Strategic Management Literature: Applying Knowledge in a Workplace Environment

Strategic Management Literature: Applying Knowledge in a Workplace Environment


The opening up to an international market had the effect of a shock on many American corporations. Relations of production in other countries lead to market effects that required decisive action and new concepts with which to address them. Adapting the resource-based view of the firm to these new conditions helped do this and thus the idea of core competencies, dynamic capabilities, and a vision of strategic management that was significantly different from the previous generation came to be popularized. No longer viewing business units as attached just to a specific product or service, these ideas helped enable teams to best exploit their core competencies. This article reviews several of the assigned writings.

Key Words

Core competencies, Strategic Management, Dynamic Capabilities, Resource-Based View, Innovation


Exploring the development of concepts related to the resource-based view of the firm in response to a variety of market situations allows for a deeper appreciation of the issues which companies face in determining their market and operations strategies. Core competencies take on a variety of different forms, from the traditional conceptions defined as what companies due best to newer iterations, a la dynamic capabilities, that describe a meta approach to how firms enable the capacity to widen and deepen their core competencies.

The Core Competence of the Corporation

In the early 1980s, a number of companies stopped conceiving of themselves as a portfolio of businesses and instead started to understand themselves as a portfolio of competencies. Two of the companies that Prahalad and Hamel describe in the manner in GTE and NEC, the latter of which designed a Strategic Architecture within which to exploit their Competencies – largely in response to the pressures of Japanese manufacturers taking an increasing market share. This focus on competency allowed for the facilitation of unanticipated products and an increased capacity to adapt to changing market opportunities. The reason for some other company’s loss of market share was, according to the authors, in part their adherence to a conceptualization of the corporation that unnecessarily limited businesses to be able to fully exploit the technological capabilities they possessed. Not taking an adequate stock of the multiple streams of technologies that could be integrates – as the Japanese were doing – they let opportunities dies on the branch that could have grown had they enable core competencies to flow better within the organization. In short, while customer’s needs changed because new of new capabilities of delivering value, some producers lost out given their ossified top-down views. This is anathema to core competence – which at base communication, involvement, and a deep commitment to working across organizational boundaries.

Prahalad and Hamel’s article from Harvard Business Review sees “critical task for management is to create an organization capable of infusing products with irresistible functionality or, better yet, creating products that customers need but have not yet even imagined.” These authors highlight a number of aspects of core competencies that have not always been effectively recognized by management. One of the terms they use to describe this is the “strategic business unit (SBU) mind-set”. This occurs in large, diversified firms that frequently find themselves dependent on external sources for critical components, such as motors or compressors, for their individual business. The small business unit mindset looks at these as just components, but the authors see them as core products that contribute to their competitiveness of a wide range of end products. Put more simply, a lack of innovation in companies producing parts for purchase by assembly and marketing companies could mean higher costs and the lessening of the market share due to the lower pricing of competitors able to impose greater cost discipline over their competitors.

Building core competencies isn’t about higher budgets for R&D or shared costs between firms in value chains but about the more rigorous and innovative application of managerial skills. The authors name three specific tests that can be applied, while also admitting that there are many more. They state that core competence should provide access to a wide variety of markets, make a significant contribution to the product benefits perceived by the customer, and be difficult to imitate. Because many company managers had just “accepted” their inputs as given – the SBU mindset – this leads to many U.S. companies to lose market share to Japanese and Korean ones. Just as it’s possible to develop core competencies it’s also possible to lose them and this has a major impact on distribution channels and profits in the context of intense competition.

The solution to this is seen as developing a strategic architecture to identify and develop core competencies, apply greater rationality to patterns of communication, chart career paths, and managerial rewards, to establish a corporate wide objective for competence and growth, and to determine internal stakeholders to lead these efforts and core personnel to be counted on to assist them. All these efforts at auditing and competencies and taking actions to develop them contribute to the roots of renewed cultural/economic norms.

When core competencies are intentionally developed they appreciate in value ad capacity over time, unlike physical assets subject to depreciation. An example given to this effect is the Philips company, who was able to develop its competence in optical media into a wide range of products. Given the benefits which accrue to such expertise, there is an ongoing effort to build world-class competencies within these firms. This focus on developing capabilities of a level that frequently are far higher than those taught in universities is why I’ve told multiple people who’ve asked me about my work in marketing not to study it in a university setting but to get a job and work your way up in the firm.

As is repeated throughout the literature assigned for this course, Prahalad and Hamel state that it is a mistake for management to surrender core competencies to outside suppliers. While outsourcing can be a short-cut to a more competitive product – in the long term it’s seen as counter-productive to building the human capital required to be a leader in a certain field of production. Towards this end, the authors are very critical of a number of U.S. industries that became complacent and thus let their Eastern partners take over from them in product leadership.

Core products, end products, and core competencies are all distinct concepts, and because of the legal regulations and market pressures of global competition, there are different stakes for each level. Defending or building or leadership over the long term at each level requires a different type of corporate indicators which are measured and different strategies to get there as well as benefits specific to their positioning. Control over core products, for example, enables a firm to direct the evolution of end markets and applications, and in order to ensure its strategic capacity companies need to know its’ position in each plane of operation. Prahalad and Hamel’s advocacy of such a view is a new one and is at odds with the Strategic Business Unit model developed business schools and consultancies during the age of diversified, primarily national markets. Below is a chart showing how the two differ, which explains in part why failing why companies can face high costs for failure to adapt – the effects of which included bounded innovation, imprisoning resources within specific units, and underinvestment in the development of core competencies and core products.

With the adoption of the core competencies view, it becomes possible to develop a strategic architecture to align with a path towards firm’s flourishing. Rather than SBUs directing talented people in a way such that they seek to keep their most competent people to themselves, core competencies seeks to unlock their capabilities so that they get directed to the opportunity that will lead the greatest payoff. By circulating talent within a variety of business units, the specialists gain from interaction with the generalists and vice-versa.

A Literature Review on Core Competencies

It’s amusing that after 25 years of use of the concept there’s still a definitive definition of core competencies within us, and yet that is Enginoglu and Arikan’s claim and the problem they seek to solve through a literature review. From the three domains described originally by Pralahad and Hamel – market access competencies, integrity-related competencies, and functionality- related competencies – a wide variety of categories and types of core competencies have emerged as well as explication and analysis of how they relate to various market factors such as turbulence and technological change.

It’s hard not fine oneself struck by the contradictions in the approaches to modelling core competencies, something that the author’s also comment on, and to wonder why some models get used more so the others. It’s an unfortunate absence in the article that there’s no inclusion of an investigation into the views of managers – i.e. what model approximates the mode of thinking that they operate under – rather than just what’s published. This would allow for an approximate determination of which models are best for which industries and, better yet, from whence they come. It’d be interesting to note from whence their ideas came, books within the popular business press or specialist texts written by academic researchers on this matter. I imagine the former dominated simply based on my experience with mid-level executives but it’d be interesting to know if at the top end of larger, older firms if there was some effort made to take a more scientific approach to business. Knowing what a company does best and judging it’s efforts can perhaps take as many forms as there are companies – but looking at this concept’s practical use could benefit the industry as a whole rather than just the writers of literature reviews and those that are cited within them.

Core Capabilities and Core Rigidities

Core capabilities are those qualities that strategically differentiate a company from other that could be considered imitators.  Using a knowledge-based view of the firm, Leonard Barton defines a core capability as the knowledge set that distinguishes and provides a competitive advantage and postulates that there are four dimensions to this knowledge set. “Its content is embodied in (1) employee knowledge and skills and embedded in (2) technical systems. The processes of knowledge creation and control are guided by (3) managerial systems. The fourth dimension is (4) the values and norms associated with the various types of embodied and embedded knowledge and with the processes of knowledge creation and control.”

These four dimensions are highly interdependent on one another – as the below image shows, and become institutionalized through the habits of those that embody the knowledge.

One of the comments I found strange is Dorothy’s assessment that Values and Norms are not commonplace within the literature on core capabilities. In every books that I’ve read regarding business leadership and developing innovation in the workplace – this was always a core component. The points made by these other authors included the need to be open to more individuality in highly centralized business operations as well as the need to be open to standardization processes in those defined by a high degree of craft. Corporate culture, at least   in the post 2000s books published by Harvard Business Review I’ve read, is critical.

When a critical capacity of core capabilities have been developed it creates a something like a strategic reserve of people with complementary skills and interests outside the projects which can help shape new products with their criticism and insights. The author provides several examples of product testing to give examples of how those involved within different aspect of production and marketing allowed for swift feedback and deep insight. This pervasive technical literacy can constitute a compelling corporate resource,

Technical systems are “the systems, procedures and tools that are artifacts left behind by talented individuals, embodying many of their skills in a readily accessible form.” The value of these artifacts are implicit, a group of consultants from company’s such as McKinsey and IDEO now sell 300 of their Excel sheets and Powerpoint documents for $4000 online. Managerial systems include items such as incentive structures. When I worked at Fractl, for instance, I made use of their technical systems to better understand how to approach potential clients as their incentive of earning a 4% commission on a client signing up greatly appealed to me. The money I earned after landing a client was good enough in itself, but when the President of the company praised me in a company-wide meeting and then took me out to lunch, that further incentivized other employees to take the same kind of initiative. This willingness to give employees agency is called empowerment and is described by Mintzberg as an emergent rather than a deliberate strategy due to the higher degree of variability of outcome. Such freedom can develop into a form of entitlement that has deleterious effects on projects in the same way that core rigidities – the inverse of core capabilities, habits of thought which prevent innovative thinking in problem-solving – can develop. Leonard-Barton describes a number of the paradox that emerge and how to deal with them that place emphasis on the needs of the organization given the specific environment in which they are operating.

A Capability Theory of the Firm: An Economics and Strategic Management Perspective

In this article David Teece develops capability theory to present a deeper understanding of how differential firm-level resource allocation and performance can emerge. Based in with evolutionary and behavioral economics, a number of concepts are developed to improve the understanding of the nature of the business enterprise and its management. The author endeavors to address the issues connected to competitions he sees as lacking within the wider literature by developing a meta-theory framework of firm capabilities and a theory of how firms innovate and adapt so as to preserve evolutionary fitness. This question as to how individual firms build and manage capabilities to innovate and grow is one of the most important ones that can be answered, according to Teece, as to the extent that competitive advantage is derived from innovation rather than from some type of market restriction, it requires a sharp focus on how firms develop, learn, and benefit their stakeholders and shareholders as while scale, scope, product differentiation,  network effects, and lock-in, are all components of the economists explanatory toolkit for market power, they are insufficient for explaining how individual firms establish and maintain competitive advantage. The dynamic capabilities framework is based on extensive research in the field of knowledge based theories of the firm, strategic management and innovation and “brings Williamsonian transaction costs, Penrosean resources, Knightian uncertainty, and Schumpeterian (knowledge) combinations together in a way that can potentially explain not only why firms exist, but also their scope and potential for growth and sustained profit- ability in highly competitive markets.”

Like Nelson and Winter’s An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change, the article examines a large number of the deficiencies in economic literature. I personally find this polemical style to be engaging, especially when in the context of advocating for the need to develop a theoretical structure that’s less obtuse and is more inclusive of entrepreneurs and managers choices to invest, learn, and decide in the context of the deep uncertainty that is every- day business life. Irrationality is rational, rules of thumb for how to respond are many times ubiquitous than adherence to profit maxims, and the hubris that defines the human experience is common. Strategy, organizational capacities and business models all have an important role in the business transformation capabilities – but despite not having read the many people whose research is described in this essay I’m in agreement with Teece as even in my limited familiarity with a game theory and agent based modelling it seems way too simplistic for me to consider practical.

Written within the resource theory of the firm school, much of the concepts are those that were first introduced in Chapters 2 and 3. Ordinary capabilities are the routines, personnel, equipment, quality control methods, bench-marking capabilities, administrative capacities, etc. Dynamic capabilities are those that enable the top management team of the enterprise to formulate strategic innovation capabilities based on their capacity to forecast consumer preferences, solve new business problems, invest in the new technologies that while have high ROIs; properly substantiate indicators within the market and fine-tune their decision making processes in relation to them; and appropriately redirect activities and assets. There are three clusters identified within this realm identified by Teece on page 10:

  • Identification and assessment of threats, opportunities, and customer needs (Sensing)
  • Mobilization of resources to address fresh opportunities while capturing value from doing so (Seizing)
  • Ongoing organizational renewal (Transforming).

The above figure charts the relationships between the aforementioned concepts using the VRIN framework – which determines if a resource is a source of sustainable competitive advantage. It visualizes the dynamic capabilities framework and , indicates how capabilities and strategy are codetermined by performance and that poor strategy will reduce the effectiveness of dynamic capabilities. Closing the gaps that can exist in capability development required measuring a number of dimensions and then taking action to move the firm. At this point Teece states that while there are bodies of literature which address the management of each particular dimension, that none exist for doing all three at the same time. This is challenge of capability theory – understanding how each interacts so as to avoid unwanted side effects with innovation management and ensure the creation of excellence.

Make, buy or rent are the three options that are traditionally pursued with normal capabilities – however Teece states that this is an especially difficult options with dynamic ones. While different concepts, dynamic capabilities are closely connected to a strategy that is able to presciently diagnose and identify obstacles, develop policies that allow them to be overcome and direct coherent action plans which coordinated activities based on those policies. By closing the gaps and achieving complementarities amongst firm activities through managerial asset evaluation and orchestration technological and organizational innovation dynamic capabilities are achieved. It’s this analysis of capabilities, Teece claims, that enables one to account for firm-level differentiation in a variety of levels not adequately addressed in a number of structural economics and developmentalist literature.

The Other Side of Innovation: Solving the Execution Challenge

Harvard Business Review Press published this book by Vijay Govindarajan and Christ Trimble and contains a wealth of research based insights on how to successfully execute innovation projects in a company. Because they study such a large variety of innovation endeavors in a variety of contexts, because of support for the Center for Global Leadership and the Tuck School of Business, they are able to generalize from the case studies and proscribe general laws in situations based on the elements of the dynamics at play. The authors’ case studies include an extended explanation of lessons garnered from Thompson Corporation and News Corporation’s (publisher of the Wall Street Journal) addition of computer software-based services to their organization. this technical data plus the wealth of psychological considerations for successful project management and development makes this an ideal book for leaders.

The two sides of innovation are ideation and execution, and in this instance, the other side of innovation in the title means execution. Brainstorming ideas can be real fun, they say, but ideas are only the beginning. Without implementation, action, follow-through, execution, whatever you want to call it – then this means nothing. The true innovation challenge lies in the idea’s transition from imagination to impact in the workplace.

If the book could be said to have a main takeaway, it’s that each innovation initiative requires a team with a custom organizational model and a plan this is revised only through a rigorous learning process. Because of this there must be much conscientious social engineering on the part of the innovation leader – which I will explain more about further in this book review.

Within compa,nies their primary activities can be generally categorized under the concept of “The Performance Engine”. This is the dedicated team of full time workers that is in charge of ongoing operations. While they are able to engage in small scale continuous process improvements and initiatives in product development that are similar to previous activities – there is little scope for innovation to be achieved within the organization. Too much is needed so a new team must be developed to help implements it. This dynamic can be easily put in the following logic:

Project team = dedicated team + shared staff

As the names suggest given the groups thus defined, the shared staff is are those that work primarily on the Performance Engine but also have Innovation Team Duties. The Dedicated Team are those that are full time workers on the initiative.

The partnership, not just either team, executes the project plan. Because the focus of each group is very different – one is in repeating established work rhythms and the other determining the optimum means of establishing an innovation initiative – there are several principles that must be considered when deciding how to assemble a dedicated team. Not only do you need to identify the skills needed and hire the best people that can be found – even if their pay scale is above normal operations – and then you match the organizational model to the dedicated teams job. In the manner that the authors describe it, it almost reminds me of lesson plans for the first day of school – bring all of the individuals that will work on the innovation project together then start to transform them into a team by defining new roles and responsibilities; decorating and starting to fill in the new, separate space wherein the work activity will transpire; and even doing some role playing as a team in order to make charts of who will do what. After this a guided conversation needs to be headed by the innovation leader on how the usual performance based metrics for work are not going to be applicable in this work situation. This is important because the dedicated team and the performance engines need to know that even though they will share some existing processes and personnel, that they have different objectives and should have a different culture.

Defaulting to “insider knowledge” can be a trap the needs to be escaped from, and cautionary advice is provided on hiring within the organization. Not only can organizational memory eclipse the work at hand, but successful past performance aren’t reliable indicators in an innovation initiative setting as the processes are so different.

Because the key difference between typical planning processes for the performance engine and the best practices for innovation are so different, the human skills required for such an undertaking are significant. Hence the book is as much instructions for proper processes and principles as it is a guide to dealing with persons. Conflict between teams, within teams, and between executives/management and innovation leader all can have a degenerative effect on successfully execution. Dissipating a number of the myths associated with innovation – such as it being necessarily disruptive or distracting from the Performance Engine – is one of the key factors for maintaining successful control of the project.

The authors recurrent emphasis on the importance of documenting and sharing this information and be aware of the learning process reminds me of the frequent reminders that I heard as a teacher to ensure that my testing of students was part and parcel of a larger educational journey that I was leading them on. By ensuring that, excuse the pun, no child was left behind I ensured that I wouldn’t find myself in a situation where some students not making the appropriate learning gains. Since learning cannot be left to intuition – it’s important to have a rigorous learning process in place that is based on the scientific method. As such it becomes easier to refine speculative predictions into reliable predictions. With everyone involved being on the same page as to historical, current, and projected status of the initiative – from former operational hypothesis to what custom metrics metrics are being used to cost categories – it makes it easier to discuss assumptions and determine the means for best keeping the program on the correct trajectory.

Each chapter of the book ends with a series of proscriptive lessons garnered from analysis of the business cases presented– such as “Never assume that the metrics and standards used to evaluate the existing business have relevance to the innovation initiative” as the depth, power balance and operating rhythm of the two organizations are so different. This was an appreciated way of consolidating the lessons in and fast matter that I appreciated. This and the general style and concise definitions throughout made me appreciate the authors greatly.


One of the undercurrent running throughout all of the texts in this chapter/section is the specter of globalization. New competitors within broader markets compelled companies to restructure their value and operational imperatives in order to better exploit the capabilities that they’d developed over the years of operation within a national market. While core competencies can be interpreted in a variety of manners, it essentially means what a company does best and understanding what that means for each particular firm has required to examine the cultural, managerial, operational and informational components of their operations.


A focus on the creation of new capabilities is organizationally better for firms in the long run rather than letting financial performance drive operations as the former internally builds a company while the latter merely helps maintain it. Opportunities are lost as efforts become shallow and knowledge is lost. Management that is able to develop a strategic framework within which to harness and expand capabilities allows for the deepening of core competencies and thus competitive advantages. Such policies, rules, and actions that address the high stakes challenged brought up about a new global market greatly enhance firms capacity for innovation and continuation within the marketplace.          


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Leonard-Barton, Dorothy. “Core Capabilities and Core Rigidities: A Paradox in Managing New Product Development.” Strategic Management Journal, vol. 13, no. S1, 1992, pp. 111–125., doi:10.1002/smj.4250131009.

Patel, Pari, and Keith Pavitt. “The Technological Competencies of the World’s Largest Firms: Complex and Path-Dependent, but Not Much Variety.” Research Policy, vol. 26, no. 2, 1997, pp. 141–156., doi:10.1016/s0048-7333(97)00005-x.

Pavitt, K. “Key Characteristics of the Large Innovating Firm*.” British Journal of Management, vol. 2, no. 1, 1991, pp. 41–50., doi:10.1111/j.1467-8551.1991.tb00014.x.

Prahalad, C. “The Core Competence of the Corporation.” Strategic Learning in a Knowledge Economy, 2000, pp. 3–22., doi:10.1016/b978-0-7506-7223-8.50003-4.

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Teece, David J. “Dynamic Capabilities as (Workable) Management Systems Theory.” Journal of Management & Organization, vol. 24, no. 3, 2018, pp. 359–368., doi:10.1017/jmo.2017.75.

Teece, David, and Gary Pisano. “The Dynamic Capabilities of Firms: an Introduction.” Industrial and Corporate Change, vol. 3, no. 3, 1994, pp. 537–556., doi:10.1093/icc/3.3.537-a.

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Development Country Innovation Management: Meeting International Standards & Building on Them

Innovation Capacities

Development Country Innovation Management: Meeting International Standards & Building on Them 


Companies develop a portfolio of core competencies that allow them to gain competitive advantages through brand recognition, superior pricing, the invention of new markets and exploitation of emerging ones, as well as developing innovations in processes that lead to greater capabilities and innovation in products that fit customer’s needs in new ways. This requires effective organizational learning, which requires a high absorptive capacity. High absorptive capacity has two major elements, prior knowledge base and intensity of effort, and are especially difficult in an international context as developing countries need to catch up to those that are more technologically advanced. By transferring technology and operational norms from advanced firms to those with lower levels, less developed countries are able to “catch up”.

Keywords: Organizational learning, core competence, crisis, knowledge development, innovation management


Developing innovative technological activities from knowledge bases outside the country can be an exceptionally difficult task  As tacit knowledge resides in the people involved in firms, it often requires foreign assistance both in financing and in oversight and management. The collection of reflections in the writing below explores the issues faced by developing countries. In it we learn the importance of absorptive capacity of firms on the receiving end of technological transfer and the qualities of managerial insights and strategy needed in order to successfully raise technological capacities.

Technological Capacities and Industrialization

Sanjaya Lall begins with a popular refrain described throughout the literature, e.g. neoclassical literature fails to address the granular problems actually found in projects designed to develop technological activities within non-core countries. Specifically, literature within this particular school tends to downplay the need for government policies to support, protect and induce activities and they “disregard the peculiar nature and costs of technological learning in specific activities, the externalities it generates and the complementarities it enjoys, which may lead to market failures and may call for a more selective approach to policy than conventional theory admits.” Because of the existence of asymmetries that work to inhibit technological development localized progress in an international setting must be fostered by a group of stakeholders that do more than assist only at the point that there is a market failure.

Research on increasing the firm-level technological capabilities in developing countries has been highly influenced by the writings of Nelson and Winter and other authors who similarly describe the growth of capabilities as a process within a feedback loop that includes many individuals developing their own tacit knowledge as well as company stakeholders that are coordinating with individuals outside the company that vary (i.e. foreign company manager working in-house during execution pre-investment or a purchased for a foreign company interested in a new supplier) which depends upon the phase they are in. Each phase in the above matrix related to specific capabilities required by the work at hand and all are affected first by the options made in the investment phase. The path laid out there will create a large number of dependencies which will impact all future aspects of the business operations and in what ways capabilities are able to be developed. Because workers are only able to gain mastery over the tools that they have at hand, determining the correct ones – as we shall see in the examples that follow – becomes incredibly important.

While there is inherently a need for the development of new capabilities, skills, and information to reign in the power of technology, it does not happen in a vacuum. Strongly influencing the process capability building and technological selection are issues related to the nature of the technology (is it small or large scale? Is it simple or complex? Does it require many or just a few workers) as well as external factors – such as degree of market protection. Having supply and demand-side protections helps ensure the firm’s continuation – but doesn’t necessarily mean that it is able to produce desired goods at competitive costs. Developing countries’ efforts at developing national technological capabilities, indeed even technologically advanced countries like the United States, are replete with examples of well-intentioned efforts that fail. It’s not enough to know that products produced via a public-private partnership will be purchased (incentives) isn’t a sufficient spur to the development of capabilities, neither is having strong institutions developed to help make it happen. As will be described in Lall’s case studies and the following reports – finding the optimal path requires strategic choices by many actors.

Crisis Construction and Organizational Learning: Capability Building in Catching-up at Hyundai Motor

Korean technology firms, from consumer electronics to automobiles, have demonstrated rapid internalization and application of capitalist methods of production and management. According to Statista, as of 2018 they now compose 26.8% of the global market in semiconductors. Their success in this field is testament to their capacity to build up their performance capabilities achieve through research and development efforts and a business environment – more on this later – that was highly conducive to rapid industrialization. This article demonstrates this by showing Hyundai’s rise as a car assembly-company engaging in duplicative imitation to creative innovation to full innovation. Using their story to chart the company’s dynamics of absorptive capacity, an impressive company story provides the basis to delineate growing knowledge dimensions and impressive organizational learning.

Learning systems require entrepreneurial actors to outline the vision and engineers to actually get it done. Hyundai imported talent in order to make up for tacit knowledge it lacked to start developing, producing and marketing cars. As their goal was to be not just an assembly firm but one capable of competing in every way with automobile manufacturing companies such as Ford and Mitsubishi, during the operations they constructed internal crises to present management with performance gaps and thus intensify the effort in organizational learning that they were engaged in.

As crisis is by nature evocative and galvanizing, Hyundai’s construction of these events had the effect of increasing the organizational factors connected to learning:  “intention, autonomy, fluctuation and creative chaos, redundancy, requisite variety, and leadership”. Using company records, interviews, and observations – the author share how different teams within the organization were tasked with becoming masters of topics through training with foreign firms – both by going abroad and having them come work in oversight positions, intra-firm knowledge development programs, etc. Their goal was learning by doing and learning by using. Given Hyundai’s international success and quality products, it’s clear that they were successful.

Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation

I chose to include Tim Brown’s book in this section as his position of CEO at IDEO has given him extensive experience working on innovation projects with many different companies to develop their capacities for innovation. As I too aspire to work as a consultant for firms, as IDEO is one of the world’s most renowned innovation consultancy firms and thus is widely read by other business executives I thought this to be an appropriate supplement for the assigned readings for this chapter.

While Brown does describe the necessity of having a quantitative approach to developing innovation capacities in businesses, he shares that his employees are also masterful storytellers who use design thinking to get obtain the commitment of those that work with his company. This is important as, according to his assessment – while surveys and data analysis allows for the determination of what’s needed – but using a design thinking framework to apply them the process of getting there is more effective.

Design thinking is a method that uses the information and data pulled from various tools found throughout the chapters in this reading to create a visual and narrative arc that facilitates organizational learning. Per Kim’s article Crisis Construction and Organizational Learning sociocultural factors play a large role in absorptive capacities for organizations, but crafting a compelling, consistent, and believable narrative from all of that it becomes easier to “script success” by those involved in their innovation capacity development. Brown relates this to the rise of the virtual world and increasing participation in what he calls the “experience economy” – a world view that has been disseminated in the West through self-empowerment literature, online chat groups, MMORPGs, and other spaces designed for character development.

After reviewing a number of case studies on innovation consultations that IDEO has been contracted for, Tim Brown then shares what he calls The 6 Rules for the Best Design Approach. Repeating many of the findings within this chapter about organizational learning processes, they are as follows:

  1. The best ideas emerge when the whole organizational ecosystem – not just its designers and engineers and certainly not just management – has room to experiment.
  2. Those most exposed to changing externalities (new technology, shifting customer base, strategic threats or opportunities) are the ones best placed to respond and most motivated to do so.
  3. Ideas should not be favored based on who creates them.
  4. Ideas that create a buzz should be favored. Indeed, ideas should gain a vocal following, however small, before being given organizational support.
  5. The “gardening” skills of senior leadership should be used to tend, prune, and harvest ideas. MBA’s call this “risk tolerance”.
  6. An overarching purpose should be articulated so that the organization has a sense of direction and innovators don’t feel the need for constant supervision.

In addition to such learning processes, Brown states that one of the ways that innovative markets or products are developed is by identifying the divergent users, i.e. those who are slightly modifying the products or using them for different ends than that for which they were intended.

Rather than focusing on this, however, I want to provide a demonstration on the value of Brown’s design-thinking approach to innovation development by contrasting this model with that described by Rush, Bessant and Hobdayin Assessing the Technological Capabilities of Firms.

Assessing the Technological Capabilities of Firms

The scientific tools used to capture and interpret data covered to help determine what policies should be adopted in order to increase absorptive capacity and implement technological innovations processes by firms and government is truly amazing. External policy agents can be forces that radically improve the production of goods and provision of services in the private and public sectors by helping manage and deepen innovative practices. Weaknesses and strengths, after measurement as to where they sit on the “punctuated equilibrium” of daily operations, can be corrected leading to  And yet reading this article reminded me of the documents that technology consulting companies would produce when I worked as a teacher to justify the transition to a new software platform by which to register grades and attendance. I’ll first cover this article by Rush, Hobday, and Bessant and then this issue.

Policymakers need assistance in tailoring support as to how to implement organizational learning programs in their firm or government agency. Various tools exist by which to position firms and also help educate the person from taking them as to what concepts are important to a firm’s successful operation. The authors of this article show an example of the Technological Capabilities Audit in operation alongside that gathering of historical case material such as key milestones, basic information on the company’s history, number of employees, turnover, product markets, and technologies used. Examining qualities such as risk management frameworks and project management guidelines through surveys allow them to interpret the maturity level of operations and spaces for growth.

Recognizing that there are different factors involved in a public-sector enterprise than a school, it’s nevertheless worth pointing out that some innovation capacity development projects could have unforeseen negative consequences. Twice I had to deal with software platform transitions while working and twice I – and several other more technologically savvy employees – became the “resident experts” and go to people to assist those educators that couldn’t rapidly apprehend the software and refused to refer to the user guide as “it was just faster to ask someone.”

The reason that this new software platform was eventually changed to another was that the gains to productivity that were projected were never met. Looking back now I’d say that this was largely a failure to recognize accurately assess the average degree of computer competency by those using it – younger teachers with a higher degree of technological competence, statistically the smallest group – were the only people on the core test team. The strategy for implementing and learning it was not well executed – two four hour training sessions and a non-searchable PDF file on how to use it. Awareness of its importance and it’s linkage to other stakeholders was high – but it could never overcome the basic core competence issue. And because of this, another software platform was purchased, and the same problem repeated itself the following year.

Locked in Place: State-building and Late Industrialization in India

While Locked in Placeis not one of the texts listed as assigned readings for this course, it seemed appropriate to cite it given that South Korea is presented as the primary comparative study to the analysis of India. The book is analyzes the economic and social evolution stemming from a development strategy that required significant influence over firms: export-led industrialization (ELI). South Korea, as a military dictatorship, was able to use its consolidated power to enact significant influence over the firm’s executives as well as the leadership of the employees unions. This capacity to have nearly complete control over the economy allowed them to have high level exchanges with the leaders of the Japanese industry such that they felt comfortable transferring their low-value added industries to Korea at a time when they were seeking to develop their more profitable technology production and assembly industries.

ELI combined with Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI) allowed Korea to rapidly grow their innovative capacity and diversify their economy. ISI was a common strategy in the 1950s that is quickly summarized as a “doctrine of infant industry protection”. Adherents to this school argued that it was necessary to protect new industries in developing country so that firms could eventually build up sufficient capacity to build products to international standards and accumulate capital by requiring certain companies connected within value-add chains to prioritize buying and selling to the internal market. This combination of ELI and ISI imposed a strict discipline regimen wherein in exchange for subsidies that were designed and monitored by state and nonstate actors international standards became the internal standards. As has been repeatedly discussed in all of the readings – it’s this transmogrification of exogenous standards and capabilities to the endogenous that creates innovation capacities that are able to be exploited in markets. 


Developing innovation capacities requires a mix of hard (technical) and soft (interpersonal) capabilities. Snapshots developed of the internal operations along with market assessments when combined with design-thinking principles to ensure a culture combining elements of standardization and innovation lead to evolutionary practices. IDEO excels at this, incorporating what they call “narrative technicians” to help translate data into embodied action by management and staff. A crisis too, manufactured or natural, can be another means of accelerating such changes as when faced with the possibility that those involved may lose their likelihood as they are unable to compete in their usual fashion it forces the rapid adoption of a new worldview and behaviors.

In developing countries, it is especially important for international standards to be adopted and practices that are innovative to domestic industries to be internalized. Steady support by government and policy agents, as in the case of Korea, allows for investments to be guaranteed in such that they are attractive to other industries, like Japan, to want to include them in their supply chain. With such commercial environments that meet the risk standards for investors and cultures devoted to achieving technical excellence – countries are able to expand their division of labor, encourage innovation, and improve their economic conditions. 


Innovation management required the inverse mentality often associated with the genius inventor – pure newness – and instead the incremental adoption of what’s already been established. Knowing who to partner with and what benefits are associated in the long term with the adoption of certain technologies and standards enables firms to grow. By operating as if in a state of crisis skills can be improved and a cadre of knowledge workers strengthened in their problem-solving capabilities and thus improved in their normal efforts. 


Brown, Tim.  Change by Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation (2012)

Chen, C. F., & Sewell, G. (1996). Strategies for technological development in South Korea and Taiwan: The case of semiconductors. Research Policy, 25, 759-783.

Chibber, Vivek. 2003. Locked in Place: State-building and Late Industrialization in India. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.

Cohen, W. M., & Levinthal, D. A. (1990). Absorptive Capacity: A new perspective on learning and innovation. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35(1), 128-152.

Kim, L. (1997). Imitation to Innovation: The Dynamics of Korea’s Technological Learning. Harvard Business School Press.

Kim, L. (1998). Crisis Construction and Organizational Learning: Capability Building in Catching-up at Hyundai Motor. Organization Science, 9, 506-521.

Kim, L. (2001). The Dynamics of Technological Learning in Industrialisation. Revue Internationale des Sciences Sociales, 2(168), 327-339.

Lall, S. (1998). Technology and human capital in maturing Asian countries. Science and Technology & Society, 3(1), 11-48.

Ndiege, J. R., Herselman, M. E., & Flowerday, S. V. (2014). Absorptive Capacity and ICT adoption strategies for SMEs: A case study in Kenya. The African Journal of Information Systems, 6(4), 140-155.

Roberts, N., Galluch, P. S., & Dinger, M. (2012). Absorptive Capacity and information systems research: Review, synthesis, and directions for future research. Management Information Systems Research Center, 36(2), 625-648.


Innovation and Value Chains

Innovation Capacities

Innovation and Value Chains


Innovation is frequently obtained through exogenous means by companies inserting themselves within a value chain. Placement within a value chains indicates that businesses are receiving materials to one firm and then handing their products they’ve serviced to another firm. Two examples of this include chip manufacture and metallurgy – the former assemblies parts to be handed to technology firms which insert them into finished hardware components that are then put to market while the later processes raw metals in order to develop products such as steel that is machine lathed into household goods or for use in construction. Firms competitive positionsarepositivelytransformed and capabilities for innovation emerge in these situations as a result of changes in exogenous and endogenous factors. Cooperation and the acquisition of technologyrepresent the former whereas budgetary expenditure on research and developmentis an examples of the latter. Oftentimes government or business sector interests assist in the development of such activities as it provides net benefits to the country and the local capabilities of the industry. This is accomplished through maintaining a balance between these external and internal factors and properly exploiting them.

Keywords: innovation capacities, technological innovation capabilities, organizational congruence, triple helix


Managing Technological Development: Lessons from the Newly Industrializing Countries

When firms decide to invest in a particular technology it represents both a set of engineering norms associated with it, expected costs, benefits and methods as well as capabilities that can be acquired by those gaining experience with that technology. This consideration is important to examine when considering which technologies to upgrade to or abandon. The identification of local needs are important when establishing such a framework, however, to think with an eye to future innovations also requires to think in a less constrained manner. This requires the collection of information on a large number of indicators and openness to looking far outside the domestic borders to determine what is valued by companies within various supply chains.

In this article by Dahlman, Ross-Larson and Westphal, the authors open with a description of how the Brazilian steel company Usiminas first came into being. Prior to its innovation activities, the Brazilian steel industry was not engaged in any of the high-value-added services that firms in more advanced countries did. It was only after agreeing to a period of apprenticeship under those who had already learned the mechanically technical and physically dangerous processes involved in using blast furnaces, basic oxygen converters and rolling mills through experience in Japan and could demonstrate the capability to do it unaided they the keys, to use an American idiomatic expression, were given to them. Due to an unplanned-for economic recession, the company had to readjust its planned operations. Demonstrating how technological development functions in such settings, they managed to improve their operations by stretching their capacities and applying new methods of developing desired goods by setting up an internal research department. This allowed them not only to profit sufficiently as to be able to expand but to spin off its engineering department so as to provide technical assistance to other companies. Usiminas thus showed a capacity to not only exploit its core mission, producing steel according to international industry standards, but to develop a core competence that allowed it to expand and thrive.

Because of the high technical nature of complex industries, it is typical for new industries to be founded in underdeveloped countries with the assistance of foreign companies and domestic governments. To attract foreign companies to already engaged in such activities to, industry associations will pressure governments to adopt technological policies that create incentives for technology transfer and alterations of regulatory environments and penalties for firms that are considered chronic laggards. With this activity, specialized technological agents come into being to either facilitate such activities or to form their own firm related to their specialization. Through their help, more efficient and productive use of the resources occurs and the government can pull back from the role of guaranteeing returns on investments and instead of assisting research institutes. One of the common features of successful technological development policy is a market-positive environment wherein government intervention is limited only to providing assistance during periods of market failure. In such circumstances, the “right” capabilities will emerge on their own as a result of sector-specific needs.

While the Resources to Capabilities to Competencies video is far more simplistic than the examples described in Managing Technological Development: Lessons from the Newly Industrializing Countries, I’ve included the below screenshot from the video as it does show a version of the steps involved in their innovation development activities described therein. Conscientious measurement and strategic planning based on that allows for resources to grow into capabilities and competencies that can create competitive advantages for firms.

Innovative Capability Audits of University Research Centers

Whilst the above provides a number of case studies and theoretical reflections, the findings of this article in the literature on technology audits and other assessment tools which are sourced from a technology management development program for a university research center. It then describes an innovative method developed specifically for that center, communicates that that design’s motivating factors, and analyzes the results acquired from the research process. It is, in short, a granular exemplum of a methodology for how to develop innovation.

Citing David Klein’s 1995 book The Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital, Nystrom shares the general framework within which the subsequent research and development program was structured:

  • understanding the relevant strategic and operational roles in the organization, what is needed today and tomorrow
  • creating an infrastructure for cultivating and sharing it
  • creating the culture that encourages it
  • monitoring, valuing and reporting it

And then go on to Burgelman and Maidique’s 1988 the Innovative Capabilities Audit Framework which describes five categories of variables that influence innovation strategies for a business unit:

  1. Resources available for innovative activities.
  2. Capacity to understand competitor innovative strategies.
  3. Capacity to understand technological developments.
  4. Structural and cultural context of the organization affecting entrepreneurial behavior.
  5. Management capacity to deal with entrepreneurial activities.

In order to develop their assessment tools which comprised of nine criteria which addressed the center’s resource, strategy, and method of implementation through a series of surveys throughout the 5 phases of the innovation process. Since I’ve already quoted extensively from the article in the above description of the framework and categories of influence I’ll skip over what they developed specifically and turn instead to how they used it.

The questions from the audit framework they developed were directed to the stakeholders involved in order to measure the groups capacity to engage in teamwork, their level of technical knowledge and where they believed growth was most appropriate, enthusiasm for the process and final project, barriers to effective actions, perceived resources, most effective communicational protocols, and organizational structure, etc. This provided learning and team-building opportunities for those involved with the development and administration of the Research Center by forcing stakeholders to assess and reflect on what worked well or what did not. Having the capability to compare personal views with other members and then consider those differences during structured discussion sessions meant that external experts were not needed to provide the assessment.

While the context of this is very different from the Professional Learning Communities that I participated in as a History professor at Broward College – we were not trying to build a new center but to merely unify the direction of lesson planning so that there were clear overlaps in instructional material between Parts I – IV of the required History and Political Science curriculum – there are some overlaps as well. Results from our structured surveys and meetings allowed for rapid availability and easy explanations as to how we could all “get on the same page” to improve the learning capabilities and gains of our students.

Methodology for Evaluating Innovation Capabilities at University Institutions Using a Fuzzy System

I love data science and so found the methods described in this article, to use non-engineering terminology, to be really cool. As knowledge is what allows for the transformation of new technologies for industries the authors look to identify Technological Innovation Capacities through quantification and examination of the Triple Helix. This Triple Helix model generates an quantified infrastructure for the articulation of knowledge within the participating institutional entities (firms, educational institutions, and government) and provides the basis for the formulation of strategies for innovation development via surveys which substitute for quantitative market indicators.

The authors use the Model of Organizational Congruence developed by Nadler and Tushman in 1980 to structured to identify inputs, outputs, and the transformation process in line with four congruent components: “the tasks (the work that has to be done;) the individuals (the members of the organization;) the formal organization (the formal agreements at the interior of the organization, the structure and the processes adopted so the individuals execute the tasks;) and the informal organization (that which has not been directly formalized and is related to the culture that surges spontaneously and naturally between people that hold positions in the formal organization.)”

Because of the difficulty in being able to measure technological innovation capabilities – which are after all not operational unto themselves nor directly identifiable, judgments from all of those who’ve been surveyed are placed into a fuzzy logic framework in order to provide a more appropriate form to all of these subjective impressions.

A fuzzy logic system: “allows easy use of the knowledge of subject experts, as a starting point for automatic optimization when formalizing the occasionally ambiguous knowledge of an expert (or of common sense) in an attainable form. Additionally, thanks to the simplicity of the necessary calculations (sums and comparisons), they can usually be performed in comfortable, fast systems” (Martin and Sanz 2002, p. 248). The scorecards allow for the presentation of ranges on a variety of issues that provides the capacity to determine the weight for each set of questions on a high, medium to low scale.

While not directly related to the methodology described above, it’s perhaps worth mentioning here the Theoretical Framework video provides a more simplified example for mapping the relationships amongst a variety of concepts like the one described above.

According to it by writing the general problem, writing a research question, identifying the key concepts, defining these concepts with literature support, identifying the existing or potential relationships between these concepts, and identifying what indicators will be studied one can construct academically and practical studies. Based on this and the above fuzzy logic model, it becomes possible to determine areas in which Serrano and Robeldo’s work could potentially be combined with other data to find meaningful relationships.

Innovative capability and Export Performance of Chinese firms

A broader example of measuring and forecasting innovation than the above two examples is found in Guan and Ma’s article Innovative Capability and Export Performance of Chinese firms. Based on the data provided them from a sample of 213 Chinese industrial firms the authors examine seven innovation capability dimensions (learning, research and development (R&D), manufacturing, marketing, organizational, resource allocating and strategy planning) and three firm characteristics (domestic market share, size, and productivity growth rate) in evaluating their export performances.

After providing a brief literature review of innovation capabilities the authors, per the Theoretical Framework model, then describe what they developed based on that study which would be used in their own research. They produced a very complex modeling formula which divided innovation capabilities into seven dimensions based on a number of specific indexes of measurement:

(1) learning capability (including nine indexes)

(2) R&D capability (including 13 indexes)

(3) manufacturing capability (including eight indexes)

(4) marketing capability (including nine indexes)

(5) organizational capability (including 12 indexes)

(6) resources exploiting capability (including eight indexes)

(7) strategic capability (including 12 indexes).

One of the limits of the analysis which follows based on this model is the lack of cooperation from the companies under study. Guan and Ma state that they were able only to obtain labor productivity growth rates and not the real labor productivity data. This isn’t to say that their research project becomes valueless, just that some of the findings are intuitive to existent literature – such as how firm’s size and its export ratio shows that the competitive advantage of larger firms in exporting and that smaller firms prefer to focus on filling the needs in the domestic market because of the high cost of operation associated with high entry barriers. Other areas of investigation, where more meaningful research emerges, is in the relationship between specific sectors and how if greater process capabilities were matched they’d be able to achieve market requirements in a more timely fashion. This finding is one repeated from the Dahlman, Ross-Larson and Westphal article. In other words when market indicators can more clearly be described and shared with those involved – capacities for innovation amongst firms increase as they have some degree of assurance that their investments will lead to profits. By testing their data they are able both to verify certain relationships, and to determine which are most significant, which is important for determining how to proceed with policy changes necessary to ensure investment in innovation capacity will leads to beneficial results.


Improving innovative capacity requires measurement of numerous variables and the strategic development of them in relation to indicators that are found in the marketplace. By being able to produce goods and services that are valuable, rare, difficult to imitate, and difficult to substitute they develop competitive advantages. Quantitative, qualitative, and multi-dimensional research tools combined with market research provide the methods by which these niches are found, and internal and external knowledge acquisition lead to their development.


Innovation and invention are not possible without a strong base in the knowledge of the work being done. As the above shows, it’s only through extensive training in fields of knowledge does innovation becomes possible. Exogenous and endogenous cooperation and the acquisition of new technology is the precursor for being able to apply capabilities to develop marketable goods and services. Being able to manipulate symbols or materials, organize in a more effective manner, more rapidly and at a better cost market the fruits of labor, etc. are all part of the preconditions which lead to innovation and invention.


Guan, J. M. (2003). Innovative capability and export performance of Chinese firms. Technovation, 23, 737-747.

Nystrom, H. “Innovative Capability Audits of University Research Centers,” Proceedings – 9th International Conference on Management of Technology, Miami, FL, Feb. 2 2000, CD-ROM.

Serrano G., J., y Robledo V., J. (2013). Methodology for Evaluating Innovation Capabilities at University Institutions Using a Fuzzy System. Journal of Technology Management and Innovation. Vol 8.

Sher, P. J., y Yang, P. Y. (2005). The effects of innovative capabilities and R&D clustering on firm performance: The evidence of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry. Technovation, 25, 33-43.

Wang, C., Lu, I. Y., y Chen, C. B. (2008). Evaluating firm technological innovation capability under uncertainty. Technovation, 1-15.

Yam, R. C., Pun, J. C., Guan, J. C., y Tang, E. P. (2004). An audit of technological innovation capabilities in Chinese firms: Some empirical findings in Beijing, China. Research Policy, 33, 1123-1140.

Innovation: Internal and External Drivers and Markers


The ability to exploit internal and external knowledge is a critical component of business capability to innovate. It is not sufficient merely to have identified the areas of knowledge to be exploited and transformed them into routines, it’s also important to determine that which isn’t fully known in order to determine whether or not research and development within that region of activity should be pursued. Because there is an ambiguity of scope in the skills and strategies required to innovative, quantitative processes are required in order to ensure that the proper routines and skills are implemented and developed within the firm.

Key Words: Evolutionary Economics, Absorptive Capacity, Tacit Knowlege, Economic Change, Behavioral Theory


Epistemology of human activity and business is a core component of innovation development and optimal functioning of a firm. By better understanding the drivers of interpersonal, cooperative behavior in business settings and how it is that knowledge is developed and operated as embodied knowledge, and how expenditures affect the long-term survivability of firms in competitive conditions it’s possible to develop a behavioral theory to guide evolutionary economic change.


Karl Polyani’s Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy is a beautiful exploration of knowledge and its application. Using Gestalt psychology methods, a form of psychoanalysis that examines the various pieces of a whole in its simplest forms and then constructs a broader picture based on the pattern, Polyani examines the history and practices of scientific knowledge and practical application in a manner that it as times quite poetic. He claims that his work is in the tradition of destructive analysis – in that he seeks to engage in a form of deconstruction of his subjects so that some of the operating presumptions that inform practices related to knowledge can be more clearly seen.

First examined is tradition, whose first formalization with the social sphere occurs via the relationships between master and apprentice. The older practitioner of the art of science, be it of agricultural or mechanical engineering, has internalized the rules of the field to such a degree as a result of their trial and errors such that they are able to embody and transmit a coherent system of conceptions. Polyani says that this diffusion of knowledge is intimately related to human interactions – despite the capacity to capture it in books, journals, and other media – and validates this claim by pointing to the fact that “the regions in Europe in which the scientific method first originated 400 years ago are scientifically still more fruitful today, in spite of their impoverishment than several overseas areas where much more money is available for scientific research.” He relates this fact to the British common law, which is founded on precedents, as it accustomed the people in those regions not to invert ever new cases in but to have a traditional worldview.

Relating this practice to approaching knowledge to connoisseurship, which is a skill that can only be obtained and then transmitted by example rather than rote memorization of precept, Polyani then claims that it becomes possible to understand the level of knowledge and skills related to that a particular person has by placing them on a form of a gradient. To use the example provided by Polyani, wine to provide an illustration of what he means would look as follows – it’s possible that a connoisseur would able to place the region of any French wine and know which goes with what food prepare with one of the five mother sauces, but not able to do the same for Spanish, Californian or Chilean wine and their foods. A different example, more suited to Colombia’s cafeteria, stems from the training I receive on becoming a Shift Supervisor at Starbucks. We spent several hours learning how the soil of coffee beans from each region impacted it’s flavor and were trained to have the proper language in which to explain the differences in taste.

This capacity to articulate is ultimately reflecting the tacit intellectual powers of humans and allows them to strive to explore new fields of knowledge. Our awareness of the lack of understanding in certain areas wherein problems are seen as needing to be solved becomes a form of psychological drive that separates us from the animal world. To see a problem which has not been but can be solved is a discovery, according to Polyani, in its own right. The value that one gets from this is both personal and often if the observation can be applied, market-based. Building on individual psychology model as well as the history of science and technological development since the beginning of the 20thcentury – the strict utilitarian model of Science policy adopted by the Socialist governments is described as inferior.

Where Polyani closes the reading selection on the relationship between scientific thinking, operational principles of technology, standards and invention Cohen and Levinthal describe this in more depth in an applied context, i.e. the operation of a firm.

The capacity to exploit external knowledge is a critical component of firm innovations and a firm’s capacity to recognize and organize in response to new information and competitive pressures is described as being a synergy that is qualitatively different from the net capacity of each individual. The authors view this learning capacity as so adjacent to problem-solving that there is little reason to differentiate their moves of development. Both represent the new-knowledge creating capacity as well as capability of applying it.

Effective absorptive capacity in this socialized setting thus requires a common language. Failures to convey the importance of a market change or how new technology can be profitably adopted for use within production means that opportunities are lost or evolution is delayed. This does not mean that diversity of knowledge is a barrier to absorptive capacity – in fact just the opposite. The capacity for novel associations and linkages to be made is one of the preconditions for innovative development. Instead what is required is a common set of concepts and patterns of behavior that allows for transmission between divergent thinkers as to how innovations can be developed or technologies transferred to improve the metrics of business operations. Absorptive capacity is not just “the acquisition or assimilation of information by an organization but also to the organization’s ability to exploit it.”

