TeleSUR English’s Bolsonaro Analogy and their Partners in Messaging

Was Luis Fernando Camacho ever a member of a national political body? No.
Was Luis Fernando Camacho ever in the military? No.
Did Luis Fernando Camacho run for president? No.
Did Luis Fernando Camacho someone become president? No.

Then what does Luis Fernando Camacho has in common with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro?
According to TeleSUR, it’s because he uses religious discourse…

Which – to me – begs two questions.

(1) Given these vast divergences in biographical backgrounds, what is a likely explanation as to why such a facile association would be made.

(2) Who are the other people claiming that Luis Fernando Camacho is “known” as Bolivia’s Bolsonaro.

Searching for TeleSUR’s Partners in Messaging

To answer why TeleSUR would have an interest in making such a connection the answer is pretty easy – Venezuela was surprised by the sudden turn of events in Bolivia, had limited knowledge about Luis Fernando Camacho, and needed a way in with which to quickly demonize him.

Making this facile analogy is appropriate from the perspective of a propaganda model (1) Given TeleSUR’s extensive portrayal of Bolsonaro as Hitler and (2) Bolsonaro’s pro-capitalist Alliance for Brazil replaced the Communist Workers Party out of power in Brazil and their attempt to simplify the situation in Bolivia as Camacho doing the same to MAS. It’s an incredibly poor analogy that doesn’t serve to inform the reader, only distort reality, but it’s understandable.

Trevor FitzGibbon, who did PR for Venezuela, Wikileaks, and Chelsea Manning, and Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept at a meeting. Date unknown.

As can be seen from the above Google News Screenshot not many news outlets use that terminology. That this is so made me wonder a third question: Is it possible that there’s some deeper relation between TeleSUR and those using such a poorly-conceived moniker?

The answer is a resounding yes.

Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept appeared multiple time on TeleSUR in the early 2010s, has partnered with them in covering various matter, has met with Venezuela’s Public Relations manager on at least one occasion and – surely not just coincidentally – has expressed a number of political committmens that happens to align with Venezuela’s long term geopolitical strategies. Al Jazeera is TeleSUR’s former partner. The World Socialist Web Site has long been politically aligned with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela – much like TeleSUR’s favorite American political group, the Workers World Party.

mitu is a relatively new outlet, and but based a brief overview of a few of their Anti-ICE/ pro-immigration/trans-liberation articles – platforms that are held by the Party for Socialism and Liberation, Workers World Party, etc. – and that they use slogans associated with People’s Power Assemblies and the Black Lives Matters movements within their coverage it seems likely that this is a sort of “soft propaganda” website. The purpose of such a culturally oriented website it to drive traffic to the website for content on, for example, vegan taco recipes, and then encourage viewers via suggested articles panels to content aligned with the Workers Party platform.

Another article that used the phrase Bolivian Bolsonaro which I didn’t include in a screen above was a BBC article with the title “Evo Morales renuncia a la presidencia de Bolivia: Luis Fernando Camacho, el “Bolsonaro boliviano” que protagonizó las protestas que forzaron la dimisión del líder indígena.”

The autor of the article is Boris Miranda, an “international analyst” that has  also contracting with Iran’s HispanTV and Russia’s RT. The far right clip comes from Ojo Con Los Medios, which given it’s content and subscriptions seems to be associated with Venezuela state media.

Wikipedia and “Bolivia’s Bolsonaro”

I looked at the Wikipedia page of Luis Fernando Camacho and decided to do a search as to who made the effort at inserting the “Bolivia’s Bolsonaro” descriptor – and it’s someone with a lot of knowledge of communist theory and history and a whole lot of time on their hands…

That said, I think I’ve shown enough of a slice of how Venezuela not only promotes disinformation themselves, but through a network of partners, associates, allies and accomplices promotes certain messages.

Review of Whose Streets?

Whose Streets is an unusual documentary about the riots in Ferguson that followed the death of Mike Brown.

I say unusual because the focus on the surface of what was presented by the activists in the film belies many more interesting areas of exploration. More specifically, while there are clearly many zealots for Black Revolutionary Struggle – no one ever talks about the organization that’s been build or what it does besides protest. Other practical things are ignored as well. We see in the beginning that Brittany quits her job to protest for over 57 days, but how she and her girlfriend-turned-wife-and-partner-in-activism manages to sustain herself and her child are never addressed. As this capacity to financially drop the “real world” at the same time she is complaining about the financial difficulties faced ber her community is unusual and – in my view – merits explanation.

Throughout the film queer black communists give interviews to the camera, yet while we learn their resentful views regarding the police, how burning a building is a “strategic act” that is “revolution – we learn nothing about the organization, guiding mission or the other projects and activities that unites them.

Looking at the website of the Organization for Black Struggle, which has existed since 1980, it seems that they are Pan-Africanist Marxists with connections to CAIR that occasionally engage in electoral politics – but not much else.

Since I studied Marxism with Vivek Chibber, Bertell Ollman, and Slavoj Zizek during my Master’s studies at NYU I kept hoping for something substantive to be raised – however it never was. Instead all I heard were avant-guardist platitudes aimed at justifying their illegalist positions and strained relations with the larger community.

Another example of things that made the tone of the film now sit right with me was when one of the Ferguson participants holds up artifacts left in the street by riot police, such as the shells from rubber bullets, he holds up a spent cannister of tear gas and explains how the police’s use of this to dispurse crowds is illegal. He says, with clear animosity in his voice, that these are only supposed to be used in times of war. This is incorrect, and in fact the opposite of what’s true. Tear gas is considered forbidden in war conditions and legal to use on civilians.  are doing in the streets is illegal.

