An Amicus Curiae for the DOJ: Definitions, Laws and Precedent

The Senate holding a Committee Hearing the FARA Act.

The response that I got from my case handler was, I’m paraphrasing paragraphs was “less poetry, more forwardness”.

Here was my response:

Greetings FARA Registration Unit,

Thank you for the prompt response and appreciation of my interest in the matter.
I made the decision to contact you after reading the appropriate legal definitions and the Atlantic Council’s “Agent of Influence: Should Russia’s RT Register as a Foreign Agent?”
  • TeleSUR’s Incorporation documents – state that the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is the president of the company
  • TeleSUR’s budget is paid by the functionaries of the Nicolas Maduro government
  • The PSUV’s Redbook (Nicolas Maduro’s party) – states that “TeleSUR… was created to fight and defeat imperialism.”
  • The former President of TeleSUR, Hugo Chavez Frias, writing in his official Venezuela’s Program for the Homeland 203-2019 –  that their goal is to “Strengthen the multi-State Telesur television and radio networks and Radio del Sur, together with their respective electronic platforms… in order to disseminate the truth of our peoples and break the information blockade and censorship to which the peoples of imperialist powers are subject to by the transnational communication corporations.”
  • The director of the Ministry of Popular Power for Communication and Information – who advises the Director of TeleSUR Patricia Villegas – stated in 2015 to the National Assembly that: “TeleSUR is oriented to promote a strategy that deepens the new socialist values and ethics”
  • TeleSUR’s official partnership with Russia’s RT – is required to register under FARA.
  • The official one-sided coverage and unofficial distribution and support networks are functionally operational to a political party press.

meet these qualifications according to the legal definitions?

Additionally, does not their promotion of violent content and anti-voting messaging, amongst all of the above reasons, indicate that the “news” exception does not apply in this instance?

Thank you again for your time.
Ariel Voyager Sheen
These are just future possibilities for FARA legislation. The above article is based on the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended, 22 U.S.C. § 611 et seq.

One thought on “An Amicus Curiae for the DOJ: Definitions, Laws and Precedent”

  1. Without the doubt a state security agencies of United States will give no time to delusional psychopath, whose page filled with some drivel of idiot savant, paranoiac scribbling of the lonely child arrogating role of Tom Clancy character, but with the severely cracked mind.
    Your page is fill with interviews with fictional character (talking to your self), and your erratic fantasy of grandeur (“eclectic intellect”) signal a man in severe crisis of psicología.
    Maybe rather than harass and bait people online, and behave as filthy rat and self-style snitch, you should see the shrink, that all mentally sick American require, or seek the rehabilitation therapy for drug abuse problem. Website shows signs of your mental disease and collapse, and I believe likely the perversion and sexual disease of typical gringo adventurer who flee to Colombia.

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