Cyert and March’s Behavioral Theory of the Firm is a major referent within professional and academic literature given its deep and practical insight into business operations. By focusing on a small number of important economic decisions made by the firm, Cyert and March develop a process-oriented model based on empirical observations that has a generality that is scalable beyond specific firms.

Describing how it is that firms and organizations manage the limited set of resources in Chapter 3, Cyert and March builds on observations that she’s made in previous chapters. Because organizations are viewed not viewed primarily as being profit-driven, there is lots of personal and emotional investment made by the various entrepreneurial leaders within it, Cyert and March states that it’s best to perceive of organizations as a coalition with moving boundaries. She states that this is not an innovative model – and that this conception of the organization can be found in the theory of teams, game theory, and the inducements-contributions schema – which all presumes that there is some manner for collectively arriving at the enunciation and action upon the goals the organization develops. While the continuation of the organization’s existence is clearly a primary factor, there are numerous other conspicuous choices that lead to a “continuous bargaining-learning process” that does not necessarily product unswerving goals but something like a business ethic approached by habit. These ambitions often make their way into foundational operations documents and one such example that has received much coverage within the business and technology press is Google’s rule to “Do no evil.” While much outside criticism has been made of this in relation to their choice to engage in contract work for China and the United States Department of Defense, the most important debates occur internally wherein the various coalitions form objectives and bargain.

One of the central processes connected to coalition formation and goal specification is the bargaining practice which delegates side payments. Side payments come in many forms such as “money, personal treatment, authority, organization policy, and so forth”. While in the political rather than the business realm the delegation of such benefits in return for policy commitments is called patronage, the same pejorative standard view is not here appropriate as this has the effect of reducing friction between workers and managers whose resentments and interpersonal conflicts can lead to various ill effects on the company. Taking on a client that is known to be overbearing rather than passing, for example,

The formulation of these are imperfectly rationalized and frequently stated in the form of commitments that are constrained by context and are aspirational and thus not-operational. Worded in a less technical manner, the objectives connected to the commitment to various side payments tend to address the emotional concerns between coalition members rather than the day to day and medium to long term operations. This is not to say that the former doesn’t have an impact on the latter, but that the commitments connected to this are of a qualitatively different nature. While these processes are punctuated by specific meetings – quarterly, yearly, or called as needed given a new business or environmental conditions – it is actually a continuing process. Another major mutual control system for the elaboration of commitments and elaboration of functions are budgets.

Budget, job descriptions, organizational charts, and elaboration of specific objectives impose much tighter constraints and the fact that “organizations have memories in the form of precedents” these are considered to be a great bind on the behavioral patterns of individuals and coalitions with the firm. Renegotiation of these are terms are done in a more formal fashion and, depending on the size and intensity of the internal conflicts within a firm, can require that external people are brought in to assist with the smoothing of the decision-making process. While both this and side payments are considered part of a larger arbitrary process to ensure organizational functioning – this aspect is much more determined by prior history.

One of the ways that organizations are able to continue despite there being conflicting goals is the inherently limited attention focus of those engaged in bargaining and organizational slack.

Attention focus refers to the fact at any normal moment there are simply too many considerations in play to let any one of them be the overarching issue-defining inter-organizational coalitions demands while slack refers to the willingness not to allow minor variations in the expectations created by agreements to define and thus destroy peaceable relationships. Another way of summarizing these two aspects is to say that people are adaptable and barring gross violations of expectations are able to adjust as needed in order to ensure the steadiness of operations. According to Cyert and March, “Slack operates to stabilize the system in two ways: (1) by absorbing excess resources, it retards upward adjustment of aspirations during relatively good times; (2) by providing a pool of emergency resources, it permits aspirations to be maintained (and achieved) during relatively bad times.”

With these considerations in mind, it becomes possible to develop predictive theory and strategy for operations that inform the construction of business goals as well as pricing and output decisions. Cyert and March claim that there are normally five different meta-goals that inform the more granular inventory, market share, profit, and production goals. While it is rational from a position in which strategy is determined to separate each of these into differentiated buckets, the truth is that all of them form a living feedback loop wherein each impacts the other. Demands by management are limited by those of the staff, and vice versa. The demands of the markets are limits by the capacities of managers to organize production in a competitive environment, and vice versa.

Nelson and Winter expand upon the research of the above authors by focus on the skills and routines of the business. Constantly facing competition from other firms that seek to extract market share via imitation or outright replication of the services they provide – the authors adopt a quasi-Marxian mode of capitalist analysis that rejects the profit-maximalization of orthodox theory. Their heterodox approach is a manner of appreciative theorizing, meaning that they are less interested in developing a series of formal theories that describe how things operate based on presuppositions as much as they are interested in examining “how things actually work”.

Because of this, they place a high value on the role of routinization within organizations. This they view as more important than skills as it is often the case that certain tasks can be completed via a variety of actions and as routines form the basis of most day to day activity. Skills are, furthermore, programmatic – that is, based on tacit knowledge – and thus of less concern than the routines – that is, based on explicit knowledge – which determines the application of skills. The capability to turn technological knowledge that problem-solves an issue into a novel routine that is one definition of an innovation that has the outcome of benefitting the company.

When an effort is made to incorporate an existing routine as a component of innovative routines, Nelson and Winter state that it is advantageous if two conditions are satisfied.

  1. The routine has been established as reliable – that is, fully under control and without uncertainty as to the results.
  2. The new application of the existing routine be as free as possible from operational and semantic am­biguities of scope, i.e. too dependent on the idiosyncratic application of individual skills.

In Chapter 12 Nelson and Winter continue their deployment of Schumpeter as a model to analyze the benefit obtained from leadership in technological innovations. The relationship between market structure and innovation is a complex one and there are no general rules which determine whether or not . Instead firms must look to their price-cost ratios, measure the short and long term effect of R&D expenditures, and analysis of a variety of other techniques that can lead to greater competitive capacity. After all, these reduce funds available for investment in other areas which can be beneficial, such as that designated for opening up markets elsewhere. As the authors themselves state: “The function of competition is to get-or help to get-the signals and in­centives right. In evolutionary theory, choice sets are not given and the consequences of any choice are unknown. Although some choices may be clearly worse than others, there is no choice that is clearly best ex-ante.”


Economic competition is not always about short term profit maximization but a complex process of navigating a number of different factors. An evolutionary model of economics must recognize the limits inherent in human’s capacities to adapt new languages with which to describe the problems that they face in the market and adopt new technologies and methods. As covered in more depth in the Chapter 5 response, the habits of scientific thinking and practical action connected to it via investigations and firm activities aren’t so transferred and requires extensive application of the scientific method. Technical progress can lead to first-mover benefits, but the returns can also be so marginal and meaningless as not be worth it. In this context, quantitative methods are required to provide a comprehensive assessment as to whether or not the environment is appropriate for such evolutionary activity.  


Properly understanding signals internally and externally requires a series of reflective and consultative processes in order to ensure necessary evolutionary steps are taken by firms. Developing a language for this requires conscientiousness development amongst those managers, administrators and the executive staff in order to ensure competitiveness is maintained via the proper incentives and direction of research and development.


Cyert, Richard Michael, and James G. March. A Behavioral Theory of the Firm. Martino Publishing, 2013.

Cohen, Wesley M., and Daniel A. Levinthal. “Absorptive Capacity: A New Perspective on Learning and Innovation.” Administrative Science Quarterly, vol. 35, no. 1, 1990, p. 128., doi:10.2307/2393553.

Polanyi, Michael. Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy. University of Chicago Press, 1992.

Nelson, Richard R., and Sidney G. Winter. An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change. The Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press, 2004.

Knowledge Resources and ICT: Internal and External Assessments and Action

Theory of Resources and Firm Behavior

Knowledge Resources and ICT: Internal and External Assessments and Action 


Description and analysis of the internal and market operations of a firm takes many forms and yet the resource-based view of a firm has been one that has gained widest adoption within business literature due to its explanatory advantages. One of the primary methods that enables companies to continue operating despite the pressures of competition is the application of strategic management principles based on such a theory to enable firms to develop sustained competitive advantages. By navigating the market and ensuring smooth operation via intra-firm negotiations – adequate resources are able to be maintained and developed such that the firm can continue operations under pressure of competition.

Key Words: Strategic Management, Market Advantage, Firm resources

  1. Introduction

In the United States, there are nearly 28 million small and medium-sized firms and roughly 19,000 firms with over 500 employees competing to provide customers goods and services within local, national, and international markets. A small group of these firms in the ICT field operates alongside the majority in a Business to Business (B2B) fashion assisting these firms with their information. Competitive pressures exist to ensure the replication of profitable activity and to successfully develop and manage innovation internally, as will be discussed below. I also include reflections on ICY firms below given that adoption of particular services providers is a significant choice that leads to path dependency.


Edith Rose’s book has had a major impact in the business world and the field of innovation. The theoretical framework she developed overturned many of the traditional assumptions of neoclassical economics and proposed alternatives explanatory frameworks for how firms operate. By challenging the motivations and cognitive assumptions of firm theory by empirically investigating firms, she produced research that was more accurate in understanding the organizational drives and limits of firms. She viewed firms to be shaped by conscious actions by economic actors, who operate dynamically between induction and deduction while framed within a historic context that has path-dependency elements informing evolutionary change (Penrose 2009).

How firms are now responding to the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic is a good example by which to demonstrate the indicators that must be dealt with in order to ensure survival.

Most firms that rely upon central, physical locations in order to provide their services are pressured to let large percentages of their employees go as operations cannot continue as usual, and yet great damage can be caused to their reputation should they do that. There are pressures to invest in new technologies that can allow for some degree of the continuation of operations, and yet a short length of time of the quarantines can make such expenditures spurious and thus a waste. Edith Rose would likely argue that such considerations – which are deeply informed by culture, ideology, shared moral values and a vision of corporate leadership – are all part and parcel of how a firm is able to survive and grow in the market. These organizational, psychological elements – how work is to be done when forced to do it a new way, how to treat workers in crisis conditions – are part in parcel with understanding how to operate a firm understood to be a pool of resources creating knowledge.

Such claims as this ought not to be interpreted to mean that a behavioralist theory of the firm is advocated within Theory of the Growth of the Firm. Rose states that she is sympathetic to aspects of it, but agnostic in others. While the central operating structure of the firm is its administrative organization, this is does not make it analogous to the heart. Rather it is a place where routine and non-routine managerial decisions are made that affect all of those involved in the profitmaking activities. Developed via the use of resources, these profits provide a means of objectively judging the service performance of those involved. In the interactions between human and material resources knowledge increases about the resources and the consumers of this. It’s in these changes of knowledge that new services become available (Penrose 2009).

To give a trifling example of this, I’ll share a work experience. My first job at 15 was at Taco Bell. I worked as a cashier there and quickly noticed that on the weekends the number of college students was higher than during the week and that they often came in high and ordered cinnamon twists with their order. It was easy for me to discern that the liked the fried sweetness, so it was no surprise to me when shortly after I’d started they launched the Chalupa. This took something that they already sold, flatbread, and threw it in the fryer to make their normal meals taste more savory. I’m certain that they did extensive market and process testing before introducing it – but as my co-workers and I were already doing the same thing before the official launch we liked to joke that we were the true inventors of this treat. This little change from prior operations is an example of diversification that stays within Taco Bell’s core Area of Specialization – Tex-Mex fast food.

Looking at these issues in the context of ICT, it’s apparent that such firms need to have significantly broader research capabilities in order to develop their products. Rather than just market testing within small regions a certain product to see if it will sell or not, they need to plan their diversifications around the features made available by their competitors. This is all the more important as such adoption of such ICT software leads to soft determinism due to the adoption of a specific means of understanding how to engage in technological activities. As will be discussed more later – such choices lead to path dependency that can incur high transfer costs. This incentivizes ICT companies to be on the cutting edge of vigilance, research, and development.

In Wernerfeld’s article A Resource-Based View of the Firm we learn it’s important to view the firm not from the products that it makes, but from the resource side. Doing so allows for a broader analysis of the diversification capabilities inherent with a firm to adapt to external market pressures and to internally innovate. By analyzing the firm from the position that they are a bundle of resources it becomes possible to locate the areas of high-value add, poorly performing activities, and where the barriers and opportunities for expansion are. Some of the

At the end of his article, Wernerfeld shares a series of dynamic resource management practices that have been used by businesses to obtain first-mover advantages – an attractive activity that typically yields high profits in the markets where the resources being deployed operated. The resource-product matrix, diversification via sequential entry, the exploit and develop strategy, and stepping stones process are all means of diversifying offerings and helping to ensure that such actions are successful. All of these are predicated on market research and the consideration of mergers and acquisitions – an imperfect but effective means of obtaining supplementary and complementary resources for the firm (Wernerfelt 1984).

Robert M. Grant sees the key to a resource-based approach to strategy formulation as having a deep understanding as to the relationships between resources, capabilities, competitive advantage, and profitability. For him it is most important to has an understanding of the mechanisms through which competitive advantage can be sustained over time. By designing strategies that exploit to maximum effect each firm’s unique characteristics, the basis for corporate profitability is expanded and more effectively achieved.

Grant makes an insightful statement in the section Resources as the Basis for Corporate Profitability when he states that strategy should be viewed less as a quest for monopoly rents and instead as a quest for Ricardian rents. In the case of ICT, the subscription model over the purchasing model could be seen as a means of encouraging Ricardian rents within companies. While certainly influenced by pirating of software in their choice of having monthly revenues rather than purchases – this also creates an internal incentive to ensure that product improvement is continuous. Because the competitive advantages of companies even like Adobe, Slack, and Firefox are ever fleeting – as evidenced by the recent rise of adoption rates of Microsoft Edge over Firefox- this helps to ensure that the firm’s profit-making processes are not replicated by mimicry, do not become obsolescent or end up depreciating that the value-adding work processed should be identified, appraised and examined for alteration in the framework of strategic capabilities (Grant 1991).

Identification and appraisal of capabilities can be difficult given the personal investment of section-chiefs as well as thinking based in the past successes or future hopes, thus leading to activities beyond or beneath the true scope of its capacities. And yet this analysis combined with the determination of the most effective organizational routines allows for durable marketplace percentages even when faces with an increasing pace of technological change or evolving product demands made by customers (Grant 1991). If firms are able to do this and keep barriers to entry sufficiently high that they discourage competitors from seeking to imitate their business model – then they are reasonably secure in their competitive advantage.

Human capital is one always one of their weaknesses, and employee mobility means that it is risky for firms to be too unduly dependent upon the contributions of the specific skills of a few employees who can bargain to obtain a greater share of the value they contribute and whose transfer to another firm would mean more intense competition and the potential loss of clients. The dynamics implied in this are not fully explored here, but suffice it to say that this fact is evident in the salaries and benefits given to full-stack developers in the ICT field. Because high quality, integrated software developing coding skills are so rare – those with such skills are able to demand greater authority on projects along with recompense. Suffice to say here it is important to fill resource gaps and, once processes are harmonized into an effective strategy it’s important for firms to maintain this “dynamic resource fit”.

Jay Barney’s article develops a framework wherein managers, as human capital, are crucial for reaching higher levels of firm performance. Recognizing that they are limited in their abilities to command and control all of the attributes that compose the characteristics of the firm as well as its place within the market – their analysis is largely what drives its economic performance engine. The three forms of resources that they have control over are organizational capital human capital and physical capital(Barney 1991).

From the standpoint of strategic relevance not all are equally important and sometimes these resources can actually inhibit the implementation of a value-creating strategy. Regarding the first point, it depends upon the type of business the firm is in, i.e. how it is creating value, that this comes into play. For instance, a firm that only requires low skill-levels to operate machines and process materials, i.e. the fast-food service industry, doesn’t need to invest much into the human capital of its front-line employees. Investment in the organizational and strategic workforce is important, however, as it allows them to adequately adjust form operations according to changes in the marketplace or to find new opportunities. For example, a managerial workforce that was agnostic or antagonistic to the new lines of business made possible from the internet revolution could have missed out on a new income stream developed via home delivery or pick up orders.

Firms obtain sustained competitive advantages by implementing strategies that exploit their internal strengths by responding to environmental opportunities. To have the potential for sustained competitive advantage a firm must have four attributes:

  • It might be able to exploit opportunities and/or neutralize threats in a firm’s environment
  • It must be rare among a firm’s current and potential competition
  • It must be imperfectly imitable
  • There cannot be strategically equivalent substitutes for this resource that are neither rare or imperfectly imitable.

If they manage to do all this while also avoiding internal weaknesses – such as employee turnover, which is also a loss of resources – and neutralizing external threats sustained competitive advantages is obtained (Barney 1991).

A path to sustained competitive advantage by harnessing these value-chain attributes. Barney is explicit, however, in his description that sustained competitive advantage isn’t something that once obtained cannot be lost. New knowledge must be constantly sought for in order to continue one’s place at the top and steps taken to maintain customer relations and positive brand recognition. Missteps occur, and there are always other firms looking to expand their percentage of goods or service provision within the market.


As skills are learned and refined through repetition, skills are automatically developed through the search for the particular strategy, which operates as a push for the company to go a little beyond its limits and constantly renew itself regarding its capabilities and resources, pursuing a dynamic adjustment.

Having the above, the company will be able to build an identity through strategy, which will not strictly depend on market signals, which are not only volatile but also subjective; Due to the permanent changes in customer preferences, but the company can clearly define its identity by identifying its resources and capabilities, to establish what challenges it can face and where to aim in the medium and long term.

The advantages that tourism companies face physical and historical place for some are absolute advantages that when exploited in the proper way can potentially be sources of profitability. 


All in all the picture presented by these authors, to make a somewhat stretched analogy in the sphere of gaming, is that similar to a Go board. Each move changes the larger balance of forces in such a way that while there appears to be clear winners – those with sustain competitive advantages – there is also the need to be forever vigilant in order to keep them. The moves must be complex, and hard to discern by one’s competitor and thus imperfectly imitable from a strategic viewpoint. This means that it is important to know one’s competitors and have deep insight into one’s own operations and where it is that one’s core competencies lie. With the application of resources and strategy, market share is won.

Resource-based theories of the firm supply the concepts required for businesses to flourish as it provides insight on how best to exploit the knowledge that they create it in the marketplace as well as how to develop internally and externally. Strategy formulation along these lines requires a scientific mindset, while implementation strategies require a humanistic one that recognizes the variables involved in firm interactions and personal and group motivations (Penrose).

In the field of Information and Communication Technology, knowledge plays an oversized role as it is imperative in understanding how to frame strategy in such a way that prospective clients are assured that the services and products provided are able to fill business needs in a manner that is superior to that offered by competitors.

  1. Bibliography

Barney, Jay B. Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage. S.n., 1991.

Penrose, Edith. The Theory of the Growth of the Firm. Oxford University Press, 2013.

Grant, R. “The Resource-Based Theory of Competitive Advantage: Implications for Strategy Formulation.” Knowledge and Strategy, 1999, pp. 3–23., doi:10.1016/b978-0-7506-7088-3.50004-8.

Wernerfelt, Birger. A Resource-Based View of the Firm.

Notes from “Counternetwork: Countering the Expansion of Transnational Criminal Networks”

Counternetwork: Countering the Expansion of Transnational Criminal Networks byby Angel Rabasa, Christopher M. Schnaubelt, Peter Chalk, Douglas Farah, Gregory Midgette, and Howard J. Shatz covers Africa, Border and Port Security, Central America, Colombia, Counterterrorism, Crime, FARC, Illegal Drug Trade, Mexico, Military Doctrine, and the United States Army

A fascinating read on the issues related to Networks and Transnational Criminal Organizations, I’ve posted below my “notes” from the text.

***Highlights from book***

The expansion of TCNs is a manifestation of what some authors label “deviant globalization.” This is that portion of the global economy that meets the demand for illegal goods and services in consumer countries by developing a supply chain from producer countries. These criminal organizations take root in supply areas and transportation nodes while usurping the host nations’ basic functioning capacities. Over time, the illicit economy grows and nonstate actors provide an increasing range of social goods and fill the security and political vacuum that emerges from the gradual erosion of state power, legitimacy, and capacity.

This leads to the emergence of security challenges that are some of the key themes of this study: the destabilization of states that are relevant to U.S. national security, the growth of areas outside of the control of central governments that become havens for criminal and terrorist groups, and the convergence of transnational organized crime and terrorism into more-dangerous hybrid threats.

Disrupting transnational criminal networks requires identifying the critical nodes in the organizations and determining where counter- TCN operations can achieve the greatest effect.

It is, therefore, important to understand the structure and operations of TCNs. These, how- ever, are not well understood. Accordingly, we have developed a TCN business model. These criminal networks are much like legitimate organizations in that they are driven by market forces and aim to make profits. To do so, they might consolidate markets when possible, diversify, and safeguard their supply chains.

TCNs mold their organizational structures in response to two related issues: supply chain links and transaction costs. The links are the connections between specific tasks. Networks can bridge those links on their own or by contracting out. Their choice will depend on the transaction cost.

Even where this convergence of terrorism or insurgency and crime has not occurred, there seems to be a feedback mechanism: In the areas where they establish a foothold, the activities of criminal groups displace state and government institutions, which are usually weak to begin with. This, is turn, creates greater social disorder that can be exploited by terrorists and insurgents.

Conclusions and Recommendations

For the U.S. Government and the U.S. Department of Defense

  • Challenge the conventional thinking. To effectively address the emergent threat of hybrid illicit actors that combine aspects of criminal organizations, terrorist groups, and insurgencies, a reconsideration of the way in which we classify and address non- traditional security threats may be in order. Instead of defining these threats in traditional categories such as “terrorists,” “insurgents,” or “criminal organizations,” they could be defined as net- works that pose crosscutting threats to U.S. security interests. This would make it possible to prioritize the level of threat that they pose and the tools and resources that should be deployed against them. This approach could enable us to break down some of the barriers among counterterrorism, conternarcotics, and counter- networks that currently impede more-effective U.S. action and thus make possible a more streamlined approach to nontradi- tional security threats.
  • Bring authorities and policy guidance in line with the strat- egy to combat transnational organized crime. It takes time for authorities and laws to “play catch up” with emerging trends.
  • Improve interagency coordination.

The 9/11 attacks generated a sense of urgency and incentives to coordinate efforts against the threat of interna- tional terrorism, but no similar consensus has developed on the importance of countering TCNs. The agencies with the most- relevant capabilities for attacking illicit networks have other mis- sions and are reluctant to focus their resources on taking down these networks.

  • Define DoD rolesinCTOC. TheOfficeoftheDeputyAssistant Secretary of Defense for Counternarcotics and Global Threats is in the process of updating DoD’s Counternarcotics and Global Threats Strategy. The new strategy could have an impact on ener- gizing efforts within DoD to counter TCNs if accompanied by adequate allocations of resources.
  • Support counter–transnational network strategies and programs with adequate dedicated budgetary allocations.

The FY 2015 NDAA widened counternarcotics enforcement sup- port to include countering transnational criminal organizations, but no additional funds were appropriated for this mission.5 In a period of sequestration and budgetary austerity, it may be diffi- cult to secure a level of funding adequate to the task of seriously degrading TCNs.


  • Develop joint doctrine for CTOC. The existing guidance for joint task force commanders and staffs is a 2011 U.S. Joint Forces Command publication,6 but there is no approved joint doctrine for CTOC or counternetworking more broadly defined. Given the rising profile of CTOC as a U.S. government and military priority, this guidance should be updated and supplemented with a doctrinal document.
  • Address deep corruption and criminalized states. Criminal- ized states are hubs of transnational criminal activity. Deep, multilayered corruption vitiates efforts by the United States to engage partner nations constructively in efforts against TCNs, strengthen governance in weak states, and promote regional stability. The United States has tried to work around the problem of corruption in a partner country’s security agencies by working with vetted units within larger organizations. However, there are severe limitations to what can be achieved by working with these units, even if they could be kept corruption-free, if they operate in an environment of deeply entrenched corruption.

in countries where drug trafficking–related corruption is endemic, the most promising avenue to reduce corruption to a level that might permit the United States to work with these countries’ governments and militaries may be to sanction and isolate the high-level political and military elites involved in drug trafficking and target them with law enforcement tools. At a minimum, the United States should exercise caution to ensure that any political or military engagement with these countries does not help legitimize deeply corrupt regimes or prolong their grasp on power.

For the U.S. Army

There is a great deal that the Army is doing already in the domains of engagement with partner militaries, and support for counterterrorism and counternarcotics that contribute indirectly to the CTOC mission.

the Army has competencies and capabilities that can advance the U.S. government’s CTOC objectives without significantly drawing resources from its core missions. CTOC-specific activities would constitute a valuable expansion of the Army’s current efforts to build partner capacity, perform network analysis, and sup- port detection and monitoring, as well as provide training opportunities for Army personnel.