That Tef Poe tweeted something to the same effect, considering his close relationship with TeleSUR, qualifies as Orwellian Irony.

To his credit Tef Poe was a good MC for the riots. Hearing him speak in this context was much more enjoyable than when I’ve made the effort to listen to his music. When I heard him say the phrase “this ain’t yo daddy’s civil rights movement” to a large assemblage of people, I couldn’t help but crack up laughing. I remembered that Layla Brown-Vincent described exactly this scene in her thesis We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting for: Pan-African Consciousness Raising and Organizing in the United States and Venezuela
, but I never expected to actually see it.

Unrelated to my comments on the film, I just wanted to say that The Boondocks was an incredibly witty and insightful television series and that I didn’t realize that there was also a collected book of newspaper comics by the same person that wrote for the series.

The Frantz Fanon quote and the shot of books is meant to, presumably, depict wokeness – but if you actually pause the film and look at what’s there – it appearent that what’s there is not all that deep. I should know, I’ve read about half of the non-fiction books she shown there.

At the beginning of the “organic protests” following Michael Brown’s death – far left – it’s already appearent that members of the Revolutionary Communist Party‘s Chicago chapter are present. Assata’s Daughter, another revolutionary communist group, frequently appears in the film. Worth mentioning is that the drive time from Chicago to St. Louis is four a half hours and, having reviewed the time lines of other communist activist groups, I know that immediately following the death of Michael Brown other groups from New York and Minneapolis also went there – as well those from other locales. Considering that it’s well documented in the public statements of police officers that the area was swarming with foreign agitators even from the beginning – it’s notable that this fact isn’t included within the film. Instead a number of individual residents are depicted disconnected from riots saying that they live there.

The statements captured on film by Bassem Masri, a Palestinian born St. Louis transplant that those around him characterized as an agressive drug addict and who died of a fentanyl overdose not long after the Ferguson riots, are vastly different in tone from the threatening chants towards the police in the videos he uploaded to YouTube during these events. His characterization of Ferguson as being equivalent to Palestine is, of course, categorically absurd.

I learned through research after watching the film that the name of the organization that Brittany Ferrell founded was Millenial Activists United, which may or may not be an intentional allusion to the Mau Mau.

The scenes wherein she leads a group of protestors to shut down a highway intersections was, well, bizarre.

I clipped the middle image as it’s at the point in which she leads a call and response chant that quotes Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto.

The last image, is a screen shot of her arrest report. Brittany Ferrell’s incredulous response to reading aloud the officer’s description of the scene which the viewed of the film has just scene is bizarre. We’ve just seen her do everything that’s been described in the report – and yet she claims that’s not what happened at all.

Unsurprisingly, given Danny Glover’s penchant for support for pan-Africanist and revolutionary activists – there is a picture of him with Brittney on her Twitter.

Given all of the above people’s passionate misunderstandings of law, their intentional and unnecessary provocations toward police, and their projection onto “the system” of issues that were better suited to being addressed by a more productive form of communal, collective action I found it difficuly to be sympathetic to the riots are the voices of the unheard rhetoric which closes the film.

The citation of the section of the Declaration of Independance stating that people have a right to overthrow the government when it oppresses them at the close of the film seemed to me to be ham-fisted and incongruent with what Whose Streets? just presented – unless the point was to highlight the absurdity of narcissistic angry black lesbian communists’ claims that street protests conceptualized as some significant step in a revolutionary process was the answer to their grievances – especially considering many of them depicted in the film seemed so trivial.

Lastly, gotta admit that it wasn’t a big surprise given that Pan-Africanist Revolutionaries were the protagonist of the film when I saw that Nicholas Maduro’s favorite interruptionist organization – Code Pink helped fund this film. I wonder how many other Venezuelan connected/sponsored organizations were there at Ferguson…

Real Nudes with False Attribution to Delegitimize Female Politicians and their Husbands

If you are an attractive female politician, or are a female involved with a politician, that wants to help your country seperate from one or all of several Venezuela-sponsored supranational projects – then prepare to have deep fakes made about you and be disseminated online.

Someone somewhere is getting paid to look through pornographic videos to find look-alikes of female politicians, to look through old videos of female politicians or the WAGs of politicians so that they can add text and music to give the impression that they were involved in the sex-industry or have cuckolded their husband.

Below are two examples of Venezuela’s Guerilla Mediatica online activists attempting to silence women or their husbands by deep-fakes.

Fabiana Rosales – First Lady of Venezuela

A small sample of the PSUV-related groups that sharing falsely attributed pornography and poor attempts at deep-fake videos to humiliate the wife of Juan Guaido.

The wife of the President of Venezuela, Juan Guaido, Fabiana Rosales’ is so attractive she could be a model.  Her Instagram has over 800K followers, which is nearly 20 times that of Cilia Flores – wife of  Nicholas Maduro. While this may not matter, her looks and appeals to genuine Christian values  makes her a good spokesperson for those who wish to see the Bolivarian Socialist Project end.

Last month, in an attempt to delegitimize her messaging and that of her husband, an anonymously authored video was posted to Lechinigos which claimed to be of Fabiana Rosales engaged in sexual acts with someone that wasn’t her husband.

The fact that it’s only a 30-second clip along with several other markers in the video clearly indicate that it isn’t actually her – and yet through number Chavista groups on Facebook this was promoted as truth.

A few days ago another video of Fabiana Rosales was posted. This time  the video itself was not explicit, but contained the logo of an adult website and music which gave the impression that sexual activity was featured in the video.

This time, the video was actually of Fabiana Rosales – but the markers and music was false.

How do I know, becase here is the real video…

I’m not going to link to any of the adult sites hosting these deep fakes, but if you want to review the veracity of the screenshots at the top then follow this link to Contacto Con Maduro post and do some searching through the Facebook groups listed.

