January 1932 to August 1933. Area covered by data Chicago.
I. SOURCE. Records of the Bailiff’s Office, City Hall,
A. Form.
The following information was collected in the case of each eviction :
1. The date on which eviction occurred.
2. Name of individual evicted.
3. Address of eviction.

B. Method.
The above information was recorded on slips – one slip for each eviction case. These were coded as to address of the eviction according to census tract, community area, and relief district.

III. ANALYSIS. A record was made according to the number of evictions occurring in each month. Record was also made of evictions occurring each month in the various census tracts of the

Critical Guide to Venezuelan State Media Operations

TeleSUR English’s Poor Bolsonaro Analogy and their Partners in Messaging

Real Nudes with False Attribution to Delegitimize Female Politicians and their Husbands

Bolivarian News Networks Spreading Anti-Christian Disinformation in Defense of Evo Morales

Viral Libel Against Police: Manufacturing Indignation in Chile through Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior

Operation InfeKtion: How Russia Perfected the Art of War + It’s Relation to Bolivarianism

TeleSUR: A Case Study in Unethical Journalism

TeleSUR or TellaSLUR?: Anti-Zionist News, Anti-Semitic Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior

“Venezuela’s PSUV is a Fascist Political Party and Nicolas Maduro is a Hitler Want-to-be.” – Chris Hedges*

Silence of the Professors: Mark Crispin Miller

Correcting Ben Norton’s Retweet Commentary of Newsweek

When a YouTube Chat Turns to “Ciao!”: On the Cowardice of Caleb Maupin

Occupy Unmasked: Steve Bannon, Andrew Breitbart & Evidence of Foreign Influence in OWS

While Russia’s SciHub Subliminally Spreads Socialism, GrayZone Spreads Stupidity

TeleSUR English Related Research YouTube List

WSWS: Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior, Unethical Journalism, Fundraising Fraud

On Social Media’s False Democratic Promise: Virality, Newsworthiness, and Propaganda

Algorithms, Authenticity, and Coordinated, Inauthentic Behavior: A Case Study in Caitlin Johnstone

The Movement of Movements Thesis: Invisibility Mapping and the Connection Between Venezuela and Antifa

Kultural Marxism: Digital Evidence of Venezuela’s Attempt to Influence American Elections

Censorship or Community Standards?: An Evidence based Answer to the Question of “Why Did Facebook Purge TeleSUR English?” 

Orwellian Irony: A Case Study in TeleSUR English Editorial Aesthetics

Potential Book Titles on Venezuela’s Intelligence Operations in America

Cultural Marxism vs. Kultural Marxism

Cultural Marxism in America: A Historic Overview of its Origins

TeleSUR English: Junk News, Fake News and Russian Propaganda

TeleSUR – Working Directory of Associates

Abstract for Marxist Reading Group Conference

Dinero por Preguntas Respondidas Sobre TeleSUR, el Ministerio del Poder Popular para Comunicación e Información, el Ministerio Público, y la Contraloría General de la Repúblic

Money for Questions Answered about TeleSUR, The Ministry of Popular Power for Communication and Information, The Public Ministry, and the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic

TeleSUR English: Onsite Audit Overview

TeleSUR English: Ciudadano teleSUR or Ten Cuidado Con TeleSUR?


TeleSUR English: Facebook Bot Network and The Case for Resetting Their Follower Numbers

TeleSUR English: Appalling App Adoption and Security Settings

TeleSUR English: Lying, Misleading, Useless and Ugly Infographic

TeleSUR English: Elitism, Non-Engagement and Fake Followers

TeleSUR English: Bibliography

Foro de São Paulo Forum Slogans: Another World is Possible

Foro de São Paulo

President Donald Trump, Civic Responsibility and Espionage: A Case Study in Fake News and Political Polarization Promoted by Venezuela

Debunking Richard Wolff’s Debunking of Jordan Peterson’s “Cultural Marxism”

Russian AND Venezuelan Bots; and How I’m Ahead of my Time

TeleSUR Employees Who’ve Refused to Answer my Questions

Why I Write: To Avoid Criminal Charges

Definitions, Laws and Precedent: An FARA Amicus Curiae for the DOJ

Cultural Analysis

Pusha T’s Daytona as Confession of Collaboration with Venezuela’s Cartel of the Suns

Is Killer Mike’s Trigger Warning Venezuelan Propaganda? A Historical Media Analysis of PanAfricanist Digital Media

Trigger Warning and the Radical Atlanta-Caracas Axis

Collected English-Translation Poems of Jesus Santrich


Review of Red Cocaine: The Drugging of America

Review of “Venezuela in Light of Anti-American Parties and Affiliations in Latin America”


English Translations from Spanish

“Union Leadership and Prostitution in El Alto, Bolivia” by Franco Limbe

“Ex-FARC fighters say: “Former President Correa was funded by Raúl Reyes and Jojoy.”