Consider developing an Army Doctrinal Reference Publica- tion for CTOC. As discussed, there is no approved joint doctrine on CTOC or even on countering networks more broadly. The Army could make a significant contribution by taking the lead in developing CTOC doctrine


In July 2011, President Barack Obama promulgated the Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime. In the letter presenting the strategy, President Obama stated that the expanding size, scope, and influence of transnational organized crime and its impact on U.S. and international security and governance represent one of the most signifi- cant challenges of the 21st century. The President noted that criminal networks are not only expanding their operations, they are also diversi- fying their activities, resulting in a convergence of transnational threats that have evolved to become more complex, volatile, and destabilizing.1 These networks also threaten U.S. interests by forging alliances with corrupt elements of national governments and using the power and influence of those governments to further their criminal activities.2

During remarks before the Atlantic Council in May 2014, Gen- eral Martin Dempsey, then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, pre- sented an overview of his “2-2-2-1” strategic concept—a mnemonic he used to outline the strategic threats to the United States. In sum:

  • two heavyweights: Russia and China
  • two middleweights: Iran and North Korea
  • two networks: al-Qaeda and transnational organized crime in the Western Hemisphere
  • one domain: Cyber

General Dempsey stated that the transnational organized criminal net- work that runs north and south in our hemisphere “doesn’t get as much prominence as I believe it deserves.” Expanding upon this assertion, he further said:

We tend to think of that as a drug trafficking network, but it’s equally capable and often found to be trafficking illegal immigrants [and] arms, laundering money. It’s extraordinarily capable. It’s extraordinarily wealthy. And it can move anything. It’ll go to the highest bidder. And so that network deserves more attention, not just because of the effect it has on the social fabric of our country but because of . . . the effect it could have—and is having, in my view—on the security of this nation.3

The same view was expressed by former Supreme Allied Commander Europe and U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) commander Admiral James G. Stavridis.

They have demonstrated an ability to adapt, diversify, and converge. They have achieved a degree of globalized outreach and collaboration via networks, as well as horizontal diversification. These criminal net- works have three principal enablers: first, the huge profits realized by transnational criminal operations; second, their ability to recruit talent and reorganize along lines historically limited to corporations and militaries; and third, their ability to operate in milieus normally considered the preserve of the state.

Central America and Mexico are important to the United States in terms of proximity, deep social and cultural ties, and growing eco- nomic integration. The effects of destabilization in the region, therefore, can be transmitted to the United States quickly, for instance, in shifts in migration trends.

in Mexico, the primary dynamic between the drug cartels and the state, and among the cartels themselves, has been armed confrontation. Drug trafficking–induced violence in Mexico has reached a level that some might say amounts to a criminal insurgency (although the term is controversial). In Central America, TCNs have more money than they can spend, launder, or invest, and now exercise unprecedented formal and informal power. Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador exhibit characteristics of failing states.

Countering TCNs requires identifying the critical nodes in the criminal organizations and determining where counter-TCN operations can achieve the greatest effect.

Effectively countering transnational criminal networks presents its own set of challenges. For one thing, there is a great deal of inertia and resistance to change in any large bureaucracy.9 Success in some agencies is measured by the amount of illegal drugs seized; there is no incentive for going after net- works. Some agencies are reluctant to share information and are sensi- tive about perceived encroachment by other agencies into their turf. There is broad agreement on the part of our U.S. government interviewees on the need to improve interagency coordination.

Many of our U.S. government interviewees, however, say they believe that the main problem is not lack of authorities, but lack of funding and resources and the relatively low priority that CCMDs have placed on CTOC—a nontraditional military mission that requires a whole-of-government approach.

Destabilizing Effects of Transnational Criminal Networks

The expansion of TCNs is a manifestation of what some authors label “deviant globalization.” This is an economic phenomenon that cannot be detached or separated from the broader process of globalization.17 It is that portion of the global economy that meets the demand for illegal goods and services in consumer countries by developing a supply chain from producer countries. These criminal organizations take root in supply areas and transportation nodes while usurping the host nations’ basic functioning capacity. Over time, the illicit economy grows and nonstate actors provide an increasing range of social goods and fill the security and political vacuum that emerges from the gradual erosion of state power, legitimacy, and capacity.18

A study by a Harvard University researcher argues that a significant proportion of Mexican migration to the United States, particularly from border towns, is in direct response to drug- related violence and organized crime activities.

Criminalized States and Criminal Insurgencies

The activities of criminal networks contribute to the emergence of criminalized states—states where the senior leadership is aware of transnational criminal enterprises and involved in them, either actively or through passive acquiescence; where these organizations are used as an instrument of statecraft; and where levers of state power are incorporated into the operational structure of one or more criminal organizations.

Two Mexican cartels, the Sinaloa and Gulf cartels, were said in 2009 to be capa- ble of fielding some 100,000 foot soldiers, nearly matching Mexico’s 130,000 armed forces.32 Some scholars have noted that the Mexican drug cartels have adopted strategies and tactics that correspond very closely to those employed by armed insurgent groups.

If insurgency is defined as the organized use of subversion and violence by a group or movement that seeks to over- throw or force change of a governing authority,34 then the violence of Mexican criminal organizations does not meet the definition, given that these groups do not pursue political aims, nor do they aim to replace the state with an alternative type of governance.

The U.S. Army’s Role in Combating Transnational Criminal Networks

According to the U.S. Army Operating Concept, transnational criminal organizations are one of the harbingers of future conflict.

Crimi-nal violence erodes state institutions and undermines governance. The threat from transnational organized crime highlights the need for Army special operations and regionally aligned forces to understand complex environments, operate with multiple part- ners, and conduct security force assistance.37

Similarly, the U.S. Army Vision states:

Over the next 10 years, it is likely the United States will face an unstable, unpredictable, increasingly complex global security environment that will be shaped by several key emergent trends: the rise of non-state actors; an increase in “hybrid threats;” state challenges to the international order; and expanding urbanization . . . Due in part to the breakdown in traditional state authority, hybrid threats—state or non-state actors that employ dynamic combinations of conventional, irregular, terrorist, and criminal capabilities—will proliferate, elevating the importance of the human dimension of warfare. State actors will increasingly utilize proxy forces, criminal organizations, orchestrated civil unrestand non-governmental networks of computer hackers in concert with their traditional war fighting capabilities to create instability, while complicating an opponent’s development and application of effective countermeasures.


A Model of the Transnational Criminal Network Value Chain

TCNs seek to maximize wealth through illicit activities carried out by actors with diverse capabilities and interests. Like multinational corpora- tions or syndicates of firms working together to bring goods and services to targeted markets, TCNs attempt to consolidate markets for profitable products, diversify across products and services to hedge against down- side risk in a single industry, and safeguard supply chains of products going to market. Unlike their licit analogs, TCNs must do so covertly to avoid interference from rival TCNs and from governments fighting illicit activity, or they must locate activities in or across regions where govern- ments are unwilling or unable to intercede.

Transnational Criminal Network Activities and Their Drivers

At their core, TCNs are driven by market forces and opportunity.

Although many analysts understand the core activity of the TCNs operating out of northern South America to be cocaine trafficking, an ancillary set of illicit activities includes weapons trading for defense of other trafficking operations, bribery, violence and kidnapping to exert influence on rivals or local governments, and money laundering required to return cash from street and wholesale transactions to TCN operators upstream.

In some instances, supply relationships or infrastructure built for drug trafficking may serve a second purpose. For example, drug mules may form the foundation for human trafficking and prostitution rings.

Organizational Form: Integration Across Tasks

Complete vertical integration—an arrangement of all activities required for production, distribution, sale, and oversight within a single organization—is difficult and rare in TCNs. Although there are trans- action costs to using people and organizations outside the primary net- work, as explained later, it may not be possible to bring outsiders in. The best talent might not be willing to join the organization, or there might not be enough work to integrate someone full time.

The Value Chain Approach to Transnational Criminal Network Structures

There can be no set formula to accurately describe the structures of all TCNs, but a description of the value chains for their products and ser- vices is useful for understanding why TCNs may choose to vertically integrate systems with direct oversight and a well-defined hierarchy or to rely on distributed network of affiliates. The ability to understand an organization’s structure may then lead to areas of vulnerability and possible intervention.

Latin American TCN operations mimic commercial supply chains in a few key ways. Indeed, several characteristics are common across multinational corporations and the criminal organizations discussed in the following chapters.4 Networks are secure, typically with significant defense capabilities and covert communications systems. In legal markets, these structures are to preserve trade secrets and intellectual property, while TCNs also defend against disruptions from state actors and rival networks.

TCNs are also redundant wherever feasible and resilient to disruption. Multiple suppliers and trafficking routes and methods are sought out, and transactions are made based on a calculus of trading off the potential payoff per shipment against the risk of a shipment being seized or destroyed. That is to say, where market-based insurance instruments exist to protect the value of shipments for legal firms, TCNs diversify risk by breaking up high-risk shipments over time and across multiple routes. Transactions occurring in criminalized states where the TCN faces little risk of disruption will be of much larger value and quantity than those where opposition exists.

Transaction Costs and the Economics of Organization

Transaction cost economics as a field of study seeks to explain how pro- duction is organized, from seed to sale, to provide goods and services based on the notion that each action along the supply chain has associated transaction costs. In this framework, the network of actors that make up a TCN supply chain can be viewed as structures that define the set of responsibilities of actors in the system to maximize profit and minimize conflict.5 Central to this pursuit, a version of the Coase Theorem can help explain the degree of integration of these systems in a TCN’s value chain:

Actors arrange as a firm when the transaction costs of coordinating production, trafficking, and sales are cheaper than doing so through market exchange.

Along each step of the process for a given good or service, a TCN may choose among a continuum of arrangements ranging from internalizing every step within a vertically integrated single firm to performing every step as a sequence of separate arm’s length transactions. Neither extreme on the continuum is likely to occur for international illicit activities, but the 1980s Colombian cocaine smuggling regime leaned more toward the former, and the current diffuse network of collaborators from Colombia, the Northern Triangle of Central American states (Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador), Mexico, and others leans more toward the latter.Transaction cost economics may offer a way to understand why this shift occurred, as well as a lens through which to predict and intercede in future movements.

Transaction costs dictate when tasks are performed within a firm, and when they are performed through market exchange. Along the chain, numerous factors in transaction costs drive the specific develop- ment of TCNs. Williamson found that it is possible to infer a system’s arrangement, meaning whether a transaction is internalized or completed through market exchange, by considering the transaction along three dimensions: (1) asset specificity; (2) uncertainty; and (3) frequency.7

Specificity refers to the degree of need for specialized resources and covers the gamut of assets, including physical, human, site, dedicated, and temporal specificity assets. Highly specific assets require either internalization or strong incentives for external actors to remain aligned with the TCN. Uncertainty can be thought of as the need for and effectiveness of governance structures, where higher certainty requires less governance to ensure a task is performed. Finally, firms or TCNs are likely more willing to invest in specialized production techniques when the production supports high-frequency transactions than when the transactions are rare.8

Generally speaking, an organization should try to integrate a transaction when the expected payoff (gain in expected value) from increased certainty exceeds the cost of building capacity to carry out the transaction in-house.

In illicit markets, there is rarely (if ever) an external and impartial govern- ing body to enforce such a contract. One way that TCNs have tried to overcome the certainty problem and the lack of recourse to courts is through a popular method stemming from the premodern era: marriage alliances. As we will describe, several TCNs have used marriages to bond disparate groups into more-trusted allies.

Frequency refers to an organization’s ability to quickly recoup investments in the infrastructure, labor, and other necessities to inte- grate a transaction.9 Holding the value per transaction constant (as well as the degree of asset specificity), a TCN should choose to take on larger investments to perform a transaction in-house when the transac- tion will occur often.

A task absent competition may have no transaction cost, but conducting the same task in the face of competition could result in transaction costs. Therefore, understanding competition can also shed light on the way TCNs structure themselves.

Bridging Theory and Practice

TCNs are much like legitimate organizations in that they are driven by market forces and aim to make profits. To do so, they might consolidate markets when possible, diversify, and safeguard their supply chains. They face one challenge that legitimate organizations do not face, however, which is that they are operating illegally and conducting illegal activi- ties. As a result, they do not have legal protections for such things as con- tracts, for example, and they are at risk of being imprisoned or killed by police or military personnel in organized efforts to stop them.

The organizational realities of TCNs also point to their vulner- abilities. First, they are most vulnerable at links in their supply chains. Second, raising transaction costs can cause them to adopt suboptimal organization schemes, putting the organization at risk.


Source Countries and Supply Chains

Illegal Drug Infrastructure in Source Countries

Colombia accounts for the bulk of refined cocaine manufactured in South America and remains the principal supplier for both the United States and worldwide markets (90 and 80 percent, respectively).

In Colombia, the chief entity is the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia/Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), which is estimated to earn any- where between $200 million and $300 million a year from the trade.

The chief beneficiary of any FARC withdrawal from the cocaine trade would be the groups referred to as bandas criminales (criminal bands), or BACRIM.9 The BACRIM are Colombia’s third-generation DTOs and are markedly different from their predecessors, the Medel- lín and Cali cartels, and the second-generation DTOs, the “baby car- tels” that tended to specialize in certain links in the drug trafficking chain. The BACRIM deliver cocaine destined for U.S. markets to the Mexican syndicates, usually in Central America.

BACRIM frequently work in coordination with other criminal groupings in Colombia, including pandillas (street gangs) and more- sophisticated groups euphemistically called oficinas de cobro (collection agencies). The latter entities have a dedicated money-laundering capa- bility and engage in a variety of supplemental services and activities that range from muggings, micro-extortion, and local drug dealing to contract killings and money laundering.

The success of Los Urabeños in overcoming rival groups can be attributed to three factors. First, because of their paramilitary roots, Los Urabeños aligned themselves with other groups that also had para- military capabilities and incorporated them into their structure. Los Rastrojos, by contrast, used a franchise model, exercising far less control than Los Urabeños, and allied themselves with urban groups that generally did not have the firepower needed in a turf war.

Second, Los Urabeños were better at utilizing their support network.

Third, Los Urabeños were a more cohesive organization. Los Rastrojos were a federation of different groups and more vulnerable to internal split than vertically integrated groups.

Faced with falling numbers and a failing guerrilla campaign, however, the group’s resistance to narco-sourced funds appears to be diminishing. By 2006, it was reported that the ELN was engaged in protecting cocaine laboratories and shipments, which brought in significant profits that were used to buy weapons and attract recruits. The group is said to have moved to make a strategic alliance with Los Rastrojos to run a production ring in Bolívar. The extent of this relation- ship became apparent in 2012 when Colombian police seized 857 kilo- grams (kg) of cocaine that had been manufactured in refining facilities protected by the ELN and was destined for export across the Venezu- elan border.22

According to a recent study, Shining Path is only a small piece of a larger dynamic. A large number of “family clans” make up the narcotics infrastructure in Peru. These family clans buy the coca leaf from local farmers, smuggle precursor chemicals to production sites, produce intermediate products and cocaine, arrange the trans- portation of those products, and manage details of the local operations and their security, with financing from external organizations that are the recipients of their products.

Venezuela: A Key Drug Transit Platform

A large part of the cocaine that transits the Central America supply chain on its way to the United States, as well as the vast majority of cocaine that is shipped to West Africa is exported from Venezuela. The country’s role in the Latin American drug trade has expanded con- siderably since late Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez’s expulsion of the DEA in 2005.

According to a Venezuelan expert, there are 116 clandestine airstrips in Apure and strategically outlined roads to carry the cargo in vehicles and subsequently load them in light aircraft.

Is Venezuela a Criminalized State?

In 2013, Venezuelan authorities reported seizing 46 MT of illegal drugs. While Venezuela reports the seizures, it did not systematically share the data or evidence needed to verify the destruction of the drugs. The Venezuelan government also published statistics on arrests and convictions for drug possession and trafficking, but it did not provide information on the nature or severity of the drug arrests or convictions.

One message found in Reyes’s computer files was from Márquez, the FARC’s liaison with Chávez. It describes the FARC’s plan to buy surface-to-air missiles, sniper rifles, and radios in Venezuela. Márquez wrote that the effort was facilitated by General Rangel Silva and former Minister Rodríguez Chacín.37 In July 2009, the Colombian military raided a FARC camp and confiscated five Swedish Saab AB AT-4 85-mm antitank weapons that had been previously sold by Sweden to the Venezuelan army.

According to the Spanish indictment, ETA instructors were accompanied to a FARC training site by an individual who wore a jacket with the emblem of the Military Intelligence Directorate and were escorted by Venezuelan military personnel.

In December 2014, Venezuelan Navy Commander Leamsy Salazar, former chief of security for the late President Chávez and National Assembly president Diosdado Cabello, defected to the United States. According to U.S. press reports, Salazar is expected to provide witness testimony at an investigation by the DEA and the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York into links between the Venezuelan government and narco-trafficking. Salazar reportedly identified Cabello, regarded as the second-most-powerful man in the Venezuelan government, as the leader of the Cartel de los Soles.

Officials under investigation are reported to include former Interior Minister Tarek El Aissami, now governor of Aragua state; retired General Carvajal (“The Chicken”), a former director of the National Office Against Organized Crime and Financing of Terrorism (which suggests that the Venezuelan regime does have a sense of humor) and Military Intelligence; Major Gen- eral Nestor Reverol, commander of the National Guard; Minister of Industries Jose David Cabello, Diosdado Cabello’s brother; and Luis Motta Dominguez, a National Guard general in charge of central Venezuela.

There is more than sufficient evidence that officials at the highest levels of the Venezuelan government have been cooperating with the FARC in DTOs. This would place Venezuela in the category of “criminalized state,” defined above as states where the senior leadership is aware of and involved in transnational criminal enterprises—either actively or through passive acquiescence—where these organizations are used as an instrument of statecraft, and where levers of state power are incorporated into the operational structure of one or more criminal organizations.


The Mexican Supply Chain

The more favored method, however, is to conceal shipments in go- fast boats. Constructed out of wood that is then overlaid with fiberglass, these vessels can carry up to 2 MT of cocaine. They lie low in the water and are powered by four 200-horsepower Yamaha outboard engines that give them a top speed approaching 70 miles per hour. Go-fasts put to sea off northern Colombia and “hopscotch” up the Pacific coast of Central America, hugging the shoreline the entire way to avoid patrols by the U.S. Coast Guard and regional navies.

Once inside the United States, cocaine shipments are moved to major consumption cities such as San Diego, Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco, Phoenix, Denver, Houston, Chicago, Atlanta, Washington, D.C., and New York. Mexican syndicates work with local street gangs to coordinate this aspect of the supply chain, subcontracting these entities as local distributors, enforcers, and debt collectors. Several organizations exist in the country,11 although two have elicited particular concern. The first is the Mexican Mafia, which is also known as La Eme (the Spanish phonetic for the letter “M”). The group initially consisted of convicted Mexican-American youths who organized in the California Department of Corrections during the 1950s. It was originally based in the eastern barrios (Spanish-speaking neighborhoods) of urban Los Angeles, but has since expanded to many other states and remains very active in the federal prison system. The second organization of concern is the third-generation Salvadoran Mara Salvatrucha-13 (MS-13),12 which was established by Salvadorans fleeing their country’s civil war in the 1980s.

Main Players

At the heart of the Mexican supply chain are nine established DTOs (including the six cartels listed in Table 4.2) that, to varying degrees, control virtually all nodes along the cocaine supply chain to the United States.

Apart from DTOs that have made no pretense to being anything other than criminal, profit-driven entities, there are also groups that have attempted to weave “spiritual” connotations into their activi- ties. Notable in this regard is La Familia Michoacana, which came to prominence in 2006 as a self-defined Christian movement dedicated to “defending citizens, merchants, businesses, and farmers” from all forms of crime and filling the security void left by the central govern- ment.29 However, the group gradually sidelined the veneer of a local self-defense force and systematically came to be involved in drug traf- ficking, as well as extortion and money laundering.

La Familia also developed a highly notorious reputation for car- rying out so-called “social work,” essentially beheading those who did not conform to the group’s “law enforcement” code.30 Despite success- fully extending its influence from Michoacán to cities in surround- ing states, La Familia’s ability to consolidate territory has been severely hampered by bitter internal divisions and power plays

Explaining the Sinaloa Cartel and Los Zetas’ Dominance Over the Contemporary Mexican Criminal Landscape

At a basic level, the various DTOs described above can be delineated into national organizations (Sinaloa Federation, Los Zetas, Gulf, BLO, Juárez, and Tijuana) and entities that are more regionally focused, albeit with aspirations for at least some geographic growth (La Familia, Caballeros Templarios, and CJNG). Another way of looking at the groups is to split them into two competing blocs that pitch the Sinalo- ans, Gulf, and La Familia against a loose pattern of shifting alliances among the remaining six cartels.

A curious feature of the growth of (and ensuing competition between) the Sinaloans and Los Zetas is that their successes stem from consideration of very different sets of factors. In the case of the former, an important geographic advantage has been access to key transportation hubs. Apart from numerous airfields (recognized and otherwise), Sinaloa has a modern port (Mazatlán) and an excellent network of roads and highways, all of which afford easy access to the cartel’s single most important market, the United States.38

More than this, however, has been a posture that is not merely aimed at maximizing profit but designed to ensure “marginal imprisonment risk.” The cartel’s leader, Guzmán, deliberately adopted a low- profile, austere lifestyle in the mountains of the Sierra Madre, conspicuously avoiding the type of reckless behavior that would attract the attention of the authorities.

The Sinaloans also assumed an organizational profile that was designed to insulate them from the type of decisive decapitation strike that had crippled hierarchical DTOs such as the Tijuana and Juárez cartels. Top commanders maintained operational security by rarely making calls, avoiding email, and limiting the number of people with whom they communicated. Structurally, a high degree of autonomy was given to peripheral lieutenants who carried out trafficking opera- tions in a compartmentalized, cellular “hub and spoke” manner. In addition, many specialized tasks, such as accounting, software design, and money laundering, were delegated to independent specialists, establishing a cadre of critical adjunct members who worked for the cartel but outside it. This horizontal, contractual configuration has been important in minimizing the disruptive effect that might otherwise have resulted from the capture of Guzmán and other ranking lieutenants.

To guard against internal splintering, a major weakness afflicting many Mexican DTOs, the Sinaloans revived and instituted the custom of dynastic marriage. Indeed, the organization is often referred to as an alianza de sangre (“alliance of blood”) because so many of its members are related as wives, husbands, cousins, or in-laws. These familial ties have functioned as an effective hedge against distrust, cementing the cartel as an organic collective where the whole is considered greater than the sum of the individual parts.

On a business front, the Sinaloans have avoided expanding beyond their core interest, retaining a single-minded focus on the pro- duction and trafficking of methamphetamine, marijuana, and cocaine. This has had two positive interrelated effects. First, it has allowed the group to devote the totality of its resources to refining, adapting, and improving trafficking techniques—something that is reflected in the exceptionally high degree of innovation that has come to characterize the cartel’s operational methods.42 Second, it has branded the Sinaloans as being “the best in the game,” a reputation that has given it a significant competitive advantage over other cartels, especially in terms of concluding deals for breaking into new markets.

Finally, there has been some speculation that the administration of former Mexican President Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa made a strategic calculation against targeting the Sinaloans and, instead, placed a priority on pursuing its more unpredictable and violent rivals. According to this thesis, authorities concluded they could not eliminate all the cartels in the country and, instead, picked a “favorite” in the conflict—the Sinaloans—in the hope that a more pragmatic and business-oriented monopoly might emerge and usher in some type of pax narcotica.

Impact on National Stability

The importation and trafficking of cocaine has had an insidious and pervasive impact on Mexico’s national stability, contributing to what amounts to the wholesale breakdown of order across large swaths of the country’s territory—something that has been especially evident in the northern states bordering California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas (Table 4.3). According to government statistics, more than 135,000 drug- related killings have occurred since 2007, with a further 22,322 “disap- pearances” still to be accounted for.

The most severely affected institution is the police, where pay as low as $500 per month and punitive intimidation have combined to literally “privatize” law enforcement.55 This is especially true at the local level, where poorly paid officers are routinely offered cash pay- ments to cooperate with DTOs and threatened with physical harm if bribes are not accepted.56 Known as “plata o plomo” (“silver or lead”— that is, take the bribe or die), problems of this sort are endemic across the country.

Is the Violence in Mexico a Criminal Insurgency?

Mexican criminal organizations deploy an impressive array of weap- onry nearly rivaling that of the Mexican military. Aside from auto- matic and semiautomatic rifles and machine guns, criminal organiza- tions have also deployed shoulder-launched RPG-7s that were likely diverted from Mexican and Central American military stockpiles, and have developed armored vehicles with gun turrets and battering rams known as “monsters” or “narco tanks.” Some of these vehicles were not appreciably different from the Mexican Federal Police armed vehi- cles known as “rhinoceros.” The groups are also able to produce their own weapons; a factory owned by the CJNG assembled untraceable AR-15 rifles from components.

Organized crime figures in Mexico have been described as “post- modern social bandits”61—a category of antistate actors with a long tradition in Latin America. Like insurgents, they provide social goods, construct narratives of power and rebellion, and seek to gain legitimacy in the territories that they control. Their message is delivered through symbolic acts of violence—including beheadings and corpse messaging (attaching a message to a corpse)—and information operations, includ- ing influencing the media and forging a “narco-culture” in which the criminal organizations are portrayed as challengers to a corrupt state and police.