Jeanine Áñez – President of Bolivia

A small sampling of the many Bolivarian Bolivians and Venezuelans posting falsely attributed nudes of Jeanine Áñez and implying that she has a sex tape.

Another attractive woman who defers to Christian values to inform their political worldview, and who is a politician herself, Jeanine Áñez became president of Bolivia after Evo Morales renounced the office and fled to Mexico.

As soon as this happened propagandists connected to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela start spreading disinformation about her. They did this by falsely attributing quotes to her, as in the below, and by repeating the typical, tired Bolivarian propaganda tactic of depicting those that disagree with their politics as Nazis.

And, like with Fabiana, links to clips of videos were shared that claimed to be of the new president.

According to the news organization 24CN, they aren’t. These photos are connected to a Mexican woman.

Coordinated Inauthentic Boobhavior

The above images of semi-nude women are substantially different from the deep-fake cases of Jeanine Áñez and Fabiana Rosales, yet it does provide insight into the minds of those that support the PSUV’s digital media strategy.

Coordinated Inauthentic Boobhavior is a term that I used to descibe the sharing of sexually provocative content in order to boost engagement on Facebook.

As time spent fixated on an image is one of the factors that adds into the algorithm for placement on Facebook’s Feed, posting photos that catches the interest of the male gaze raises the likelihood of other posts appearing in the Feed.



Bolivarian News Networks Spreading Anti-Christian Disinformation in Defense of Evo Morales

AFP is a global news agency that delivers fast, accurate, in-depth coverage of the events shaping our world. From conflicts to politics, economics, entertainment and the latest breakthroughs in health, science and technology – they cover it all. They also have a Fact Check division which covers their

I’m glad they recently published the article These are the anti-indigenous tweets that Bolivia’s interim president deleted as it means I don’t have to write about the numerous fake tweets being circulated related to the return of democracy to Bolivia.

The writings of Fausto Reinaga has found a large audience in MAS, Evo Morales party, and is important to understanding their political policies over the past ten years.

If I had more time and energy – I’d translate Indianismo, política y religión en Bolivia (2006-2016) as it’s an incredibly insightful article. Or I’d write something on how Evo Morales’ world view relates to the writings of Fausto Reinaga and that this, combined with the views of Álvaro García Linera, Marxist intellectual and Bolivian vice-president, made for policies which no longer cared about democracy.

Alas, I don’t. So instead, I will just cover who’s sharing it…

Eva Golinger: Chavista “Media Personality”, not a Journalist

Interesting to note how despite this “media personality” being informed that the information the promoted is factually incorrect, they still leave it up.

One of the persons cited in the above AFP article, which even including a screenshot of their original Tweet, is Eva Golinger.

Eva Golinger used to work as legal council for Hugo Chavez, so given this former principal – and that she doesn’t claim to be a journalist – it’s perhaps not surprising that she shows no principle related to truth-telling and does not take the two seconds required to correct their claim after others have pointed it out. According to other’s which have investigated her writings with greater depth then myself, this isn’t the first time that Eva Golinger has promoted a gross misrepresentation of reality.

George Ciccariello-Maher: Chavista Activist with Academic Characteristics

Then there’s George Ciccariello-Maher. This is the “Political Science” Professor (I put this in quotations as after readings his PhD dissertation this doesn’t seem an appropriate title. Comparative Literature, maybe…) who once made news headlines following Russian sock puppets extensively re-tweeting his trolling Chavista messages and the left Twitter after Left-Twitter started harassing him for dating someone much younger than him.

After leaving his position for reasons that have never been clarified, he then got a titular role at one of NYU’s art school and UNAM – the Mexican University whose political science department isn’t credentialed with the state and has longstanding connections with the FARC.

He too posts disinformation and then leaves it up after followers point out it’s falsity.

TeleSUR English: Disinformation, not Journalism

Given the long time love affair between Hugo Chavez and Nicholas Maduro and their PSUV with Evo Morales and his MAS, unsurprisingly TeleSUR English too got in on the action. An authentic screen shot of TeleSUR’s inauthentic reporting can be viewed here.

Jacobin, Democratic Socialists of America and Disinformation

Jacobin, the Democratic Socialists of America, and a “Leftist activist” all sharing the same incorrect information.

I’ve noticed that Jacobin’s editorial line has become significantly more alinged with that with Venezuela as Bhaskar Sunkara started to expand the organization. Branko Marcetic’s article “Why Did Facebook Purge TeleSUR English“, which is passed off as insightful editorial commentary when it is just uninformed braingarbage remixed from RT and Sputnik talking points, was the first indicator for me.

Regardless of their past – here we can see that Jacobin and the Democratic Socialists of America, along with accounts connected to Venezuela’s large coordinated, inauthentic behavior network are all sharing this as well.


So, en toto, who’s spreading anti-Christian disinformation?

Socialists and Bolivarians.

São Paulo Forum

Logo for the 22nd São Paulo Forum. “The Popular Power Assures the Victory”.

In 1990, sponsored by the Labor Party (PT) of Brazil, 48 leftist parties and organizations in Latin America held a conference in Sao Paulo, Brazil

They expressed a firm firm opposition to imperialism, hegemonism, colonialism or neo-colonialism in any form that they understood it, as well as external political intervention. It has put forward in recent years propositions for alternative model of governance With the purpose of replacing market-based development models.


