Tracing TeleSUR English’s Trajectory
Components of Audit
Google Analytics
Social Media Engagement
YouTube Live Streaming Data
YouTube Data
You’re the Reporter Engagement
Cuidadano TeleSUR
TeleSUR’s Apps
TeleSUR Training Programs
Company Policies
Advertisement/Monetization Information
Email Signups
Services Offered
Human Resources Data
Employee Issues and Ideas
Google Analytics
Access to this is imperative for me to strategize a growth strategy and a content repurposing strategy.
Social Media Engagement
Tools like TalkWalker, for example, are just some of the many tools which I use that provide all sorts of insight. I’d like information not just on TeleSUR English’s Facebook profile but also all of their social media profiles.
TeleSUR English
Tariq Ali TV
The Empire Files
TeleSUR Play
The Laura Flanders Show
Ñ Dont Stop
Global African TV
YouTube Live Streaming Data
If these number of viewers in these three pictures are indicative of the normal viewership of these programs?
What are the costs involved in live streaming?
YouTube Data
The Andrew Self show should never have been produced past a season.
I’d like to review the process for choosing show development for a North American audience; learn costs involved for repurposing existent material to new standards as there is so much great material existent but in a format inappropriate to modern consumption means, and initiate a whole new manner for receiving pitches and determining what gets produced.
Website Engagement
So when I tried to log in to make a comment on another page, it doesn’t work.
When I login in via Facebook it takes me here:
Compare this to the ease with which I can comment on other websites.
You’re the Reporter Engagement
After trying to make a comment on the website, I decided to see about signing up to be a reporter and could not log in via the login and password of the account I’d created. Facebook worked, but Google did not
Twitter log in could have worked
However after seeing what TeleSUR wanted me to authorize the app to be able to do the following.
- Update my profile.
- Follow new people.
- Post Tweets for me.
Reading this, I changed my mind. Lest someone think that such a request is normal, on the right is the Twitter permissions ask from RT in order to comment.
After I logged in to Facebook, however, it took me to the TeleSUR, rather than an English page.
I speak Spanish so I have not issue with this, the forms are pretty standard, so no problem there either, but it’s likely this is a majoy reason there are so few English speakers that are contributing to You’re The Reporter.
Style guides, documents on how to be a reporter, an outreach plan, etc. would also help sign up numbers.
Cuidadano TeleSUR
As I wrote about in my article TeleSUR English: Ciudadano teleSUR or Ten Cuidado Con Telesur? this appears to be very suspicious.
TeleSUR’s Apps
As I wrote about in TeleSUR English: Appalling App Adoption and Security Settings I think it very strange for the company to have invested so early on into apps and would like data and budgets related to this.
Is it really worth continuing to update these? What features could be added or taken away to salvage the initial investment? Who is tasked with servicing the apps now, as there are major problems with them.
Even though TeleSUR can operate outside of the normal constraints of a capitalist enterprise doesn’t mean that there should be no pre-planning done before making such investments or discipline against those that waste company resources.
TeleSUR Training Programs
TeleSUR English: Lying, Misleading, Useless and Ugly Infographics, the quality of multi-media projects is low. Instructionals and training needs to be made/provided to staff and should also be featured as a subsection of the website. This empowers people to be more technically literate and encourage a greater quality of contributions and draws more traffic. Think: “TeleSUR doesn’t just provide news, it provides media literacy.”
Company Policies
Based on the total lack of engagement from TeleSUR accounts on social media and on their website – even when people make incredibly inflammatory comments that ought to be deleted – I imagine that there is a policy of categorical non-engagement.
Because of this and the issues raised in the article TeleSUR English: Elitism, Non-Engagement and Fake Followers it’s worthwhile to review current policies and change as necessary based on social media goals.
The same applies for production processes, editorial processes, publishing processes, promotional processes, strategy processes and reporting processes
Advertisement/Monetization Information
There’s nothing essentially wrong with having advertisements on a website.
Al-Jazeera has ads. BBC has ads CNN has ads. Fox News has ads. RT has ads. Sputnik News has ads.
However TeleSUR’s approach to ads is substantively different, they have ads nobody else has. Pop up ads are the most hated form of ads. And they have not one, but two pop-ups along with a pop up to collect emails. Not to mention the large ads which cause people to scroll through them in order to get to the comments section.
The experience of the reader is important, but it goes beyond this. Pop up blockers are increasingly becoming a built-in component of internet browsers. This means that this method of gaining revenue is often getting circumvented.
Furthermore, Google’s API devalues website with popups. They created a test the called the Ad Experience Report for webmasters. Those with backend access to the website are able to run the test and then get a grade based on the industry standards.
Because of all of the above, I’d like to know the following:
- Revenue based on ads.
- Who was the person who gave final approval on such ads.
- The test results from the Ad Experience Report.
Email Signups
The copy and form need to be changed. Over the last two days, 1/3 of the featured articles in the emails were repeated.
I’d also like to know:
Conversion rates
Open rate
Click-through rate
Hard Bounce Rate
Unsubscribe rate
Delivery rate
Time on site
What other ways you utilize your list besides driving traffic.
Services Offered

On the TeleSUR English page listed as Services Catalog, there is no catalog.
On the TeleSUR home page, the Services Catalog is shown.
I imagine that this is just an oversight on behalf of the website team, but if it’s not and TeleSUR is banning English speakers from using their facilities for some reason I’d like to know why.
Human Resources Data
A high turn over rate is something in the TeleSUR English offices was claimed in the 2012 Apporea article Let The North Again Be Out South. This was also something that was mentioned in the 2014 leaked email article in Caracas Chronicles. Every current and former TeleSUR employee that I’ve spoken to have described the same experience.
With the start date and quit/fire dates of employees, this is an issue that can be easily turned into a Gantt chart to quickly visualized By color coding employees by department, it would even be possible to determine which jobs/managers are most likely to lead to turnover.
Employee Issues and Ideas
While all of the above is technical, they are all made by people. I categorically refuse to provide names, identifying information or documentation related to what was provided to me – suffice it to say I received a lot and a lot of people said that morale is low.
Giving them a recourse to speak with someone that will listen to their grievances will help morale and speed up the discovery time of processes that could be adjusted to be more