Critical Guide to Venezuelan State Media Operations

TeleSUR English’s Poor Bolsonaro Analogy and their Partners in Messaging

Real Nudes with False Attribution to Delegitimize Female Politicians and their Husbands

Bolivarian News Networks Spreading Anti-Christian Disinformation in Defense of Evo Morales

Viral Libel Against Police: Manufacturing Indignation in Chile through Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior

Operation InfeKtion: How Russia Perfected the Art of War + It’s Relation to Bolivarianism

TeleSUR: A Case Study in Unethical Journalism

TeleSUR or TellaSLUR?: Anti-Zionist News, Anti-Semitic Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior

“Venezuela’s PSUV is a Fascist Political Party and Nicolas Maduro is a Hitler Want-to-be.” – Chris Hedges*

Silence of the Professors: Mark Crispin Miller

Correcting Ben Norton’s Retweet Commentary of Newsweek

When a YouTube Chat Turns to “Ciao!”: On the Cowardice of Caleb Maupin

Occupy Unmasked: Steve Bannon, Andrew Breitbart & Evidence of Foreign Influence in OWS

While Russia’s SciHub Subliminally Spreads Socialism, GrayZone Spreads Stupidity

TeleSUR English Related Research YouTube List

WSWS: Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior, Unethical Journalism, Fundraising Fraud

On Social Media’s False Democratic Promise: Virality, Newsworthiness, and Propaganda

Algorithms, Authenticity, and Coordinated, Inauthentic Behavior: A Case Study in Caitlin Johnstone

The Movement of Movements Thesis: Invisibility Mapping and the Connection Between Venezuela and Antifa

Kultural Marxism: Digital Evidence of Venezuela’s Attempt to Influence American Elections

Censorship or Community Standards?: An Evidence based Answer to the Question of “Why Did Facebook Purge TeleSUR English?” 

Orwellian Irony: A Case Study in TeleSUR English Editorial Aesthetics

Potential Book Titles on Venezuela’s Intelligence Operations in America

Cultural Marxism vs. Kultural Marxism

Cultural Marxism in America: A Historic Overview of its Origins

TeleSUR English: Junk News, Fake News and Russian Propaganda

TeleSUR – Working Directory of Associates

Abstract for Marxist Reading Group Conference

Dinero por Preguntas Respondidas Sobre TeleSUR, el Ministerio del Poder Popular para Comunicación e Información, el Ministerio Público, y la Contraloría General de la Repúblic

Money for Questions Answered about TeleSUR, The Ministry of Popular Power for Communication and Information, The Public Ministry, and the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic

TeleSUR English: Onsite Audit Overview

TeleSUR English: Ciudadano teleSUR or Ten Cuidado Con TeleSUR?


TeleSUR English: Facebook Bot Network and The Case for Resetting Their Follower Numbers

TeleSUR English: Appalling App Adoption and Security Settings

TeleSUR English: Lying, Misleading, Useless and Ugly Infographic

TeleSUR English: Elitism, Non-Engagement and Fake Followers

TeleSUR English: Bibliography

Foro de São Paulo Forum Slogans: Another World is Possible

Foro de São Paulo

President Donald Trump, Civic Responsibility and Espionage: A Case Study in Fake News and Political Polarization Promoted by Venezuela

Debunking Richard Wolff’s Debunking of Jordan Peterson’s “Cultural Marxism”

Russian AND Venezuelan Bots; and How I’m Ahead of my Time

TeleSUR Employees Who’ve Refused to Answer my Questions

Why I Write: To Avoid Criminal Charges

Definitions, Laws and Precedent: An FARA Amicus Curiae for the DOJ

Cultural Analysis

Pusha T’s Daytona as Confession of Collaboration with Venezuela’s Cartel of the Suns

Is Killer Mike’s Trigger Warning Venezuelan Propaganda? A Historical Media Analysis of PanAfricanist Digital Media

Trigger Warning and the Radical Atlanta-Caracas Axis

Collected English-Translation Poems of Jesus Santrich


Review of Red Cocaine: The Drugging of America

Review of “Venezuela in Light of Anti-American Parties and Affiliations in Latin America”


English Translations from Spanish

“Union Leadership and Prostitution in El Alto, Bolivia” by Franco Limbe

“Ex-FARC fighters say: “Former President Correa was funded by Raúl Reyes and Jojoy.”


Facebook Groups for Ex-Pats Living in Medellín

Prior to moving to Colombia I spent many hours reading through various online Facebook groups to get a better understanding of what sort of issues people had trouble coping with, a sense of the various communities (locals and ex-pats) perspective on issues, prices of goods and services, places and situations to be wary of, etc. Below are the links to the groups that have been the most useful in orienting myself to life in Medellín

Digital Nomads Medellin


Medellin Expats

Medellin Gringo Classifieds

Doing Business And Living In Medellin, Colombia

Women Entrepreneurs of Medellin

GringoPaisa (Americans In Medellin)

What’s Happenin’ Laureles?

Food in Medellin | Comida en Medellín

Medellin Living Events & Activities

English Teachers Medellin

Medellin Entrepreneurs Society

Cultura en Medellín

Blogging In Medellín

Medellin ENGLISH – SPANISH Events

Medellín Heroes

Medellin Events

Medellin Rooms, Apartments and Expat Info

Medellin Short Term Apartments

Medellin apart/rooms 4 Rent/Sale

Alquiler de habitaciones en Medellin

Clasificados Medellin Antioquia


Groups For All of Colombia

Backpacking Colombia

Teach in Colombia

Colombia Digital Nomads & Entrepreneurs

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Yesterday I entered a competition held by Verso Books to differentiate between quotes by G. W. F. Hegel and L. Ron Hubbard. The prize was a copy of my former professor Slavoj Žižek’s new book Absolute Recoil: Towards A New Foundation Of Dialectical Materialism. I am quite happy to say that not only did I get a 10/10 on the quiz but I was also chosen to win and thus will be getting the book for free. Needless to say, I’m very excited to read this!