Review of Democratic Process and Digital Platforms: An Engineering Perspective

Democratic Process and Digital Platforms: An Engineering Perspective by Danilo Pianini and Andrea Omicini is a book chapter published in The Future of Digital Democracy by Springer in 2019. 

Over the last decade, many 4th Industrial Revolution tools and platforms have emerged which contributed to the expanded capabilities adoption of digital democracy. Many countries, in fact, are now creating government ministries in charge of determining how they can be adopted. Because of various social and political pressures as well as the incredibly complex and multi-disciplinary nature of research and development related to digital democracy platforms, several fundamental concerns still remain unanswered. In this book chapter Danilo Pianini and Andrea Omicini focus on those issues that are more traditionally conceived of as relating to the engineering process. 

In the analysis phase of the classic software engineering process, one or more artifacts are produced that represent a formal model of the domain. 

Looking at two e-democracy platforms adopted by electoral parties, the authors show that this imperative step is missing, along with other phases of engineering process development. Their chapter relates evidence about the current status of digital democracy using several case studies – in platforms such as Rousseau and Liquid Feedback, and then reviews the primary software engineering issues that future tool and platform developers should consider when determining how to improve existent digital democracy software. 


Citing Joseph Schumpeter in Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, the authors defer to his classic definition of democracy as the “institutional arrangement for arriving at political decisions in which individuals acquire the power to decide by means of a competitive struggle for the people’s vote.” While silent on accountability of rulers, how political proposals are defined, who can vote, how votes are tallied and contextualized (i.e. via their relationship to legal institutions such as the Electoral College), etc. the concern of democracy is clearly on legitimizing power. 

Given the numerous ways that citizen-stakeholders can now include software in such processes and the increased diffusion of technology – the authors state that a new form of democracy, digital democracy, is increasingly influencing the techno-political landscape and forcing the evolution of our understanding of the possible within politics. 

While there are numerous varieties of functional differentiation which exists between digital democracy platforms, the authors identify four fundamental phases common to each:

  1. Preparation of the proposal.
  2. Expression of users opinions.
  3. Summarization of the opinions into a decision.
  4. Enactment of the decision. 

Pirate Party’s Liquid Feedback and the Dictatorship of the Active Ones

Several non-traditional parties, going by the name of the Pirate Party, have emerged in Europe over the past several years. The administrative and managerial elements within these political parties adopted Liquid Feedback as a means of facilitating policy formulation. 

One of the problems with this particular platform, however, was the lack of limitations that were placed on discursive participation that subsequently gave rise to the phrase “Dictatorship of the Active Ones.” The model of democracy implicit within the platform sought to maximize expressive capacity via what was, essentially, a complex message board. A problem with this format, however, meant that users who produced large quantities of input and commentary could potentially down out users that were shared less, but of higher quality. It’s likely that because of this issue which caused the platform to be abandoned.

Reverse-Engineering Italy’s Rousseau 

Jean Jacques Rousseau deemed that the ideal form of government was that which was administered by the General Will. Fitting, then, that one of the digital democracy platforms, adopted in Italy by Movimiento 5 Stelle (5 Star Movement), would be named after him. 

Unlike Liquid Feedback there is significantly more capacity for the administrators of the platform to control proposal submission and debate on it. The above diagram shows a reverse-engineered description how it is that the platform worked.

A few democratic issues the authors note the Rousseau platform has are: 

  • Lack of enacting mechanisms for the user proposals
  • Opaque user proposal selection process
  • Chaotic proposal organization
  • Lack of comment moderation on law proposal
  • Unclear impact of comments on law proposals

What is to be done?: Determine How Best to Operationalize Democratic Processes

After the author’s have assessed Liquid Feedback and Rousseau, they point to two major issues in their deployment. First, the evident lack of appropriate software engineering processes applied to development of the platforms and, secondly, the lack of research on modern democratic processes that would allow for the porting of a model of democracy.

On the first point the authors claim that were the designers of these egovernment platforms to have approached the project from a holistic perspective rather than that which sought merely to digitize a few democratic processes then they would have used a waterfall software engineering process. Composed of a sequence of phases that lead from the idea to the implementation, the waterfall software engineering phase takes this order: 

– definition of the requirements 
– analysis
– architectural design
– detailed design 
– verification 
– implementation 
– maintenance 

On the second point the authors claim that this model was avoided due to the difficulty of defining the requirements to adequately operationalize democratic processes. In their own words, they state that: 

“Part of the problem depends on to the orthogonality of the matter: in fact, it requires understanding and expertise over an extremely diverse number of subjects, spanning from humanities to applied sciences through social and natural sciences—including, but not limited to, sociology, psychology, law, mathematics, engineering, and computer science. It is then unlikely for small teams to possess and master such a wide expertise, and – along with the typical lack of interdisciplinary cross collaborations – this makes defining/refining knowledge on democratic processes, and their formalisation as well, a difficult issue indeed.” (92)

As digital democracy platforms, in effect, create their own democracy process rather than match what already exists in law – to produce a platform at a whole of government level rather than that which allows for idea solicitation and feedback from parties requires extensive research and development.