Venezuela in Light of Anti-American Parties and Affiliations in Latin America


Photos of São Paulo Forum Slogans: Another World is Possible


Quote by Julian Assange on the São Paulo Forum Offshoot, the World Social Forum

Quote about Julian Assange and the São Paulo Forum offshoot, the World Social Forum

Quote by Fidel Castro on the São Paulo Forum

Quote by Michael Hardt on the São Paulo Forum

Quote by Alexander Dugin on the São Paulo Forum

Review of Democracy in America

Long considered a masterpiece account of early American history and one of the founding works of comparative politics, Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville is one of those few books that truly lives up to it’s hype. Divided into two parts, de Tocqueville uses his experiences travelling and speaking to numerous persons of high and low standing across the newly born United States to investigate the soil in which the North American soul grows.

After providing some geological, political and geopolitical commentary in the beginning of the work – the reader immediately begins on a panoramic journey across the regions of New England. The focus is primarily on political institutions, their procedures, areas of authority, electoral norms and the various players within government be they parties or individuals seeking to ensure their interests are brought to bear. In his frequently comparisons of these aspects of political life to their French counterparts – America reliably is described as the preferable system.

In his descriptions of the American system of northeastern townships, the powers granted to local governments, the general ideas concerning administration and the salutary social and economic benefits of decentralization – de Tocqueville gives an paean to American political innovation with only occasional interspersions of criticism. The New World’s lack of an historical, hereditary Aristocracy provided space for meritocracy to grow. The best representatives of this class? Hard-working Protestant settlers willing to brave the frontiers to establish plantations and the merchants who’d live exceptionally frugally just so that they’d be able to undercut the British by a mere 1% on costs. While not blind to the reality or roles of blacks and indigenous peoples in this new world, he sees little room for their inclusion into the body politic. The latter group defies any attempt at being included within the body politic – understandably so considering the patter of dispossession and war. The former lacks the educational capactities to meaningfully participate. This is not to say that he’s an uncritical supporter of settler colonialism. He states that whites must one day drastically adjust the way they treat slaves, something which will be hard to do as the influence of slavery has penetrated into “the master’s soul and gave a particular turn to his ideas and tastes” (184). And yet he also recognizes that the literacy of Anglo-Saxon culture, along with it’s technological development and drive towards progress as a foundational societal goal are the traits of successful, long-lasting civilizations – meaning that these groups must catch up, not the other way around.

de Tocqueville’s conception of Government is aligned with Aristotlean concepts. The composition of interests by those in it’s institutions are always changing due  to external events and this leads Democracies to change into oligarchy, aristocracy, tyranny and extreme democracy – or mob rule. While nationalist figures may want to make the founding covenant of Government sacred, in other words, there are always conflicts which lead to it’s descralization via various forms of corruption.

de Tocqueville frequently invokes the difference between Liberty and Democracy – associated with the new United States – with Absolute Monarchy or Despotism, or pre-Revolutionary France. His thoughts on these matter may lack some of the academic rigor that historians or sociologists of the present would require, there is a dearth of anything approaching something that could be called quantitative analysis – however they are nevertheless insightful as, intuitively, one can see their honesty. Take this, for example:

“Despotism brings men to ruin more by preventing them from producing than by taking away the fruits of their labors, it dries up the fount of wealth while often respecting acquired riches. By liberty engenders a thousandfold more goods than it destroy, and in nations where it is understood, the people’s resources always increase faster than the taxes.” (107).

This tension between liberty understood as Rights to be exercised and tyrrany understood as non-elective obligations to Power pervades de Tocqueiville’s work and is likely what has made him so enjoyed by Americanists.

Elective associations – be it political, economic or religious – that are entered into freely are considered the basis of identity and the means of self-reproduction.

Using taxes as a form of gratifying private needs – such as in the modern context, Medicare for All – is a form of graft that depletes the Virtues required for a democratic system. Democracy requires literacy, education and most of all virtue – for it is by presuming that the people don’t have the capacity to properly manifest their own interests that tyranny by a calculating political class comes to be.

What de Tocqueville means here is the different between equality in opportunity versus equality of outcome.

When resentment is mass-mobilized against prosperity, political stability is lost as the public order turns to an amoral model. If I had more inclination I’d give a number of modern examples as I think his insights into self-interest, virtue and democracy are quite compelling. But instead I’ll say that the active qualities of an individual are lionized as without them they become unable to see how the achieve the welath, power, renown and other rewards of work that they crave.


Here is a guide for those that wish to read along with the insights of experts.

Review of A Specter Haunting Europe: The Myth of Judeo-Bolshevism

“What else is communism but the imperialism of the Jews?”
– Camil Petrescu, Romanian playwright, novelist, philosopher and poet


A Specter Haunting Europe: The Myth of Judeo-Bolshevismby Paul Hanebrink is considered by Samuel Moyn to be “a new classic in the canon of twentieth century history.” The book examines this particularly virulent strain of anti-Semitic thought that believed Soviet Communism to be a Jewish plot. This notion continues today in a number of ethno-nationalist strains, such as the writings of David Duke, thus as a work of engaged academics – this is a welcome historical work. 

In his reconstruction of the transnational European locations in which the idea of Judeo-Bolshevism first developed and describing it’s mutations – Hanebrink provides a truly compelling account of history. Following the Russian revolution of 1917 German, Polish, German, Hungarian, Romanian and British fears of Judeo-Bolshevism were pervasive.

The Bolsheviks themselves were not immune turning their Jewish comrades cultural and religious background against them. In Russia, Czech Republic and elsewhere the Communist Party culled their own or used rumors of Jewishness to destroy careers and reputations. Hanebrink describes several cases wherein Judaism becomes seen as a marker for Cosmopolitanism, which was a code for one that was likely to express disloyalty to the State in thoughts or deeds. The concept used to describe such events are “sovereignty panics” and frequently applied to anyone close to the functions of the government.