The Caballeros Templarios have used mass media to communicate their message on numerous occasions. The group’s former leader, Servando Gómez (“La Tuta”), regularly gave media interviews and appeared in YouTube videos. In one of these videos, Gómez says his group has a “congress” and obeys the will of “the people,” adding that, “We don’t do what I order, we do what we believe is in the interest of the majority of the people.”

Robert J. Bunker argues that at some point in the recent past, the Mexican cartels (and some gangs) crossed a “firebreak” between our perceptions of what is “organized crime” or even “transnational organized crime”—a criminal threat and law enforcement concern— and what is “insurgency”—a military threat and national security or military concern (although law enforcement plays a partnership role with the military in responding to such a threat).

Essentially, he wrote, we are seeing criminal organizations in Mexico evolve into new war- making organizations.68 Insurgency-like tactics employed by Mexican criminal organizations include:

  • operations ranging from guerrilla-style attacks with military- grade weapons to assassinations of members of the security forces
  • psychological operations designed to wear down the government forces and to gain the support or acquiescence of the population (The cartels’ use of beheadings and other terror tactics are designed to achieve specific goals, including control of territory, punishment for betrayal, mitigation of the effectiveness of law enforcement, and intimidation of everyone from government officials to the general public.)
  • systematic targeting of high-ranking counternarcotics officials, mayors, and judges.

While the concept of Mexico’s drug violence as a narco- insurgency raises intriguing questions, a contrary view holds that, to the extent that criminal organizations have a political agenda, attacks on police, military, and government officials are meant to pressure the state to move away from confrontation and to give the drug traffickers space in which to operate without interference. In this view, while the criminal organizations have assumed some governmental roles, they have done so not to establish alternative governance, as in the case of insurgencies, but to protect their operating spaces.

A reasonable conclusion is that the activities of the Mexican DTOs do not meet the classical definition of insurgency but that functionally, the cartels play the role of insurgents in that they seek to lever- age political control to gain freedom of action for their illegal activities.

the continued operation of autodefensaswithout government training and supervision could lead to the advent of a lawless society in some regions of Mexico.73

Weaknesses in Mexico’s Counternetwork Response

Mexico’s efforts to blunt the activities of criminal organizations have suffered from a range of shortfalls. One has been the overwhelming emphasis on using the military to combat the drug cartels.

Scant regard for the proportionate use of force led to a fivefold increase in the number of abuse complaints directed against Mexican security forces between 2006 (213) and 2013 (1,196).76 And the number of active cartels not only registered no meaningful decline, they actually proliferated, as groups moved to forge ties in an ever- changing environment of tactical alliances.

At its height Calderón Hinojosa’s Mérida Initiativeinvolved 96,000 combat troops—almost 40 percent of all active personnel—who were deployed to pursue a “kingpin” strategy aimed at dismantling criminal syndicates by killing or capturing their leaders.75

Although the policy was instrumental in eliminating several key drug lords and making some record cocaine seizures, it singularly failed to increase security.

Mexico’s counternarcotics drive has also been hampered by a severe lack of coordination among the various agencies and departments charged with confronting drug cartels. A plethora of forces exist in the country, all of which answer to separate mandates, command structures, and bureaucratic management systems. The gendarmerie will inject a new element of confusion to this Byzantine picture, especially given that it is meant to operate across all levels of governance— local, state, and national. Particular problems are liable to arise with the Federal Police, the organization charged with leading the fight against the drug cartels, particularly in terms of how they will share resources (including helicopters), delineate jurisdiction, and coordinate intelligence.

effective mitigation has been stymied by intelligence “black holes” born of stovepiping, interservice jealously, jurisdictional confusion, and, above all, a lack of trust due to the endemic cartel- related corruption that afflicts many state organs. As a result, generating accurate information that can be acted on quickly has not been a char- acteristic feature of Mexico’s overall counternarcotics response. Indeed, virtually all of the high-level arrests that have taken place over the past five years occurred because of U.S.–supplied data sourced from satel- lite imagery, communication intercepts, and DEA-run human assets.


Central America: The Retreat of the State and the Expansion of Illicit Power Centers

The ability of TCNs to co-opt or influence local power structures at the local and national levels has significantly undermined governance and the rule of law and made Central America a key point of con- vergence where the activities of substate and extraregional actors present multiple, significant, and sustained threats to the security of the United States.

These criminal actors and their resources have overwhelmed these small states. Instead of having to focus on one larger state apparatus, as in Mexico or Colombia, Central American TCNs have six small and weak nations—which seldom act in concert or share information—to hollow out.1 One Honduran academic termed this phenomenon the “evaporating state,” where the state government essentially withdraws from carrying out most of its legitimate functions.

Although the presence of illicit actors in Central America is noth- ing new, the volume, sophistication, power, and impunity of the illicit activities and actors are fundamentally reshaping the region. This has led to the retreat of the state as a guarantor of an impartial and func- tioning judicial system, the rule of law, and control of national borders, and to a political process that increasingly represents little other than the investments of different TCNs in securing their interests. This leads to the cycle now under way in the northern tier of countries where, as Phil Williams notes, “States face two fundamental and interconnected challenges: They are often unable to meet the economic needs and expectations of their citizens, and they are unable to elicit the loyalty and allegiance of significant portions of these same citizens.”

As a 2012 United Nations study of TCNs in Central America noted, “The key driver of violence is not cocaine, but change: change in the negotiated power relations between and within groups, and with the state.”

Transportista Networks

Unlike the Mexican organizations, the transportistas are largely local and each of the Central American networks individually seldom controls more than a few towns or rural valleys.

they are local groups who have members on both sides of one specific border and control specific crossings.

While this limits their national reach, they are structures that are deeply rooted in the local community, creating control based on trust and on the ability of the network to inflict harm—not only on an offending individual, but likely on that individual’s extended family, as well. The alliances among transportista networks, particularly those in close proximity to each other, are often cemented through interfamily marriages.

Transportistas interviewed for this study say the greatest threat to their business transactions is seldom the police or military, which they are accustomed to dealing with. Rather, it is tumbadores, or other groups who steal the trafficked material, either in transit or from stash houses. Tumbes, as the thefts are called, are a favorite way for a group to announce its expansion into a new area. In the early days of their expansion into northern Guatemala, Los Zetas carried out a series of often-bloody tumbes, sometimes keeping the drugs, sometimes (in an effort to build alliances) allowing the transportista to buy the load back at a slight markup. The idea was not so much to make money as to establish Los Zetas as the dominant presence everyone else would have to deal with.

This culture of honor among the traditional transportista networks is violated by tumbes, especially if carried out by a rival group rather than a common thief. In the case of rival networks, tumbes are often wars to the death—not only for individuals, but for entire clans.

However, when the system works well, as it generally does, it makes the transportista networks impossible to track at ground level in real time. Investigations usually offer a snapshot of what has taken place rather than a moving picture of how they are evolving.

Political infiltration offers the opportunity to engen- der political and social support, while control of local projects offers the twin possibilities of generating and allocating formal jobs where they are scarce while simultaneously offering multiple avenues for launder- ing money.

While the Sinaloa cartel and other established Mexican groups continued to use the more traditional model of allying with local trans- portista networks in the region to acquire and move product, Los Zetas introduced a new methodology that has significantly altered TCN operations in the region—that of widespread territorial control.14

Rather than focusing on cocaine trafficking nodes and specific points of penetration to move their product (the transportista model), Los Zetas sought territorial dominion in which it could then tax all illicit activities that were carried out or moved through that terri- tory. This diversified the revenue stream of the organization by taxing prostitution, human smuggling, and all illicit activities in its areas of control.

In one innovation, the group has been stealing tanker trucks full of gasoline in Mexico from the state-run Pemex oil company to sell at discounted rates on the major highways along the Mexico-Guatemala border. One recent intelligence analysis in Guatemala estimated that 30 percent of the gasoline sold in Guatemala came from these Zeta thefts, yielding the group millions of dollars a month unrelated to the drug trade.

The shift also brought a significant “Mexicanization” of the criminal networks in the region, meaning an imitation of the habits and culture of the Mexican drug lords.

upon his return and arrest, Nicaragua’s Supreme Court president Alba Luz Ramos immediately came out to defend Fariñas publicly. Still, Fariñas was convicted of drug trafficking a few months later.

The investigation into Cabral’s murder has spanned at least four countries and involved investigators from six governments, including the United States, Colombia, Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Guatemala.

Colombian police said the alleged mastermind of the killing is a Costa Rican named Alejandro Jimenez, who was reportedly trying to force Fariñas to sell one of the Elite franchises in Costa Rica.

According to police and judicial sources, as well as published reports, Ulloa Sibrián ran a network that moved cocaine, illegal immigrants, and millions of dollars in bulk cash while buying scores of properties in different countries and multiple legitimate businesses. Official estimates of the scope of his net- work demonstrate Ulloa Sibrián’s centrality to the local drug trade: Guatemalan and Salvadoran authorities calculated that he moved up to 16 tons of contraband through those two countries over the course of his career, the vast majority of it destined for the U.S. market.

In the immediate aftermath of the civil war, the nascent security forces, including the National Civil Police, were still in the process of reform and thus unable to deal with the crime wave in an effective manner. Some were even complicit in the violence. In addition to former soldiers and former insurgents with the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN), members of the police were all involved in organized crime. Essentially, belligerents were demobilized but never actually reintegrated back into society, leaving many with limited options. Gangs became an easy way to make money and provided ex-combatants with a sense of security. Total membership in El Salvador’s two main gangs ranges from 10,500 to 38,000. Even taking the more conservative figure still puts gang members somewhere around 60 percent of the size of the police force and at nearly the same size as the army.

Transnational Gangs

Transnational gangs, such as MS-13 and the Calle 18 active in Guate- mala, Honduras, and El Salvador, are by far the biggest groups.

Impact on National Stability

The impact of these networks has been profoundly damaging to the rule of law, political stability, and democratic processes under way since the end of the region’s armed conflicts in the early 1990s.

Particularly in the Northern Triangle, the significant political power acquired by these entities, coupled with growing corruption and the decline of the states’ ability to carry out basic functions has pushed the most-affected nations to the point of collapse.

Criminalized or Captured State Structures

The cumulative effect of the major actors driving the dynamics of drug trafficking and transnational organized crime in Central America— drug cartels, transportistas, gangs, and co-opted or criminalized state actors—has been destructive. However, with the possible exception of some gangs that have openly challenged the security forces, the activities of these groups are clearly not forms of criminal insurgency.

With criminalized state actors, the dynamic is exactly the opposite: not to overthrow the state, but to maintain control of the instruments of state power for as long as possible.

Transportista groups also do not seek to overthrow or replace the national government. Rather, they seek to corrupt and control power at a local level, without broader aspirations. They share some character- istics of John P. Sullivan’s notion of a “criminal insurgency,” where the “overarching political motive is to gain autonomous economic control over territory . . . Not all insurgents seek to take over the government or have an ideological foundation.

The gangs are undergoing a profound metamorphosis from groups with little or no political vision to formidable political blocs that, while having no inherent ideology, are capable of delivering hun- dreds of thousands of votes to a political party in exchange for specific benefits. The gangs deliver on the promises of votes by getting entire neighborhoods, under penalty of death or expulsion, to vote for the favored party. Thus the gangs control not just the votes of gang mem- bers but of their families and entire communities.

It has been widely reported that the FMLN negotiated with the gangs in the first round of the 2014 presidential elections, confident of achieving the majority of 50 percent plus one vote necessary to avoid a second round.

The jailed leadership of the MS-13 and Calle 18 gangs acknowledged in a joint statement that they had negotiated with the FMLN in the first round, and attributed their withdrawal of support to the closeness of the second round, feeling that the FMLN had betrayed their trust.

Gangs occupy significant amounts of territory, challenge and often defeat government forces in pitched battles, systematically target high-ranking police and judicial authorities, negotiate as equals with the government for specific benefits, carry out terror tactics to achieve the goal of intimidating any potential enemies, and are able to force the government to make concessions. All of these are hallmarks of a classical insurgency.

They also have a very clear idea of what their desired end state is, and it does not include taking over the government. It is primarily a vision of a truly autonomous, transnational entity: a society in which the gang could behave according to its own internal code, without being in permanent confrontation with the state. Being tattooed would not be a stigma, seeking to kill rival gang members would be a full- time occupation, women could be treated as sex slaves without consequence, and their internal structure would set the governing rules.In short, it would look very much like the prisons they occupy, but with- out the bars, gross overcrowding, and lack of amenities.

The Growing Role of the Gangs

While the transportista networks have a long history in the region and are an important part of its criminal, political, and social fabric, the role of gangs in the drug business is relatively new and evolving rapidly. These groups, if they continue on their current trajec- tory, have the greatest potential to displace traditional networks and greatly increase their already formidable social, political, and eco- nomic power.

The ongoing mutation of the gangs into political actors with growing ties to the drug trade cannot be understood outside the historic and controversial truce reached among the two main gangs and the government of El Salvador in March 2012. While there were other attempts at truces, this one provided the gangs with instruments to steadily gain political power and expand their territorial control. The truces, in essence, allowed the gangs to continue and expand their criminal activities, primarily extortion, kidnapping, protection, murder, and street- level drug dealing, in exchange for dropping the body count, or at least the bodies that were visible on the streets.45 Eventually it became clear that the gangs had been simply burying the bodies in clandestine cem- eteries rather than publicly displaying them. While there is a general consensus that the homicide rate dropped, with ebbs and flows, it has become clear that the decline since the truce was not nearly as dramatic as initially portrayed.

Evolution of Gangs and Transnational Criminal Networks

In addition to his growing ability to move large amounts of cocaine, Bercián has set up a series of businesses to help launder the proceeds of the cocaine sales while carefully cultivating political protection and a reputation for brutality.

Counternetwork Efforts in Central America

Numerous, fragile experiments are under way to deal with some of these issues. The United States is funding several interagency task forces (IATFs) established by regional governments in hopes of provid- ing a platform for a “whole of government” approach to reestablishing state authority in some areas while simultaneously combating drug traffickers.

These challenges are playing out against a backdrop of the desire by the region’s leaders, across political ideologies, to find a new paradigm outside the U.S.-led “war on drugs,” particularly as U.S. resources in the region have been severely curtailed. The search for a new paradigm includes calls for decriminalization. At the same time, there is a growing perception among the population that the violence generated by TCN activity is their primary concern, and that some sort of accommodation with those groups to end the bloodshed is the best and perhaps only way out of the current crisis.

“The issue of drug trafficking and consumption is not on the North American political agenda. The issue of drugs in the U.S. is very marginalized, while for Guatemala and the rest of Central America it’s very central,” he added.62

There are other psychological factors that play into the changing perceptions in the region, such as the growing belief that the U.S.- led interdiction efforts are not only part of the problem, but that they cannot succeed. “There are two dynamics at work,” said one regional analyst who monitors polling data and political trends. “One is the feeling that the governments can or will do little or nothing to solve people’s basic needs. The second is the feeling that people want to be on the winning side in any conflict, and the perception now is that the narcos have won, so they will adapt to that. Crossing that threshold to acceptance of the narco-state is huge, but already under way.”

Weakness in Central America’s Counternetwork Response

With the exception of the efforts to develop institutional capacity to fight criminal networks we have described here, Central America as a whole, and the Northern Triangle in particular, have not been successful in mitigating the pernicious effects of illegal criminal activity on the rule of law, the legal economy, and state power.


Among the significant multiple weaknesses of the Northern Tri- angle countries are the following:

  • corruption and distrust among and within police forces that make joint actions across national boundaries virtually impossible—and even local actions difficult to carry out
  • lack of political will to combat DTOs, coupled with and fed by growing government complicity in drug trafficking and money laundering
  • highly politicized national intelligence structures that are often used to track the political opposition rather than strategic threats
  • significant intelligence stovepipes that exist because of fears that drug corruption or political interests will thwart any real action against criminal groups
  • porousborderswithalmostnoeffectivecontrolforstoppingcontraband, be it drugs, people, weapons, or bulk cash
  • a lack of revenue and tax base from which to raise the necessary income for the state to implement anything more than the dys- functional systems currently in place
  • the growing emphasis on the part of regional government on using the military to combat drug trafficking, although they do not have the training or institutional capacity to do so. (This is particularly true in Honduras, with the introduction in 2014 of the “military police,” a new branch of the military, responding to the military chain of command, but carrying out police func- tions. In El Salvador, tens of thousands of army troops have been deployed to support police operations but often take the lead or bypass the police completely.)66



The Trans-Atlantic Route: South America to West Africa

Over the past decade, drug cartels based in Latin America began to route cocaine shipments to Europe through West Africa. West African criminal networks are leading players in transporting and distributing the cocaine in Europe, often allied with associates of AQIM and other Sahel-based extremist groups. Lebanese Hezbollah is a major actor on both the Latin American and West African sides of the drug trade.

Figures about drug trafficking in Africa should be taken with a great deal of caution, however. The knowledge base of cocaine trafficking through West Africa remains thin and there is a clear need for a much better and finer-grained empirical understanding of how transnational drug trafficking in West Africa works. The data on drug movements through West Africa is based on documented shipments, largely seizures, but in the case of drug movements to the United States through Central America and the Caribbean, these data reflect only what we know. The United States has a robust intelligence capability in Latin America, but the relevant agencies have fewer sources and less direct awareness of the drug movements in Africa.

Until recently, Guinea-Bissau constituted the apex of smuggling activity. Under President Joâo Bernardo “Nino” Vieira (1994–1999 and 2005–2009), the country was considered to be the world’s first genuine narcostate, with the value of drugs passing through the polity rivaling that of its official gross domestic product. Complicity in the cocaine trade extended to the very highest levels of the military and governing civil bureaucracy.

In 2013, the head of Guinea-Bissau’s armed forces, General Antonio Indjai, was indicted in absentia by a New York court on cocaine and weapon trafficking charges that directly tied him to the criminal enterprises of the FARC.

Two weeks earlier, the former chief of the Navy, Rear Admiral José Américo Bubo Na Tchuto, was arrested in a DEA sting operation during which he told undercover federal agents that he could arrange for the storage and transfer of Colombian cocaine at a rate of $1 million for every 1,000 kg brought into the country.

Main Players

Nigerian criminal networks are at the forefront of cocaine trafficking from the Gulf of Guinea to Europe, as well as in secondary markets in sub-Saharan Africa. The involvement of individuals from the southeastern Igbo ethnic group—which has a particularly large and widespread diaspora—has been especially marked. These players have an established and prominent presence along all aspects of the supply chain from source countries (São Paulo constituting their main nerve center in Latin America), through transit hubs to main consumption countries (Britain, Spain, Italy, and Germany).

drug flows have impeded development by discouraging the types of foreign investment West African governments need to grow their economies. More specifically, the potentially huge short-term mon- etary gains that can be made from the cocaine trade have eclipsed the attractiveness of longer-term commitments to more-productive enterprises. Inevitably, this has resulted in a situation where a small number of people are becoming richer at the expense of a mass population base that is being rendered progressively poorer—driving already massive wealth inequalities and concomitant sources of social tension.

There is clear evidence that Gulf of Guinea transit hubs have steadily degenerated into consumption centers in their own right. Throughout the wider Gulf region, cocaine use has become increas- ingly endemic, fostering inner-city violence, fueling street crime, and straining already overburdened health and law enforcement systems. In this manner, the drug trade is detracting from human security, con- tributing to West Africa’s status as one of the most socially dislocated and dysfunctional parts of the world.


the U.S. Department of the Treasury designated Rear Admiral Tchuto, twice chief of staff of the navy, and General Ibraima Papa Camará, chief of staff of the air force, as drug king- pins

The two were linked to a notorious episode in July 2008 when a Gulfstream jet from Venezuela landed in Bissau loaded with 500 kg of cocaine. Police surrounded the plane and arrested the crew, who were reported to be members of El Chapo’s criminal organization, but the cocaine vanished. A later investigation determined that hundreds of boxes of cocaine had been unloaded from the plane by soldiers in uniform.

Counternetwork Efforts in West Africa

It focuses on building regional capacity to combat transnational crime, particularly narcotics trafficking. WACSI’s specific goals are to address corruption within the justice and security sectors and by government elites; support development of legal frameworks to combat transnational crime; strengthen law enforcement; promote the capacity to prosecute criminal activity; and engage African stakeholders in addressing the underlying socio- economic factors that facilitate crime.

In October 2011, the governments of Nigeria and Benin established a combined maritime patrol mechanism. Codenamed “Operation Prosperity,” the experimental bilateral cooperation was the first of its kind and has since been expanded to include the navies of Cameroon, Togo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, and São Tomé.

“Operation Prosperity” was instituted in tandem with an ongoing project overseen by the International Maritime Organization and the Maritime Organization of West and Central Africa to functionally align the maritime patrol forces of West Africa. In 2010, a memorandum of understanding was signed to establish a Sub-Regional Integrated Coast Guard Network to address the following areas: piracy and armed robbery against ships; offshore energy supply security; illegal migration; the trafficking of people, drugs, and weapons; search and rescue; and protection of the marine environment. Since then, the International Maritime Organization has been conducting capacity-building activities across the region under a modest program that includes tabletop exercises and simulations, national seminars, and maritime security–related training.

As of the end of 2014, Transnational Crime Units were fully operational in Liberia and Sierra Leone and were in the start-up phase in Guinea-Bissau.44 The European Union, which has a particular inter- est in securing energy supplies from West Africa, is contributing to capacity-building efforts in the region, in addition to acting as a bridge between the Anglophone and Francophone component elements of ECOWAS and ECCAS.

Weaknesses in the West African Counternetwork Response

A number of shortfalls beset the West African counternetwork response. Fragile state institutions, weak judicial systems vulnerable to manipu- lation, and high-level corruption impede effective action against crimi- nal networks. The report of the West African Commission on Drugs, an independent group of West African civil-society leaders chaired by former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, stated, “Transnational criminal networks largely control the [illegal drug] trade, facilitated by the fact that they are operating in a poor region affected by political instability, unemployment and corruption.” These networks, the report continues, often operate under the guise of legitimate businesses or with the protection or involvement, direct or indirect, of senior offi- cials, and tend to be highly resourceful and extremely difficult to monitor or infiltrate.

Most of the region’s security force personnel lack adequate training and are poorly equipped and underpaid. Land borders established in colonial times are artificial and porous. Cultural affinities unite ethnic groups in various countries in West Africa, transcending nationality, providing an impetus for legal and illegal cross-border trade.

both personnel and equipment to monitor their respective shorelines. Just as significantly, sensitivities over the demarcation of sovereign jurisdiction have hindered the institution of effective protocols for coordinating joint patrol, much less anything approaching a codified right of hot pursuit.48

Extremely weak intelligence capabilities have compounded matters.


Convergence of Organized Crime and Terrorism

The nexus or linkages between terrorist and insurgent groups and crime is a critical aspect of the whole problem of international terrorism because in many cases, terrorist groups cannot sustain them- selves and survive without the income and resources that they derive from criminal activity.

Crime and terrorism can be distinguished by motive. Criminals seek economic gain through illicit means, while terrorists and insurgents seek political power and use criminal means to achieve these ends. Nevertheless, the important fact is that these two sets of actors represent an intrusion on the state’s monopoly over the legitimate use of force.

In numerous cases, terrorists or insurgent groups develop opportunistic alliances with criminal networks. This convergence may be facilitated by similar logistical and operational requirements, synergies produced by sharing a common infrastructure (e.g., runways), logistical corridors, safe havens, financial and money laundering networks, and a common interest in weakening or evading government action. Even where this convergence of terrorism or insurgency and crime has not occurred, there seems to be a feedback mechanism, in that the activities of criminal groups displace state and government institutions, usually weak to begin with, in the areas where they establish a foot-hold. This, in turn, creates greater social disorder that can be exploited by terrorists and insurgents.

Iran’s Strategic Penetration of Latin America, by Humire and Berman, lists 173 individuals connected to Hezbollah and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps that used Venezuelan passports to travel to other countries.

Lebanese financial institutions and exchange houses play a key role in facilitating money laundering. In January 2011, the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control designated two exchange houses in Lebanon and three in Benin for their role in Joumaa’s laun- dering of drug trafficking proceeds. Not long afterward, the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network issued a finding (called a 311 Action) that the Lebanese Canadian Bank SAL of Beirut, then Lebanon’s eighth-largest bank with assets of more than $5 billion as of 2009, was a financial institution of primary money laundering concern.

There is some controversy as to the extent of AQIM’s complicity in narcotrafficking. AQIM’s emir, Abdel Droukdel, has explicitly disavowed any such activity as haram (forbidden in Islam) and contrary to al-Qaeda’s ideological and religious principles.8 However, U.S. officials cite a New York trial of three men from Mali in 2013 to back their claim that the group is heavily involved in the trade.

During this period, they admitted to being associated with al-Qaeda and were secretly videotaped agreeing to facilitate the move- ment of cocaine shipments from the Gulf of Guinea to the Maghreb and then onward to Spain. After initially quoting a transportation fee of US$2,000/kg, the trio apparently increased their price to US$10,000 for all consignments of more than 500 kg.9 The DEA has taken the case as providing “definitive evidence that a direct link exists between AQIM and its affiliate terrorist organizations and international drug trafficking.”