Concluding Thoughts 

To say that digital democracy is the future and that it will have revolutionary impacts on governance and accountability is an understatement. However to achieve this requires further investment in the creation of a model of democracy that is widely agreed upon in order to develop the functional requirements of the platform. 

To work the other way around, the authors contend, is neither a scientific, engineering-minded approach to the matter a hand nor one that allows for optimal operationalization of democracy via digital technology. Give the novelty of much of this research – what is needed is “a strongly-multidisciplinary effort: [as] currently, many issues remain open, and many key questions are still unanswered.” (93).  

Though the authors of this article focus solely on the Waterfall process, I think that it’s worth mentioning in an aside that was there to be actual government investment into the project rather than just the parties running for the positions within it, it would be possible to use an Agile model for the development of an egovernment platform. In this case, the sequencing of phases in an Agile model would look like this (Managing Software Process Evolution):

Given current levels of political polarization and typically low level of technical knowledge of elected politicians it is likely that this would be a very difficult process. It is, nevertheless, within the realm of possibility.


Managing Software Process Evolution: Traditional, Agile and Beyond – How to Handle Process Change edited by Marco Kuhrmann, Jürgen Münch, Ita Richardson, Andreas Rausch, He Zhang

Keywords: Digital democracy · Software engineering · Democratic model 

Discovering Data Quality Rules

Discovering Data Quality Rules

Fei Chiang University of Toronto

Rene ́e J. Miller University of Toronto

Poor data quality continues to be a mainstream issue for many organizations. Having erroneous, duplicate or incomplete data leads to ineffective marketing, operational inefficiencies, inferior customer relationship management, and poor business decisions. It is estimated that dirty data costs US businesses over $600 billion a year [11]. There is an increased need for effective methods to improve data quality and to restore consistency.

Dirty data often arises due to changes in use and perception of the data, and violations of integrity constraints (or lack of such constraints). Integrity constraints, meant to preserve data consistency and accuracy, are defined according to domain specific business rules. These rules define relationships among a restricted set of attribute values that are expected to be true under a given context. For example, an organization may have rules such as: (1) all new cus- tomers will receive a 15% discount on their first purchase and preferred customers receive a 25% discount on all purchases; and (2) for US customer addresses, the street, city and state functionally determines the zipcode. Deriving a complete set of integrity constraints that accurately reflects an organization’s policies and domain semantics is a primary task towards improving data quality.

To address this task, many organizations employ consultants to develop a data quality management process. This process involves looking at the current data instance and identifying existing integrity constraints, dirty records, and developing new constraints. These new constraints are normally developed in consultation with users who have specific knowledge of business policies that must be enforced. This effort can take a considerable amount of time. Furthermore, there may exist domain specific rules in the data that users are not aware of, but that can be useful towards enforcing semantic data consistency. When such rules are not explicitly enforced, the data may become inconsistent.

Identifying inconsistent values is a fundamental step in the data cleaning process. Records may contain inconsistent values that are clearly erroneous or may potentially be dirty. Values that are clearly incorrect are normally easy to identify (e.g., a ’husband’ who is a ’female’). Data values that are potentially incorrect are not as easy to disambiguate (e.g., a ’child’ whose yearly ’salary’ is ’$100K’). The unlikely co-occurrence of these values causes them to become dirty candidates. Further semantic and domain knowledge may be required to determine the correct values.

For example,Table1showsasampleofrecordsfroma 1994 US Adult Census database [4] that contains records of citizens and their work class (CLS), education level (ED), marital status (MR), occupation (OCC), family relationship (REL), gender (GEN), and whether their salary (SAL) is

Dirty data is a serious problem for businesses leading to incorrect decision making, inefficient daily operations, and ultimately wasting both time and money. Dirty data often arises when domain constraints and business rules, meant to preserve data consistency and accuracy, are enforced incompletely or not at all in application code.

In this work, we propose a new data-driven tool that can be used within an organization’s data quality management process to suggest possible rules, and to identify conformant and non-conformant records. Data quality rules are known to be contextual, so we focus on the discovery of context-dependent rules. Specifically, we search for conditional functional dependencies (CFDs), that is, functional dependencies that hold only over a portion of the data. The output of our tool is a set of functional dependencies together with the context in which they hold (for example, a rule that states for CS graduate courses, the course number and term functionally determines the room and instructor). Since the input to our tool will likely be a dirty database, we also search for CFDs that almost hold. We return these rules together with the non-conformant records (as these are potentially dirty records).

We present effective algorithms for discovering CFDs and dirty values in a data instance. Our discovery algorithm searches for minimal CFDs among the data values and prunes redundant candidates. No universal objective measures of data quality or data quality rules are known. Hence, to avoid returning an unnecessarily large number of CFDs and only those that are most interesting, we evaluate a set of interest metrics and present comparative results using real datasets. We also present an experimental study showing the scalability of our techniques.

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