English Translation of Jesus Santrich’s Poems Youth & Youth II

Original Book of Spanish Guerrilla Poetry


Juvenal is a poem
which is written with battles; with utopia syntax made of verb
it has the soul;
It declairs in the trench with rifle hares
and with shrapnel voices; it is a combat metaphor: prose and verse that shoot with infinite gunpowder
of history in the word.

Youth II

Because it is of insurgent essences revives incessantly
in the heat of utopia;
reborn with his verses,
with his wise prosas reborn …, gestated dreamer,
by the daring light
of conscience;
from the guts of reason is warned, from the pregnancy of sensitivity
that love for the people shapes;
is done to the fight
without ties in the soul,
with blood in action
and in patience:
with the triple commoner audacity
make everything happy
and from every thing explodes
like aurora light
that in the darkness
Declare your presence.



(Spanish Original)

Juvenal es un poema
que se escribe con batallas; con sintaxis de utopías hecha de verbo
tiene el alma;
se declama en la trinchera con arengas de fusiles
y con voces de metralla; es metáfora en combate: prosa y verso que disparan con la pólvora infinita
de la historia en la palabra.


Porque es de esencias insurgentes revive incesante
al calor de la utopía;
renace con sus versos,
con sus sabias prosas renace…, gestado soñador,
por la osada luz
de la conciencia;
desde las tripas de la razón se advierte, desde la preñez de la sensibilidad
que el amor al pueblo configura;
se hace a la lucha
sin amarras en el alma,
con sangre de arrojo en la acción
y en la paciencia:
con la triple audacia comunera
vuelve feliz a cada cosa
y de cada cosa estalla
como luz de aurora
que en las tinieblas
declama su presencia.


One of many articles on TeleSUR promoting freedom for Jesus Santrich – a member of the leadership of the designated terrorist organization (DTO) the FARC-EP.