The DEA believes profits derived from Latin American drug shipments bankrolled the Islamist takeover of northern Mali in 2014 as well as the subsequent abduction and murder of 54 western workers from an Algerian gas facility that same year (an action for which Belmokhtar claimed credit in al-Qaeda’s name).15 Further indications of the connection between Latin American drug networks and AQIM emerged in 2010 with reports of a “drug summit” held in Guinea- Bissau in late October at which AQIM was represented by the newly emerging figure Abdelkrim Targui (“The Tuareg”).

Hezbollah is a major actor in the West African drug trade. The organization relies on criminal specialists in West Africa with close ties to the drug trade for money laundering, document forgery, and other criminal activities. The group played a significant role in the blood diamond trade and collects substantial amounts in contributions from the Lebanese diaspora in West Africa.

According to numerous sources, cocaine traded through West Africa accounts for a large part of Hezbollah’s income. A witness at a U.S. House of Representatives hearing stated that there is documentary evidence that an average of US$180 million in cash per quarter was being transported from Togo to Ghana, where it was placed on commercial aircraft and flown directly to Beirut.

Interpol has confirmed that cocaine trafficking in West Africa has supported several Hezbollah operations in Lebanon since at least 2006. Profits from cocaine trafficking have allowed the Lebanese network to diversify its portfolio of illegal activities in West Africa. In Nigeria, for example, 80,000 barrels of oil a day are siphoned from illegally tapped pipelines.

Guinea-Bissau is a strategic hub for the Hezbollah- facilitated drug trafficking from South America to West Africa. The Lebanese network based in Guinea-Bissau does business directly with the FARC.


Combatant Command, Joint Task Force, and Army Service Component Command Counternetwork Activities

Using global footholds and myriad communication tools, TCO networks now span across all GCC AORs [geographic combatant command areas of responsibility].

TCO networks do not limit themselves to narcotics trafficking. They are global logistics enterprises with the ability to move any type of commodity into and out of the United States.

Summary of Army CTOC Activities in Support of NORTHCOM

While a few soldiers perform duty under the command of NORTHCOM, such as serving as members of Tactical Analysis Teams and planners within the headquarters, the bulk of Army support is pro- vided through JTF-N. Headquarters JTF-N has a small number of soldiers tasked to provide planning assistance to several federal law enforcement agencies aligned according to the major drug trafficking corridors. However, most of its counterdrug activities consist of units conducting training by performing counterdrug support missions within the JTF-N area of operations. Such units are assigned Exercise Tactical Control to JTF-N and only perform counterdrug activities that provide training directly related to the unit’s Mission Essential Task List

United States Southern Command

During interviews with RAND researchers, SOUTHCOM plan- ners stated that among the challenges they face in CTOC activities are changes in budgetary priorities.13 The environment is dynamic and the threat changes quickly, yet DoD budgets take much longer to adapt. Security cooperation activities are funded by the Department of State and managed by DoD. Planning for security cooperation is accomplished through the Security Cooperation Office and the country team. The use of Section 1004 funds requires a law enforcement request. This could be sent through the U.S. Embassy within the relevant country. Together, these processes slow down the ability of SOUTHCOM to respond to changes in the way that transnational criminal organizations conduct their business.

Three other limiting factors are: (1) the statutory mission of SOUTHCOM; (2) statutory priorities—for example, SOUTHCOM can use Section 1033 funding only in countries approved by Congress; and (3) restrictions due to political considerations—e.g., Honduras has a lethal shoot-down program; therefore, the United States does not provide Honduras access to JIATFS air flight data despite the fact that approximately 90 percent of the air drug traffic through Central America (15 percent of the overall drug traffic) flies over Honduras.

The Guatemalan IATF concept’s strongest supporter, President Molina, resigned and was subsequently arrested in September 2015 in the wake of a corruption scandal, which raises questions as to whether the successor government will have the political will to continue with IATF development.

Joint Interagency Task Force South

JIATFS has the lead for DoD’s detection and monitoring mission in the SOUTHCOM area of responsibility and covers part of the NORTHCOM area of responsibility, as well.

In terms of transportation, storage, and sales timing, the TCN business model is not well understood.

While focused on its primary mission of detection and monitoring of illicit traffic, JIATFS established counternetwork and counter-threat finance analysis cells to assist law enforcement agencies in dismantling the transnational criminal organizations responsible for the production and shipment of narcotics and for undermining the stability and security of the region.

United States Army South

ARSOUTH focuses CTOC activities on building partner capac- ity in four partner nations: Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Belize. The goals are to improve the capability and capacity of partner nations. Activities include police counterdrug labs training, basic riv- erine operations mobile training teams, small boat operations mobile training teams, intelligence officer courses, command and control and assessment, tactical response training teams, rotary-wing maintenance, ground interdiction support, fixed- and rotary-wing pilot training courses, maritime interdiction, intelligence against drug trafficking, CTOC operations, and planning for counternarcotics operations.

United States Africa Command

Although countering TCNs was not listed as a priority, this mission is inherent in the promotion of stability as General Rodriguez made clear in his statement, saying, “We built capacity and enabled our allies and partners to disrupt transnational terrorist and criminal networks, strengthen border security, and contribute to multinational peacekeep- ing operations.” Moreover, “The nexus between crime and terror is growing on the continent as terrorists and criminals increasingly utilize the same illicit pathways to move people, money, weapons, and other resources.”

General Rodriguez also highlighted the problem of corruption:

Corruption is a universal challenge that encourages the com- plicity of public servants in criminal and terrorist activities and destroys public trust in decision-making systems. To help our African partners address corruption, we must carefully tailor the conditions for military assistance. Where corruption perme- ates military institutions, its consequences can be deadly. When resources are diverted from military pay and sustainment, forces are less capable and more vulnerable on the battlefield. They are less effective at protecting civilians and may resort to predatory behavior. Corruption is corrosive to the foundation of trust and mutual responsibility on which enduring partnerships must be built.


Conclusions and Recommendations

In the introduction to this report, we documented the increased recog- nition on the part of the Obama administration, Congress, and U.S. military leaders of the importance of addressing the growing secu- rity threat posed by the expansion of TCNs. Yet, this raises the ques- tion: What are the roles of DoD, the military commands, and the U.S. Army?

U.S. Governmentwide–Level Conclusions and Recommendations

Challenge the Conventional Thinking

At a conceptual level, a major challenge in formulating adequate policy responses to the challenge posed by the emergent threat of TCNs and hybrid illicit actors that combine aspects of criminal organizations, terrorist groups, and insurgencies is the way in which the U.S. government and most analysts classify threats to national security—and the way in which this classification is reflected in national security legislation, department and agency missions, and budgetary decisions.

But some criminal organizations—as shown in the case of Mexico—combine elements of insurgency, and certainly terrorism. Entities such as the FARC, AQIM, Hezbollah, and many others combine terrorism, insurgency, and criminal activities. Prioritizing the threats that they pose to U.S. interests requires taking all of these facets of the groups’ activities into consideration.

how does the threat of al-Shabaab or AQIM compare with that of the Sinaloa Cartel? One solution might be to regard all of these groups as networks. We could then assess the threat level that they pose, regardless of how the group is classified, and deploy the tools and resources available to the U.S. government against them based on that threat assessment.

Bring Authorities and Policy Guidance in Line with the Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime

It takes time for authorities and laws to “play catch up” with emerging trends. By and large, authorities to implement CTOC are nascent and the agencies charged with this mission draw on existing counternarcotics authorities.

Improve Interagency Coordination

A major structural obstacle to waging an effective counternetwork campaign is the lack of unified effort and command. Unlike in the counterterrorism area, where extensive interagency coordinating mechanisms were created after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, a mechanism for addressing the threat of TCNs is only now in the process of being developed.

The 9/11 attacks generated a sense of urgency and incentives to coordinate efforts against the threat of international terrorism, but no similar consensus has developed on the importance of countering TCNs. The agencies with the most-relevant capabilities for attacking illicit networks have other missions and are reluctant to focus their resources on taking down the networks.

Support Countering Transnational Network Strategies and Programs with Adequate Dedicated Budgetary Allocations

The FY 2015 NDAA widened counternarcotics enforcement support to include countering transnational criminal organizations, but no addi- tional funds were appropriated for this mission.

Address Deep Corruption and Criminalized States

Criminalized states are hubs of transnational criminal activity, and deep, multilayered corruption vitiates efforts by the United States to engage partner nations constructively in efforts against TCNs, strengthen governance in weak states, and promote regional stability. The United States has tried to work around the problem of corruption in a partner country’s security agencies by working with vetted units within larger organizations. However, there are severe limitations to what can be achieved by working with these units (even if they could be kept corruption-free), if they operate in an environment of deeply entrenched corruption.

in countries where drug trafficking– related corruption is endemic, the most promising avenue to reducing corruption to a level that might permit the United States to work with these countries’ governments and militaries may be to sanction and isolate the high-level political and military elites involved in drug traf- ficking and target them with law enforcement tools. At a minimum, the United States should exercise caution to ensure that any political or military engagement with these countries does not help to legitimize deeply corrupt regimes or prolong their grasp on power.

U.S. Army Roles in Countering Transnational Criminal Networks

the Army has competencies and capabili- ties that can advance the U.S. government’s CTOC objectives without significantly drawing resources from its core missions.

Should it choose to do so, the Army could:9

  1. Help develop interagency and multinational strategies to more effectively counter TCNs and assist with planning to implement those strategies.
  2. Consider increasing the efforts of senior Army leaders to encourage a greater number of units to take advantage of training opportunities with joint interagency task forces engaged in CTOC missions.
  3. Facilitate the use of RAFs in CTOC or CTOC-related missions.
  1. Consider developing an Army Doctrinal Reference Publication for CTOC.
  2. Add CTOC to the Chief of Staff Army Strategic Studies Group research agenda, make it a priority for solution development by the Asymmetric Warfare Group, and add it to the U.S. Army War College Key Strategic Issues List.
  3. Advocate for CTOC activities conducted by the ASCCs to be expanded from counterdrug operations to the full range of CTOC activities that address critical threats to U.S. national security.
  4. Increase support to network analysis efforts within each of the ASCCs.
  5. Increase Signals Intelligence and cyber support to each of the ASCCs.
  6. Assist partner countries with intelligence collection and coordination.
  7. Increase support to ASCCs to improve rapid mobility of partner country militaries.
  8. Provide an unclassified version of Blue Force Tracker to partner militaries, as appropriate.
  9. Work with partner nations and militaries to help them strengthen border control.
  10. Partner with gendarmerie organizations. 

The Mask and the Flag: Populism, Citizenism, and Global Protest – Occupy Wall Street Actors

I haven’t yet read The Mask and the Flag: Populism, Citizenism and Global Protests but did want to share the name of the Occupy Wall Street interviewees listed in the back in case I wasn’t the only one researcher them.

Name City Profession
Malav Kanuga
New York
Linnea New York Student
Caiti New York Student
Mark New York Travel writer
Noah San Diego Student
Richard New York Community organizer
Elizabeth New York Teacher
Thanu New York Student
Julian New York Teacher
David New York IT designer
James New York Unemployed
Andrew New York Event organizer
Shawn Carrié New York Unemployed
Laura New York Student
Emily Kokernak New York Fundraiser
Patrick Gill New York Unemployed
Stephanie Jane New York Filmaker
Kalle Lasn Vancouver Adbusters main editor
Cari Iceland  Activist
Michael Premo New York Community organiser
Tim Fitzgerald New York  IT developer
Micah White New York Journalist/activist
Joan Donovan Los Angeles Researcher
Isham Christie New York Union Organizer

Data from Black Flags and Social Movements: A Sociological Analysis of Movement Anarchism

Black Flags and Social Movements: A Sociological Analysis of Movement Anarchism by Dana M. Williams covers transnational Anarchist organizations.

A little less empirical than I was hoping, the book still does provide some worthy information.


AFA Anti-Fascist Action
AFO anarchistic franchise organization
ALF Animal Liberation Front
APOC Anarchist People of Color
ARA Anti-Racist Action
ASN Anarchist Studies Network
ATTAC Association pour la Taxation des Transactions financières et pour l’Action Citoyenne
AYP Anarchist Yellow Pages
BAS “Big Anarchist Survey”
BBB Biotic Baking Brigade
CIRCA Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army
CM critical mass
CNT Confederación Nacional del Trabajo
CW Catholic Worker
DIY do it yourself
EF! Earth First!
ELF Earth Liberation Front
FAI Federación Anarquista Ibérica
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FNB Food Not Bombs
G8 Group of 8
HDI Human Development Index
HNJ Homes Not Jails
IBL International Blacklist
IMC Independent Media Center
IMF International Monetary Fund
IWA International Workers’ Association
IWPA International Working People’s Association
IWW Industrial Workers of the World
NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
NAASN North American Anarchist Studies Network
NEFAC Northeastern Federation of Anarchist Communists NGO non-governmental organization
NSM new social movement
NYT New York Times
PO political opportunity
POUM Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista
RABL Revolutionary Anarchist Bowling League
RMT resource mobilization theory
SM social movement
SMO social movement organization
WOMBLES White Overalls Movement Building Libertarian EffectiveStruggles
WS world-system
WUNC worthiness, unity, numbers, commitment WVS World Values Survey



Review of Occupying Wall Street: The Inside Story of an Action that Changed America

According to the book blurb “Occupying Wall Street draws on extensive interviews with those who took part in the action to bring an authentic, inside-the-square history to life. In these pages you will discover in rich detail how the protest was devised and planned, how its daily needs were met, and how it won overwhelming support across the nation.” – which I think is funny as OWS certainly did not win overwhelming support across the nation. Did it eventually attract media interest after a number of events designed to get attention – like the fake news about Radiohead performing? Yes certainly, but there was never any great support for a new revolutionary lead by communists, anarcho-crust-punks, disaffected professors who felt the world ought to listen to their unique contributions to understanding the world and narcissistic artists and poets.

The book isn’t terribly written, though the Biblical saying here about the need to remove the beam in one’s eye before casting out the splinter in one’s brother is appropriate.

The absurdity of the premise – a call for a leaderless politics of revolution without demands, which is an open invitation for subverstion – is never questioned in opposition to simply becoming more active in the existent political project. That was my response when I was first approached by a New School student several months before the Occupation of Zuccotti Park.  I’m pretty sure my response was, “If I wanted to go camping, it’d be in the woods and if I wanted to change politics, I’d get involved in elections and policy-making.”

There are multiple admissions that the anti-capitalist seed society that the occupation camps was meant to be were riddled with problems such as theft, assault, inability to organize hygene and food and the organization being completely dependent on donations and grants to function as no one there was employed in any sort of productive activity. The encampment attracted people with mental disorders that non-professional volunteers tried to assist, but couldn’t, etc..

I’ll not keep heaping contempt on these people so deserving of it but instead share the names I’ve been collecting from OWS literature to determine if they were involved with the World Social Forum or it’s offshoots.


Amy Roberts
Marina Sitrin – Professor at City University of New York
Matt Presto
Justin Wedes
Brennan Cavanaugh
Imani J Brown – Open Society Foundation
Christy Thorton – NYU graduate student
Anthony Whitehurst – Med Mob
Charlie Gonzalez – Consciousness Group
Michael Rodriguez
Brendan Butler
Fateh Singh
Lisa Montanarelli
Adreanna Limbach
John Paul Learn
Rebeka Beiber
Pauly Kostora
Breanna Lembitz
Ed Mortimer
Frank White
Lily Johnson
Miriam Rocek
Jesse Jackson
Maria Fehling
Mesiah Bruciaga-Hameed
Betsy Fagin
Maida Rosenstein
Benjamin Shepard
Amina Malika
Kat Mahaney
Alex Gomez-del-Moral
Daniel Levine
William Scott – Professor of English at the University of Pittsburg
Jason Ide
Ilektra Mandragou
Rivka Little
Reg Flowers – theatre artist
Boris Nemch
Alessandra De Meo
Nani Mathews
Leo Goldberg
Kara Segal
Dan La Botz
Tara Hart
Jesse LaGreca
Natasha Lennard
Caitlin Curran
Kirby Desmarais
Hermes – from Mobile, Alabama
Bill Scott
Josh Frens-String – NYU Historian
Julian Tysh
Betsy Fagin
Mandy Henk
Zachary Loeb
Daniel Levine
Heather Squire
Emily Curtis-Murphy
Erin Littlestar
Many Henk – from Greencastle, Indiana
William Scott
Angela Davis
Janos Marton
Mark Bray
Jason Ahmadi
DiceyTroop – from Foxboro, Massachusetts

Senia Barragan – Colombian
Patricia – A Chilean woman
Alexandre de Carbalho – A Brazilian from Rio de Janiero
Jaco – from Toronto

National Lawyers Guild
Occupy the Hood
Occupy 477
Movement for Justice in El Barrio
Audre Lorde Project
Poetry Guild

181st St Community Garden
880 West 181st Street, #4B
New York, NY 10033

Ali Forney Center
224 W. 35th St. Suite 1102
New York, NY 10001

ALIGN – the Alliance for a Greater New York
50 Broadway, 29th Floor, New York, NY 10004

ANSWER Coalition
2295 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd., New York, NY 10030

Asian American Arts Centre


Campaign to End the Death Penalty

Campaign to End the New Jim Crow

Center for Immigrant Families
20 W 104th St
New York, NY 10025

Coalition for the Homeless
129 Fulton Street, New York, NY 10038

Code Pink

Community Voices Heard

Families for Freedom
3 West 29th St, #1030, New York, NY 10001
646 290 5551

147 West 24th Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10011

Fort Greene SNAP

81 Willoughby Street, 701, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Green Chimneys
79 Alexander Ave – 42A, Bronx, NY 10454

169 Avenue B, New York, NY 10009

Guide to New York City Women’s and Social Justice Organizations

Immigrant Movement International
108-59 Roosevelt Avenue, Queens, NY 11368 USA

Industrial Workers of the World

International Socialist Organization
ISO National Office P.O. Box 16085 Chicago, IL 60616

Iraq Veterans Against the War
P.O. Box 3565 New York, NY 10008-3565

La Union
Labor community forum

Make the Road
Bushwick, Brooklyn: 301 Grove Street Brooklyn, New York 11237
Jackson Heights, Queens: 92-10 Roosevelt Avenue,
Jackson Heights, New York 11372
Port Richmond, Staten Island:479 Port Richmond Avenue,
Staten Island, New York 10302

Malcom X Grassroots Movement
PO BOX 471711 Brooklyn, NY 11247”

Marriage Equality NY (MENY)

Mirabal Sisters Community and Cultural Center

National Lawyers Guild
132 Nassau Street, Rm. 922, New York, NY 10038

New York Collective of Radical Educators (NYCORE)

New York Students Rising


No Gas Pipeline
235 3rd Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302

Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition
103 East 196th Street Bronx, NY 10468


Occupy the DOE

Occupy Equality NY

Occupy Wall Street
General Inquiries:
+1 (516) 708-4777

Organizing for Occupation

Parent Occupy Wall St

Parents for Occupy Wall Street

Picture the Homeless

Queer Rising


Shut Down Indian Point Now

Speak Up HP

Strong Economy for All Coalition

Students United for a Free CUNY


I haven’t yet started cross-referencing all of the people listed above, but as  Imani J. Brown has a uniqiue name I looked her up. There I found that she is not just an Occupier, but also a Open Society Foundations fellow and that the Arts Incubator called Antenna that she is the Director of – which looks super cool and has some interesting community events – also works with other Open Society Fellows, like Dread Scott. Below is a clip from his community-engaged performance art project titled Slave Rebellion Reenactment, reinterpreting Louisiana’s German Coast Uprising of 1811—the largest rebellion of enslaved people in U.S. history.



Notes from Organization Of American States Combined Reports on Communist Subversion

Notes from Organization Of American States Combined Reports on Communist Subversion


Link to Original Document: Internet Archive

Key Quotes:

Full Notes


Since the great majority of the citizens of the Americas believe in the ideals of national independence and individual liberty, and reject intervention and dictatorship, the Communists can strengthen themselves, and even come into power, only through a program of deceit that assumes many and varied forms. Only thus can Communist subversion triumph.

Only by fraud and deception can the Communists hope to gain even momentary acceptance by the peoples of the Americas.

They camouflage their true objectives by supporting all popular causes and posing as the champions of human freedom and dignity. Their immediate goal is to promote and sustain disorder; to impede progress by frustrating land and social reforms, and by sabotaging programs for economic development like the Alliance for Progress and efforts toward an effective Latin-American “common market.” In short, to discredit and debilitate any scheme that shows promise of

As pointed out by the Consultative Committee, the Communist assault in the Western Hemisphere manifests itself in five major ways: (a) Subversive activities (agitation, strikes, guerrilla warfare, etc.), which in some countries have reached the point of open
(6) Acts of sabotage and sympathetic terrorism, carried out by small, but perfectly trained and equipped groups, following pre-established plans and intended to create a climate conducive to general insurrection
(c) Infiltration into governmental spheres, including the armed forces, which endangers institutional stability itself;
(d) Penetration into information agencies and media (press, radio, and television) with personnel especially trained in Communist propaganda; and
(e) Growing participation in the educational field, particularly at the university level, seeking, among other things, to rapprochement workers, not for the purposes of trade union improvement but only to develop their own subversive activities.
It bears repeating that the Communists do not necessarily plan to succeed next week, although they would like to, but they are dedicated to constant, sustained subversion over “any” number of years.

The reports which follow, prepared by the Organization of American States, by Latin Americans themselves, expose the international Communist movement for what it really is: a movement based on fraud and deceit, on violence and terror—a movement which, while it claims to be revolutionary and progressive, is the embodiment of .everything reactionary and retrogressive.

the purpose of this offensive is “the destruction of democratic institutions and the establishment of totalitarian dictatorships at the service of extracontinental powers.” Here the incongruity lies in the fact that citizens of free countries of this hemisphere tolerate, or are inclined to tolerate and support, known Communists.

With respect to the magnitude of the Communist danger, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs declared that Communist subversion constitutes “one of the most subtle and dangerous forms of intervention in the internal affairs of other countries.” Nevertheless, prominent persons in the hemisphere underestimate, or persist in underestimating, the Communist danger, maintaining that it is easy to control since the number of Communists in the hemisphere is still small. *

a. Evolution of the direction of the international Communist Movement
To provide a better understanding of the objectives pursued by international communism and of its methods and modes of action, it is important to make a synthesis of the evolution that has occurred in the direction of the movement.
The forms and tactics employed have been many and varied, but it is interesting to point out that communism inexorably adheres to four fundamental principles: maintenance of the objective, economy of forces, sustained action, and the firm will to win.

In order to create more confusion in the thinking of the free world, international communism falsely preaches a policy of “peaceful coexistence,” just as it deceitfully distorts the traditional concepts of peace and democracy, or exploits the just aspirations of slowly developing nations for welfare and progress, inflaming their equally just nationalist, anti-colonialist, and anti-imperialist sentiments.

the structure of the democratic countries taken as a whole is not monolithic, in the same sense as that of the Communist world, whose unity of command has so far shown no rifts. Irrespective of whether the ideological dispute between the principal members of the Communist world is fictitious or real, the important thing is that any such dispute does not substantially affect the tactic of deceiving and upsetting the free world.

B. Brief References to the World Situation of Communism

One characteristic deception is the incorporation of Communists in genuine national movements for political, social, economic, and cultural reform, in order eventually to take control of them. Thesis a Communist tactic designed to seduce and win over most, if not all, of public opinion. Thus, it tries to overcome any popular resistance to the systematic diversion of those national movements toward the international Communist line dictated from abroad.

The psychological tactic of deceit—applied in the areas of just aspirations for national independence, self-determination, democracy, economic progress, cultural improvement, and social justice—is what in some cases in Asia, Africa, [and America has deformed legitimate popular movements in respect to electoral policies, differences, and revolutionary or trade-union struggles. This is exactly what happened in Cuba in the just and heroic phase of the revolution, and what is happening or can happen in other countries of America.

Groups, classes, regions, and nations— conscious or unconscious of the aforementioned psychological attitude, more sentimental than rational, that takes hold in the disorderly and shapeless popular mind—put forth claims that international communism always tries to cement and coordinate according to specific strategic methods in support of its policy of world supremacy, which is aimed toward the prior destruction of all the postulates of democracy.

the policy of democratic revolution, a policy of constructive progress instead of the destruction of values, has to travel a rougher road. This is due to the fact that the feelings of rebellion among the despairing and discouraged sectors of the countries’ populations are frequently based on the prevailing indifference to national problems and on a lack of faith in the political, social, and economic values of Western civilization.

International communism takes advantage of this state of mind, which is widespread in Latin America, and also in certain sectors of the United States, to develop its psychological campaign. It seeks to infiltrate and seize control of political parties by making use of demagogic opportunism; of labor groups by taking advantage of the absence of trade-union traditions; of groups of rural workers by making false promises; and of student groups by taking advantage of the idealism and enthusiasm characteristic of youth.

C. Incidence of the International Communist Movement in THE American Hemisphere

Always preserving its centralized direction, the international Communist movement plots its strategy and its tactics in accordance with the resolutions approved at the numerous congresses, meetings, and conferences of the Communist Party and its related bodies.

