Potential Book Titles on Venezuela’s Intelligence Operations in America

Since I’ve decided to expand the research I’ve been building into a book, I decided to do a creative exercise as to possible titles for it. Which of the below resonates with you the most?  


The New Historic Block: How Hugo Chavez Used Oil Exports to Promote His Vision of Marx

Tracing 21st Century Socialism: A Political Revolution in Venezuela Meets an Epistemological Revolution via Data Science

Building The New Historic Block: How Hugo Chavez Exported Socialism to America

Marketing Marx in North America: Venezuela’s Gramscian Plan to Spread Socialism

Kultural Marxism and 21st Century Socialism’s Trajectory from Venezuela to North America

Marching South to North: How Hugo Chavez’s Specter Came to Haunt the United States  

Children of the Bolivarian Revolution: Venezuela’s PSUV and the Birth of America’s First United Socialist Party  

Towards a Multipolar World Order: How Hugo Chavez’s Multitude of Gramsican Agents Tried to Remake the World

Chavez’s Hopes and Gramsci’s Ghost: The PSUV’s Support of Socialism in America

Officer, Agent, Asset, Stooge: How Venezuela Helped Seed Revolutionary Socialism in the United States

Red Scare 3.0: The Definitive Guide as to the Who, What, Where and Why’s of Venezuela’s Attempted Socialist Infiltration of U.S. Institutions

Poets as Legislators of a New World Order: Anti-Globalization Activism, Solidarity and Why Technics Trumps Specious Ideologies

Ariel Sheen and the TeleSur Archive: How a Determined Activist for Truth Uncovered a Long-Running Violent Anti-Government Activist Network

Precursors to Transatlantic War? How CivOp and MilOp Intersect in Foreign Military Policy

How Guiado’s Superior to Gramsci: Why Pre-Information Age Radicals Add Little to Modern Politics

Illegalism as Pathology: A Longitudal, Iconographic and Textual Based Investigation Into A Foreign Communist Party’s Radicalization Efforts

PSUA: The Story of the Birth of the United Socialist Party of America

Inhibiting Agents of Multi-Polarity: How Political Cadres Funded By Russia and Venezuela Led to Legislation that Finally Addresses New Information and Communication Technologies

Venezuela’s Investments Into American Art and Culture: A Longitudinal Analysis of Systematic Negation of the American State 

Building A Dual Power From Venezuela’s Chosen People: Foreign Artists, autistics, transexuals, and political  Actors Interactions with American Law Enforcement

The Great Recategorization: How Evidence, Data Science and Rubrics Lead to an Algorithmic Shift in an Understanding of How Political Discourse Operates on Facebook

“Why having a Star by your Name on Social Media in the Colors of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is not the same as the one people were forced to wear in the 1940s, you hack!” and 19 Other Disdainful Phrases of Advice for Kultural Marxism Content Creator.

Tales from TeleSUR: An Open-Source Historical Investigation Into The Roots of Phenomenon of Kultural Marxism

Thinking like the CIA: A Case Study Examining Venezuela’s Intelligence Operations in America

Categorical Faces on Names and Places: A Case Study on the Possibilities Inherent in Modern Data

Project-Mapping After Public Data Source Grabbing: Why the FBI’s Investigation into American Political Group’s Funding by Venezuela is Valid and Should Start Again in Earnest

Why Later Historians Will Say Chelsea and Julian Sitting in a Jail Was “Just The Start”: How Venezuela Sought Revancha on America it’s Trans-Atlantic Allies and Lost

Findings of the Investigation Into Whether of Not Venezuela Had A Measurable Impact On America’s 2016 Elections: An Open-Source Research Project That Makes RussiaGate Seem Cute and Quaint


9 thoughts on “Potential Book Titles on Venezuela’s Intelligence Operations in America”

  1. NOTHING with the words “Kultural Marxism.” No matter your intent, you’ll look like you are dickriding Peterson, looking for his coattails.

  2. Fragments of the Broken Psyche: How Dubious ‘Agent Blogger’ Lose His Mind and Break His Legs in Brief Stint as ‘Latin American Freedom Fighter’

  3. Fragments of the Broken Psyche: How Dubious ‘Agent Blogger’ Lose His Mind and Break His Legs in Brief Stint as ‘Latin American Freedom Fighter’

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  5. Son of bitch, you talk about the psyche complex way, it sounds good in sick man, ishesr, just Morrey’s mind. LOL

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    3… 2…. 1… ?

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