Some of the common responses to such conditions were appeals for religious or cultural renewal, the rewriting of laws, as well as the dispossession, expulsion or murder of Jews and a heightened willingness to ally with states – i.e. Germany – that expressed willingness to help combat the Jewish/Communist menace. Hanebrink’s brilliance in this work is by extensive archival research which shows that much of the handwringing over Jews, based as it was an exaggeration of the Jewishness of Communist Party activists, often related to more material interests such as desire for assurances of more territory (Poland) and the illiterate provincial’s resentment of an older, literary culture that considered themselves better equipped to govern a modern state (Hungary). Because of this elasticity and the empirically dubious methodology of identifying Judeo-Bolshevik plots – it functioned as a sort of intellectual contagion…

Immigration, Existential Fears and the Racial Other

Judeo-Bolshevism made Adolph Hitler famous in Germany, while the Nazi party’s weaponization of the idea their success helping to propagate it such that it could fit a variety of contexts helped him internationally. Their literature and the institutions that they sought to spread awareness of this identity and with it a Nationalist hysteria. Old fashioned geopolitics with this identity politics twist became especially dangerous and toxic as the European continent prepared for war.

Once war officially began, nationalist militaries and militias began to turn their hysterical fears into actions they deemed as defensive. Worries over international spy networks, espionage, racial and cultural purity, and fears of wartime food shortages turned this socio-cultural tension into the Holocaust that is well known about, as well as numerous other pogroms and forced exiles. As this was oftentimes done in the peripheral towns, the imperial capitals came to host those forced into exile. “75,000 Jews fled war-torn Galicia for Vienna… Another 25,000 sought shelter in Budapest” and almost all of them – having been forced from their land, homes and occupations with only what they could carry were marked by the bitterest poverty, trauma and desolation (55). The situation created by these reproduced what it was that criticism of this minority feared – a desperate mass of a racially “othered” people that was agitating for significant change.

Personal Reflection on the Book

Over a decade ago my father and I travelled to the village in what is now Ukraine where much of my paternal family were killed in anti-Jewish pogroms before and during World War II. The Synagogue in this small village has stayed in a ruinous state since it was firebombed. The burial grounds adjacent to it has become a path for cows to reach an adjacent pasture. The headstones that populated this once sacred space have all been broken into pieces, and the etchings of names and dates on them are filled with black moss and have largely been eroded away by weathering. As Hanebrink recounts the events which lead to the murderous melees in and around Lvov, it was hard for me not to be profoundly affected by this narrative. It made me understand all the better my now-deceased Grandmother’s combination of deeply felt progressivism views and strong aversion to communism.

It’s because of this that I found the section describing the development of “Judeo-Christian” civilization to be so personally illuminating. and the manner in which many post-WWII intellectual sought to connect Soviet Communism with Germany Nazism. While I’ve read Hannah Arendt’s The Origins of Totalitarianismand Domenico Losurdo’s Towards a Critique of the Category of Totalitarianism – I admit to not being very informed on many of the debates surrounding the use of the concept.

Criticisms of the Book

There should have been several of these in the text. Paul Hanebrink, should you ever read these, reach out to me and I’ll help you make them.

There are several points wherein Hanebrink makes numerical claims that beg further explanation but that aren’t developed. I understand that this may have to do with the fact that principles of data science haven’t made their way into the discipline of history writing, but if they were it would have made this book significantly better. I say this as despite making several claims that the number of Jewish people within the Communist Party by those on the Nationalist Right was vastly inflated, there’s only a few instances where he cites actual numbers. I do not believe that he is misrepresenting reality here, sources are always referenced to back up his claims, but I do feel like the inclusion of some infographics and chart that visualize the data to which he is referring would be a far superior means of making his case. If in one image, for instance, he was to organize geographic claims made on the Jewish components of the party alongside their actual numbers based on the now-publicly-available data on party membership i.e. “In Romania it was claimed that Jews were “almost all” of the party while their records indicate that they were only “20-40%” that’s a more effective means of making the point. In another point, related to this criticism, he talks about the reality effect and viral spread of Jews conceptualized as “parochial anxieties about the nation and it’s enemies (32). A timeline chart showing publication dates of the sources he’d uncovered which supported this rational claim would have effectively supported this position.

Another criticism that I had of the book, which is unfortunately typical of a lot of academic writings, is the variated repetition of important ideas. I didn’t count the number of times I read a variation of “The concept of Judeo-Bolshevism was a concept used by Religious and Nationalist communities by which to understand their current political crisis,” but if I had to guess it’d be somewhere around 50. This is admittedly a petty criticism, but I found myself getting annoyed when every few pages I read a different iteration of an already established summation.

Lastly, I was hoping that the author would draw some minor connections from the history around Judeo-Bolshevism to that around Cultural Marxism – the narrative centered around Jewish Marxists from the Frankfurt School setting up shop at New York’s New School for Social Research. But then again that would really require another book to cover…

That said, these negative assessments are minor and the book is truly a great work of history. My hardback copy is highly annotated, and the prose was crisp and insightful. I imagine I’ll come back to it again in a few years.

Also, if you’re interested, read some more in-depth reviews on the book here.

English Translation of “Union Leadership and Prostitution in El Alto, Bolivia” by Franco Limber

The above photo and the original article  of the below translatation were originally written by Franco Limber.


This brief writing will have as its purpose to point out recurring facts within Bolivian national political culture., a situation that is recurrent, but, it is not taken as a matter of concern, since, consumers of the sex trade, usually have influential political positions , which enable its normal operation. In this case, union sectors of different occupations exercise among their elites the frequent use of sexual services and alcoholic beverages to enter into political agreements, to negotiate positions in the leadership, to buy political favors, based on clientelism, to hold relevant positions in some leadership position. These aspects lead us to think that (tendency) ideological principles do not intervene in decision making, and that money, sex and alcohol, have greater weight when taking a position on a particular issue. Such negotiations are carried out in small unit circles behind the union base.