At its second congress (1920), the Third International established 21 conditions for affiliation of the Communist Parties of the entire world, including those in the Americas, thereby establishing their international character. According to the second of these conditions

Every organization desiring to join the Communist International shall be bound systematically and regularly to remove from all the responsible posts in the labor movement (party organization, editorship, labor unions, parliamentary factions, cooperatives, municipalities, etc.) all reformists and followers of the center and to have them replaced by Communists. * * *

The third condition stated that:
The class struggle in almost every country of Europe and America is entering the phase of civil war. Under such conditions the Communists can have no. confidence in bourgeois laws. They should create everywhere a parallel illegal apparatus, which at the decisive moment should be of assistance to the party to do its duty toward the revolution. In every country where, in consequence of martial law or of other exceptional laws, the Communists are unable to carry on their work legally, a combination of legal and illegal work is absolutely necessary.

And in the seventh condition it was stated that Parties desirous of joining the Communist International must recognize the necessity of a complete and absolute rupture with reformism and the policy of the “centrists,” and must advocate this rupture amongst the widest circles of the party membership without which condition a consistent Communist policy is impossible. The Communist International demands unconditionally and peremptorily that such rupture be brought about with the least possible delay.

The Seventh Congress of the Third International (1935), definitively establishing the thesis of Dimitrov, based on the intensive use of intellectuals, led to the creation of popular fronts to participate in the various kinds of electoral battles in the various countries.^ In its application to Latin America this thesis of the popular front was most successful in the labor groups.

when the integration of the aforementioned popular fronts was consolidated under the inspiration and directives of international communism, Moscow created front or facade organizations * and installed the Cominform as the coordination and information office •of the Communist Parties as well as an instrument of propaganda and reinforcement in the so-called cold war.

Since then the popular fronts and the local affiliates of the inter- national front organizations have manifested themselves through Communist participation in the electoral campaigns in democratic countries; in opposition groups; in countries where dictatorships exist in popular movements on behalf of various causes, and revolutionary movements that have been chiefly anti-imperialist in purpose; in infiltration in labor unions, particularly with a view to promoting strikes; in utilization and winning over of student and young people’s groups, especially through the exploitation of nationalistic ideas; in systematic propaganda about the U.S.S.R. by all possible means, designed principally to awaken enthusiasm for international communism and stir up hatred for the democratic system; and in false campaigns in favor of free trade and pacifism.

1. The meeting of South American Communist Parties, convened
by the Cominform and held in Montevideo in 1950: Its objective was to examine the situation in the area concerned, for the purpose of implementing the appropriate strategy and coordinating the struggles in the regional areas involved.

Its declared purposes were to accelerate the gradual destruction of the forces of capitalism, democratic systems, and private enterprise, and to weaken and impair the standing of international capitalism and the enemies of the U.S.S.R.

Taking into account the strategic position of the Caribbean area, in 1952 Moscow worked out a plan for Communist operations in that area. The features of this plan were as follows:
(a) Its realistic approach, since it took advantage of all conditions that would be favorable to its activities, such as the critical situation of the Latin American economy in the postwar period; economic, social, and cultural underdevelopment; class and racial differences; autocratic governemnts; the continued existence of foreign colonies; and, in general, all of the factors that foster latent discontent among the masses.

(b) Its prudence in transforming the Communist Parties into disguised instruments of what is really Red action, by creating organizations and movements that apparently have no connection with Communist leadership (fronts for anti-imperialism, anti- colonialism, national liberation, peace, etc.)

(c) Its flexibility in utilizing a great variety of methods involving action that is sometimes “peaceful” and other times revolutionary, and ceaseless psychological action.

The results of these resolutions in the American Hemisphere have been as follows: the appointment of a greater number of Latin American representatives in international front organizations; meetings of the Communist Parties for the purpose of “exchanging experiences” and “forming new cadres”; change in operational tactics to avoid committing the Communist Parties to activities that are opposed to peaceful coexistence, and instead, carrying out revolutionary operations through agents who have infiltrated into non- Communist organizations; and intensification of psychological action through a cultural and artistic offensive among the higher social classes.

D. Conclusions

4. In the leadership of the American Communist Parties, the tactic presently employed is that of keeping the principal leaders concealed and using as a front person whose notoriety as Communists lessens their effectiveness. This tactic enables them to infiltrate agents into key positions in the political, economic, and social organizations of the American countries. This is an element of grave danger to the independence and democratic systems of these nations.

5. Since 1945 international communism has made very wide use of “frontism,” based on front (or facade) organizations to promote action that will favor its aims. This action tends chiefly toward the creation of “fronts” that may cover various fields, such as “peace front,” “labor front,” or “student front,” their outstanding characteristic being that they are regarded as non-Communist.

6. Communism exploits the logical desire of the peoples to seek solutions for their problems—problems that are evident and that, furthermore, stand in urgent need of solution. Through the tactics of deceit, communism takes advantage of social realities so that when the moment arrives in which governments are approaching solutions in the national interest, it creates obstacles to any measures which, precisely because they are suitable, would deprive it of its battle cry.

7. Communism adapts to the environment and creates conflicts or intensifies existing situations, seeking party members and “fellow travelers” (these latter being more numerous, influential, and listened to than the declared Communists).

8. Communism employs various strategies and trickeries, it uses legal and illegal procedures; it remains silent and conceals the truth; it acts alone, or jointly with any ally who may help achieve its purpose. Its final objective is to dominate the world.

9. Communist strategy has found a new route of approach, taking advantage of the peoples’ yearning for independence and desire for peace, and of neutralism and the existence of neutralist blocs, whether or not these are developed under the direction of international communism, in order to attempt to reduce the potential of the free world.


A. Deceit in Communist Objectives


The Communists’ greatest deceit is in the way they mask their true objectives.

National Communist Parties in our hemisphere publicly profess ideals that are accepted by most people. Their statements constantly affirm Communist intentions to achieve power through peaceful means, to provide land to the peasants and homes for the workers, and to establish a government by the people.

After the 1960 meeting of 81 Communist and Labor Parties of the world in Moscow, Birushchev declared, on January 6, 1961:
The unity of the ranks of every Communist Party and the unity of all Communist Parties constitutes the united international Communist movement directed at the achievement of our common goal: the triumph of communism throughout the world.

In referring to the same meeting, M. A. Suslov, a member of the Presidium of the Communist Party of the U.S.S.K., declared on January 18, 1961:
After this historic meeting, the ways of the international Communist movement became still clearer, the means of our common struggle still more reliable and true, our ranks still closer and our great goal—communism—still nearer.
Thus, Khrushchev and Suslov with blatant clarity affirmed that communism is aggressive. In so doing they have repeated the theme proclaimed by Communist leaders since the 1917 October revolution and which as long ago as 1922 Stalin himself had defined in unmistakable terms as “the amalgamation of the toilers of the whole world into a single world Socialist Soviet Republic.”


As has been noted, the major meetings of the world Communist movement since 1917 have been held in Moscow and have been staged and dominated by the Communist Party of the U.S.S.E.

The Second Congress of the Third Communist International, in the 16th of its 21 conditions, provided that the decisions of the Communist International would be binding on all parties belonging to it. This condition has meant in practice that every Communist Party must unreservedly support the U.S.S.R. The clearest verification of such support is to be found in the radical shifts that Communist Parties have had to make in the course of the years to adjust to the change m Soviet foreign policy. These readjustments have taken place irrespective of whether the world Communist movement called itself the Comintern, the Cominform or, as at present, had no formal name. In this way, the conduct of the Communists has shown the falseness of the argument that the national Communist Parties are autonomous, as well as of the idea that they adhere to the principles of the Communist Party of the U.S.S.R. only because, like the Marxist-Leninists


the national government and exercise power with Soviet military aid. In no country have the Communists, once they have gained power, permitted demonstrations of opposition to Soviet-directed policy, or any other form of national independence. The countries dominated by the Communists have transformed their political, economic, and social institutions to adjust them to the Soviet model.

B. Deceit in Communist Methods
1. Communists’ need for deceit
Always operating as a subversive minority in free nations, and pursuing basic objectives incompatible with national independence, the Communists try to capture the strength of their fellow citizens through wide use of deceit.

The Communist Parties of the world acknowledged no ethical restraints on their methods. Thus, in 1920 Lenin declared:

At the basis of Communist morality lies the struggle for the consolidation and consummation of communism. That also is the basis of Communist training, education, and tuition.

statements made by Matyas Kakosi, Deputy Premier of Hungary in 1952 and by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in 1948, both emphasize that the Communists deliberately deferred statements of their final aims during their struggle to obtain power.

A few days later, on December 20, 1961, Castro made it perfectly clear that his reasons for having deceived the Cuban people were essentially the same as the reasons for which Czech Communists and Hungarian Communists had deceived the Czech and Hungarian peoples. Castro told the National Congress of the Schools of Revolutionary Instruction:
Of course, if we stood on Turquino Peak at the time when we were “cuatro gatos,” and said, we are Marxist-Leninists—from the top of Turquino Peak we might possibly have been unable to descend to the plain below.
Communist subversive activities range from the narrowly covert (such as espionage), to hidden participation in legal organizations (such as labor unions), _ to open activity as an avowed Communist Party. All these activities are characterized by deceit in varying degree as to their ultimate objective—or as to their methods, or both. Therefore, they are not always easy to identify.

(a) Nationalism

The Communists recognize that the love of national independence
is a powerful political force and they seek to identify themselves with it. They permit, in the areas under their domination, expressions of “national feelings,” in limited forms, as in the use of national costumes, songs, and languages.

(6) “Peaceful coexistence”

peaceful coexistence” is merely a modern name for the constant Communist attack against free nations, in which they employ all means short of general war.

(c) Democracy

As shown in the ideas quoted, Khrushchev identifies democracy with dictatorship; and Castro shows how this works—by selection instead of election, selection by the Communist Party instead of election by the people. Democratic centralism thus practiced is by no means democratic, but it certainly is centralized. It is the Communists’ disguise for Communist dictatorship.

(d) Dictatorship
Lenin repeatedly endorsed dictatorship.

The Communists have no quarrel with dictatorship, provided they can control it through the Communist Party.
True to the Communist tactics of deceit, and well aware of the Western Hemisphere’s aversion to dictatorship, Castro declared in a speech made on April 22, 1959, in Central Park, New York City, that his revolution practiced the democratic principles of “humanism,” which meant “neither dictatorships of men, nor dictatorships of castes, nor oligarchy of classes: government of the people without dictatorships and without oligarchy.

(a) Workers
The Communists frequently make use of labor organizations and
foment strikes, not to improve the workers’ welfare but to achieve Communist domination over the workers’ organizations.

(6) Students
The Communists make special efforts to use students, cynically
trying to exploit their vitality, idealism, and capacity for leadership. In most student organizations the independent students far outnumber the Communists and have succeeded in maintaining control. But in some organizations the Communist minorities have taken advantage of divisions and apathy on the part of the majority to acquire positions from which they can dominate them.
One of the favorite tactics of the Communist Party is to use students to organize demonstrations on behalf of persons or positions that suit Moscow’s objectives. The Communists call these demonstrations spontaneous. But everyone sees that they use the same slogans, occur at the same time in different countries, and generally follow shortly after an exhortation in Pravda.

(c) The so-called reactionaries
The Communists not only use leaders of students’ and workers’
groups but also collaborate with those whom they publicly call reactionaries.

(a) Prosperity
The Communists try to extend their power by making false promises. They tout their economic system as the only truly scientific and efficient system capable of assuring material prosperity, personal security, and social equality to the common man.

The Communists promise a better life for the common man but the record shows that they have not been able to produce it. They strip the people of their civil liberties and rights under the pretext that the temporary sacrifice of personal freedom is essential to the achievement of the common welfare. They are unable to establish social equality because their system of totalitarian control makes it imperative that the vast state bureaucracy become a privileged oligarchy. They have failed to achieve material prosperity for the masses of the people because the insatiably power-hungry apparatus of the state places military and industrial requirements ahead of the needs of the individual.

(b) Land
Perhaps the most tragic deceit practiced by the Communists is the
false promise they make in response to man’s natural desire to own his own land. The Communists promise that their revolution will make this hope come true.

In the Communist system prevailing in Cuba a “people’s farm” means the same thing as what Communists in other countries call a sovjos, that is, that the land does not belong to the man who works it.
However, that may be, the important fact is that the Communists seek by every means to turn aside the rural workers from the constructive plans that are being prepared or carried out through democratic channels in the campaign for an equitable agrarian reform, in order to involve them in a hateful class conflict. Thus, they place agrarian reform at the service of international Communist agitation instead of placing at the service of the genuine interests of rural workers, as true democrats do, the sufficient technicians and resources for an effective rational exploitation of the land for the benefit of man.

Obviously, violence plays an important role among Communist tactics and is by no means regarded by the Communists as inconsistent with peaceful coexistence.

The Venezuelan Communists have requested aid from abroad against the Government of Venezuela. OnApril10,1962, the official organ of the Communist Party of the United States, the Daily Worker, published a letter from the Secretary for International Relations of the Communist Party of Venezuela, requesting the fraternal support of the Communist and Workers’ Parties against “the policy of the Betancourt-Copei government of servile betrayal in favor of imperialism. * * *” There is no reason why the Venezuelan Communists should have any scruples about asking the U.S. Communists for help, since both are foreign agents of the same boss.

Jealously attempting to monopolize for themselves all credit for any socially constructive measures, the Communists aggressively practice a “dog-in-the-manger” policy regarding any constructive measures proposed by others.

C. Conclusions
The Communist technique of deceit uses and abuses words and robs them of their legitimate meaning, replacing it with a Marxist-Leninist interpretation. The seduction which such words exercise over the popular mind furthers the purposes of Communist aggression against the Western World.

Democracy must itself not play the Communist game of misuse of words. In this respect, it should avoid applying the epithet “Communist” to persons who, with good intentions and not influenced by disruptive ideas, ask for reforms that are necessary or oppose procedures that, to serve personal interests, run counter to the interests of the community.

The Committee is convinced that the peoples of America, when they know the objectives, methods, and procedures of communism as these are exposed to the light of the truth, cannot tolerate known Communists, accept the existence of a national Communist Party, or much less allow communism to achieve its goal of world domination.

Throughout the course of this work various aspects of the inter- national Communist movement were exposed and analyzed, including its development and the deceitfulness of its purposes and methods. Men in general, and particularly those who endure its tensions, will have asked themselves to what its development is due, in view of its destructive purpose and the falsity of its acts.
The Committee is firmly convinced that the Communist advance is due mainly to the lack of information regarding its true aims; to the fact that it takes possession of legitimate aspirations of the people, distorting these to its benefit, as has been said; and to the lack of faith in the institutions and leaders of democracy on the part of certain discouraged sectors.

the concept of caste prevailing in the selection of leaders of the Communist movement, which thus becomes autocratic and oligarchic, is quite well known. This excludes every possibility that it would give acceptance to the free play of democratic institutions that characterizes our society, in which every man may succeed in acquiring significance and representation in line with his aptitudes and qualifications. It is for this reason that communism considers our democratic electoral systems decadent and replaces them with the preeminence of a single despotic and cruel party.

The deeply human basis on which the development of culture and science in the democratic countries rests permits the purest and freest creations of the mind and spirit. Must this be changed because subjugation to the state and to the party, the sole sources capable of creations such as those advocated by communism, is better?

Finally, it should be pointed out that the committee is fully aware of the negative effect which two well-known factors have, or can have, on efforts to form a united front against communism in various countries. These factors are: what has become known as “McCarthy- ism,” that is, a deformation of the action that was advocated by the late Senator Joseph McCarthy of the United States; and the existence of persons and organizations who make a “business” of anti-Communist sentiment and action. Both elements, working at the official and the private level, and conscious or not of the damage they are doing, follow a hard line of action against persons, organizations, or governments, accusing them indiscriminately of being Communist. Besides frequently causing unjust injury to the persons, organizations, and governments accused, this line of action provides free propaganda for communism and, what is still more serious, detracts from the solution of the real problems facing the people.


Modern democratic society has, without ceasing, adopted systems of life in order that its peoples might enjoy greater well-being, receiving the benefits of technology while developing greater and greater respect for human rights and fundamental liberties. In this democratic revolution all sectors are actively participating (governments, intellectuals, students, workers, the rural population, business- men, the armed forces, and churches), and this revolution reaches into every field of complex modern society as a consequence of the many- faceted activities of man.

International communism therefore has no right to arrogate to itself
any claim to having initiated this social revolution, belonging as it does to the people, who with great effort and sacrifice are forging a better world. For example, the standards set by the Catholic Church for reforming the social order and the condition of workers are clearly revolutionary.’ In particular, the programs of the Alliance for Progress, both in concept and scope, embody a profound economic and social revolution.
This is the background of the revolutionary change that the Communists are exploiting. They are the vultures of this process of modernization. They believe that the unstable conditions that emerge during the course of this process of modernization are vulnerable to subversion, sabotage, and even guerrilla warfare. Despite their doctrine of “historic inevitability” they know that they have only a limited time in which to gain power in the underdeveloped areas.

They recognize that their opportunities to gain power diminish in proportion to the speed with which progress becomes evident and social problems find proper solution. Hence, their great emphasis on subverting existing institutions, and exploiting, the tensions, strains, and conflicts of interest that necessarily accompany so radical a change in the social system.

4. When the problem of the preservation and defense of democracy against the threat of subversive action by international communism was presented for the first time at the Conference of Bogota (1948), the American Republics resolved
1. To reaffirm their decision to maintain and further an effective social and economic policy for the purpose of raising the standard of living of their peoples; and their conviction that only under a system founded upon a guarantee of the essential freedoms and rights of the individual is it possible to attain this goal.
2. To condemn the methods of every system tending to suppress political and civil rights and liberties, and in particular the action of international communism or any other totalitarian doctrine.
3. To adopt, within their respective territories and in accordance with their respective constitutional provisions, the measures necessary to eradicate and prevent activities, directed, assisted, or instigated by foreign governments, organizations, or individuals tending to over- throw their institutions by violence, to foment disorder in their domestic political life, or to disturb, by means of pressure, subversive propaganda, threats, or by any other means, the free and sovereign right of their peoples to govern themselves in accordance with their democratic aspirations.
4. To proceed with a full exchange of information concerning any
of the aforementioned activities that are carried on within their _
respective jurisdictions.
5. The fourth meeting of consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs
(Washington, 1951), convoked specifically because “the growing threat of international Communist aggression has demonstrated the urgent necessity that the free nations of the world determine the most effective methods for preserving their freedom and independence,” and “the need for adopting measures to insure the economic, political, and military defense of this hemisphere is urgent and of common interest to the American Republics,” resolved:
(1) To recommend to the governments of the American States-
la) That, mindful of their unity of pm-pose and taking account of the contents of Resolution VI of the second meeting of consultation in Havana and Resolution XXXII of the Ninth International Conference of American States in Bogota, each American republic examine its respective laws and regulations and adopt such changes as it may consider necessary to assure
that the subversive activities of the agents of international communism directed against any of them, may be adequately prevented and punished;
(b) That, in accordance with their respective constitutional provisions they enact measures necessary to regulate in the countries of America transit across international boundaries of those foreigners who there is reason to expect will attempt to carry out subversive acts against the defense of the American Continent; and
(c) That, in the application of this resolution, they bear in mind the necessity of guaranteeing and defending by the most efficacious means the rights of the human person as well as their firm determination to preserve and defend the basic democratic institutions of the peoples of the American republics.

For the purpose of facilitating the fulfilment of the objectives of this resolution, it was recommended that the Pan American Union prepare technical studies on certain aspects of subversive action.

6. In the “Declaration of Solidarity for the Preservation of the Political Integrity of the American States Against the Intervention of International Communism,” the 10th Inter-American Conference (Caracas, 1954), again insisted on the need to adopt and carry out measures to counteract the subversive activities of the international Communist movement, recommending that the American governments, without prejudice to such other measures as they might con- sider desirable, should give special attention to the following steps for the purpose of counteracting such activities within their respective jurisdictions:
(a) Measures to require disclosure of the identity, activities, and sources of funds of those who are spreading propaganda of the international Communist movement or who travel in the interests of that movement, and of those who act as its agents or in its behalf; and
(b) The exchange of information among governments to assist in fulfilling the purpose of the resolutions adopted by the inter-American conferences and meetings of Ministers of Foreign Affairs regarding international communism.

owing to the methods employed by international communism, the lack of cooperation of one state can render inoperative the measures adopted by a contiguous state; and when several states fail to cooperate, the system for defense against subversion as a whole becomes ineffective. The interdependence of the measures to counteract subversive action is such that if any government fails to apply them, the system is weakened and is entire effectiveness is undermined. This is the impression one receives from surveying the American scene over the past few years.

the Committee wishes to add that the subversive action of international communism here supposes the performance of acts directed, assisted, or instigated by foreign powers or governments, and that therefore, they constitute grave acts against the public order and the security of the state, especially when the “,gent carrying out the subversive action is a national or citizen of that state. Under the laws of all the countries of the world, and the international instruments governing the matter, the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental liberties is subject to the limitations and restrictions that the state is expressly authorized to impose for reasons of internal security or other reasons that are considered vital to the welfare of the nation. It can be easily under- stood, therefore, what a legal and political mistake it would be to tolerate subversive activity or fail to combat it adequately, out of fear that human rights and fundamental liberties would not be respected.

The above recommendations and considerations, therefore, are completely consistent with the aim, already expressed in Resolution VIII repeatedly quoted, that in applying the measures referred to, the states should bear in mind “the necessity of guaranteeing and defending by the most efficacious means the rights of the human person as well as their firm determination to preserve and defend the
basic democratic institutions of the peoples of the American Republics.” On this point, the above-mentioned Pan American Union report states that in its conclusions care was taken to guard “against the possibility that such ways and means be used to obstruct or sup- press genuinely democratic expressions of opinion, activities, or political aspirations, completely foreign to international communism.”


The specific recommendations the Committee suggests in this study do not refer to any particular country. They include the adoption of certain measures that, in the abstract and without prejudice to other measures that may be better adapted to circumstances within each country, are considered technically necessary to counter- act, at least in part, the subversive activity that international communism is carrying out in the Western Hemisphere, especially through Cuba.
It also presents them with complete awareness that the Governments and peoples of the Americas have the right, the capacity, and the interest to confront the subversive action of international communism, and that if these recommendations are adopted, they will be applied taking into account the statements made in the initial general report, chapter V.A. 9, 10, and 11.
(e) The appendix to this study illustrates, with specific cases, the techniques of subversive activity employed by communism in America and to which reference is made herein.

The world is virtually at war—an atypical kind of war, which is being waged by international communism and suffered by the democracies. In this sense it is undeniable that the Marxist dialectic has changed the saying of Clausewitz that “war is the continuation of politics by other means,” to the assertion that “peace is only the continuation of war by other means.”
In a speech delivered January 6, 1961, Khrushchev pointed out three kinds of war: “world wars, local wars, and wars of liberation or popular insurrections.” He said that this classification made it “necessary to devise tactics that are correct for each of these types of wars.”

What Khrushchev describes as a ”war of liberation’ or “popular uprising” is really hidden aggression: subversion.

Exploiting the desire of the democracies to avoid war, particularly under present circumstances, in which arms of great _ destructive power might be used, the design of Communist expansion finds in subversion the least costly way of acquiring peoples and territories without exaggerated risk.
Subversion, the techniques of which vary from simple infiltration to violent intervention, is conceived, developed, and perfected by the leaders of communism, who utilize it to carry forward their world revolution. Its aim is to replace the political, economic, and social order existing in a country by a new order, which presupposes the complete physical and moral control of the people.


1. Recruitment and training

In 1900, Lenin wrote: “We must train men and women who will dedicate not only their free afternoons to the revolution, but their entire lives.”
I. J. Peters, in his Organization Manual of the Communist Party, explaining what Lenin meant by a professional revolutionary, said that such a person is a highly skilled comrade, trained in the theory and practice of revolution, tested in battle, who gives his whole life to the struggle for the interests of his own class. A professional of the revolution, he said, is ready to go wherever and whenever the party orders him and, if the class struggle requires it, he must leave his family for months or even years.

2. Infiltration
Through this technique, activists are infiltrated into previously selected organizations and institutions in order, progressively and methodically, to gain absolute direction and control of them. To do this, the activist studies the problems of the group and takes advantage of those that are sources of agitation, exploiting them in such a way as to gain the group’s adherence to party interests. In other words, the activist avails himself of all circumstances enabling him to attract non-Communists in the vicinity.

3. Psychological impregnation
The individual action of the activists is complemented by well
planned and developed psychological action. An effort is made to attract and convert indifferent people by exploiting the contradictions present in every organized society and the justified longings to resolve them. For this purpose, attractive material, easily accessible to the masses, is drawn up or prepared.