For the reasons mentioned, prostitution plays a central role in the Bolivian union political culture, a considerable number of union leaders on one or several occasions have resorted to sexual services for political purposes. In the particular case of my greater knowledge, I will refer to the political culture of the city of El Alto, with it, to be able to exemplify a political phenomenon that occurs at the national level.

One of the relevant characteristics is: a large part of the union leaders are of “indigenous” origin, which today demystifies the idea of ​​“chacha-warmi”, which suggests fidelity in the couple. Many of the leaders have a marriage that they hardly cultivate. The prostitution rooted in the city shows different edges, both racial and economic, which we will briefly note below.

To exemplify this idea, (which has had media repercussions) we can find the case of Abel Mamani, who as a neighborhood leader, has come to occupy positions within the State, without further academic preparation, alluding to his role within the supposed “process of change” as a meritorious cause for his appointment as Minister of Water, but he had mishaps for his bad management. The press, at that time, accused Mamani of alleged irregularities in the public company that operates the water service in La Paz and El Alto [1], but they were not sufficient grounds for his removal. His dismissal was, by the embarrassing act of appearing with prostitutes in images that the leader denied, arguing that these “photographs” were montages, which he could not deny. Abel Mamani, long after he appeared as a candidate of another political party (MSM), without luck, and once the party disappeared, he returned to the ranks of the MAS, consequently, he is appointed as Executive Director of the National Service of Protected Areas (SERNAP) [2]. As indicated above, political culture moves through clientelization. Mamani has been a clear example of this political quality. He was able to return to public administration, showing the deficiencies of the current regime in the allocation of efficient human resources.

Another case with which we can exemplify (the relationship of prostitution with the union leadership) is the so-called “orgy in the military compound” that occurred at FAB facilities in El Alto, where public figures 34re found; Deputy Norma Pierola (at that time) denounced and identified General Luis Trigo, former commander of the FAB, who is currently responsible for the General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics [3]. Although in the first place, he also accused the union leader Roberto de la Cruz, the same, identified one of the striking characters, Remigio Condori, who currently serves as Councilor of the city. Among many, these are cases that have had media repercussions, but have failed to demonstrate the dynamics of the relationship between prostitution and politics.

The political culture in El Alto, at the leadership level, is based on clientelist relationships. Political, economic favors are built from the consumption of alcoholic beverages and sexual services. Ideological levels are not relevant. That is why the leaders co-opted by the MAS, as well as related to National Unity (UN), resort to these practices, without major regret or need to change this dynamic. When a leader, (linked to the MAS and UN, chapetonist) wants to obtain an important position, he knows that he has to spend large sums of money in the purchase of beer for his followers and other minor leaders. The purchase of beer boxes are common in negotiating agreements and positions. Because they have important economic returns in the long run they resort to prostitution, if the beer is not enough to meet their demands.. which lies in the city’s brow of El Alto, obviously, they do not resort to ordinary prostitues located in the “October 12” zone but to clandestine brothels that are usually camouflaged and are recognized by certain numerical signals such as: “88”, “69”, “ 18 ”…, placed in the houses where sexual services are offered. 

In these areas of sexual slavery, leaders spend large sums of money to buy support among their followers; the pair of beer bottles costs 100 bs, and the sexual services are from 300 bs onwards, obviously, it is not only between the leaders of the negotiations, but in these spaces they start business, senior national and local government officials, military, judges and lawyers who create high-profile “businesses”. Interest is the only motive to dispense considerable amounts of money, it is logical! They know that in the future they will multiply their investments. Accessing these clandestine brothels is not difficult, there are many rubrics as verified by the press. “In the stands to access the floors with brothels there were suggestive posters that marked the direction of the brothels with texts such as:“ Sweet and affectionate, total pleasure, attention with love; only for today cholita sexy, 100% real; attention to the client’s taste, daring woman wanting to take you to heaven. ”[4] Among other notes, the consumption of beer and sex is frequent among union leaders to resolve issues of political interest, always seeking higher positions in the union or government administration, and what instead of disappearing, proliferates in their practice, due to the division of popular organizations between government and opposition, which is that the purchase of favors represents greater expense. The policy in the city of El Alto at levels of neighborhood and union leaders in relation to the national and local government is between bottles and rented beds.

The mining unionism is not exempt from these practices, since several mining centers, from the colony are accompanied by brothels to their surroundings, the same has happened with the railroad, and other companies, where the workers, due to the lack of cultural offers in those regions, they only resorted to drinking or sex as activities to forget their arduous hours of work. The mining leadership also resorts to sponsor sexual consumption among its members, and for the same reasons: political and economic interest. The tragic relationship between mining and prostitution tends to fall sadly in human trafficking. This is evidenced by some journalistic notes: “In Mapiri and Teoponte there are pimps that sexually exploit Benian teenagers as well as in Suches, border with Peru. The national government and the Ombudsman collect information to intervene ”[5] The report is clear, and demonstrates the fatal phenomenon; This case occurs in any region where there is mining, both in highlands, and in tropical regions. Trafficking of minors are not important to solve for the leaders, since many of them are perpetrators, they even deny the obvious, as the press makes it known: “The Reason spoke with Alejandro Santos, president of the Federation National Mining Cooperatives of Bolivia (Fencomin), who denies that victims of trafficking in brothels in Suches and Guanay camps and others in northern La Paz ”,“ No brother, that is ruled out ”[6]. But various reports realize that in these camps and throughout Bolivia, there are minors being sexually exploited.