4. Dislocation

Dislocation The object of dislocation is to weaken the social structure. Just as with psychological impregnation, dislocation skillfully exploits existing contradictions, student or labor conflicts, religious or social differences, and so forth for the purpose of creating disorder and provoking violence.
…People’s discontent and justified aspirations are taken advantage of by the Communists to serve as a useful, and in some cases, highly effective means of creating disorder and driving the authorities to rigorous law enforcement and the consequent use of police measures. Freedom to congregate, the right to strike, and other liberties granted by democracy are abused; laws are labeled as antidemocratic or dictatorial, and the authorities are criticized and attacked as being solely responsible for the situation. With disorder thus stirred up, all kinds of arms are employed and offenses are perpetrated against individuals and also against public and private property, thereby inciting violent action on the part of the police, which serves the Communists’ ulterior ends.

In a parallel way, by means of the propaganda available to them, they undertake a campaign to misrepresent and discredit the government, the authorities, and all non-Communist individuals of any influence in society.

Finally, an effort is made to hinder or paralyze the development of trade and the national economy; to put to the test lawful means of internal security and to invent new actions to frustrate them; in short, to create uncertainty and chaos, in order to demonstrate the inefficiency of the power controlling the situation through lawful procedures. A propitious atmosphere is thereby created for total subversion.

5. Process of militarization

Through a process of proper organization, a military apparatus of growing complexity is created. First, action or shock teams are created. These are small in number and are usually used for hand fighting, sabotage, or acts of terrorism.

II. Cuba as a Base for Subversion in America


The different media of information often describe subversive activities in different American countries and point to Cuba as center for training in the techniques of Communist subversion.

1. Training centers
There can be no doubt that the creation and maintenance of a Communist government in Cuba facilitates to an extraordinary degree the subversive action of international communism in America. This is true not only with respect to the spread of the Communist ideology, but also—what is more dangerous—because it constitutes a center quite nearby for training agents of every kind whose function it is to develop subversion in the countries of the hemisphere.

The fellowship program announced by Fidel Castro in his speech of June 9, 1961, which included the granting of 1,000 fellowships for students of the various American countries, gives an idea of how, from its very first years, the Cuban Communist regime gave primary importance to the indoctrination and training of American youths in Communist techniques.

2. Organizations devoted to the spread of subversion in America
In addition to the training centers, there are in Cuba some organizations whose purpose it is to carry subversion to America. There is
knowledge that the following are functioning:

3. Congresses and meetings
Concurrently with the systematic preparation of Communist
subversive agents a series of meetings, conferences, congresses, and so on are being held in Cuba, attended by the Communist elements of America and by sympathizers, the real purpose of which is to discuss plans, fix objectives, and issue directives that must be observed by the different groups, with respect to Communist subversive action of every form.
These congresses, conferences and meetings bring together persons linked to the different fields of human activity: workers, students, intellectuals, athletes, etc.

If.. Conclusions
It is clear that Cuba is being used as a base for training in communism and its spread in America.

That activity of international communism, and particularly on the
part of the Cuban Government, is greatly facilitated by the lack of suitable measures, and of cooperation among the American countries, to check the constant and heavy stream of travelers to and from Cuba. The importance of this problem makes it necessary to devote a special section to it.

1. General considerations
The nations that maintain normal and friendly relations recognize
that it is desirable and even necessary to facilitate travel by their nationals across their borders as a means of strengthening cultural and economic ties, becoming better known, and becoming qualified and ready to support one another in the solution of their problems.

These facilities are used by communism so that its agents may circulate freely and, in this way, introduce propaganda and move the money needed in planning, encouraging, and carrying on subversion. It has already been pointed out in this connection that it is of public knowledge that many individuals of antinational and communistic tendencies travel to Cuba for various reasons connected with sub- version. Cuba is also utilized as the point of departure for trips to the Communist countries of Europe or Asia for the same reasons.

III. Transmission of Subversive Propaganda


Considering the primary importance of propaganda or publicity in the lives of nations, and the development it has now attained, it is advisable to point out that this means of so directly influencing the people is very effectively used by international communism.

Obviously, the international Communist movement is constantly endeavoring to increase its propaganda. That increase and the danger represented by such propaganda can be measured, in part, by the number of organizations that are at its service; the circulation of newspapers and magazines, books, pamphlets, leaflets, posters, and, in general, all kinds of publications presenting Communist ideology; the number of radio broadcasts and showings of motion pictures; the organization of an attendance at festivals, congresses, meetings, lectures, and so on; the establishment and operation of training and indoctrination schools; trips to or from the Communist countries; and so on.
The degree of this danger can also be measured by the resources that international communism invests to maintain the propaganda apparatus in the Western countries. But what best gives a true measure of it is the fact that the Communists themselves consider propaganda as one of the essential means of prime importance to the success of their political action.
The aim of this propaganda is to provoke social and economic chaos, weaken the governments, and bring the masses of the people into a prerevolutionary situation from which the Communists can launch their attack on the seats of power. Each Communist Party, through its agitation and propaganda section, sows hate, doubt, and confusion, which carry with them the seeds of political and economic decay. Through these agitation and propaganda sections, the members receive, from the international headquarters or from the executive or central committee in their respective countries, precise instructions on the general topics they should develop. Then they adapt them to the local or national situation and exploit them, making use of all known media of dissemination of information.

The tactics frequently change, but the objective remains un- changing: To dissolve or undo the democratic system in order to replace it with the dictatorship of the Communist Party.


The subjects of the Communist propaganda in America vary from country to country and from region to region, according to circum- stances. Nevertheless, this variation is more one of form than of substance, since in all cases the particular approach is in accordance with the general program of Communist propaganda for America planned from abroad.


1. Diplomatic and consular missions

The informational activity carried on by countries through their
diplomatic and consular missions is well known and accepted. How- ever, the use of these missions for purposes of political and ideological propaganda as a means of favoring subversion is relatively new.

2. Trade and technical assistance missions
Just as in the case of their diplomatic and consular missions, the
Communists make use of their trade and technical assistance missions that have been established in certain American countries as one more instrument for spreading their subversive propaganda. Through these missions, the countries of the Communist bloc introduce techniques for sabotage, agitation, and propaganda in various countries.

3. Binational centers and associations for friendship or culture
Since 1945, international communism has employed a great profusion of front organizations to promote actions favoring its efforts and as a means of infiltrating democratic society. Among these we may mention the binational centers and associations for friendship or culture, which currently make a practice of organizing activities such as film festivals, artistic performances of various kinds, trips, lectures, congresses of writers and intellectuals, and so on, all of
which serve the ends of Communist propaganda.

B. Printed propaganda
Printed propaganda is one of the media most often utilized by the
Communists to spread their doctrine and carry on their subversive activities. _ For these purposes they make use of both foreign and local publications.

(a) Foreign publications
This kind of propaganda is spread through news services, mail,
travelers, diplomatic, consular, and commercial missions, and by clandestine means.
The introduction of these publications by travelers is another method commonly used by the Communists to disseminate their propaganda. While it is difficult for ordinary travelers to transport large amounts of propaganda of this sort, this is not true of those who travel under the protection of official or diplomatic passports, and this is an important channel for the entry of subversive propaganda.

The Communist propaganda from Cuba and the Sino-Soviet bloc is constantly increasing and radiates to all the countries of the Western Hemisphere, taking maximum advantage of all means of dissemination. Essentially, the aim of this propaganda is to destroy the foundations of democracy, fomenting and exploiting for its own benefit the social, religious, political, economic, and racial problems that exist, to a greater or lesser degree, in the American countries.

Communist propaganda constitutes a form of subversive action that is just as dangerous to the internal security of the American nations as any other form subversion takes, and, likewise, represents a serious threat to the peace and security of America.

It must be recognized that, so far, there is no real awareness in the American countries of the danger to their security that lies in adopting a passive attitude toward the activity of Communist propaganda.


This Committee submits the following recommendations (on action to be taken by the governments) for consideration by the Committee of the Council:

In general, that each American country should have the agencies needed to enable it to plan, direct, and carry on the psychological action (propaganda and counterpropaganda) to counteract, weaken, or cancel out the Communist propaganda that is carried on through any medium.

IV. Transfer of Funds to the American Republics for Subversive Purposes

a. general considerations

It is an indisputable fact that Communist or pro-Communist groups in the American countries must necessarily have a large amount of money to carry on their subversive activities.
If it is considered that these groups, in addition to being a minority in their respective countries, are mainly composed of individuals of limited economic resources, it may be concluded that they do not have the means for financing themselves.

Financial aid for the subversive purposes of communism is very difficult to verify, owing to the secretive and disguised manner in which it is practiced. Nevertheless, according to information supplied by some American countries and news that has appeared in news organs of proved seriousness it can be affirmed that it is the present Cuban Government that is responsible for providing, directly or indirectly, a large portion of the financial support received by the Communist Parties in the other American Republics.

Cuba, when the Castro-Communist government was first installed in Havana, gave its moral, material, and financial support to a series of invasions, organized within its territory, into different countries in the Caribbean region. Since 1959 this form of activity was sus- pended through fear that these flagrant acts of intervention would give rise to a collective inter-American action. This did not mean that Castro-Communist interference in the affairs of the Americas had ceased to exist; on the contrary, her subversive activity was intensified in many other ways, among them, through abundant and continual financial aid.


The American Communist Parties, in order to obtain the necessary funds for their subversive purposes, have two main sources available: the collection of funds in their respective countries and the receipt of funds coming from abroad.

2. Funds received from abroad

These funds constitute the major part of the income of the Communist Parties. The instrument most frequently used to receive and distribute such funds is the Communist diplomatic mission in those countries with which their countries maintain relations. They receive the quantities assigned to the national Communist groups and those of the other countries, and from their respective headquarters they distribute financial aid to the addressees through their agents, the postal service, and the banks.

Mention should also be made here of transfers of funds intended for imaginary or real business concerns, which are utilized in subversive Communist activity once they have been brought into the country.

The movement of funds from Communist countries to the American Republics for use in subversive activities is extremely difficult to control, not only because of the different methods used to carry it out, but owing to the facilities that exist for making transfers of money.


(1) To inspect Communist entities and persons, as well as Communist suspects, in the different countries in order to determine the origin of the funds that permit them to develop Communist subversive activities.
(2) To control contraband, particularly of narcotics, which, as is known, is one of the most effective means employed by communism to obtain funds.
(3) To consider the possibility that experts in the matter, within the respective legal systems of the American countries, might study the means that would make it possible to control the entry of money or securities that it is believed are intended to serve the ends of Communist subversion.
(4) To exercise strict control over the national procedures used by Communists to obtain funds, as pointed out in this chapter.

v. General Recommendations

2. That the American Governments be asked to devote particular attention to their intelligence services, creating or improving them, in order that they may have the means that will enable them to plan, coordinate and carry out effective action against Communist sub- version; and, likewise, to organize, equip and train their security forces so that they may be in proper condition to repress the subversive activities of international communism.

VI. Final Consideration
Since the time of its initial general report, the Committee has observed that the establishment of a beachhead on American territory, achieved by the Communist offensive, “poses a threat of the utmost gravity to the security of the hemisphere.” The events that have taken place since that time, particularly the military strengthening of Cuba by the Soviet Union, by greatly increasing the capacity of the Cuban Government to send arms into neighboring countries and to intensify other subversive activities, render the threat to hemispheric security much more serious, a threat that assumes an urgent character with respect to the security of the countries of the Caribbean region. This has become evident, sometimes in a dramatic manner, in the recent wave of terrorism, sabotage, and other subversive activities that Castro communism has unleashed in some of the Latin American countries.

The degree of develop- ment attained by the political-military apparatus that has been established in Cuba is rendering the system of security against subversion increasingly inadequate and ineffective, based solely on the isolated measures that each country might adopt. Holding this conviction, the Committee has wished to assume responsibility for expressing it, in view of the present state of events, in order that the American governments may effectively confront the subversive action of Castro communism.


III. Communist Activities in the Western Hemisphere
1. Present situation
The Special Consultative Committee on Security is of the opinion that, since the date of its last report (February 8, 1963), the subversive activities of international communism in the American states have continued to such an alarming degree that measures must be taken immediately to end this danger to the peace and security of the hemisphere.

2. Principal manifestations
The present line of conduct being followed by the Communists in
carrying out their strategic plan for achieving their ultimate objectives primarily takes the form of
(a) Subversive activities (agitation, strikes, guerrilla warfare, et cetera), which in some countries have reached the point of open insurrection;
(6) Acts of sabotage and systematic terrorism, carried out by small, but perfectly trained and equipped groups, following pre-established plans and intended to create a climate conduce to general insurrection;
(c) Infiltration into governmental spheres, including the armed forces, which endangers institutional stability itself;
(d) Penetration into information agencies and media (press, radio, and television) with personnel especially trained in Communist propaganda; and
(e) Growing participation in the educational field, particularly at the university level, seeking, among other things, to create a rapprochement between professional people, students, and workers, not for purposes of trade union improvement but only to develop their own subversive activities.

freedom of the press is a basic principle in democratic countries. In defense of that principle, then, it is important to point out that organs of the press must exercise strict vigilance to make certain that this freedom is not used by communism for the purpose of destroying it.
Similar observation and vigilance are recommended for the other information media, since they are essential in the development of the propaganda activity of Communist imperialism.

5. The problem in the universities

This aspect deserves special consideration, in view of the important role of the university in preparing the leaders of a country.
The Special Consultative Committee on Security believes that the degree to which communism has infiltrated various university institutions in the American States is of the utmost seriousness. This is being done mainly in the following ways:
By attempting to gain teaching and administrative control of the universities;
By appointing Communist or pro-Communist professors for activities connected with teaching;
By using university funds for Communist propaganda activities;
By organizing university federations, associations, or committees, fostered and directed by Communists, or by taking advantage of existing ones; and
By promoting public functions, lectures, demonstrations, etc., in support of Communist regimes and leaders and the ideas advanced by them.

6. International communism and Castroism

Subversive activities in the American Hemisphere are typical of
international communism, although in some instances it waves the flag of the Castro regime in Cuba, presenting it as if it were a regional or an American movement. Actually, Castroism is nothing more than a collateral movement that obeys extracontinental instructions and directives and is used principally for the purpose of confusing public opinion.

7. “Coexistence”

The Special Consultative Committee on Security believes that in the fight against Communist activities throughout the hemisphere it is of basic importance that the American people not allow themselves to be deceived by the frequent use of the word “coexistence.”

It repeats that in no case is it possible to accept “coexistence,” particularly so long as there persists a policy of intervention and aggression on the part of Communist imperialism. It is evident that at the same time the Soviet leaders speak of “coexistence,” they are actively pursuing their efforts to substitute Communist dictatorship for the institutional order in our countries. Nor is it possible to accept conformity with the philosophical and ideological principles of communism, which are totally foreign to and incompatible with American ideals.


In summary, it is necessary to stress the need

(1) To keep close watch on the development of Communist action in the universities and other educational centers.
(2) To pass suitable legislation for keeping Communists out of Government agencies and the Armed Forces.
(3) To conduct a suitable information campaign on the methods and techniques of deceit employed by Communist propaganda, particularly in connection with its use of the pre- tended example of the Castro revolution and of the terms “nationalism” and “coexistence.”
(4) To seek the cooperation of information organs in the task of combating and counteracting Communist propaganda.



I. Object of the Study

It is important for the purposes of this study to recall that communism, owing to its international character, does not act in an isolated manner in each country, but involves a network, regulated and conducted from a central point, which is revealed through connections that go beyond national boundaries. Consequently, any action taken locally by the governments against Communist subversion cannot be made more effective until there is close collaboration and cooperation among them.
It is of interest to note that in an attempt to protect themselves against the activities of organized crime, the various American countries cooperate with the International Police organization, “Interpol,” created to combat such activities. However, in the fight against communism—whose subversive activity is equally or more dangerous—the American countries have not yet adopted a coordinated action,

II. International Cooperation and Coordination


In the fight against inter- national communism, the specific agencies are the security and intelligence services, which are generally regulated and coordinated by a central organ in charge of the overall action. Consequently, it is logical that these are the agencies that should cooperate with one another at an international level.

Unfortunately, these specialized agencies have not yet been created in some countries, while in others their structure and operation are deficient, thereby hampering seriously effective coordination among states.

Some of the methods for achieving international cooperation in anti-Communist action are the following: bilateral, multilateral, and overall coordination.

The overall method assumes the participation of all the countries affected by the same problem, and in the case of the Americas this includes all the countries of the hemisphere. Generally, when this method is adopted it is advisable, in view of the number of entities that must be coordinated, to centralize the functions of the system under the direction of one organ that coordinates the technical and specialized services of each country.
In order to have a better understanding of the importance of this procedure, it should be remembered that communism succeeds in the world because, among other reasons, it is based on a centralized action, its strategy and tactics resulting from decisions taken at various congresses, meetings, and conferences that give rise to the directives that channel its activities.

An enemy that conducts itself in this manner can only be effectively combated by a coordinated front, in an overall manner, ranging from an exchange of information to planned joint action. Such a front has not yet been presented in the Americas owing to several factors, among which mention can be made of the countries’ zeal for their autonomy and their natural nationalistic sentiment.
At the present time action against the Communist danger cannot be delayed, and it is therefore necessary for the American countries to confront it and, as they have done in the case of socioeconomic and cultural problems, create the technical organ that is capable of providing overall coordination to anti-Communist action in the hemisphere.

III. The Organization of American States and the Communist Problem

The Organization of American States was created as the expression of a feeling of continental solidarity, in the understanding that the welfare of all the countries, as well as their contribution to the progress and the civilization of the world, would increasingly require “intensive continental cooperation” in order, as the Charter of the Organization states, “* * * to strengthen their collaboration, and to defend their sovereignty, their territorial integrity and their independence.”

V. The Organization of American States and Cooperation Among the Member States

The present status of cooperation among the American States in their fight against international communism is as follows:
1. The Organization of American States, at various inter- American conferences and meetings of consultation of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, has repeatedly made recommendations regarding the need for an exchange of information among the governments, as well as the need for them to furnish such information to the Council of the Organization.
2. There is some cooperation, both bilateral and multilateral, among certain governments.
3. It is desirable that such cooperation be extended to include all of the American countries.
4. Certain obstacles have been present, and still exist, to pre- vent a greater measure of cooperation up to now; but it is believed that these can be overcome by setting up a system for cooperation and coordination within the institutional framework of the Organization of American States.
5. The proper organizations in the various countries for establishing the necessary cooperation are the security and intelligence agencies specializing in anti-Communist action.

Application of Measures to the Present Government of Cuba

The said report establishes among its conclusions that “the Republic of Venezuela has been the target of a series of actions sponsored and directed by the Government of Cuba, openly intended to subvert Venezuelan institutions and to overthrow the democratic Government of Venezuela through terrorism, sabotage, assault, and guerrilla warfare,” and
That the aforementioned acts, like all acts of intervention and aggression, conflict with the principles and aims of the Inter-American system.

I. Object of the study.
II. Summary of background facts.
III. The Chinese Communists in America. A. Their general activities.
B. Influence of the conflict on certain Communist Parties in the Americas.
C. Considerations.
IV. Reflections on the effect of the conflict on international Communist
particularly subversive activities.
V. General conclusion.

I. Object of the Study

The development of the conflict, which has been commented on fully in various publications, has created a climate of optimism in certain parts of the West, including the Americas, that is promoting the advance of communism.


Russia recognizes that violent revolutions may be inevitable in certain situations, but at the same time it maintains that the revolutionary objectives may be achieved at less cost and with less risk if other tactics are used. To that end, it is skillfully exploiting so-called peaceful coexistence, along with constant agitation and infiltration in all spheres of activity of each country, as well as making constant efforts to strengthen the ranks of the Communist Parties and their effectiveness.

This does not by any means prevent the Soviet Union from carrying out its own clandestine campaign of violence in many countries to supplement the subversive activity being carried on by the “local” Communists in those countries.

For its part, China maintains that violence is the most effective, immediate procedure for establishing communism in the world, and, consequently, it urges the application of all the tactics of Communist struggle in accordance with that principle.

The specific criticism that Communist China aims at the policy of the Soviet Union may be summed up in two accusations:
(a) “Soviet flexibility” will, in the long run, deprive the Communists of the trust and determination needed for an effective revolutionary work; and
(b) Soviet policy oscillates dangerously and erratically between risky maneuvers and shameful withdrawals before the determination of the West.

President John F. Kennedy, in referring to the dispute between China and the Soviet Union, stated as follows:
“What comfort can we take from the increasing strains and tensions within the Communist bloc? Here hope must be tempered with caution. For the Soviet-Chinese disagreement is over means, not ends. A dispute over how to bury the West is no grounds for Western rejoicing.”

III. The Chinese Communists in America


In recent years, the Chinese Communists have been intensifying their independent operations in Latin America, gradually eliminating or replacing those efforts that had been initiated in cooperation with Moscow.

in 1963-64, Communist China has made progress in its efforts to increase trade with various countries. It has held trade fairs in several of them, and has set up commercial representatives in others. In this way it has even succeeded in establishing official relations with Latin American countries.


Support for the position of Communist China has grown within the Argentine Communist Party and, even though its sympathizers are not numerous there are various groups who favor it, among them:
Communist youth groups, who are considered very important, not because of their total number, but because they constitute the party’s reserve.
Infiltrated Trotskyites who support the Chinese policy in the present ideological dispute and are attempting to win over other dissident groups, in order to rise to higher positions within the party.


The Venezuelan Communist Party (PCV), which now has three divergent currents of opinion, began the policy it is now following at the end of 1960 when the Chinese-Soviet differences had just begun to affect other parties. The policy of armed conflict, which is being carried out through the National Liberation Front at the political level and the Armed Forces of National Liberation at the combat level, was adopted by the party at its third congress in 196L
Like certain other parties (the Indonesian and Vietnamese, for example), the PCV is concerned lest a widening of the Chinese-Soviet rift injure its revolutionary prospects, its local alliances, and its internal unity. Dedicated since 1961 to violent conflict, the PCV and its principal ally, the Revolutionary Leftist Movement (MIR) did not experience any serious internal problems until it became obvious that there was very little likelihood that their efforts to overthrow the Government would succeed.

the fundamental method of conducting the revolution in Venezuela continues to be armed conflict. The members of the party should be prepared to resume armed conflict whenever the conditions are favorable. This may be in “15daysor15years.” In the meantime, the bands of guerrillas in the rural areas will be reinforced, and their lines of communication improved.

It is significant that the PCV—the only party in Latin America that has refused to take a position on the Sino-Soviet dispute and that follows closely the attitude of the Castro Communists—has not thus far revealed any open internal splits or expulsions. Of equal importance is the evidence that the dissension and factional currents noted within the PCV and the MIR are caused by the urgent need to adopt new policies in view of the defeats suffered at the hands of the Venezuelan people and Government. Lastly, the case of Venezuela demonstrates that it would be an oversimplification to conclude that the pro-Soviet elements exclude armed conflict as an appropriate course of action, and that the pro-Chinese are dedicated to a policy of immediate armed action everywhere and at any time.

The study of the effect of the Sino-Soviet conflict, especially among the members of the Communist Parties mentioned, leads us to the following considerations
1. The majority of the top leaders of the Communist Parties in the Latin American countries continue to favor the Soviet position.
2. The efforts of the pro-Chinese Communists to seize the leadership of the Communist political forces have been most successful in Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil.
3. Division and damage to unity within the Communist Parties have been most evident when the party leaders have taken sides in the dispute.
4. The Chinese argument that the violent revolutionary struggle is still the only realistic way to overthrow existing regimes has been widely accepted among young Communists and intellectuals.
5. The most convincing Chinese Communist arguments relating to the best means of preparing the groundwork for establishing the “dictatorship of the proletariat” are being used in a long- range effort within and against the Communist Parties to discredit and eliminate the pro-Soviet leaders of the Communist movement in Latin America and, ultimately, obtain the support of those parties for the Chinese viewpoint in the international movement.

In effect, the Soviet line, by opposing the Chinese Communist line in favor of the use of force, would appear to imply that Russia has renounced the use of force, whereas the truth is that Russian communism continues its efforts toward world domination regardless of methods. This is an aspect that favors communism politically, since in countries not politically and legally constituted so as to cope with the present world situation, Russia finds that its well-known policy of “united fronts” facilitates penetration.

We must consider that, in general, in Latin America there exists a socioeconomic situation whose deficiencies form substantially one of the basic aspects of the problem. The result of this situation is that there is a large mass of discontented people ready to accept any apparent solution of their problems, including the Communist solution, often presented in a “sugar coated” form, with a claim of obtaining better living conditions on the basis of an elementary, though erroneous, rationalization that any change will bring these people more favor- able living conditions. Considering both the Chinese and Russian formulas for obtaining solutions, the apparent road selected by Russia may be longer for them and, consequently, the Chinese line has already won over groups of opinion and action, as stated in the preceding chapter.

It is believed that this power struggle will create new factors of disturbance, especially in labor circles, where both groups will continue a competition characterized by revolutionary action, each one trying to demonstrate that it is capable of obtaining greater benefits and creating labor problems that, in the last analysis, have nothing to do with the workers and their true needs.

V. General Conclusion

in Latin America, the Special Consultative Committee on Security deems it advisable to state as a general conclusion that the dispute between China and the Soviet Union has not diminished the subversive activities of international communism in the Americas, but that, on the contrary, it has, and does, constitute, in many countries, a greater incentive for the use of methods of violence.