Cocaine Trade Unionism

It is interesting that a cocalero leader named Leonardo Loza has recently tried to sympathize with a senior government official offering him “female company,” such a statement demonstrates the relationship between union, government and prostitution policy, it is not surprising that a large number of Brothels are steps from the “House of the People”, Loza’s statements state that in the chapare there are sexual services without any control by the State. And that surely they are high leaders who turn to them to exchange political favors. This lack of control falls into the trafficking of minors, as evidenced by the press: There, in the three “buckets”, seven teenagers of 15, 16 and 17 years were found. Sheira, 15, was also a concubine of the son of the administrator of “The Cave.” Felcc took the couple, Fernando Vaca Méndez (23), out of stupor, but he was not seen by the prosecutor on duty. The same happened with the person in charge of “La Garza”, Gerson Rosel Fernández. [7] Obviously this is not a concern of the government, the Chapare region over time and with the current administration has become an autonomous territory, Loza’s statements demonstrate a part of the national political culture, where ideological principles are non-existent, where the indigenous I do not change these logics, and within this work occupation, their leaders come to base to perpetrate and benefit from power, that is why they do everything possible to flatter those who are above in the organization, in this case Evo Morales and his circle, in that process of flattering they resort to alcohol and sex, Loza is the typical national leader who, in the absence of training, in the absence of intellect, resorts to these tricks to climb in the MAS game. (5) 


As we have seen fleetingly, the relationship between prostitution and politics is part of the national political culture. These are not typical of a particular political party. Ideology does not guide actions and most of such identifiers are irrelevant – their purpose is usually only for demagogic speeches, based on populism and caudillismo, something that prevails in all social strata. This relationship between union leadership and prostitution leads to trafficking in persons, especially minors, which is not combated since many of the perpetrators in spaces of political power are the consumers of this market. The racial element is indifferent when resorting to this practice, El Alto is the sample of what happens in many regions of the country, which usually appear in the press, but no measures are taken to fix it.


[1] El DEBER, Jesús Alanoca Paco, 11/04/2017.


[3] El Deber, Mario Roque C., Supuesta “orgia” en la FAB. Dirigente involucrado anuncia juicio contra diputada hasta llevarla “a la cárcel”, 07/09/2011.

[4] La Razón, Miguel Rivas, Lenocinios ilegales se camuflan en galerías, wallys y alojamientos. 30/7/2012

[5] La Razon. Burdeles del norte paceño son un eslabón con tratantes de menores 23/08/2015


[7] Los Tiempos, Katiuska Vásquez, Descubren niñas prostituidas en “baldes rojos” del Chapare; crece la trata y tráfico de menores,31/10/2010.

Pusha T’s Daytona as Confession of Collaboration with Venezuela’s Cartel of the Suns

Pusha T & Venezuela’s Cartel of the Suns

The color red is used by members of the PSUV and the Bloods street gang. Covering one’s face with bandanas is typical of the Bloods and the ELN.

Existing aesthetic approaches to interpretating trap and ganga-rap music frequently conceptualize the lyrical performances as being done by someone responding to economic precarity and a low-level likelihood of upward social mobility with an entrepreneurial mindset.

This article seeks to subvert that paradigm and understand it as an expression of wholesale rejection of the existant political institutions which enforce laws. Because of the lyrics of popular artists and the numerous arrests made for those involved with rap labels that are fronts for illicit drug acitivty – most famously the Black Mafia Family – it is my claim that this music is more appropriately situated in a context of transnational drug-trafficking networks, just as narcocorridos are.

By looking at Pusha T’s recent rap-album Daytona in such a light, it appears that it could be interpretated as an articistic confession of participation in drug trafficking operations that involved the FARC, the Venezuela’s Cartel of the Sons, and the Cuban Communist Party.

Keywords: Trap music, aesthetics, drug-trafficking networks, PSUV

Pusha T and Roger Waters and Venezuela

The first two lines of Daytona establishs a connection between the luxury goods that Pusha T enjoys and Pink Floyd.

Given the braggadocio typical of King Push this seems an interesting choice given Roger Waters doesn’t isn’t even listed amongst the top ten richest rockstars.

Another reason that Pusha T could be citing this particular individual is their mutual connection via Nicholas Maduro Moros – who recently gave a “new toy,” a guitar, to Roger Waters. Waters received this because he had promoted and performed a concert to keep Hands Off Venezuela, a phrase often used by Communist political organizers and activists. Considering Nicholas Maduro Moros and Hugo Chanvez before him has given praise and money to African-Americans they considered to be “fighting their cause” – such as Ajamu Baraka and Danny Glover – this raises the likelihood of such an interpretation being true.

Roger Waters’ new stage show connects the current political climate to 1984. An immediate indicator of possible connection to Venezuela.

The two musicians also share an avowed animosity towards President Donald Trump. Whereas Waters is significantly more ostentatious in his declarations, in an interview on the Angie Martinez Show, Pusha expresses disdain towards Kanye West for his support of the President and his Christianity.

While rapping about cocaine, as Pusha T often does, doesn’t lend the same political cachet as producing the types of songs which Pink Floyd has – it’s worth considering that the valorization of his behavior has a sort of Ninotchka effect – i.e. the development of desires and aspirations within the audience that leads to the normalization of “new” behaviors – in this case accepting cocaine trafficking as the behavior of an anti-hero rather than a law-breaker.

Pusha T’s Knowledge on Cocaine Prices

In the same first song, Pusha T states that many of the rappers currently singing about the prices their connects offer them aren’t accurate. More than that, in additino to proclaiming that many of these rappers turned trappers are fake – he periodizes how long it’s been lower. Because he claims to be a “trappers turned rappers”, he knows the “real price”.

Here are some of the geopolitical events that helped drive down the cost of cocaine.

(1) Venezuela’s Begins Sponsoring Narcotrafficking Operations

In the book Bumerán Chávez: Los Fraudes que Llevaron al Colapso de Venezuela by Emili J Blasck, Chávez’s former bodyguard Leamsy Salazar states that Hugo Chávez met with the high command of FARC somewhere in rural Venezuela in 2007. Chávez created a system in which the FARC would provide the Venezuelan government with drugs that would be transported in live cattle and the FARC would receive money and weaponry from the Venezuelan government. According to Salazar, this was done in order to weaken Chávez’s perceived enemy, Colombian President Álvaro Uribe. This drastically reduced the risk costs associated with cocaine production

(2) Rise of Bitcoin as a Means of Managing Drug Money

Bitcoin was first launched on 3, January 2009. The coins were first announced and promoted via an email list populated by numberous computer security specialists with connections to international anarchist organizations and Communist Party Activists. Actors connected to Occupy Wall Street – a Situationist-inspired political festival organized in coordination with above mentioned international Anarchist and Communist activists – were some of it’s first promoters. Their ability to get enough “real people” involved with Bitcoin provided cover for the FARC-EP to use it and thus drastically reduce the risk costs associated with moving money.

While both of these facts are within the public record – neither of them are “general knowledge” and indicate that Pusha T has insider information, that is the information of a co-conspirator.

Pusha T – Confessions of being Under Cuban Surveillance and Relation to Broader Conspiracy

In verse two of If You Know You Know, Pusha T states that amongst  the members of a “fraternity of drug dealers” there are still people looking at him with “one eye”. When one consider’s Fidel Castro’s role in cocaine trafficking, and that ten years ago the Cuban Five were released and CubaInformation – who’s logo is a single eye – was founded then this makes much more sense. This “news network” was formed as it allowed Cuba’s Intelligence services to  operate in much the same way that the spy-ring did, but with more legal cover.

Following this admission of being under surveillance, he makes two other cryptic statements that can be related to his participation in a transnational-drug trafficking network connected to the FARC, the PSUV, and the PCC.

“The company I keep isn’t corporate enough” 

The two great proponents of Che-Z thought: ex-coca-leaf farmer’s union leader turned disgraced president of Bolivia Evo Morales and ex(?) cocaine-trafficker turned rapper and entrepreneur Jay-Z.

This seems to be criticism levelled by the fraternity of drug dealers against Pusha T because his closeness to the street prevents him from being able to easily diversify his money laundering operations and corruption networks.

“Child Rebel Soldier, You Ain’t Orphan Enough.”

This screenshot from a FARC account on Facebook seems to hint that those with sexual proclivities for pre-pubescent children will find their desires satisfied if they decide to join the People’s Army.

While Child Rebel Soldier was the name of a “rap supergroup” it’s also the appropriate categorical name for the 5000+ children that were recruited by the FARC for combat.

It’s in this context that we see that this is another criticism levelled by the “fraternity of drug dealers” against Pusha T.

Specifically they seem be upset that he cannot manage “real” artists – like the musicians in Child Rebel Soldier – in the same way that orphans – like Puff Daddy – can be.

This tension between Pusha T and this Fraternitiy; those – to quote from the chorus of this song – which are “coachin from the side of the ball courts” is important and comes up again later in the album.

Pusha T & Cuban Cocaine Trafficking Networks

Lyrics from Santeria, an artistic depiction of Fidel Castro as the Santeria god Elegguá, two examples of FARC logos, the sign for Che Bar and Grill and a photo of Ivan Marquez – leader of the FARC – holding a rose.

Lest all the above seem like a reach, let’s look at Santeria, track five on Pusha T’s album Daytona.

For appropriate context, it’s important to understand that as a religion, Santeria is most appropriately associated with Cuba. According to RT, the state media outlet of Cuba’s long-time ally Russia – Cuba is a paradise for santeros.  But the connection between Santeros and Cuba goes even deeper…

In his book Fidel and Religion, the theologian Frei Betto – one of the Liberation Theologists involved with the creation of the Sao Paulo Forum – transcribed his conversations with Fidel Castro. Betto asks him about Castro’s relationship with Santeria. While he denies being a practitioner, he does say that many santeros who supported the Communist Revolution saw in him a spiritual liberator for Cuba, and that there are many who consider him the son of the deity Elegguá. Also worth noting is that in the book Los Brujos de Chavez David Placer provides ample documentation that Hugo Chavez has engaged in Santeria practices.

Pretext done, to the song lyrics.

By Pusha T’s own admission, the song opens with a reference to his road manager’s murder – for reasons that the courts were never able to determine.

Cursory research shows that not only is “CHE” the name of the location of where Pusha’s tour manager DayDay Pickett was stabbed, but that the sign outside the building includes a red rose at the top – which is one of the symbols of the FARC-EP!

Given this graphic, and that restaurants (and concert tours) are often cash-based businesses that provide amble opportunity for money laundering – I would speculate that the “payola” Pusha T mentions relates to contested percentages considered due for such services – be it transporting cocaine or laundering money.

Thus we can come to understand that Pusha T’s equation of himself with a priest is to put himself on the level of Hugo Chavez – who helps grow cocaine – and Raul Castro – who helps ship cocaine.

Is Pusha T a Drug Dealing Money Launderer working on behalf of The Cartel of the Suns, the Cuban Communist Party and the FARC-EP?

“When people show you who they are, believe them.” – Maya Angelou

Given the above – I’m curious as to what it is you think? Is Pusha T currently just a rapper – or, like his idols Big Meech and Sosa – is he engaged in cocaine trafficking with artistry as a cover..?

Leave your comments below…